author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:33:36 +0100
changeset 29 9a48e301e94b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  application main view


#include "cimcvappviewcontainer.h" 
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <aknview.h>
#include "mimcvenginemessagehandlerobserver.h"
#include "mimcvrecipientobserver.h"
#include "mimcvtabobserver.h"
#include "mimcvnewmsgfadecontrolobserver.h"
#include "mimcvenginechatlistobserver.h"
#include <akntoolbarobserver.h>
//For KMaxPackedContactLinkLength
#include "imcvuiparams.h"
#include "mimcvngineservicechangeobserver.h"
#include <AiwCommon.h>
class CIMCVAppUi;
class MIMCVEngineChatInterface;
class CFindItemMenu;
class CItemFinder;
class CIMCVAppUi;
class CIMCVEngine;
class CIMCVAppStatusPaneHandler;
class MCCAConnection;
class MCCAParameter;
class CIMCVMenuExtensionManager;
class MIMCVEngineFactory;
class CAiwServiceHandler;


 *  This is view class for conversation view
class CIMCVAppView : public CAknView,
					 public MIMCVRecipientObserver,
					 public MIMCVTabObserver,
					 public MIMCVNewMsgFadeControlObserver,
					 public MAknToolbarObserver,
					 public MIMCVEngineServiceChangeObserver

    public:  // Constructors and destructor

         * C++ default constructor.

         * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
         * @param aAvkonViewResourceId Resource id for view
         * @param aViewId Id of the view
        void ConstructL( TInt aAvkonViewResourceId, TUid aViewId, 
                            CIMCVAppMessageExtensionsHandler& aMessageHandler);

         * Destructor.
        virtual ~CIMCVAppView();
	public : // MIMCVEngineServiceChangeObserver
	     * new service has been installed
	    void HandleNewServiceL( TInt aServiceId )  ;
	     *  service has been deleted
	    void HandleServiceDeletedL( TInt aServiceId ) ;
	     * handle presence change notification
	     * call back from imcvuiengine
	    void HandlePresenceChangedL(TInt aServiceId, const TDesC& aBuddyId ) ;

	     * Handle message send operation completion.
	     * @param aResult result  to handle.
	    void HandleOperationCompletdL(TInt aServiceId , MIMCVEngineMessage::TMessagerType aType , TInt aResult);

	     * @see HandleConnectionTerminatedL
	     * to handle the connection lost
	     * @param aReason, reason report
	    void HandleConnectionEventL(TInt aServiceId, TIMCVConnectionState aState, TInt aReason )  ;

	     * See MIMCVEngineChatListObserver
	    void HandleChatListEvent(TInt aServiceId,  TChatListEventType aEvent, 
	            MIMCVEngineMessageReadInterface* aContainerInfo  ) ;

    public: // New methods

         * Handles changes in CBA states
		 * @since 5.0
         * @param aResourceId Resource that changes
        void HandleCbaChangeL( TInt aResourceId );
         * SetStatusPaneIconsL set the icons based on presence status
		 * @since 5.0
        void SetStatusPaneIconsL();
         * From MIMCVRecipientObserver
         * Shows customized menu
        void ShowPopUpMenuL( );

         * Function to launch help
        void LaunchHelpL( const TDesC& aContext);          

        void ShowMeL( const TDesC8& aParamData ) ;
        void UpdateToolbarButtonsStateL();
         * Launches the contact details view 
        void LaunchCcaL();
         * return active engine reference
        CIMCVEngine& ActiveEngine() const ;
    private: // Functions from base classes

         * From MEikMenuObserver, Called by framework before 
         * constructing menupane
         * @param aResourceId Resource to be constructed
         * @param aMenuPane Pointer to menupane being constructed
		 * @see MEikMenuObserver
        void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
	     * Resolve currently selected item type and set it to CItemFinder
        void UpdateItemTypeL();    

         * From CAknView, Gets called from framework when activating this view
         * @param aPrevViewId Previous view id
         * @param aCustomMessageId Custom message's id
         * @param aCustomMessage Custom message
		 * @see CAknView
        void DoActivateL(const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,TUid aCustomMessageId,
                const TDesC8& aCustomMessage);

         * From AknView, deactivates view
		 * @see CAknView
        void DoDeactivate();


         * From CAknView 
         * @param aCommand Command that was received
		 * @see CAknView
        void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);

         * Handles foreground event
         * @param aForeground ETrue if foreground else EFalse
		 * @see CAknView
        void HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground );
		* Show query dialog
		* @param aDialogResourceId resource id
		* @param aPrompt text to be shown
		TInt DisplayQueryDialogL( TInt aDialogResourceId, 
            					  const TDesC& aPrompt );

		/** Helper Function
		 * This function is to be called when switching between tabs
		 * @param aChatId - Switch to this chat item
		 * @param aTabIndex - Index of the tab
		void SwitchTabL(TInt aActiveServiceId , const TDesC& aChatId, const TInt aTabIndex);
         * From MIMCVNewMsgFadeControlObserver          
		 * @see MIMCVNewMsgFadeControlObserver
		void NotifyWhenCompleted() ;
         * From MIMCVNewMsgFadeControlObserver          
		 * @see MIMCVNewMsgFadeControlObserver
		void NotifyWhenStarted();
		 		* This function is to be called when left/right Navigation key is pressed
		 		* @param aKeyEvent 
		 		* @param aType
	       TKeyResponse OfferTabEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
	public: // MAknToolbarObserver
	     * Called when toolbar events occur
	     * @since 5.0
	     * @return void
	    void OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommand ) { HandleCommandL(aCommand); }
		 * id from base clas.
	    TUid Id() const;
         * constructs necessary icons for this decorator
         * @return Icon. 
		 CGulIcon* LoadBitmapL(  );
         * refreshes the view.
         void ViewRefreshL();
		 *  switch the valid service references
         void SwitchToValidServiceL( TInt aServiceId );
          * Deltete the CIMCVAppRichTextContainerCache when xsp id deleted from detail view..
         void DeleteContainerCache(const TDesC& aPrimaryKey, TInt aServiceId );

    private: // Data

        // View's UID
        TUid iViewId;

        // Owns. Container
        CIMCVAppViewContainer* iContainer;

        //Owns. Contact id
        HBufC* iRecipientUserId;
	    //Doesn't own. Message handler
        CIMCVAppMessageExtensionsHandler* iExtensionHandler;
        // not owned, from CCoeEnv
        CIMCVAppUi* iAppUi;
	    //stores the default MBM path
	    TFileName iDefaultMbmPath;
          // Owns. Popup-menu for find item UI
        CEikMenuBar* iFindContextMenu;   
        // owns. menu pane for find item functionality
        CFindItemMenu* iFindMenu;
        // owns. 
        CItemFinder* iItemFinder;    
		//Service Id
		TInt iServiceId;
		//Doesnt Own
		CIMCVAppStatusPaneHandler* iStatusPane;

		 MCCAConnection* iConnection;
		 MCCAParameter* iParameter;
       	TBool iViewDeactivated;
       	//Owns Cache to store CIMCVAppRichTextContainer objects
       	CIMCVAppRichTextContainerCache* iRTContainerCache;
        //Owns. "From me" icon
        CGulIcon* iFromMe;
        //Owns. "To me" icon
        CGulIcon* iToMe;
        //Owns Menu Extention manager
        CIMCVMenuExtensionManager* iMenuExtManager;
        // not owns : reference to imcvuiengine component
        MIMCVEngineFactory* iEngineFactory ;
        // not owns : active change engine pointer
        CIMCVEngine* iActiveEngine;
        // not owned , chat interface
         MIMCVEngineChatInterface* iActiveChatInterface;
              //owns. object of aiwservicehandler.
       CAiwServiceHandler *iAiwServiceHandler;
         //Keep track if Detail view is opened.
         TBool iDetailViewOpen;
         //Keep track, if conv. view need to be closed when xsp id is deleted
         //when doing back operation conv. view need to be closed if xsp id deleted from detail view.
         TBool iConvViewDel ; 
