author Pat Downey <patd@symbian.org>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:33:36 +0100
changeset 29 9a48e301e94b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  M-Class that capsulates single service API's


#include <e32base.h>
#include "tvimpstenums.h"

class MVIMPSTEngineSearchMgrExtention;
class MVIMPSTEngineServiceStateEventObserver;
class MVIMPSTEngineSubService;
class MVIMPSTEngineExtentionFeatures;
class MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService;
class MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver;

 *  This class list the M-Class for Engine API's
 *  @lib vimpstengine.lib
 *  @since S60 5.0
//Class declaration
class MVIMPSTEngine

			* Gets the Service Id
			* @return TUint32 Service Id
			virtual TUint32 ServiceId() const = 0 ;		

			* Returns the Service State - Cumulative Service State of the SubServices
			* @return TVIMPSTRegistrationState, current service state.
			virtual TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTRegistrationState ServiceState() const = 0;

			* Gets the Brand Information for the current service
			* @param aBrandLanguage - Holds the BrandLanguage
			* @param aBrandVersion - Holds the Version to be used
			* @param aBrandId - Holds the brandId 
			* caller should allocate memory for all params and send the same to this API
			* The result will be available in the InParams otself.
			* @return TInt Error code
			virtual TInt GetBrandInfoL(TLanguage& aBrandLanguage, 
					TInt& aBrandVersion, TDes8& aBrandId) const = 0;

			* Returns a SubService is Supported or not
			* Components intertested in knowing whether a SubService is Supported or not can use this API
			* @param aType - Type of the SubService TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType - Defined in tvimpstenums.h
			* @return TBool, ETrue if the SubService is Supported in this Service, else returns EFalse
			virtual TBool IsSubServiceSupportedL(TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType aType) const = 0;

			* Returns TBool whether a SubService is Enabled or not
			* Components intertested in knowing whether a SubService is Enabled or not can use this API
			* @param aType - Type of the SubService TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType - Defined in tvimpstenums.h
			* @return TBool, ETrue if the SubService is Enabled in this Service, else returns EFalse
			virtual TBool IsSubServiceEnabled(TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType aType) const = 0;

			* Gets the StoreName for given service
			* @param aContactStoreId, Virtual store id. 
			* The caller of the this function has to assign required memory for aContactStoreId
			* aContactStoreId will be filled with the Virtual Store Id by this API
			virtual void ContactStoreIdL( 
					TDes& aContactStoreId ) const = 0;

			* returns the Service Name	
			* @return TDesC&, reference to service name. Ownership is not transferred.
			virtual const TDesC& ServiceName() const = 0;

			* Register Session Observer.
			* @aObserver, observer ot be registered.
			virtual void RegisterServiceSessionObserverL
							(MVIMPSTEngineServiceStateEventObserver* aObserver) = 0;

			* UnRegisters Session Observer
			* @aObserver, observer ot be Unregistered.   
			virtual void UnRegisterServiceSessionObserver
							(MVIMPSTEngineServiceStateEventObserver* aObserver) = 0;

			* intialize storage 
			virtual void IntializeStorageL() = 0;

			* unintialize storage
			virtual void UnIntializeStorage() = 0;	   	    

			* Get the Ptr to the SubService given the Type of the SubService
			* This API returns a Generalised SubService Class MVIMPSTEngineSubService
			* Ownership of the SubService is not Transferred to the Caller
			* The Caller can use this (MVIMPSTEngineSubService*) ptr to typecast to appropriate SubService Interface
			* Usage	 : 			MVIMPSTEngineIMSubService* imSubService = 
			*			   	   			dynamic_cast<MVIMPSTEngineIMSubService*> 
			*			   	   			(iEngine.SubService(TVIMPSTEnums::EIM));
			*				    if(imSubService)
			*				        {
			*				        imSubService->CloseConversationL( iContactId );
			*				        }
			* @param aType - SubService Type (TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType) defined in tvimpstenums.h
			* @return - Ptr to the SubService - Value can even be NULL
			virtual MVIMPSTEngineSubService* SubService(TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType aType) const= 0;

			* Get the Ptr to the ExtentionFeatures given the Type of the Extention Features
			* This API returns a Generalised ExtentionFeatures Class MVIMPSTEngineExtentionFeatures
			* Ownership of the ExtentionFeatures is not Transferred to the Caller
			* The Caller can use this (MVIMPSTEngineExtentionFeatures*) ptr to typecast to appropriate SubService Interface
			* Usage : 				MVIMPSTEngineSearchMgrExtention* searchMgr = 
			*					   	   	dynamic_cast<MVIMPSTEngineSearchMgrExtention*> 
			*					   	   	(iEngine.ExtentionFeatures(TVIMPSTEnums::ESearch));
			*					   	if (searchMgr)
			*						   	{
			*						   	iError = searchMgr->SearchContactsL( iKeyDataArray );
			*						   	}
			* @param aType - Extention Feature Type (TVIMPSTEnums::ExtentionType) defined in tvimpstenums.h
			* @return - Ptr to the ExtentionFeatures - Value can even be NULL
			virtual MVIMPSTEngineExtentionFeatures* ExtentionFeatures(TVIMPSTEnums::ExtentionType aType) const = 0;

			* gets the UserName for the Service          
			* @return HBufC* - Ownership is transferred to the caller
			* This API allocates memory for the UserName and transfers the Ownership to the Caller
			virtual HBufC* GetOwnUserIdFromCChOrStorageL() const = 0;

			* API used to login to the Service                  
			virtual TInt Login() = 0;

			* API used to Logout to the Service                  
			virtual void LogoutL() = 0;
			 * @return True if password is present in the settings else returns false
			virtual TBool IsPasswordAvailableL() = 0;
			* Gets the default domain name for given service
			* @param aDefaultDomainName, Domain Name. 
			* The caller of the this function has to assign required memory for aDefaultDomainName
			* aDefaultDomainName will be filled with the deafault domain name by this API
			virtual void DefaultDomainNameL( TDes& aDefaultDomainName ) const = 0;
			 * Change Connection
			 * Shows CCHUI dialog for changing the Network Connection for this service
			 * ECchUiDialogTypeChangeConnection
			 * @return Error Code
			virtual TInt ChangeConnectionL() = 0;
	         * IsBlockSupportedL
	         * @returns ETrue if block/unblock is supported 
	         * else EFalse
	       virtual TBool IsBlockSupportedL() = 0;
	       * Inform storage that data base need to be deleted.
	       virtual void DeleteDataBaseL() = 0;
		   * used for returning MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService pointer.
		   * @return MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService istance pointer
		   virtual MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService* GetPreseceSubService() = 0;

		   *Fetch the blocked list from server..
		   virtual void FetchBlockedListL() = 0;  
			*  See MVIMPSTEngine
			virtual void RetriveContextIfCChEnabledL() = 0  ;
			*  set function
			virtual void SetOwnUserIdIfChangedL(const TDesC& aUserId ) = 0  ;
		   *@param aOb,pointer of MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver,
		   *		   Notify that fetch of blocked list has been completed..
		   virtual void RegisterBlockedListObserver(
		   			MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver* aOb) = 0;  
		    * Returns whether ximp implementation was uninstalled
		   virtual TBool IsUnInstalled()=0;
			* Destructor
			virtual ~MVIMPSTEngine() 
