* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class handling connection to precense framework
#include <e32base.h>
#include <presencecachereadhandler2.h> // handling the presence cache events
#include <mpresencebuddyinfo2.h> // buddy info class
#include <presenceinfo.h> //Presence info test
#include "mvimpstenginesubservice.h"
#include "mvimpstenginepresencesubservice.h"
#include "mvimpstenginecchhandlerobserver.h"
#include "mvimpstenginesessioncntxtobserver.h"
#include "tvimpstenums.h"
#include "cvimpstengineimagehandler.h"
class CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher;
class CVIMPSTEngineCchHandler;
class CVIMPSTEngineSessionCntxtObserver;
class MPresenceCacheReader2;
class CIMCacheFactory;
class MIMCacheUpdater;
class MPresentityGroupContentEvent;
class CVIMPSTBlockedListManager;
class MVIMPSTEngineServiceConnectionEventObserver;
* Presence sub service
* This class implements the presence subservice
* The problem in VOIP case would be that this "sip" must be hardcoded. Can this be avoided
* The Presence Information can be fetched either thro PresenceCache or
* thro XIMP's MPresentityPresenceEvent. So somehow we should be able to differentiate
* which service uses PresenceCache or XIMP's MPresentityPresenceEvent during the creation of this object
* One of the proposal could be is to use the CCH, if it could provide us this information or SP Settings
* All the Block/Friend Request/Presence information of a contact should be passed
* to the VIMPSTStorage which will update the list on the UI.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService ): public CBase,
public MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService,
public MPresenceCacheReadHandler2,
public MVIMPSTEngineCchHandlerObserver,
public MVIMPSTEngineSessionCntxtObserver
//for testcases
friend class T_VimpstEnginePresenceSubService;
* Two-phased constructor.
* @since s60 5.0
* @param aServiceId, service id
* @param aCchHandler, reference to cchhandler.
* @param aTableFetcher, reference to settingstable.
* @param aXimpEventObserver, reference to ximpevent observer.
* @param aServiceStateListener, reference to servicestatelistener.
static CVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService* NewL( TUint32 aServiceId,
CVIMPSTEngineCchHandler& aCchHandler,
CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher& aTableFetcher,
CVIMPSTEngineSessionCntxtObserver& aXimpEventObserver,
MVIMPSTEngineServiceConnectionEventObserver& aObserver);
* Two-phased constructor.
* @since s60 5.0
* @param aServiceId, service id
* @param aCchHandler, reference to cchhandler.
* @param aTableFetcher, reference to settingstable.
* @param aXimpEventObserver, reference to ximpevent observer.
* @param aServiceStateListener, reference to servicestatelistener.
static CVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService* NewLC(TUint32 aServiceId,
CVIMPSTEngineCchHandler& aCchHandler,
CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher& aTableFetcher,
CVIMPSTEngineSessionCntxtObserver& aXimpEventObserver,
MVIMPSTEngineServiceConnectionEventObserver& aObserver);
* Standard C++ destructor
public: //From MVIMPSTSubService
* @return TVIMPSTRegistrationState Service State of this service
TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTRegistrationState SubServiceState() const;
TVIMPSTEnums::SubServiceType Type() const;
* @see MVIMPSTSubService
TBool Enabled();
* Set the blocked list manager.
@param aBlockedListMgr blocked list instance pointer.
void SetBlockedListManager(CVIMPSTBlockedListManager* aBlockedListMgr);
//Reset the blocked list to zero blocked contact
void ResetBlockedListManagerL();
public: //From MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService
* @see MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService
void RegisterPresenceEventObserverL(
MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver* aObserver);
* @see MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService
void UnRegisterPresenceEventObserver(
MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver* aObserver);
* Subsribes presence of a single contact
* Can be done for the contacts who are already subscribed(Required atleast in XMPP Case)
* This function can be used on FriendRequests also wherein it performs 2 operation
* 1. Accepts the invitation if Friend Request is Pending(GrantPresenceForPresentityL)
* 2. Subscribes for the presence either to PresenceCache
* or XIMP (MPresentityPresenceEvent)
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aUriOfTheContact, Presence URI to be subscribed
void SubscribePresenceOfSingleContactL( const TDesC& aUriOfTheContact );
* Unsubsribes presence of a single contact
* Used for those contact whose presence has been subscribed
* Can be used for Friend Requests also
* 1. Denies the invitation for the contact (WithdrawPresenceGrantFromPresentityL)
* 2. Sends a unsubscribe to PresenceCache
* or XIMP (UnsubscribePresentityPresenceL)
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aUriOfTheContact, Presence URI to be subscribed
void UnSubscribePresenceOfSingleContactL( const TDesC& aUriOfTheContact );
* Fetches presence from presencecache.
* @since 5.0
TInt FetchPresenceFromCache();
* Unsubscribes ximp group contents.
* Buddy list and authorization lists are always unsubscibed.
* Block list is unsubscribed if it is supported.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param None
* @leave Standard Symbian error codes.
* @return None
void UnsubscribeListsL();
* Requests the XIMPFw to subscribe for presence
* grant request list subscription.
void SubscribeForAuthorizationL();
* sends PresenceGrantForPresentity response to server
* @param aContactId, id of the requesting party..
* @param aResponse , Etrue if accpeted else rejected.
* @return TInt error if any
TInt SendPresenceGrantPresentityL( const TDesC& aContactId , TBool aResponse );
* IsChangeOwnStatusSupported by the protocol
* @since S60 5.0
* @return TBool ETrue if supported else EFalse.
TBool IsChangeOwnStatusSupported() ;
* IsStatusMsgSupported by the protocol
* @since S60 5.0
* @return TBool ETrue if supported else EFalse.
TBool IsStatusMsgSupported();
* IsAvatarSupported by the protocol
* @since S60 5.0
* @return TBool ETrue if supported else EFalse.
TBool IsAvatarSupported() ;
* SetAvatarSupported by the protocol
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aSupported, TBool ETrue if supported else EFalse.
void SetAvatarSupported(TBool aSupported ) ;
* PublishOwnPresenceL
* to update the ownstatus to server.
* and publishes the own status.
* @param aStatus ,status to be updated to the server.
* @param aValue , text for the status message
* @param aFilename , avatar file name
* @param aMimetype , a mime type
* @param aIsAvatar , a avatar field included
* @return TInt error if any
TInt PublishOwnPresenceL(TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus aStatus,
const TDesC& aValue,
const TDesC& aFilename = KNullDesC,
const TDesC8& aMimetype = KNullDesC8,
TBool aIsAvatar = EFalse );
* Removes URI from block list
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aUriOfTheContact, URI to be removed
* @return error.
TInt RemoveFromBlockListL( const TDesC& aUriOfTheContact );
* Adds URI to block list
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aContactId, URI to be added
* @return error.
TInt AddToBlockListL( const TDesC& aContactId );
* Get list of blocked contact.
RPointerArray<HBufC>* GetBlockedList();
* fetch blocked list from server to get the freshed blocked list.
void FetchBlockedListFromServerL(MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver* aOb);
* function called from the engine once contact fetching completes
void UpdatePresenceStateL();
* Fetches the presence of singlecontact form presence cache
* @param aContact, user id of the ocntact who's presence
* needs to eb fetched.
void FetchPresenceOfSingleContactL(const TDesC& aContact);
private: // prescachereadhandler
* Handler for AllBuddiesPresenceInService method of MPresenceCacheReader.
* @param aErrorCode
* @param aPresenceBuddyInfoList presence infos for all buddies requested.
* Ownership of elements to callee. Can be empty if not found.
void HandlePresenceReadL(TInt aErrorCode,
RPointerArray<MPresenceBuddyInfo2>& aPresenceBuddyInfoList) ;
* Handler for Buddy presence change notifications.
* @param aErrorCode
* @param aPresenceBuddyInfo presence info for buddy.
* Ownership to callee. Can be NULL if aErrorCode exist.
void HandlePresenceNotificationL(TInt aErrorCode,
MPresenceBuddyInfo2* aPresenceBuddyInfo);
private: // From MVIMPSTEngineCchHandlerObserver
* From MVIMPSTEngineCchHandlerObserver
* Observer callback for CCH event
* @param aServiceId, service id
* @param aState, service state
* @param aServiceError, error
* @since S60 5.0
void CchEventOccuredL(
TUint aServiceId,
TCCHSubserviceState aState,
TInt aServiceError );
* Handles any error that occured during login.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aServiceError, error
void DoHandleCchErrorL( TInt aServiceError );
* Observer Event for forwarding the ximp events.
* @param aContext - ximpfw context
* @param aEvent - ximpfw event
void HandleSessionContextEventL( const MXIMPContext& aContext,
const MXIMPBase& aEvent,
TXimpOperation aXimpOperation = EVIMPSTXimpOperationNoOperation);
* Resolves service state for given service id.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aState, state of the subservice
* @param aServiceError, service error is stored here
* @return TVIMPSTRegistrationState,
* service state to use
TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTRegistrationState ResolveServiceStateL( TCCHSubserviceState aState,
TInt aServiceError );
* Gets a list of all presence subscribtions
* @since S60 5.0
void RetrieveSubscribedListL();
* Handles presentity group context events.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aContext, presence context
* @param aEvent, presence event
void DoHandlePresentityGroupContentEventL(
const MXIMPContext& aContext,
const MXIMPBase& aEvent );
* Handles presentity grant request list events.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aContext, presence context
* @param aEvent, presence event
void DoHandlePresenceGrantRequestListEventL(
const MXIMPContext& aContext,
const MXIMPBase& aEvent );
* Handles presentity block list events.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aContext, presence context
* @param aEvent, presence event
void DoHandlePresenceBlockListEventL(
const MXIMPContext& aContext,
const MXIMPBase& aEvent );
* Handles completed ximp event.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aType, completed event.
* @param aCompleteCode, error code of complete
* @param aEvent, MXIMBase for the clients to use information
void HandleXimpRequestCompleteL( TXimpOperation aType,
TInt aCompleteCode,
const MXIMPBase& aEvent);
* Handles completed list/bind/unbind events.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aType, completed event.
* @param aCompleteCode, error code of complete
* @param aEvent, MXIMBase for the clients to use information
void HandleListEventCompleteL(TXimpOperation aType,
TInt aCompleteCode,
const MXIMPBase& aEvent );
* ConvertPresenceStatus
* @param aStatus presence status to be converted
* @return TAvailabilityValues
NPresenceInfo::TAvailabilityValues ConvertPresenceStatus(TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus aStatus);
* Stores all the contact into virtual store
* need to chec how thi has to be handled for sip:as
* sip does not fetch the contacts from the server.
* @since 5.0
* @param aListEvent list containing all the group members.
void StoreToVirtualStoreL( const MPresentityGroupContentEvent& aListEvent );
* Converts the presence cache status to client supported presence status.
* @since 5.0
* @param aAvailabilityEnum presence cache status value.
* @param aAvabilityText avability text, To support Multiple presence states.
* @return TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus client presence status.
TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus ConvertPresenceCacheEnums(MPresenceBuddyInfo2::TAvailabilityValues aAvailabilityEnum,TPtrC aAvabilityText);
* Initiates downloading of block list
* @since 5.0
void RetrieveBlockListL();
* Converts the presence cache extension keys
* user for block and pending states to client supported presence status.
* @since 5.0
* @param aPresenceBuddyInfo presence buddy info class.
* @param TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus client presence status.
void GetKeyFieldsAndValuesL(MPresenceBuddyInfo2& aPresenceBuddyInfo,TVIMPSTEnums::TOnlineStatus &aStatus);
* Handler for Buddy presence change notifications.
* @param aPresenceBuddyInfo presence info for buddy.
void DoHandlePresenceNotificationL(MPresenceBuddyInfo2& aPresenceBuddyInfo);
private: // Implementation
* Standard C++ constructor
* @since s60 5.0
* @param aServiceId, service id
* @param aCchHandler, reference to cchhandler.
* @param aTableFetcher, reference to settingstable.
* @param aXimpEventObserver, reference to ximpevent observer.
* @param aServiceStateListener, reference to servicestatelistener.
CVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubService( TUint32 aServiceId,
CVIMPSTEngineCchHandler& aCchHandler,
CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher& aTableFetcher,
CVIMPSTEngineSessionCntxtObserver& aXimpEventObserver,
MVIMPSTEngineServiceConnectionEventObserver& aObserver );
* Performs the 2nd phase of construction.
void ConstructL();
private: // Data
// Service identifier
TUint32 iServiceId;
//Ref to the CCH Handler
//thro this interface Presence sub service listens to the
//ECCHPrsenceSub connectivity events.
CVIMPSTEngineCchHandler& iCchHandler;
//doesnt own, reference to settings table.
CVIMPSTEngineServiceTableFetcher& iSettingsTableFetcher;
//doesnot own, reference to ximpeventobserver.
CVIMPSTEngineSessionCntxtObserver& iXimpEventObserver;
//does not own, reference to servicestatelistener.
MVIMPSTEngineServiceConnectionEventObserver& iObserver;
MPresenceCacheReader2* iPresenceCacheReader;
//Owns, service name
HBufC* iServiceName;
// Stores services current state
TVIMPSTEnums::TVIMPSTRegistrationState iServiceState;
TBool iChangeStatusSupported;
TBool iChangeStatusMsgSupported;
// ETrue if supported
TBool iAvatarSupported;
//Doesnt Own
MVIMPSTEnginePresenceSubServiceEventObserver* iSubServiceObserver;
// Etrue if clearing avatar in progress
TBool iIsClearingAvatar;
//stores the default MBM path
TFileName iDefaultMbmPath;
//Blocked list manager instance pointer.
CVIMPSTBlockedListManager* iBlockedListMgr;
//Not owned;Notify that blocked list has been fetched.
MVIMPSTEngineBlockedListFetchEventObserver* iBlockedListObserver;
//flag indicate if request for fetching blocked list is pending.
TBool iBlockListFetchReqPending;
//flag indicates pending Logout request
TBool iLogoutRequest;
// owns : ETrue if fetching is ongoing
TBool iIsFetchingContact;
TBool iAutoAccept;
// owns, tells weather it is subscribe to authorization list or not.
TBool iSubscribeToAuthList;