changeset 0 3ce708148e4d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3ce708148e4d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  For parsing PAOS XML documents
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <e32std.h>
    21 #include <xml/parser.h> // for compact XML parser
    22 #include <xml/documentparameters.h> // for RDocumentParameters
    23 #include <sysutil.h>
    24 #include <PnpToPaosInterface.h>
    25 #include "HdcToPaosInterface.h"
    27 #include "PnpPaosXml.h"
    28 #include "PnpPaosLogger.h"
    29 #include <PnpProvUtil.h>
    31 const TInt KMessageIdLength(12);
    32 const TInt KInitialResponseLength(512);
    33 const TInt KInitialReferenceMessageIdLength(32);
    34 const TInt KInitialUrlLength(128);
    36 _LIT8( KParserDataType, "text/xml" );
    37 _LIT8( KUriPaosLiberty, "urn:liberty:paos:2003-08" );
    38 _LIT8( KLocalNameRequest, "Request" );
    39 _LIT8( KUriSbLiberty, "urn:liberty:sb:2003-08" );
    40 _LIT8( KLocalNameCorrelation, "Correlation" );
    41 _LIT8( KAttributeResponseConsumerUrl, "responseConsumerURL" );
    42 _LIT8( KPnpMsNokiaUri, "" );
    43 _LIT8( KAttributeMessageId, "messageID" );
    44 _LIT8( KElementGetKey, "getkey" );
    45 _LIT8( KKeyRequest, "Keyrequest" );
    46 _LIT8( KContentSetOfKeys, "SetOfKeys" );
    47 _LIT8( KContentHdcSetOfKeys, "HdcSetOfKeys" );
    48 _LIT8( KContentHdcSetOfKeys2, "HDCSetOfKeys" );
    51 enum TElementIds
    52     {
    53     EElementUnrecognized = 0,
    54     EElementKeyRequest,
    55     EElementGetKey
    56     };
    58 // Panic texts
    59 _LIT( KResponseEmpty, "PnPMS PAOS Response" );
    61 // PAOS data sent to the PnP MS server
    62 _LIT8(
    63     KPnpPaosResponse,
    64     "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\">"
    65       "<soap:Header>"
    66       "%S" /* Add a KPaosResponseMessageIds here if the request has messageid field */
    67       "</soap:Header>"
    68       "<soap:Body>"
    69         "<pp:Signkey xmlns:pp=\"\">"
    70             "<Keyinfo>%S</Keyinfo>"
    71             "<nonce>%S</nonce>"
    72             "<mcc>%S</mcc>"
    73             "<mnc>%S</mnc>"
    74             "<cmcc>%S</cmcc>"
    75             "<cmnc>%S</cmnc>"
    76             "<cVersion>%S</cVersion>"
    77             "<deviceinfo>%S</deviceinfo>"
    78         "</pp:Signkey>"
    79       "</soap:Body>"
    80     "</soap:Envelope>"
    81     );
    83 // PAOS data sent to the HelpDeskConnect server
    84 _LIT8(
    85     KHdcPaosResponse,
    86     "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\">"
    87       "<soap:Header>"
    88       "%S" /* Add a KPaosResponseMessageIds here if the request has messageid field */
    89       "</soap:Header>"
    90       "<soap:Body>"
    91         "<pp:Signkey xmlns:pp=\"\">"
    92             "%S" /* Add a list of KHdcKeyInfoElement's here */
    93             "<nonce>%S</nonce>"
    94             "<hdcVersion>%S</hdcVersion>"
    95         "</pp:Signkey>"
    96       "</soap:Body>"
    97     "</soap:Envelope>"
    98     );
   100 _LIT8(
   101     KHdcKeyInfoElement,
   102     "<Keyinfo>%S</Keyinfo>"
   103     );
   104 const TInt KHdcKeyInfoElementLength( 21 );
   106 _LIT8(
   107     KPaosResponseMessageIds,
   108     "<sb:Correlation xmlns:sb=\"urn:liberty:paos:2003-08\" "
   109     "messageID=\"%S\" "
   110     "refToMessageID=\"%S\"/>"
   111     );
   114 CPnpPaosXml* CPnpPaosXml::NewL()
   115     {
   116     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::NewL()");
   117     CPnpPaosXml* self = new (ELeave) CPnpPaosXml();
   118     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   119     self->ConstructL();
   120     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   121     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::NewL() - done");
   122     return self;
   123     }
   125 CPnpPaosXml::CPnpPaosXml() :
   126     iPaosStatus( EPaosStatusUnknown ),
   127     iResponseConsumerUrlFound( EFalse ),
   128     iErrorFound( EFalse ),
   129     iCurrentElement( EElementUnrecognized )
   130     {
   131     LOGSTRING("constructor CPnpPaosXml()");
   132     }
   134 void CPnpPaosXml::ConstructL()
   135     {
   136     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::ConstructL()");
   138     iParser = Xml::CParser::NewL( KParserDataType, *this );
   140     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::ConstructL() - 2");
   141     iPaosPostUrlPath = HBufC8::NewL( KInitialUrlLength );
   143     iMessageId = HBufC8::NewL( KMessageIdLength );
   144     // We do not know the length of refToMessageID until we get it
   145     // from the service
   146     iReferenceMessageId = HBufC8::NewL( KInitialReferenceMessageIdLength );
   147     iPaosResponse = HBufC8::NewL( KInitialResponseLength );
   149     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::ConstructL() - done");
   150     }
   152 CPnpPaosXml::~CPnpPaosXml()
   153     {
   154     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::~CPnpPaosXml()");
   155     delete iParser;
   156     delete iPaosRequest;
   157     delete iPaosResponse;
   158     delete iMessageId;
   159     delete iReferenceMessageId;
   160     delete iPaosPostUrlPath;
   161     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::~CPnpPaosXml() - done");
   162     }
   164 void CPnpPaosXml::OnOutOfData() 
   165     {
   166     }
   168 void CPnpPaosXml::ParseL( TPaosStates& aPaosStatus )
   169     {
   170     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::ParseL()");
   172     // Reset possible previous paos response
   173     ReleaseData();
   175     // Reset state variables
   176     iPaosStatus = EPaosStatusUnknown;
   177     iErrorFound = EFalse;
   178     iCurrentElement = EElementUnrecognized;
   179     iResponseConsumerUrlFound = EFalse;
   181     LOGSTRING("ParseBeginL()");
   183     iParser->ParseBeginL();
   184     Xml::ParseL( *iParser, *iPaosRequest );
   186     aPaosStatus = iPaosStatus; // Store status
   187     LOGSTRING("ParseL() - done");
   189     // There has to be a consumer URL in the document
   190     if( !iResponseConsumerUrlFound )
   191         {
   192         LOGSTRING( "responseCosumerURL not found!" );
   193         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   194         }
   196     // No errors allowed in the XML
   197     if( iErrorFound )
   198         {
   199         LOGSTRING( "Error in the XML!" );
   200         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   201         }
   203     // Only key requests for PnP-MS or HelpDeskConnect
   204     // keys (parameters) allowed with this PAOS parser
   205     switch( aPaosStatus )
   206         {
   207     case EPaosStatusRequestingPnPKeys:
   208         ConstructPnPPaosResponseL();
   209         break;
   210     case EPaosStatusRequestingHdcKeys:
   211         ConstructHdcPaosResponseL();
   212         break;
   213     default:
   214         LOGSTRING( "Invalid PAOS request!" );
   215         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   216         break;
   217         }
   219 #ifdef LOGGING_ENABLED
   220     for( TInt i(0); i < iPaosResponse->Length(); i += 128 )
   221         {
   222         TPtrC8 logText = iPaosResponse->Right( iPaosResponse->Length() - i );
   223         LOGTEXT( logText );
   224         }
   225 #endif
   227     // Reset state variables
   228     iPaosStatus = EPaosStatusUnknown;
   229     iErrorFound = EFalse;
   230     iCurrentElement = EElementUnrecognized;
   232     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::ParseL - done()");
   233     }
   235 TBool CPnpPaosXml::CollectResponseBodyL( MHTTPDataSupplier& aBody )
   236     {
   237     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::CollectResponseBodyL" );
   239     // Store incoming body part
   240     TPtrC8 dataChunk;
   241     TBool returnValue = aBody.GetNextDataPart( dataChunk );
   243 #ifdef LOGGING_ENABLED
   244     for( TInt i(0); i < dataChunk.Length(); i += 128 )
   245         {
   246         LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml: MHTTPDataSupplier:" );
   247         TPtrC8 logText = dataChunk.Right( dataChunk.Length() - i );
   248         LOGTEXT( logText );
   249         }
   250 #endif
   252     if( !iPaosRequest )
   253         {
   254         iPaosRequest = HBufC8::NewL( dataChunk.Length() );
   255         }
   257     TPtr8 paosRequestPtr = iPaosRequest->Des();
   258     if( paosRequestPtr.MaxLength() < ( iPaosRequest->Length() + dataChunk.Length() ) )
   259         {
   260         LOGSTRING( "Re-allocate response buffer" );
   261         iPaosRequest = iPaosRequest->ReAllocL( iPaosRequest->Length() + dataChunk.Length() );
   262         paosRequestPtr.Set( iPaosRequest->Des() );
   263         }
   264     paosRequestPtr.Append( dataChunk );
   266     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::CollectResponseBodyL - done" );
   267     return returnValue;
   268     }
   269 /*
   270 #ifndef __SERIES60_ 
   271 TPtrC8 CPnpPaosXml::ResponseBodyL()
   272     {
   273     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ResponseBodyL" );
   274     if( !iPaosRequest ) 
   275         {
   276         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   277         }
   278     return *iPaosRequest;
   279     }
   280 #endif
   281 */
   282 void CPnpPaosXml::ConstructHdcPaosResponseL()
   283     {
   284     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructHdcPaosResponseL" );
   286     // give empty parameter values in case there is no DLL for HelpDeskConnect
   287     // -> The service may then make the following assumptions:
   288     // 1. If there is no PAOS header in the first HTTP GET request -> link: "install HDC"
   289     // 2. If there is PAOS headers but PAOS response contains empty parameter values -> link: "install HDC"
   290     // 3. PAOS header and a valid PAOS response -> HDC installed OK, proceed to a HDC trigger file
   292     RLibrary library;
   293     const TUidType uid( KNullUid, KNullUid, KHdcUtilDllUid );
   294     TInt result = library.Load( KHdcDllFileName, uid );
   295     if( result != KErrNone )
   296         {
   297         // if the dll is not found the response should be empty
   298         LOGSTRING2( "err in loading HDC dll: %i", result );
   299         ConstructPaosResponseL( KHdcPaosResponse );
   300         return;
   301         }
   302     CleanupClosePushL( library );
   303     // Function at ordinal 1 is NewLC
   304     TLibraryFunction entry = library.Lookup(1);
   305     // Call the function to create new hdc dll object
   306     CHdcToPaosInterface* hdcUtil = ( CHdcToPaosInterface* ) entry();
   308     // HDC-nonce
   309     // create new nonce
   310     TBuf8<KHdcNonceLength> nonce;
   311     hdcUtil->CreateNewNonceL( nonce );
   313     // HDC-version
   314     TBuf8<KMaxHdcVersionStringLength> version;
   315     hdcUtil->Version( version );
   317     // List of key-infos
   318     HdcKeyInfoList keyInfoList;
   319     hdcUtil->HdcKeyInfos( keyInfoList );
   320     TInt keyInfoCount = keyInfoList.Count();
   322     HBufC8* keyInfos = HBufC8::NewLC(
   323         keyInfoCount * KMaxHdcKeyInfoLength +            /* space for keyinfos */
   324         keyInfoCount * KHdcKeyInfoElement().Length() );    /* space for XML elements */
   325     TPtr8 keyInfosPtr = keyInfos->Des();
   326     for( TInt i(0); i < keyInfoCount; i++ )
   327         {
   328         TBuf8<KMaxHdcKeyInfoLength + KHdcKeyInfoElementLength> keyInfoXmlElement;
   329         keyInfoXmlElement.Format( KHdcKeyInfoElement, &( keyInfoList[i] ) );
   330         keyInfosPtr.Append( keyInfoXmlElement );
   331         }
   333     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructHdcPaosResponseL format response" );
   334     // 1. KPaosResponseMessageIds
   335     // 2. List of KHdcKeyInfoElement's
   336     // 3. HDC nonce
   337     // 4. HDC version
   338     ConstructPaosResponseL( KHdcPaosResponse, *keyInfos, nonce, version );
   339     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructHdcPaosResponseL response formatted" );
   341     // RArray must be closed before destructing
   342     keyInfoList.Close();
   344     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( keyInfos );
   345     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hdcUtil );
   346     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // library.Close()
   347     }
   349 void CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL()
   350     {
   351     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL" );
   353     // Dynamically load the pnp util DLL,
   354     const TUidType uid( KNullUid, KNullUid, KPnpUtilDllUid );
   355     RLibrary pnpLibrary;
   356     TInt result = pnpLibrary.Load( KPnpUtilDllFileName, uid );
   357     if( result != KErrNone )
   358         {
   359         // if the dll is not found the response should be empty
   360         LOGSTRING2( "err in loading pnp util dll: %i", result );
   361         ConstructPaosResponseL( KPnpPaosResponse );
   362         return;
   363         }
   364     CleanupClosePushL( pnpLibrary );
   366     // Function at ordinal 1 is NewPnpUtilLC
   367     //TLibraryFunction entry = pnpLibrary.Lookup(1);
   368     // Call the function to create new Pnp util object
   369     //MPnpToPaosInterface* pnpUtil = ( MPnpToPaosInterface* ) entry();
   371     CPnpUtilImpl *pnpUtil = CPnpUtilImpl::NewLC();
   373     // check version
   374     TBuf8<KMaxVersionStringLength> version;
   375     TBuf<KMaxVersionStringLength> version16;
   376     pnpUtil->Version( version16 );
   377     version.Copy( version16 );
   378     LOGTEXT( version );
   379     // BC break between versions NPnPS60-0.10 and newer ones; Version function 
   380     // should be binary compatible, though.
   381     // (older versions of pnputil should not be a problem as updating PAOS filter
   382     // without updating PnP-MS components should be possible only by installing
   383     // HelpDeskConnect With PAOS filter)
   384     if( version.Compare( _L8("NPnPS60-0.10") ) == 0 )
   385         {
   386         // if the dll is not compatible give an empty response
   387         LOGSTRING( "Too old version of PnpUtil installed" );
   388         ConstructPaosResponseL( KPnpPaosResponse );
   389         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pnpUtil );
   390         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // pnpLibrary.Close();
   391         return;
   392         }
   394     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 2" );
   396     // MNCs and MCCs
   397     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 2.01" );
   398     pnpUtil->FetchHomeNetworkInfoL();
   399     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 2.1" );
   400     TRAPD( err, pnpUtil->FetchNetworkInfoL() );
   401     if( err != KErrNone )
   402         {
   403         LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::Could not fetch network info %i", err );
   404         pnpUtil->SetNetworkMccL( _L("") );
   405         pnpUtil->SetNetworkMncL( _L("") );
   406         }
   408     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 2.2" );
   409     RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode homeMcc = pnpUtil->HomeMccL();
   410     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 2.3" );
   411     RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkIdentity homeMnc = pnpUtil->HomeMncL();
   412     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 2.4" );
   413     RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode networkMcc = pnpUtil->NetworkMccL();
   414     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 2.5" );
   415     RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkIdentity networkMnc = pnpUtil->NetworkMncL();
   416     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 2.6" );
   417     TBuf8<4> hmcc;
   418     TBuf8<8> hmnc;
   419     TBuf8<4> nmcc;
   420     TBuf8<8> nmnc;
   421     hmcc.Copy( homeMcc );
   422     hmnc.Copy( homeMnc );
   423     nmcc.Copy( networkMcc );
   424     nmnc.Copy( networkMnc );
   426     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 3" );
   427     // keyinfo, nonce
   428     TBuf8<KMaxKeyInfoLength> keyInfo;
   429     pnpUtil->GetKeyInfoL( keyInfo );
   430     TBuf8<KNonceLength> nonce;
   431     TInt timeout(0);
   432     pnpUtil->CreateNewNonceL( timeout, nonce );
   434     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL 4" );
   435     // product model
   436     TBuf8<KSysUtilVersionTextLength> deviceinfo;
   437     FetchProductModelL( deviceinfo );
   439 	// Clear all service activation data in case if service 
   440 	// activation fails
   441 	// This will avoid displaying service specific notes for
   442 	// example email service activation when help-portal service required
   443 	// As of now only Help-portal server sends PAOS request 
   444 	// and NSA server(which provides email service activation) is not 
   445 	// supporting PAOS.
   446 	// If NSA server provides PAOS then these resetting of
   447 	// service activation data to be commented
   449     CPnpProvUtil* prov = CPnpProvUtil::NewLC();
   451     const TUint32 uidval = 0;
   452     prov->SetApplicationUidL(uidval);
   455     TBuf<2> buf(_L(""));
   456     prov->SetProvAdapterAppIdL(buf);
   458     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   460     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL format response" );
   461     // 1. Keyinfo
   462     // 2. Nonce
   463     // 3. Home MCC
   464     // 4. Home MNC
   465     // 5. Network (current) MCC
   466     // 6. Network MNC
   467     // 7. Version
   468     // 8. deviceinfo
   469     ConstructPaosResponseL( KPnpPaosResponse, keyInfo, nonce, hmcc, hmnc, nmcc, nmnc, version, deviceinfo );
   470     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL response formatted" );
   472     LOGSTRING( "CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pnpUtil )" );
   473     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pnpUtil );
   474     LOGSTRING( "pnpLibrary.Close()" );
   475     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // pnpLibrary.Close()
   476     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPnPPaosResponseL - done" );
   477     }
   479 void CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPaosResponseL(
   480     const TDesC8& aResponse,
   481     const TDesC8& aParameter1,
   482     const TDesC8& aParameter2,
   483     const TDesC8& aParameter3,
   484     const TDesC8& aParameter4,
   485     const TDesC8& aParameter5,
   486     const TDesC8& aParameter6,
   487     const TDesC8& aParameter7,
   488     const TDesC8& aParameter8
   489     )
   490     {
   491     // Construct PAOS message id element if reference message id is available
   492     HBufC8* messageIds(0);
   493     if( iReferenceMessageId->Length() )
   494         {
   495         LOGSTRING( "iMessageId:" );
   496         LOGTEXT( *iMessageId );
   497         LOGSTRING( "iReferenceMessageId:" );
   498         LOGTEXT( *iReferenceMessageId );
   500         messageIds = HBufC8::NewLC(
   501             KPaosResponseMessageIds().Length() +
   502             iMessageId->Length() +
   503             iReferenceMessageId->Length() );
   504         messageIds->Des().Format( KPaosResponseMessageIds, iMessageId, iReferenceMessageId );
   505         }
   507     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPaosResponseL" );
   508     // Construct a new PAOS response
   509     TInt responseLength(
   510         aResponse.Length() +
   511         aParameter1.Length() +
   512         aParameter2.Length() +
   513         aParameter3.Length() +
   514         aParameter4.Length() +
   515         aParameter5.Length() +
   516         aParameter6.Length() +
   517         aParameter7.Length() +
   518         aParameter8.Length()
   519         );
   521     // Add the length of messageIds buffer to responseLength
   522     if( messageIds )
   523         responseLength += messageIds->Length();
   525     // Expand buffer if needed
   526     if( iPaosResponse->Des().MaxSize() < responseLength )
   527         iPaosResponse = iPaosResponse->ReAllocL( responseLength );
   529     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPaosResponseL - format" );
   530     if( messageIds )
   531         {
   532         iPaosResponse->Des().Format(
   533             aResponse,
   534             messageIds, /* The first parameter in aResponse is assumed to be messageids */
   535             &aParameter1,
   536             &aParameter2,
   537             &aParameter3,
   538             &aParameter4,
   539             &aParameter5,
   540             &aParameter6,
   541             &aParameter7,
   542             &aParameter8
   543             );
   544         LOGSTRING( "CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( messageIds )" );
   545         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( messageIds );
   546         }
   547     else
   548         {
   549         iPaosResponse->Des().Format(
   550             aResponse,
   551             &KNullDesC8(),
   552             &aParameter1,
   553             &aParameter2,
   554             &aParameter3,
   555             &aParameter4,
   556             &aParameter5,
   557             &aParameter6,
   558             &aParameter7,
   559             &aParameter8
   560             );
   561         }
   562     LOGSTRING( "CPnpPaosXml::ConstructPaosResponseL - done" );
   563     }
   565 void CPnpPaosXml::ResetPaosRequest()
   566     {
   567     delete iPaosRequest;
   568     iPaosRequest = 0;
   569     }
   571 TBool CPnpPaosXml::GetNextDataPart( TPtrC8& aDataPart )
   572     {
   573     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::GetNextDataPart");
   575     if( !iPaosResponse )
   576         {
   577         LOGSTRING( "empty response!" );
   578         // Panics are not shown (on browser process), the browser is just closed
   579         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( EFalse, User::Panic( KResponseEmpty, KErrNotFound ) );
   580         }
   581     aDataPart.Set( *iPaosResponse  );
   582     return ETrue;
   583     }
   585 void CPnpPaosXml::ReleaseData()
   586     {
   587     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::ReleaseData");
   588     // No need to delete our data
   589     // They are deleted in the destructor and reallocated when needed
   590     iPaosResponse->Des().Zero();
   591     iMessageId->Des().Zero();
   592     iReferenceMessageId->Des().Zero();
   593     iPaosPostUrlPath->Des().Zero();
   594     }
   596 TInt CPnpPaosXml::OverallDataSize()
   597     {
   598     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::OverallDataSize");
   599     if( !iPaosResponse )
   600         {
   601         LOGSTRING( "empty response!" );
   602         // Panics are not shown (on browser process), the browser is just closed
   603         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( EFalse, User::Panic( KResponseEmpty, KErrNotFound ) );
   604         }
   605     return iPaosResponse->Length();
   606     }
   608 TInt CPnpPaosXml::Reset()
   609     {
   610     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::Reset");
   611     return KErrNone;
   612     }
   614 void CPnpPaosXml::OnStartDocumentL( const RDocumentParameters& aDocParam, TInt aErrorCode )
   615     {
   616     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnStartDocumentL: %i", aErrorCode );
   617     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   618         {
   619         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   620         }
   621     // Keep compiler happy
   622     (void)aDocParam;
   623     LOGRSTRING( "CharSet: %S", aDocParam.CharacterSetName() );
   624     }
   626 void CPnpPaosXml::OnEndDocumentL( TInt aErrorCode )
   627     {
   628     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnEndDocumentL: %i", aErrorCode );
   629     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   630         {
   631         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   632         }
   633     }
   635 void CPnpPaosXml::OnStartElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement, const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, 
   636                              TInt aErrorCode )
   637     {
   638     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnStartElementL: %i", aErrorCode );
   639     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   640         {
   641         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   642         }
   644     RString uri = aElement.Uri();
   645     RString localName = aElement.LocalName();
   647 #ifdef LOGGING_ENABLED
   648     RString prefix = aElement.Prefix();
   649 #endif
   650     LOGRSTRING( "uri: %S", uri );
   651     LOGRSTRING( "localName: %S", localName );
   652     LOGRSTRING( "prefix: %S", prefix );
   654     if( iCurrentElement == EElementKeyRequest )
   655         {
   656         if( localName.DesC().Compare( KElementGetKey ) == 0 )
   657             {
   658             LOGSTRING( "setting iCurrentElement = EElementGetKey" );
   659             iCurrentElement = EElementGetKey;
   660             }
   661         }
   662     else if( uri.DesC().Compare( KPnpMsNokiaUri ) == 0 )
   663         {
   664         if( localName.DesC().Compare( KKeyRequest ) == 0 )
   665             {
   666             LOGSTRING( "setting iCurrentElement = EElementKeyRequest" );
   667             iCurrentElement = EElementKeyRequest;
   668             }
   669         }
   672     for( TInt i(0); i < aAttributes.Count(); i++ )
   673         {
   674         RAttribute attribute = aAttributes[i];
   675         RTagInfo tagInfo = attribute.Attribute();
   676         RString attributeLocalName = tagInfo.LocalName();
   677         RString value = attribute.Value();
   679 #ifdef LOGGING_ENABLED
   680         RString attributeUri = tagInfo.Uri();
   681         RString attributePrefix = tagInfo.Prefix();
   682 #endif
   683         LOGRSTRING( "attribute uri: %S", attributeUri );
   684         LOGRSTRING( "attribute localName: %S", attributeLocalName );
   685         LOGRSTRING( "attribute prefix: %S", attributePrefix );
   686         LOGRSTRING( "value: %S", value );
   688         // According to PAOS spec: "SOAP request message that (provided that the
   689         // SOAP processor wishes to use the PAOS binding) MUST contain a <paos:Request>
   690         // SOAP header block."
   691         // For some reason Futurice uses prefix ns1 (ns1:Request) for a SOAP request.
   692         // So we allow any prefix for a SOAP request instead of only allowing "paos"
   694         if( localName.DesC().Compare( KLocalNameRequest ) == 0 &&
   695             uri.DesC().Compare( KUriPaosLiberty ) == 0 )
   696             {
   697             LOGSTRING("uri PAOS found");
   698             const TDesC8& strAttributeLocalName = attributeLocalName.DesC();
   699             const TDesC8& strValue = value.DesC();
   701             if( strAttributeLocalName.Compare( KAttributeResponseConsumerUrl ) == 0 )
   702                 {
   703                 LOGSTRING( "PAOS post url found" );
   704                 if( iPaosPostUrlPath->Des().MaxLength() < strValue.Length() )
   705                     {
   706                     iPaosPostUrlPath = iPaosPostUrlPath->ReAllocL( strValue.Length() );
   707                     }
   708                 iPaosPostUrlPath->Des().Copy( strValue );
   709                 LOGSTRING( "iResponseConsumerUrlFound = ETrue" );
   710                 iResponseConsumerUrlFound = ETrue;
   711                 }
   712             else if( attributeLocalName.DesC().Compare( KAttributeMessageId ) == 0)
   713                 {
   714                 LOGSTRING("messageID found");
   715                 const TDesC8& strValue = value.DesC();
   716                 if( iReferenceMessageId->Des().MaxLength() < strValue.Length() )
   717                     {
   718                     iReferenceMessageId = iReferenceMessageId->ReAllocL( strValue.Length() );
   719                     }
   720                 iReferenceMessageId->Des().Copy( strValue );
   721                 // Generate a random character string for our own messageID
   722                 TPtr8 messageIdPtr = iMessageId->Des();
   723                 GenerateNonceString( messageIdPtr );
   724                 }
   725             }
   726         else if( localName.DesC().Compare( KLocalNameCorrelation ) == 0 &&
   727             uri.DesC().Compare( KUriSbLiberty ) == 0 )
   728             {
   729             LOGSTRING("uri SB found");
   730             if( attributeLocalName.DesC().Compare( KAttributeMessageId ) == 0)
   731                 {
   732                 LOGSTRING("messageID found");
   733                 const TDesC8& strValue = value.DesC();
   734                 iReferenceMessageId = iReferenceMessageId->ReAllocL( strValue.Length() );
   735                 iReferenceMessageId->Des().Copy( strValue );
   736                 // Generate a random character string for our own messageID
   737                 TPtr8 messageIdPtr = iMessageId->Des();
   738                 GenerateNonceString( messageIdPtr );
   739                 }
   740             }
   741         }
   742     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::OnStartElementL - done");
   743     }
   745 void CPnpPaosXml::GenerateNonceString( TDes8& aString )
   746     {
   747     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::GenerateNonceString");
   748     aString.Zero();
   750     _LIT8( KTemp, "123456abcdef");
   751     if( aString.MaxLength() <= KTemp().Length() )
   752         {
   753         aString.Copy( KTemp().Left( aString.MaxLength() ) );
   754         }
   755     else
   756         {
   757         aString.Copy( KTemp );
   758         }
   760     LOGSTRING("CPnpPaosXml::GenerateNonceString - done");
   761     }
   763 void CPnpPaosXml::OnEndElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement, TInt aErrorCode )
   764     {
   765     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnEndElementL: %i", aErrorCode );
   766     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   767         {
   768         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   769         }
   771     RString uri = aElement.Uri();
   772     RString localName = aElement.LocalName();
   773     RString prefix = aElement.Prefix();
   775     TBuf<255> buff;
   776     buff.Copy( uri.DesC().Left(255) );
   777     LOGSTRING2( "uri: %S", &buff );
   778     buff.Copy( localName.DesC().Left(255) );
   779     LOGSTRING2( "localName: %S", &buff );
   780     buff.Copy( prefix.DesC().Left(255) );
   781     LOGSTRING2( "prefix: %S", &buff );
   783     if( iCurrentElement == EElementGetKey )
   784         {
   785         // Ending Get key element?
   786         if( localName.DesC().Compare( KElementGetKey ) == 0 )
   787             {
   788             LOGSTRING( "setting iCurrentElement = EElementKeyRequest" );
   789             // Must be inside key request
   790             iCurrentElement = EElementKeyRequest;
   791             }
   792         }
   793     else if( iCurrentElement == EElementKeyRequest )
   794         {
   795         // Ending Key request element?
   796         if( uri.DesC().Compare( KPnpMsNokiaUri ) == 0 )
   797             {
   798             if( localName.DesC().Compare( KKeyRequest ) == 0 )
   799                 {
   800                 LOGSTRING( "setting iCurrentElement = EElementUnrecognized" );
   801                 iCurrentElement = EElementUnrecognized;
   802                 }
   803             }
   804         }
   805     }
   807 void CPnpPaosXml::OnContentL( const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode )
   808     {
   809     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnContentL: %i", aErrorCode );
   810     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   811         {
   812         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   813         }
   814     LOGTEXT( aBytes );
   816     if( iCurrentElement == EElementGetKey )
   817         {
   818         LOGSTRING( "Element GetKey" );
   819         if( aBytes.Compare( KContentSetOfKeys ) == 0 )
   820             {
   821             LOGSTRING("EPaosStatusRequestingPnPKeys");
   822             iPaosStatus = EPaosStatusRequestingPnPKeys;
   823             }
   824         else if( aBytes.Compare( KContentHdcSetOfKeys ) == 0 || aBytes.Compare( KContentHdcSetOfKeys2 ) == 0 )
   825             {
   826             LOGSTRING("EPaosStatusRequestingHdcKeys");
   827             iPaosStatus = EPaosStatusRequestingHdcKeys;
   828             }
   829         }
   830     }
   832 void CPnpPaosXml::OnStartPrefixMappingL( const RString& /*aPrefix*/, const RString& /*aUri*/,
   833                                    TInt aErrorCode )
   834     {
   835     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnStartPrefixMappingL: %i", aErrorCode );
   836     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   837         {
   838         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   839         }
   840     }
   842 void CPnpPaosXml::OnEndPrefixMappingL( const RString& /*aPrefix*/, TInt aErrorCode )
   843     {
   844     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnEndPrefixMappingL: %i", aErrorCode );
   845     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   846         {
   847         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   848         }
   849     }
   851 void CPnpPaosXml::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL( const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode )
   852     {
   853     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL: %i", aErrorCode );
   854     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   855         {
   856         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   857         }
   858     LOGTEXT( aBytes );
   859     // Keep compiler happy
   860     (void)aBytes;
   861     }
   863 void CPnpPaosXml::OnSkippedEntityL( const RString& aName, TInt aErrorCode )
   864     {
   865     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnSkippedEntityL: %i", aErrorCode );
   866     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   867         {
   868         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   869         }
   870     LOGRSTRING( "name: %S", aName );
   871     // Keep compiler happy
   872     (void)aName;
   873     }
   875 void CPnpPaosXml::OnProcessingInstructionL( const TDesC8& aTarget, const TDesC8& aData, 
   876                                       TInt aErrorCode )
   877     {
   878     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnProcessingInstructionL: %i", aErrorCode );
   879     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   880         {
   881         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   882         }
   883     // Keep compiler happy
   884     (void)aTarget;
   885     (void)aData;
   886     LOGSTRING( "target:" );
   887     LOGTEXT( aTarget );
   888     LOGSTRING( "data:" );
   889     LOGTEXT( aData );
   890     }
   892 void CPnpPaosXml::OnError( TInt aErrorCode )
   893     {
   894     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::OnError: %i", aErrorCode );
   895     if( aErrorCode != KErrNone )
   896         {
   897         iErrorFound = ETrue;
   898         }
   899     }
   901 TAny* CPnpPaosXml::GetExtendedInterface( const TInt32 aUid )
   902     {
   903     LOGSTRING2( "CPnpPaosXml::GetExtendedInterface: %i", aUid );
   904     // Keep compiler happy
   905     (void)aUid;
   906     return 0;
   907     }
   909 void CPnpPaosXml::FetchProductModelL( TDes8& aModel )
   910     {
   911     HBufC* tmpVersion = HBufC::NewLC( KSysUtilVersionTextLength );
   912     TPtr ptr( tmpVersion->Des() );
   913     User::LeaveIfError( SysUtil::GetSWVersion( ptr ) );
   914     LOGTEXT(ptr);
   916     _LIT(KVerStrStart,"V ");
   917     _LIT(KVerStrEnd,"\n");
   919     TInt pos1 = tmpVersion->Find(KVerStrStart);
   920     TInt pos2 = tmpVersion->Find(KVerStrEnd);
   921     TInt verlen = ((TDesC)(KVerStrStart)).Length();
   923     if( pos1==KErrNotFound) // Version does not start with "V "
   924         {
   925         pos1=0;
   926         verlen=0;
   927         }
   929     if(    (pos1!=KErrNotFound) 
   930         && (pos2!=KErrNotFound) 
   931         && (pos2 > (pos1 + verlen) ) 
   932       )
   933         {
   934         TPtrC ptrSeek(ptr);
   935         pos1 = ptrSeek.Find(KVerStrEnd);
   936         if(pos1>=0)
   937             {
   938             ptrSeek.Set(ptrSeek.Mid(pos1+1));
   939             pos1 = ptrSeek.Find(KVerStrEnd);
   940             if( pos1 >= 0 )
   941                 {
   942                 ptrSeek.Set(ptrSeek.Mid(pos1+1));
   943                 pos1 = ptrSeek.Find(KVerStrEnd);
   944                 if( pos1 < 0 )
   945                     {
   946                     ptrSeek.Set(ptrSeek.Mid(1));
   947                     aModel.Copy(ptrSeek);
   948                     }
   949                 else if( pos1 > 0 )
   950                     {
   951                     ptrSeek.Set(ptrSeek.Mid(1,pos1-1));
   952                     aModel.Copy(ptrSeek);
   953                     }
   954                 LOGTEXT(aModel);
   955                 }
   956             }
   957         }
   958     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   959     }
   960 // End of File