changeset 18 7d11f9a6646f
child 24 408f75ba5bc2
equal deleted inserted replaced
4:75a71fdb4c92 18:7d11f9a6646f
     2 /*
     3 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     4 * All rights reserved.
     5 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     6 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     7 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     8 * at the URL "".
     9 *
    10 * Initial Contributors:
    11 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    12 *
    13 * Contributors:
    14 *
    15 * Description:  Methods for DmAdvancedView.
    16 *
    17 */
    19 #include "dmadvancedview.h"
    20 #include "serversettingsview.h"
    22 DmAdvancedView::DmAdvancedView(HbMainWindow *mainWindow, HbView *mainView, QGraphicsItem *parent):HbView(parent),
    23     bluetooth(":/icons/qgn_prop_sml_bt.svg"),
    24     internet(":/icons/qgn_prop_sml_http.svg"), 
    25     defaultprofileicon(":/icons/qtg_large_avatar.svg")                
    26     {
    27     iMainWindow = mainWindow;
    28     serverSetView = NULL;
    29     iMainView = mainView;
    30     dminfo = new DmInfo(this);
    31     currentdefaultprofile = -1;
    32     currentview = 0;
    33     connectionRequested = false;    
    34     backbehaviorset = false;
    35     }
    37 DmAdvancedView::~DmAdvancedView()
    38     {
    39     qDebug("omadm DmAdvancedView::~DmAdvancedView");
    40     if(docmlLoader)
    41         delete docmlLoader;  
    42     if(dminfo)
    43         delete dminfo;
    44     qDebug("omadm DmAdvancedView::~DmAdvancedView end"); 
    45     }
    47 void DmAdvancedView::handleLongPress(HbAbstractViewItem* item , QPointF coOrdinates)
    48     {
    49     if(connectionRequested)
    50         return;
    51     int itemnum = 0;
    52     if (item) 
    53         {
    54     QStandardItem *modelItem = model->itemFromIndex(item->modelIndex());
    55     itemnum = modelItem->row();
    58     csmenu = new HbMenu();
    59     HbAction *defaultprofileAction = 0;
    60     HbAction *deleteaction= 0;
    61     HbAction *connectaction= 0;
    62     if(!dminfo->Isdefaultprofile(itemnum))
    63         {
    64         defaultprofileAction = csmenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_device_update_menu_set_as_default"));
    65         }
    66     if(!dminfo->Isprofilelocked(itemnum))
    67         {
    68         deleteaction = csmenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_device_update_menu_delete"));
    69         }
    70     connectaction = csmenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_device_update_menu_connect"));
    71     HbAction *selectedAction = csmenu->exec(coOrdinates);
    72     if(selectedAction)
    73         {
    74         if(selectedAction == defaultprofileAction )
    75             {
    76             dminfo->setDefaultProfile(itemnum);
    77             updateEarlierdefaultProfileIcon();
    78             modelItem->setIcon(defaultprofileicon);
    79             currentdefaultprofile = itemnum;        
    80             }
    81         else if (selectedAction == deleteaction )
    82             {
    83             dminfo->DisableDbNotifications(true);
    84             //check currentdefaultprofile is current item
    85             if(itemnum == currentdefaultprofile) // deleting default profile
    86                 currentdefaultprofile = -1;
    87             if(dminfo->DeleteProfile(itemnum) >=0 )
    88                 {
    89                 //Update the profile list
    90                 model->removeRow(itemnum);
    91                 }
    92             dminfo->DisableDbNotifications(false);
    93             }
    94         else if( selectedAction == connectaction )
    95             {
    96             dminfo->synchronize(itemnum);
    97             connectionRequested = true;
    98             }
    99         else
   100             {    
   101             }
   102         }
   103     delete csmenu;
   104         }
   105     }
   108 void DmAdvancedView::handleClicked(QModelIndex index)
   109     {
   110     if(connectionRequested)
   111         return;
   112     //Stop listening DB events for profile addition
   113     dminfo->DisableDbNotifications(true);
   114     //If profile is not locked then take to edit server view
   115     int itemnum = 0;
   116     QStandardItem *modelItem = model->itemFromIndex(index);
   117     itemnum = modelItem->row();                  
   118     if(itemnum >= 0 && !dminfo->Isprofilelocked(itemnum))
   119         {        
   120         //read profile items
   121         QStringList itemdata;
   122         bool sessmode = 0;
   123         QStringList iaplist;
   124         int curriap = 0;
   125         int portnum = 0;
   126         bool nwauth = false ;
   127         dminfo->getProfiledata(itemnum, itemdata, sessmode,iaplist,curriap,portnum, nwauth);	
   128         QString editserverprof(itemdata[0]);
   129         if(!serverSetView)
   130             {
   131             serverSetView = new ServerSettingsView(iMainWindow, this , editserverprof);
   132             }
   133         else // view already created
   134             {
   135             //Just update the setting items as per this profile            
   136             serverSetView->makeviewItemsVisible(editserverprof);		  
   137             }        
   138         serverSetView->setProfileValues(itemdata,sessmode,iaplist,curriap,portnum,nwauth);
   139         iMainWindow->setCurrentView(serverSetView);
   141         }
   142     }
   144 bool DmAdvancedView::displayItems()
   145     {    	
   146     docmlLoader = new HbDocumentLoader;
   147     bool ok ;    
   148     docmlLoader->load( DOCML_FILE_NAME,  &ok  );
   149     if(ok)
   150     	{
   151         if(iMainWindow->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
   152             docmlLoader->load( DOCML_FILE_NAME,  PORTRAIT,&ok  );
   153         else
   154             docmlLoader->load( DOCML_FILE_NAME, LANDSCAPE,&ok  );            
   155     	}
   156     else
   157     	{
   158     	 qDebug("omadm docml loading failed");
   159     	 return ok;
   160     	}
   161     if(ok)
   162         {        	
   163         connect(iMainWindow, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
   164                 this,  SLOT(reLayout(Qt::Orientation)));    
   165         viewwidget = qobject_cast<HbView *>(docmlLoader->findWidget( VIEW_NAME ) );    
   166         Q_ASSERT_X(viewwidget != 0, "OMADM View not found","Not found");        
   167         viewspecificmenu = new HbMenu();    
   168         help = viewspecificmenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_help")); 
   169         exit = viewspecificmenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_exit"));
   170         connect(exit, SIGNAL(triggered()), QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));
   171         setMenu(viewspecificmenu);            
   172         serversListGroup = qobject_cast<HbGroupBox *>(docmlLoader->findWidget( GROUP ) );
   173         serversListGroup->setHeading(hbTrId("txt_device_update_setlabel_device_update_services"));
   174         serversListGroup->setCollapsable( true );        
   175         connect(serversListGroup, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(serversListGroupClicked(bool)));
   176         otherDetailsGroup = qobject_cast<HbGroupBox *>(docmlLoader->findWidget( OTHERDETAILSGROUP ) );
   177         connect(otherDetailsGroup, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(otherDetailsGroupClicked(bool)));        
   178         otherDetailsGroup->setHeading(hbTrId("txt_device_update_setlabel_other_details"));
   179         otherDetailsGroup->setCollapsable( true );
   180         otherDetailsGroup->setCollapsed( true );                            
   181         list = qobject_cast<HbListView *>(docmlLoader->findWidget( LIST_NAME ) );
   182         HbListViewItem *prototype = list->listItemPrototype();
   183         prototype->setGraphicsSize(HbListViewItem::LargeIcon);
   184         prototype->setSecondaryTextRowCount(1,2);
   185         prototype->setStretchingStyle(HbListViewItem::StretchLandscape);
   186         dminfo->refreshProfileList();    
   187         int IndicatorCount =dminfo->profilescount();
   188         model = new QStandardItemModel();            
   189         for (int i = 0; IndicatorCount > 0 && i < IndicatorCount; ++i) {        
   190         QStringList liststr;
   191         bool lock = false;
   192         int icon = 0;
   193         int ret = dminfo->profileinfo(i,liststr,icon, lock);
   194         if(ret <= 0)
   195             {
   196             break;
   197             }
   198         QStandardItem* item ;    
   199         item = new QStandardItem();    
   200         HbIcon icon1;
   201         icon1.setIconName(":/icons/qgn_prop_sml_http.svg");
   202         HbIcon icon2;
   203         icon2.setIconName(":/icons/qgn_prop_sml_bt.svg");
   204         HbIcon icon3;
   205         icon3.setIconName(":/icons/qgn_indi_sett_protected_add.svg");   
   206         HbIcon defaultprofile;
   207         defaultprofile.setIconName(":/icons/qtg_large_avatar.svg");            
   208         QList<QVariant> Iconl;    
   209         if(icon == 0)//Internet
   210             Iconl.insert(0,icon1);
   211         else if(icon == 1)//Bluetooth
   212             Iconl.insert(0,icon2); 
   213         else 
   214             {
   215             Iconl.insert(0,defaultprofile);
   216             currentdefaultprofile = i;
   217             }
   218         icon = 0;
   219         if(lock)
   220             {
   221             Iconl.insert(1,icon3);
   222             lock = false; 
   223             }
   224         QVariant iconlist(Iconl);
   225         iconlist.setValue(Iconl);
   226         item->setData(liststr , Qt::DisplayRole);
   227         item->setData(iconlist , Qt::DecorationRole);
   228         model->setItem(i, item);    
   229         }        
   230         list->setModel(model,prototype);
   231         list->setItemRecycling(false);    
   232         connect(list, SIGNAL(longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*,QPointF)),
   233                 this,  SLOT(handleLongPress(HbAbstractViewItem*,QPointF)));
   235         connect(list, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(handleClicked(QModelIndex)));            
   237         qDebug("omadm launching other details list");
   238         otherdetailslist = qobject_cast<HbListView *>(docmlLoader->findWidget( LISTOTHERDETAILS ) );    
   239         otherdetailslist->listItemPrototype()->setStretchingStyle(HbListViewItem::StretchLandscape);
   240 		otherdetailslist->setLongPressEnabled(EFalse);
   241         qDebug("omadm launching other details list done");    
   242         mainCalltoUpdateView();           
   245         newserverprofile = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *>(docmlLoader->findWidget(NEWSERVERBUTTON));
   246         newserverprofile->setText(hbTrId("txt_device_update_button_new_server_profile"));
   247         connect(newserverprofile, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(createNewProfile()));
   249         label = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>(docmlLoader->findWidget(LABEL));        
   250         label->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_device_update_subhead_advanced_device_updates"));        
   252         setWidget(viewwidget);        
   253         }
   254     else 
   255         {
   256         qDebug("omadm docml section loading failed");
   257         }    
   258     return ok;
   259     }
   261 void DmAdvancedView::updateEarlierdefaultProfileIcon()
   262     {
   263     if(currentdefaultprofile >= 0)
   264         {
   265         QStandardItem *modelItem = model->item(currentdefaultprofile);
   266         //Find the transport type & set the icon
   267         int transporttype = 0;
   268         dminfo->profileTransport(currentdefaultprofile,transporttype);
   269         if(transporttype == 0)//Internet
   270             {
   271             modelItem->setIcon(internet);
   272             }
   273         else
   274             {
   275             modelItem->setIcon(bluetooth);
   276             }        
   277         }
   278     }
   280 void DmAdvancedView::createNewProfile()
   281     {
   282     if(dminfo->createNewprofile())
   283         {
   284         //Open server settings view    
   285         QString newserverprof(hbTrId("txt_device_update_setlabel_new_server_profile"));    
   286         if(!serverSetView)
   287             {
   288             serverSetView = new ServerSettingsView(iMainWindow, this, newserverprof);        
   289             }
   290         else // view already created
   291             {
   292             //Just update the setting items as per this profile                
   293             serverSetView->makeviewItemsVisible(newserverprof);       
   294             }
   295         QStringList serveritems;    
   296         serveritems<< "" <<"" <<"" <<"" <<""<<""<<""<<"";
   297         bool sessmode = true;
   298         bool nauth = true;
   299         QStringList apdata;        
   300         int currap =-1;
   301         int destap = 0;
   302         dminfo->getIaplist(apdata,currap,destap);    
   303         int portnum = 8080;    
   304         serverSetView->setProfileValues(serveritems,sessmode,apdata,currap,portnum,nauth);
   305         iMainWindow->setCurrentView(serverSetView);        
   306         }
   307     else // profile not getting created
   308         {
   309         qDebug("OMADM New server profile creation failed");
   310         }
   311     }
   313 void DmAdvancedView::saveProfile(QStringList& itemdata, bool& sessmode, QString& currap,unsigned int& portnum, bool& nauth )
   314     {
   315     dminfo->DisableDbNotifications(true);
   316     dminfo->saveProfile(itemdata,sessmode,currap,portnum,nauth);
   317     updateListview();
   318     dminfo->DisableDbNotifications(false);
   319     }
   321 void DmAdvancedView::updateListview()
   322     {
   323     model->clear();
   324     int IndicatorCount =dminfo->profilescount();    
   325     for (int i = 0; IndicatorCount > 0 && i < IndicatorCount; ++i) {    
   326     QStringList liststr;
   327     bool lock = false;
   328     int icon = 0;
   329     int ret = dminfo->profileinfo(i,liststr,icon, lock);
   330     if(ret <= 0)
   331         {
   332         break;
   333         }    
   334     QStandardItem* item ;
   335     item = new QStandardItem();
   336     HbIcon icon1;
   337     icon1.setIconName(":/icons/qgn_prop_sml_http.svg");
   338     HbIcon icon2;
   339     icon2.setIconName(":/icons/qgn_prop_sml_bt.svg");
   340     HbIcon icon3;
   341     icon3.setIconName(":/icons/qgn_indi_sett_protected_add.svg");   
   342     HbIcon defaultprofile;
   343     defaultprofile.setIconName(":/icons/qtg_large_avatar.svg");    
   344     QList<QVariant> Iconl;
   345     if(icon == 0)//Internet
   346         Iconl.insert(0,icon1);
   347     else if(icon == 1)//Bluetooth
   348         Iconl.insert(0,icon2); 
   349     else //Default profile
   350         {
   351         Iconl.insert(0,defaultprofile);
   352         currentdefaultprofile = i;
   353         }
   354     icon = 0;
   355     if(lock)
   356         {
   357         Iconl.insert(1,icon3);
   358         lock = false; 
   359         }
   360     QVariant iconlist(Iconl);
   361     iconlist.setValue(Iconl);
   362     item->setData(liststr , Qt::DisplayRole);
   363     item->setData(iconlist , Qt::DecorationRole);
   364     model->setItem(i, item);    
   365     }    
   366     model->sort(0);
   367     }
   369 void DmAdvancedView::serversListGroupClicked(bool state)
   370     {
   371     Q_UNUSED(state);
   372     if(serversListGroup->isCollapsed())
   373         otherDetailsGroup->setCollapsed(false);
   374     else
   375         otherDetailsGroup->setCollapsed(true);
   376     }
   378 void DmAdvancedView::otherDetailsGroupClicked(bool state)
   379     {
   380     Q_UNUSED(state);
   381     if(otherDetailsGroup->isCollapsed())
   382         serversListGroup->setCollapsed(false);
   383     else
   384         serversListGroup->setCollapsed(true);
   385     }
   387 bool DmAdvancedView::checkServerId(QString& serverid)
   388     {
   389     return dminfo->checksrvid(serverid);
   390     }
   392 void DmAdvancedView::reLayout(Qt::Orientation orientation)
   393     {
   394     qDebug("OMADM servers view DmAdvancedView::reLayout");
   395     if(orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
   396         {
   397         qDebug("OMADM servers view landscape");
   398         docmlLoader->load(DOCML_FILE_NAME,LANDSCAPE); 
   399         }
   400     else
   401         {
   402         qDebug("OMADM servers view portrait");	        
   403         bool ok;
   404         docmlLoader->load( DOCML_FILE_NAME,  PORTRAIT, &ok  );
   405         }
   408     }
   410 void DmAdvancedView::setBackBehavior()
   411     {
   412     if (!backbehaviorset)
   413         {
   414         qDebug("OMADM servers view back behavior setting");
   415         backaction = new HbAction(Hb::BackNaviAction, this);
   416         connect(backaction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
   417                 SLOT(backButtonClicked()));
   418         setNavigationAction(backaction);
   419         backbehaviorset = true;
   420         }
   421     qDebug("OMADM servers view back behavior setting done");
   422     }
   424 void DmAdvancedView::backButtonClicked()
   425     {    
   426     QList <HbView*> views = iMainWindow->views();    
   427     if(iMainWindow->orientation()==Qt::Vertical)
   428             {
   429             iMainWindow->setCurrentView(views[0]);
   430             }
   431         else
   432             {
   433             iMainWindow->setCurrentView(views[1]);
   434             }    
   435     }
   438 void DmAdvancedView::mainCalltoUpdateView()
   439 {   
   440     int IndicatorCount =6;
   441     otherdetailsmodel = new QStandardItemModel(IndicatorCount,0);
   442     TInt i=0;
   443     TRequestStatus status;
   444     QStringList liststr;
   445     QStandardItem* item;
   446     QString val;
   447     QString str;
   449     iServer.Connect();
   450     iServer.GetPhoneInfo(0, info);
   451     imobPhone.Open(iServer, info.iName);
   452     //Bands supported
   454     RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1 nwInfov1;
   455     RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1Pckg nwInfov1Pckg(nwInfov1);						
   456     imobPhone.GetCurrentNetwork(status, nwInfov1Pckg);
   457     User::WaitForRequest( status );
   458     status = KRequestPending;
   459     nwInfov1 = nwInfov1Pckg();
   460     NetworkBand(nwInfov1.iBandInfo, str);
   461     item = new QStandardItem();
   462     val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands");
   463     liststr << val;
   464     liststr << str;
   465     item->setData(liststr , Qt::DisplayRole);
   466     otherdetailsmodel->setItem(i++, item);
   468     //Packet Service
   470     TInt packetsrvc =0;
   471     RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 nwInfov5;
   472     RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5Pckg nwInfov5Pckg(nwInfov5);
   473     imobPhone.GetCurrentNetwork( status, nwInfov5Pckg );
   474     User::WaitForRequest( status );
   475     status = KRequestPending;
   476     nwInfov5 = nwInfov5Pckg();
   478     if(nwInfov5.iHsdpaAvailableIndicator) packetsrvc =1;
   480     if(nwInfov5.iEgprsAvailableIndicator) packetsrvc =2;
   482     if(!packetsrvc)
   483     {
   484         RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV8 nwInfov8;
   485         RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV8Pckg nwInfov8Pckg(nwInfov8);
   486         imobPhone.GetCurrentNetwork( status, nwInfov8Pckg );
   487         User::WaitForRequest( status );
   488         status = KRequestPending;
   489         nwInfov8 = nwInfov8Pckg();
   490         if(nwInfov8.iHsupaAvailableIndicator) packetsrvc =3;
   491     }	  
   492     liststr.clear();
   493     val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_wcdma_uldl_data_rates");
   494     liststr << val;
   495     item = new QStandardItem();
   496     PacketService(packetsrvc, str);
   497     liststr << str;
   498     item->setData(liststr , Qt::DisplayRole);
   499     otherdetailsmodel->setItem(i++, item);
   501     // Ciphering
   503     liststr.clear();
   504     item = new QStandardItem();
   505     val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_cipherings");
   506     liststr << val;
   507     imobPhone.GetNetworkSecurityLevel(status,idispSecurity);
   508     User::WaitForRequest( status );
   509     NetworkCiphering(idispSecurity, str);
   510     liststr << str;
   511     item->setData(liststr, Qt::DisplayRole);
   512     otherdetailsmodel->setItem(i++, item);
   514     // WLAN MAC
   516     TUint KPhoneWlanSeparator (':');
   517     _LIT( KWLanMACDataFormat, "%02x");  
   518     // Fetch WLAN MAC address
   519     TBuf<KWlanMacAddrLength> address;
   520     RProperty::Get( KPSUidWlan, KPSWlanMacAddress, address );   
   521     // Format fetched address
   522     TBuf<KWlanMacAddrLength> wlanMACAddress;        
   523     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < address.Length(); i++ )
   524         {
   525         // Set separator
   526         if( i > 0 )
   527             {
   528             wlanMACAddress.Append( KPhoneWlanSeparator );
   529             }
   530         // Set data
   531         TBuf<50> tmp;
   532         tmp.Format( KWLanMACDataFormat, address[i] );
   533         wlanMACAddress.Append( tmp );
   534         } 
   535     liststr.clear();
   536     item = new QStandardItem();
   537     val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_wlan_mac_address");
   538     liststr << val;
   539     str = QString::fromUtf16(wlanMACAddress.Ptr(), wlanMACAddress.Length());
   540     liststr << str;
   541     item->setData(liststr, Qt::DisplayRole);
   542     otherdetailsmodel->setItem(i++, item);
   544     // BT MAC
   546     TBuf<KBTAddrLength> addressBuffer;
   547     // Fetch from Cenrep
   548     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   549     TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidBluetoothLocalDeviceAddress ) );
   550     if ( err == KErrNone )
   551         {
   552         qDebug("KCRUidBluetoothLocalDeviceAddress errnone");
   553         err = repository->Get( KBTLocalDeviceAddress, addressBuffer );
   555         if (err == KErrNone)
   556         	qDebug("KBTLocalDeviceAddress errnone");
   557         else
   558         	qDebug("KBTLocalDeviceAddress Error");
   560         delete repository;
   561         }
   562     else
   563     	{
   564     		qDebug("KCRUidBluetoothLocalDeviceAddress Error openin cenrep");
   565     	}
   566     liststr.clear();
   567     val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_bt_mac_address");
   568     liststr << val;
   569     item = new QStandardItem();
   570     str = QString::fromUtf16(addressBuffer.Ptr(), addressBuffer.Length());
   571     liststr << str;
   572     item->setData(liststr , Qt::DisplayRole);
   573     otherdetailsmodel->setItem(i++, item);
   575     otherdetailslist->setModel(otherdetailsmodel);
   577 }
   579 void DmAdvancedView::PacketService(TInt val, QString& string)
   580     {
   581      switch (val)
   582          {
   583          case (0):
   584                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_wcdma_uldl_data_val_l1");
   585                  break;
   586          case (1):
   587                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_wcdma_uldl_data_val_l2");
   588                  break;
   589          case (2):
   590                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_wcdma_uldl_data_val_l3");
   591                  break;
   592          case (3):
   593                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_wcdma_uldl_data_val_l4");
   594                  break;
   595          case (4):
   596                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_cipherings_val_l4");
   597                  break;
   598          case (5):
   599          default :
   600                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_wcdma_uldl_data_val_l5");
   601                  break;
   602          }
   603      }
   606 void DmAdvancedView::NetworkCiphering(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkSecurity val, QString& string)
   607     {
   608      switch (val)
   609          {
   610          case (RMobilePhone::ECipheringGSM):
   611                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_cipherings_val_l2");
   612                  break;
   613          case (RMobilePhone::ECipheringWCDMA):
   614                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_cipherings_val_l3");
   615                  break;
   616          case (RMobilePhone::ECipheringCDMA):
   617                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_cipherings_val_l4");
   618                  break;
   619          case (RMobilePhone::ECipheringOff):
   620          default :
   621                  string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_cipherings_val_l1");
   622                  break;
   623          }
   624     }
   626 void DmAdvancedView::NetworkBand(RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkBandInfo val, QString& string)
   627     {
   628     switch (val)
   629         {
   630         case (RMobilePhone::E800BandA):
   631                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l2");
   632                 break;
   633         case (RMobilePhone::E800BandB):
   634                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l3");
   635                 break;
   636         case (RMobilePhone::E800BandC):
   637                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l4");
   638                 break;
   639         case (RMobilePhone::E1900BandA):
   640                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l5");
   641                 break;
   642         case (RMobilePhone::E1900BandB):
   643                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l6");
   644                 break;
   645         case (RMobilePhone::E1900BandC):
   646                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l7");
   647                 break;
   648         case (RMobilePhone::E1900BandD):
   649                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l8");
   650                 break;
   651         case (RMobilePhone::E1900BandE):
   652                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l9");
   653                 break;
   654         case (RMobilePhone::E1900BandF):
   655                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l10");
   656                 break;
   657         case (RMobilePhone::EBandUnknown):
   658         default :
   659                 string = hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_gsm_bands_val_l1");
   660                 break;
   661         }   
   662     }
   664 void DmAdvancedView::syncCompleted(int jobstatus)
   665     {
   666     Q_UNUSED(jobstatus);
   667     connectionRequested = false;    
   668     updateListview();
   669     }