changeset 18 7d11f9a6646f
child 42 aa33c2cb9a50
equal deleted inserted replaced
4:75a71fdb4c92 18:7d11f9a6646f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Provides methods for DmInfo class. 
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <centralrepository.h>
    19 #include <cmmanager.h>
    20 #include <cmconnectionmethod.h>
    21 #include "dmadvancedview.h"
    22 #include "nsmldmsyncprivatecrkeys.h"
    23 #include "dminforetrieval.h"
    25 DmInfo::DmInfo(DmAdvancedView* serversview, QGraphicsItem* /*parent*/)
    26     {
    27     iAppEngine = CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::NewL(this);
    28     iSyncProfileList = CNSmlDMSyncProfileList::NewL( iAppEngine );
    29     iProfileList = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat< TNSmlDMProfileItem >(1);
    30     iDbNotifier = CNSmlDMDbNotifier::NewL( iAppEngine->Session(), this );
    31     iDbNotifier->RequestL();
    32     serversView = serversview;
    33     iDbEventsBlocked = EFalse;
    34     }
    36 DmInfo::~DmInfo()
    37     {
    38     delete iProfileList;
    39     delete iSyncProfileList;
    40     delete iAppEngine;
    41     delete iDbNotifier;
    42     }
    44 void DmInfo::refreshProfileList(TBool aIncludeHidden )
    45     {    
    46     FLOG( "[OMADM] DmInfo::refreshProfileList" );
    47     iProfileList->Reset();
    48     TKeyArrayFix key(_FOFF( TNSmlDMProfileItem, iProfileName ), ECmpFolded16 );
    49     iProfileList->Sort(key);
    50     iSyncProfileList->Reset();
    51     TRAPD( error, iSyncProfileList->ReadProfileItemsL( aIncludeHidden ) );
    52     if ( error != KErrNone )
    53         {
    54         iSyncProfileList->Reset();
    55         }
    57     //read profile values
    58     for ( TInt index = 0; index < iSyncProfileList->Count(); index++ )
    59         {
    60         TNSmlDMProfileItem profile;
    61         profile.iProfileName = iSyncProfileList->Item( index ).iProfileName;
    62         if ( profile.iProfileName.Length() == 0 )
    63             {
    64             //StringLoader::Load( profile.iProfileName, R_QTN_APPS_EMPTYPROFILE );
    65             TBuf<20> noname(_L("No NAME"));
    66             profile.iProfileName = noname;
    67             }       
    68         profile.iProfileId   = iSyncProfileList->Item( index ).iProfileId;
    69         profile.iBearer      = iSyncProfileList->Item( index ).iBearer;
    70         profile.iSynced      = iSyncProfileList->Item( index ).iSynced;
    71         profile.iLastSync    = iSyncProfileList->Item( index ).iLastSync;
    72         profile.iLastSuccessSync     = iSyncProfileList->Item( index ).iLastSuccessSync;
    73         profile.iActive      = iSyncProfileList->Item( index ).iActive;
    74         profile.iDeleteAllowed =  iSyncProfileList->Item( index ).iDeleteAllowed;
    75         profile.iProfileLocked =  iSyncProfileList->Item( index ).iProfileLocked;    
    76         TInt start = 0;
    77         TBool found( EFalse );    
    78         if ( iProfileList->Count() == 0 )
    79             {
    80             iProfileList->AppendL ( profile );      
    81             }
    82         else
    83             {
    84             while ( ( start < iProfileList->Count() ) && ( !found ) )
    85                 {
    86             if ( iAppEngine->Compare( profile.iProfileName,
    87                     iProfileList->At( start ).iProfileName ) < 1 )
    88                 {
    89                 iProfileList->InsertL( start, profile );
    90                 found = ETrue;
    91                 }
    92             start++;
    93                 }
    94             if ( !found ) //insert to the end of the list
    95                 {
    96                 iProfileList->AppendL( profile );
    97                 }
    98             }
    99         }
   100         FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncDocument::ReadProfileListL() completed" );
   101      }
   103 int DmInfo::profilescount()
   104     {
   105     return iProfileList->Count();
   106     }
   108 int DmInfo::profileinfo(int profilelistnum, QStringList& itemtext, int& icon, bool& lock)
   109     {
   110     //TNSmlDMProfileItem* item = ProfileItemAt(profilelistnum);
   111     TBuf<KNSmlMaxTextLength256> text;
   112     TBuf<KNSmlMaxTextLength64>  timeString; 
   113     TBuf<KNSmlMaxTextLength64>  dateString; 
   114     HBufC* timeFormatted;
   116     TBool settingEnforcement = TUtil::SettingEnforcementState();
   117     TBool btObex = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdSyncMlDmObex);
   119     if(profilelistnum >= 0 && iProfileList->Count() > 0)
   120         {
   122         QString text = QString::fromUtf16(iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iProfileName.Ptr(), 
   123                 iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iProfileName.Length());
   124         itemtext << text ;
   125         if(iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iSynced)
   126             {            
   127             timeFormatted = TUtil::SyncTimeLC( ( iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iLastSuccessSync ));
   128             QString time = QString::fromUtf16(timeFormatted->Ptr(), 
   129                     timeFormatted->Length());
   130             itemtext << time ;
   131             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);
   132             }
   133         else
   134             {
   135             itemtext << hbTrId("txt_device_update_dblist_server_view_l2"); 
   136             }
   137         if ( ( iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iBearer == EProfileInternet ))
   138                     {                    
   139                     icon = 0;
   140                     }
   141         else 
   142             {
   143         //Bluetooth 
   144         icon = 1;        
   145             }
   147         TInt id = DefaultFotaProfileIdL();
   148         if( id == iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iProfileId)
   149             {
   150         //Check default or not
   151         //If default icon = 3;
   152         icon = 2 ;
   153             }   
   155         if(settingEnforcement || ( iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iProfileLocked))
   156             {
   157             lock = true;
   158             }
   159         return 1;
   160         }
   161     else
   162         return 0;
   163     }
   165 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 // DmInfo::DefaultFotaProfileIdL
   167 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   168 //
   169 TInt DmInfo::DefaultFotaProfileIdL() const
   170     {
   171     FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaModel::DefaultFotaProfileIdL()" );
   172     TInt profileId( KErrNotFound );
   173     CRepository* centrep = NULL;
   174     TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidNSmlDMSyncApp ) );
   175     FTRACE( FPrint( _L(
   176         "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaModel::DefaultFotaProfileIdL(), opening cenrep returned %d" ),
   177         err ) );
   178     User::LeaveIfError( err );
   179     centrep->Get( KNSmlDMDefaultFotaProfileKey, profileId );
   180     delete centrep;    
   181     FTRACE( FPrint( _L(
   182         "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaModel::DefaultFotaProfileIdL() completed, profileId = %d" ),
   183         profileId ) );
   184     return profileId;
   185     }
   187 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   188 // DmInfo::SetDefaultFotaProfileIdL
   189 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   190 //
   191 void DmInfo::SetDefaultFotaProfileIdL( const TInt aProfileId )
   192     {
   193     FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaModel::SetDefaultFotaProfileIdL()" );
   195     CRepository* centrep = NULL;
   196     TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidNSmlDMSyncApp ) );
   197     FTRACE( FPrint( _L(
   198         "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaModel::SetDefaultFotaProfileIdL(), opening cenrep returned %d" ),
   199         err ) );
   201     User::LeaveIfError( err );
   202     centrep->Set( KNSmlDMDefaultFotaProfileKey, aProfileId );
   203     delete centrep;
   205     FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaModel::SetDefaultFotaProfileIdL() completed" );
   206     }
   208 void DmInfo::setDefaultProfile(int listitem)
   209     {
   210     if(listitem >= 0&& listitem < profilescount())
   211         {
   212         SetDefaultFotaProfileIdL(iProfileList->At( listitem ).iProfileId);
   213         FLOG( "[OMADM] default profile set done" );
   214         }
   215     else
   216         {
   217         FLOG( "[OMADM] Invalid list item" );
   218         }
   219     }
   221 bool DmInfo::Isprofilelocked(int profilelistnum)
   222     {
   223     bool lock = false;
   224     if(profilelistnum >= 0 && iProfileList->Count() > 0)
   225         {
   226         TBool settingEnforcement = TUtil::SettingEnforcementState();
   227         if(settingEnforcement || ( iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iProfileLocked))
   228             {
   229             lock = true;
   230             }                  
   231         }
   232     return lock;
   233     }
   236 bool DmInfo::Isdefaultprofile(int profilelistnum)
   237     {
   238     bool defaultprofile = false;
   239     if(profilelistnum >= 0 && iProfileList->Count() > 0)
   240            {
   241             TInt id = DefaultFotaProfileIdL();
   242             if( id == iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iProfileId)
   243                 {
   244                 defaultprofile = true;            
   245                 }  
   246            }
   247     return defaultprofile;
   248     }
   250 void DmInfo::profileTransport(int profilelistnum, int& transport)
   251     {
   252     if(profilelistnum >= 0 && profilelistnum < profilescount())
   253             {
   254     if ( ( iProfileList->At( profilelistnum ).iBearer == EProfileInternet ))
   255                        {                    
   256     transport = 0;
   257     FLOG( "[OMADM] DmInfo::profileTransport Internet" );
   258                        }
   259     else
   260         {
   261     transport = 1;
   262     FLOG( "[OMADM] DmInfo::profileTransport Bluetooth" );
   263         }
   264             FLOG( "[OMADM] DmInfo::profileTransport set done" );
   265             }
   266         else
   267             {
   268             FLOG( "[OMADM] Invalid list item" );
   269             }
   270     }
   272 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 // CNSmlDMSyncDocument::DeleteProfile
   274 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 //
   276 TInt DmInfo::DeleteProfile( TInt& aIndex )
   277     {
   278     FTRACE( FPrint(
   279         _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncDocument::DeleteProfile(), index = %d"),
   280         aIndex ) );
   282     TInt retVal = KErrNotFound;
   283     TInt profcount = iProfileList->Count();
   284     if (  profcount <= 0 && aIndex >= profcount && aIndex < 0)
   285         {
   286         return retVal;
   287         }
   288     TRAP( retVal, iAppEngine->DeleteProfileL( 
   289                                 (*iProfileList)[aIndex].iProfileId ) );
   290     if ( retVal == KErrNone )
   291         {
   292         //Update profile list
   293         refreshProfileList();    
   294         }
   296     FTRACE( FPrint(
   297         _L("[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncDocument::DeleteProfile() completed, retval = %d"),
   298         retVal) );
   299     return retVal;
   300     }
   302 bool DmInfo::createNewprofile()
   303     {
   304     iProfileId = iAppEngine->CreateProfileL();
   305     if(iProfileId > 0)
   306         return true;
   307     else
   308         return false;
   309     }
   312 int DmInfo::saveProfile(QStringList& itemdata, bool& sessmode, QString& currap,unsigned int& portnum, bool& nauth )
   313     {
   314     Q_UNUSED(sessmode);
   315     Q_UNUSED(nauth);	
   316     FLOG( "[OMADM] void CNSmlDMDlgProfileView::SaveProfileL:" );    
   317     TRAPD( err, iProfile = iAppEngine->OpenProfileL( iProfileId, ESmlOpenReadWrite ) );
   318     if( err != KErrNone )
   319         {
   320         FLOG( "[OMADM] err != KErrNone--problem in opening the profile" );
   321         return false;
   322         }
   323     TPtrC srvname(reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(itemdata[0].constData()));
   324     // Server name
   325     iProfile->SetNameL( srvname );
   326     // Server Id
   327     TPtrC srvid(reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(itemdata[1].constData()));
   328     iProfile->SetServerIdL(srvid );
   329     // Server password
   330     TPtrC srvpwd(reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(itemdata[2].constData()));
   331     iProfile->SetServerPasswordL(srvpwd );
   332     // connection type
   333     iProfile->SetBearerTypeL( EAspBearerInternet );
   334     // Accesspoint
   335     if(currap.length())
   336         iProfile->SetAccessPointL( iapmap[currap] );
   337     else
   338         iProfile->SetAccessPointL( KErrGeneral ); //Default access point
   339     // Host address
   340     TInt num = portnum;
   341     TPtrC hostaddr(reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(itemdata[3].constData()));
   342     iProfile->SetHostAddressL( hostaddr, num );
   343     // User name
   344     TPtrC usrname(reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(itemdata[4].constData()));
   345     iProfile->SetUserNameL( usrname );
   346     // User password
   347     TPtrC usrpwd(reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(itemdata[5].constData()));
   348     iProfile->SetPasswordL( usrpwd );                                 
   349     // Http authentication  
   350     iProfile->SetHttpUsedL( nauth );
   351     // http username
   352     TPtrC httpusrname(reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(itemdata[6].constData()));
   353     iProfile->SetHttpUserNameL( httpusrname );
   354     // http password
   355     TPtrC httpusrpwd(reinterpret_cast<const TText*>(itemdata[7].constData()));
   356     iProfile->SetHttpPasswordL( httpusrpwd );
   357     // iProfile->SetCreatorId( KUidSmlSyncApp.iUid );
   358     iProfileId = 0;
   359     iProfile->SaveL();
   360     iAppEngine->CloseProfile();    
   361     refreshProfileList();//updates profile list    
   362     return 1;
   363     }
   365 bool DmInfo::getProfiledata(int& itemnum, QStringList& itemdata,
   366         bool& sessmode, QStringList& iaplist, int& curriap, int& portnum,
   367         bool& nwauth)
   368     {
   369     if (itemnum >= 0 && iProfileList->Count() > 0)
   370         {
   371         iProfileId = iProfileList->At(itemnum).iProfileId;
   372         }
   373     TRAPD( err, iProfile = iAppEngine->OpenProfileL( iProfileId, ESmlOpenRead ) );    
   374     if (err == 0)
   375         {
   376         //srvname
   377         TBuf<KBufSize256> bufdata;
   378         iProfile->GetName(bufdata);
   379         itemdata << QString::fromUtf16(bufdata.Ptr(), bufdata.Length());
   381         //srvid
   382         iProfile->GetServerId(bufdata);
   383         itemdata << QString::fromUtf16(bufdata.Ptr(), bufdata.Length());
   385         //srvpwd
   386         iProfile->GetServerPassword(bufdata);
   387         itemdata << QString::fromUtf16(bufdata.Ptr(), bufdata.Length());
   389         //hostaddress
   391         iProfile->GetHostAddress(bufdata, portnum);
   392         itemdata << QString::fromUtf16(bufdata.Ptr(), bufdata.Length());
   394         //username
   395         iProfile->GetUserName(bufdata);
   396         itemdata << QString::fromUtf16(bufdata.Ptr(), bufdata.Length());
   398         //usrpwd
   399         iProfile->GetPassword(bufdata);
   400         itemdata << QString::fromUtf16(bufdata.Ptr(), bufdata.Length());
   402         //nwusrname
   403         iProfile->GetHttpUserNameL(bufdata);
   404         itemdata << QString::fromUtf16(bufdata.Ptr(), bufdata.Length());
   406         //nwpwd
   407         iProfile->GetHttpPasswordL(bufdata);
   408         itemdata << QString::fromUtf16(bufdata.Ptr(), bufdata.Length());
   410         //connection type 
   411         int transporttype = iProfile->BearerType();
   412         if (((transporttype != EProfileObexBlueTooth) && (transporttype
   413                 != EProfileInternet)) || transporttype == EProfileInternet)
   414             {
   415             //default to internet
   416             sessmode = true;           
   417             }
   418         else
   419             sessmode = false;       
   420         int apid = iProfile->AccessPointL();
   421         curriap = apid;
   422         getIaplist(iaplist, apid, curriap); //append default connection to list
   423         TBuf<20> apnum;
   424         RDebug::RawPrint(_L("omadm access point is"));
   425         apnum.AppendNum(curriap);
   426         RDebug::RawPrint(apnum);
   427         //check iap id exists or not 
   428         nwauth = iProfile->HttpUsedL();
   429         return true;
   430         }
   431     else
   432         {
   433         return false;
   434         }
   435     }
   437 bool DmInfo::checksrvid(QString& serverid)
   438     {
   439     TPtrC srvid(reinterpret_cast<const TText*> (serverid.constData()));
   440     return iAppEngine->ServerIdFoundL(srvid, iProfileId);
   441     }
   443 void DmInfo::getIaplist(QStringList& iaplist, int& iapselected,
   444         int& listindex)
   445     {
   446     iapmap.clear();
   447     RCmManager cmManager;
   448     cmManager.OpenLC();
   449     RArray<TUint32> iapidlist;
   450     cmManager.ConnectionMethodL(iapidlist, EFalse, EFalse, ETrue);
   451     RCmConnectionMethod conn;
   452     for (TInt i = 0; i < iapidlist.Count(); i++)
   453         {
   454         TRAPD(err, conn = cmManager.ConnectionMethodL( iapidlist[i] ));
   456         if (err == KErrNone)//connection method exists
   457             {
   458             CleanupClosePushL(conn);
   459             HBufC* name = conn.GetStringAttributeL(CMManager::ECmName);
   460             QString iapname = QString::fromUtf16(name->Ptr(), name->Length());
   461             iaplist << iapname;
   462             iapmap[iapname] = iapidlist[i];
   463             if (iapselected == iapidlist[i])
   464                 {
   465                 RDebug::RawPrint(_L("omadm iap found"));
   466                 listindex = iapmap.count() - 1;
   467                 }
   468             delete name;
   470             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // conn
   471             }
   472         }
   473     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // cmManager
   474     }
   476 void DmInfo::synchronize(int& itemnum)
   477     {
   478     TBool fotanote = EFalse;
   479     DisableDbNotifications(ETrue);
   480     TRAPD( error, iAppEngine->SynchronizeL( iProfileList->At( itemnum ).iProfileName,
   481                     iProfileList->At( itemnum ).iProfileId,
   482                     iProfileList->At( itemnum ).iBearer,fotanote ) );
   483     if(error == KErrNone)   {}             
   484     }
   486 void DmInfo::synccomplete(int jobstatus)
   487     {
   488     if (jobstatus == ENSmlSyncComplete)
   489         {
   490         //iSyncProfileList->ReadProfileItemsL();
   491         //Update profile list
   492         refreshProfileList();
   493         }
   494     serversView->syncCompleted(jobstatus);
   495     iDbEventsBlocked = EFalse;
   496     }
   498 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   499 // HandleDbEventL
   500 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   501 //
   502 void DmInfo::HandleDbEventL(TNSmlDMDbEvent aEvent)
   503     {
   504     FLOG( "[OMADM] DmInfo::HandleDbEventL:" );
   506     if (!iDbEventsBlocked)
   507         {
   508         switch (aEvent.iType)
   509             {
   510             case CNSmlDMDbNotifier::EClose:
   511                 iAppEngine->SyncCompleted(ENSmlRefreshMainView);
   512                 break;
   514             case CNSmlDMDbNotifier::EUpdate:
   515                 iSyncProfileList->ReadProfileItemL(aEvent.iProfileId);
   516                 iAppEngine->SyncCompleted(ENSmlRefreshMainView);
   517                 break;
   519             case CNSmlDMDbNotifier::EDelete:
   520                 iSyncProfileList->Remove(aEvent.iProfileId);
   521                 iAppEngine->SyncCompleted(ENSmlRefreshMainView);
   522                 break;
   524             case CNSmlDMDbNotifier::EUpdateAll:
   525                 iSyncProfileList->ReadProfileItemsL();
   526                 iAppEngine->SyncCompleted(ENSmlRefreshMainView);
   527                 break;
   529             default:
   530                 break;
   531             }
   532         }
   533     FLOG( "[OMADM] DmInfo::HandleDbEventL() completed" );
   534     }
   536 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   537 // DisableDbNotifications
   538 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   539 //
   540 void DmInfo::DisableDbNotifications(TBool aEvent)
   541     {
   542     iDbEventsBlocked = aEvent;
   543     FLOG( "[OMADM] DmInfo::DisableDbNotifications() completed" );
   544     }