changeset 41 c742e1129640
equal deleted inserted replaced
30:d3981f4fe6a4 41:c742e1129640
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    DM Email Settings Adapter
    15  *
    16 */
    22 #ifndef __NSMLDMEMAILADAPTER_H__
    23 #define __NSMLDMEMAILADAPTER_H__
    25 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    26 // Includes
    27 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28 #include <e32base.h>
    29 #include <smldmadapter.h>
    30 #include <msvapi.h>
    32 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    33 // Class forwards
    34 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35 class CImSmtpSettings;
    36 class CImPop3Settings;
    37 class CImImap4Settings;
    38 class CImIAPPreferences;
    39 class CMsvSession;
    40 class CEmailAccounts;
    43 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 // Definitions
    45 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 // the DDF version must be changed if any changes in DDF structure 
    48 // ( built in DDFStructureL() function )
    49 //
    50 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailDDFVersion, "1.1" ); 
    52 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailTextPlain, "text/plain" );
    53 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailNodeName, "Email" );
    54 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailDescription, "The interior object holds all email objects" );
    55 _LIT8( KNSmlDMDynamicNodeDescription, "Placeholder for one or more Email objects" );
    56 _LIT8( KNSmlDMNameDescription, "Displayable Account Name for the Email Settings" );
    57 _LIT8( KNSmlDMUIDDescription, "User ID for email account" );
    58 _LIT8( KNSmlDMPWDescription, "Password for email account " );
    59 _LIT8( KNSmlDMUAddrDescription, "User's email address" );
    60 _LIT8( KNSmlDMUNameDescription, "Displayable name for the user" );
    61 _LIT8( KNSmlDMMrcvDescription, "Host name of the receiving  (IMAP/POP3) server" );
    62 _LIT8( KNSmlDMMsndDescription, "Host name of the SMTP server" );
    63 _LIT8( KNSmlDMMproDescription, "Remote mailbox protocol" );
    64 _LIT8( KNSmlDMUseSecConDescription, "Secure connection is used or not" );
    65 _LIT8( KNSmlDMUseSauthDescription, "SMTP authentication is used or not" );
    66 _LIT8( KNSmlDMSauthUIDDescription, "SMTP authenticatio user Id" );
    67 _LIT8( KNSmlDMSauthPWDescription, "SMTP authentication password" );
    68 _LIT8( KNSmlDMPtxtSAuthDescription, "Plain text SMTP authentication is allowed or not" );
    69 _LIT8( KNSmlDMDelFetDescription, "Defines whether to delete fetched mail from remote server" );
    70 _LIT8( KNSmlDMUseAPOPDescription, "Defines whether  the APOP is used or not" );
    71 _LIT8( KNSmlDMRcvPortDescription, "Port for IMAP4 or POP3" );
    72 _LIT8( KNSmlDMSndPortDescription, "Port for SMTP" );
    73 _LIT8( KNSmlDMToNapIDDescription, "Link to connectivity information" );
    75 _LIT8( KNSmlDMSToNapIDDescription, "Link to connectivity information for sending SMTP" );
    76 _LIT8( KNSmlDMSUseSecConDescription, "Defines whether SSL/TLS security is used in SMTP" );
    77 _LIT8( KNSmlDMUseStartTLSDescription, "Defines whether StartTLS is used in IMAP/POP" );
    78 _LIT8( KNSmlDMSUseStartTLSDescription, "Defines whether StartTLS is in SMTP" );
    79 _LIT8( KNSmlDMMrcvPortDescription, "Defines the port number of the IMAP/POP server" );
    80 _LIT8( KNSmlDMMsndPortDescription, "Defines the port number of the SMTP server" );
    81 _LIT8( KNSmlDMFolderPathDescription, "Defines the mailbox folder path" );
    83 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailDynamicNode, "" );
    84 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailName, "Name" );
    85 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailUID, "UID" );
    86 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailPW, "PW" );
    87 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailUAddr, "UAddr" );
    88 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailUName, "UName" );
    89 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailMrcv, "Mrcv" );
    90 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailMsnd, "Msnd" );
    91 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailMpro, "Mpro" );
    92 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailUseAPOP, "UseAPOP" );
    93 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailUseSecCon, "UseSecCon" );
    94 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailUseSauth, "UseSauth" );
    95 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailSauthUID, "SauthUID" );
    96 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailSauthPW, "SauthPW" );
    97 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailPtxtSAuth, "PtxtSAuth" );
    98 //_LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailRcvPort, "RcvPort" );
    99 //_LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailSndPort, "SndPort" );
   100 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailToNapID, "ToNapID" );
   101 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailIAPUri, "AP" );
   103 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailSToNapID, "SToNapID" );
   104 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailSUseSecCon, "SUseSecCon" );
   105 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailUseStartTLS, "UseStartTLS" );
   106 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailSUseStartTLS, "SUseStartTLS" );
   107 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailMrcvPort, "MrcvPort" );
   108 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailMsndPort, "MsndPort" );
   109 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailFolderPath, "FolderPath" );
   111 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailMproPOP, "POP" );
   112 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailMproIMAP, "IMAP" );
   113 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailTrue, "True" );
   114 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailFalse, "False" );
   116 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailListOfLeafs, "Name/UID/PW/UAddr/UName/Mrcv/Msnd/Mpro/UseSecCon/UseSauth/SauthUID/SauthPW/PtxtSAuth/ToNapID/SToNapID/SUseSecCon/UseStartTLS/SUseStartTLS/MrcvPort/MsndPort/UseAPOP/FolderPath" );
   117 _LIT8( KNSmlDMEmailSeparator8, "/" );
   118 _LIT8( KNSmlEmailUriDotSlash, "./");
   120 const TInt KNSmlDmFatMinimumFileSize = 512;
   121 const TInt KNSmlSmtpMessageTypeValue = 0x10001028;
   122 const TInt KNSmlDefaultMaxLimit = 1024*10; //maximum message size (default)
   123 const TInt KNSmlDmEmailGranularity = 4;
   124 const TUint32 KNSmlDmEmailAlwaysAskIap = 0;
   126 const TInt KNSmlDMEmailNormalSmtpPort = 25;
   127 const TInt KNSmlDMEmailSslSmtpPort = 465;
   128 const TInt KNSmlDMEmailNormalImap4Port = 143;
   129 const TInt KNSmlDMEmailNormalPop3Port = 110;
   130 const TInt KNSmlDMEmailSslWrappedImap4Port = 993;
   131 const TInt KNSmlDMEmailSslWrappedPop3Port = 995;
   132 const TInt KNSmlDMEmailDefaultHeaderCount = 30;
   134 const TInt KNSmlDmEmailImapLuidLow = 50000;
   135 const TInt KNSmlDmEmailImapLuidHigh = 100000;
   136 const TInt KNSmlDmEmailPopLuidHigh = 150000;
   137 const TUint32 KNSmlDMEmailMaxPortNbr = 0xffff;
   139 /**
   140 * The main class of the SyncML DM Email adapter.
   141 *
   142 *  @since 
   143 */
   144 class CNSmlDmEmailAdapter : public CSmlDmAdapter, public MMsvSessionObserver
   145     {
   146 public:
   147     /**
   148      * The one phase constructor
   149      *
   150      */
   151     static CNSmlDmEmailAdapter* NewL(MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback );
   153     /** 
   154      * The destructor
   155      *
   156      */
   157     virtual ~CNSmlDmEmailAdapter();
   159     // Adapter interface from CSmlDmAdapter
   160     /**
   161      * The function returns current version of the DDF.  By asking
   162      * current DDF versions from adapters DM Module can control *
   163      * possible changes in the data structure and send the changed DDF
   164      * description to a management server.  This function is always
   165      * called after DDFStructureL.  
   166      * @param aVersion DDF version of the
   167      * adapter. (filled by the adapter) 
   168      * @publishedPartner 
   169      * @prototype
   170      */
   172     void DDFVersionL( CBufBase& aDDFVersion );
   173     /**
   174      * The function for filling the DDF structure of the adapter
   175      * This function is only called once, immediately after the adapter is created.
   176      * @param aDDFObject   Reference to root object. A DM adapter starts filling
   177      * the data structure by calling AddChildObjectL to the root object and
   178      * so describes the DDF of the adapter. 
   179      * @publishedPartner
   180      * @prototype
   181     */
   182     void DDFStructureL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aDDF );
   183     /**
   184      * The function creates new leaf objects, or replaces data in existing leaf
   185      * objects. The information about the success of the command should be
   186      * returned by calling SetStatusL function of MSmlDmCallback callback
   187      * interface. This makes it possible to buffer the commands.  However, all
   188      * the status codes for buffered commands must be returned at the latest when
   189      * the adapter's CompleteOutstandingCmdsL() is called.
   190      * @param aURI         URI of the object
   191      * @param aLUID        LUID of the object (if the adapter has earlier returned a
   192      *                    LUID to the DM Module). For new objects, this is the LUID
   193      *                    inherited through the parent node.
   194      * @param aObject      Data of the object.
   195      * @param aType        MIME type of the object
   196      * @param aStatusRef   Reference to correct command, i.e. this reference
   197      *                    must be used when calling the SetStatusL of this command
   198      * @publishedPartner
   199      * @prototype
   200     */
   201     void UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, 
   202                             const TDesC8& aObject, const TDesC8& aType, 
   203                             TInt aStatusRef );
   204     /**
   205      * The function deletes an object and its child objects. The SetStatusL
   206      * should be used as described in UpdateLeafObjectL()
   207      * @param aURI     URI of the object
   208      * @param aLUID        LUID of the object (if the adapter have earlier returned
   209      *                     LUID to the DM Module).
   210      * @param aStatusRef   Reference to correct command, i.e. this reference must
   211      *                     be used when calling the SetStatusL of this command.
   212      * @publishedPartner
   213      * @prototype
   214     */
   215     void DeleteObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, 
   216                         const TInt aStatusRef );
   217     /**
   218      * The function fetches data of a leaf object. The SetStatusL should be used
   219      * as described in UpdateLeafObjectL(). The data is returned by using the
   220      * SetResultsL function of MSmlCallback callback interface, and may be streamed.
   221      * @param aURI         URI of the object
   222      * @param aLUID            LUID of the object (if the adapter have earlier
   223      *                       returned LUID to the DM Module).   
   224      * @param aType            MIME type of the object
   225      * @param aResultsRef  Reference to correct results, i.e. this reference
   226      *                         must be used when returning the result by calling
   227      *                         the SetResultsL.
   228      * @param aStatusRef       Reference to correct command, i.e. this reference
   229      *                         must be used when calling the SetStatusL of this
   230      *                         command.
   231      * @publishedPartner
   232      * @prototype
   233     */
   234     void FetchLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, 
   235                            const TDesC8& aType, const TInt aResultsRef, 
   236                            const TInt aStatusRef );
   237     /**
   238      * The function fetches URI list. An adapter returns the list of URI segments
   239      * under the given URI be separated by slash ("/"). The URI segment names for
   240      * new objects must be given by the adapter.
   241      * The list is returned by calling the SetResultsL function of MSmlCallback
   242      * callback interface. Results from this call MUST NOT be streamed.
   243      * @param aParentURI                   URI of the parent object
   244      * @param aParentLUID              LUID of the parent object (if the
   245      *                                     adapter have earlier returned LUID to
   246      *                                     the DM Module).   
   247      * @param aPreviousURISegmentList  URI list with mapping LUID information,
   248      *                                     which is known by DM engine. An adapter
   249      *                                     can use this information when verifying
   250      *                                     if old objects still exists. An adapter
   251      *                                     also knows what objects are new to DM
   252      *                                     engine and can provide LUID mapping for
   253      *                                     them. aPreviousURISegmentList parameter
   254      *                                     (see above) helps to recognise new
   255      *                                     objects.
   256      * @param aResultsRef              Reference to correct results, i.e. this
   257      *                                     reference must be used when returning
   258      *                                     the result by calling the SetResultsL.
   259      * @param aStatusRef                   Reference to correct command, i.e. this
   260      *                                     reference must be used when calling the
   261      *                                     SetStatusL of this command.
   262      * @publishedPartner
   263      * @prototype
   264     */
   265     void ChildURIListL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
   266                         const TDesC8& aLUID, 
   267                      const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& aPreviousURISegmentList,
   268         const TInt aResultsRef, const TInt aStatusRef );
   269     /**
   270      * The function adds node object. In some cases an implementation of the
   271      * function may be empty function, if the node object does not need concrete
   272      * database update. Still this function may be helpful to an adapter, i.e. in
   273      * passing mapping LUID of the node to DM Module. The SetStatusL should be
   274      * used as described in UpdateLeafObjectL()
   275      * @param aURI         URI of the object
   276      * @param aParentLUID  LUID of the parent object (if the adapter have
   277      *                         earlier returned LUID to the DM Module).   
   278      * @param aStatusRef       Reference to correct command, i.e. this reference
   279      *                         must be used when calling the SetStatusL of this
   280      *                         command.
   281      * @publishedPartner
   282      * @prototype
   283     */
   284     void AddNodeObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aParentLUID, 
   285                          const TInt aStatusRef );
   286     /**
   287      * The function creates new leaf objects, or replaces data in existing leaf
   288      * objects, in the case where data is large enough to be streamed. The
   289      * information about the success of the command should be returned by calling
   290      * SetStatusL function of MSmlDmCallback callback interface. This makes it
   291      * possible to buffer the commands.  However, all the status codes for buffered
   292      * commands must be returned at the latest when the CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()
   293      * of adapter is called.
   294      * @param aURI     URI of the object
   295      * @param aLUID        LUID of the object (if the adapter has earlier returned a
   296      *                     LUID to the DM Module). For new objects, this is the LUID
   297      *                     inherited through the parent node.
   298      * @param aStream  Data of the object. Adapter should create write stream
   299      *                     and return, when data is written to stream by DM agent,
   300      *                     StreamCommittedL() is called by DM engine
   301      * @param aType        MIME type of the object
   302      * @param aStatusRef   Reference to correct command, i.e. this reference
   303      *                     must be used when calling the SetStatusL of this
   304      *                     command.
   305      * @publishedPartner
   306      * @prototype
   307     */
   308     void UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, 
   309                             RWriteStream*& aStream, const TDesC8& aType, 
   310                             const TInt aStatusRef );
   311     /**
   312      * The function fetches the size of the data of a leaf object. The size is
   313      * in bytes, and must reflect the number of bytes that will be transferred
   314      * when the framework calls FetchLeafObjectL. The SetStatusL should be used
   315      * as described in FetchLeafObjectL(). The size value is returned by using
   316      * the SetResultsL function of MSmlCallback callback interface, and must be
   317      * a decimal integer expressed as a string, eg. "1234".
   318      * Results from this call MUST NOT be streamed.
   319      * @param aURI         URI of the object
   320      * @param aLUID            LUID of the object (if the adapter have earlier
   321      *                         returned LUID to the DM Module).   
   322      * @param aType            MIME type of the object
   323      * @param aResultsRef  Reference to correct results, i.e. this reference
   324      *                         must be used when returning the result by calling
   325      *                         the SetResultsL.
   326      * @param aStatusRef       Reference to correct command, i.e. this reference
   327      *                         must be used when calling the SetStatusL of this
   328      *                         command.
   329      * @publishedPartner
   330      * @prototype
   331     */
   332     void FetchLeafObjectSizeL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, 
   333                                const TDesC8& aType, const TInt aResultsRef, 
   334                                const TInt aStatusRef );
   335     /**
   336      * The function implements execute command. The information about the success
   337      * of the command should be returned by calling SetStatusL function of
   338      * MSmlDmCallback callback interface. This makes it possible to buffer the
   339      * commands.
   340      * However, all the status codes for buffered commands must be returned at
   341      * the latest when the CompleteOutstandingCmdsL() of adapter is called.
   342      * @param aURI         URI of the command
   343      * @param aLUID            LUID of the object (if the adapter have earlier
   344      *                         returned LUID to the DM Module).   
   345      * @param aArgument        Argument for the command
   346      * @param aType            MIME type of the object 
   347      * @param aStatusRef       Reference to correct command, i.e. this reference
   348      *                         must be used when calling the SetStatusL of this
   349      *                         command.
   350      * @publishedPartner
   351      * @prototype
   352     */
   353     void ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, 
   354                           const TDesC8& aArgument, const TDesC8& aType, 
   355                           const TInt aStatusRef );
   356     /**
   357      * The function implements execute command. The information about the
   358      * success of the command should be returned by calling SetStatusL function
   359      * of MSmlDmCallback callback interface. This makes it possible to buffer the
   360      * commands.
   361      * However, all the status codes for buffered commands must be returned at
   362      * the latest when the CompleteOutstandingCmdsL() of adapter is called.
   363      * @param aURI         URI of the command
   364      * @param aLUID            LUID of the object (if the adapter have earlier
   365      *                         returned LUID to the DM Module).   
   366      * @param aStream      Argument for the command. Adapter should create
   367      *                         write stream and return, when data is written to
   368      *                         stream by DM agent, StreamCommittedL() is called by
   369      *                         DM engine
   370      * @param aType            MIME type of the object 
   371      * @param aStatusRef       Reference to correct command, i.e. this reference
   372      *                         must be used when calling the SetStatusL of this
   373      *                         command.
   374      * @publishedPartner
   375      * @prototype
   376     */
   377     void ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& aURI, const TDesC8& aLUID, 
   378                           RWriteStream*& aStream, const TDesC8& aType, 
   379                           const TInt aStatusRef );
   380     /**
   381      * The function implements copy command. The information about the success of
   382      * the command should be returned by calling SetStatusL function of
   383      * MSmlDmCallback callback interface. This makes it possible to buffer the
   384      * commands.
   385      * However, all the status codes for buffered commands must be returned at
   386      * the latest when the CompleteOutstandingCmdsL() of adapter is called.
   387      * @param aTargetURI       Target URI for the command
   388      * @param aSourceLUID  LUID of the target object (if one exists, and if the adapter
   389      *                         has earlier returned a LUID to the DM Module).   
   390      * @param aSourceURI       Source URI for the command
   391      * @param aSourceLUID  LUID of the source object (if the adapter has
   392      *                         earlier returned a LUID to the DM Module).   
   393      * @param aType            MIME type of the objects
   394      * @param aStatusRef       Reference to correct command, i.e. this reference
   395      *                         must be used when calling the SetStatusL of this
   396      *                         command.
   397      * @publishedPartner
   398      * @prototype
   399     */
   400     void CopyCommandL( const TDesC8& aTargetURI, const TDesC8& aTargetLUID, 
   401                        const TDesC8& aSourceURI, const TDesC8& aSourceLUID, 
   402                        const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
   403     /**
   404      * The function indicates start of Atomic command.
   405      * @publishedPartner
   406      * @prototype
   407     */
   408     void StartAtomicL();
   409     /**
   410      * The function indicates successful end of Atomic command. The adapter
   411      * should commit all changes issued between StartAtomicL() and
   412      * CommitAtomicL()
   413      * @publishedPartner
   414      * @prototype
   415     */
   416     void CommitAtomicL();
   417     /**
   418      * The function indicates unsuccessful end of Atomic command. The adapter
   419      * should rollback all changes issued between StartAtomicL() and
   420      * RollbackAtomicL(). If rollback fails for a command, adapter should use
   421      * SetStatusL() to indicate it.
   422      * @publishedPartner
   423      * @prototype
   424     */
   425     void RollbackAtomicL();
   426     /**
   427      * Returns ETrue if adapter supports streaming otherwise EFalse.
   428      * @param aItemSize size limit for stream usage
   429      * @return TBool ETrue for streaming support
   430      * @publishedPartner
   431      * @prototype
   432     */
   433     TBool StreamingSupport( TInt& aItemSize );
   434     /**
   435      * Called when stream returned from UpdateLeafObjectL or ExecuteCommandL has
   436      * been written to and committed. Not called when fetching item.
   437      * @publishedPartner
   438      * @prototype
   439     */  
   440     void StreamCommittedL();
   441     /**
   442      * The function tells the adapter that all the commands of the message that
   443      * can be passed to the adapter have now been passed.  This indciates that
   444      * the adapter must supply status codes and results to any buffered commands.
   445      * This must be done at latest by the time this function returns.
   446      * This function is used at the end of SyncML messages, and during processing
   447      * of Atomic.   In the case of Atomic processing, the function will be
   448      * followed by a call to CommitAtomicL or RollbackAtomicL.
   449      * @publishedPartner
   450      * @prototype
   451     */
   452     void CompleteOutstandingCmdsL();
   454 protected:  
   455     /**
   456      * Inherited from MMsvSessionObserver
   457      * Indicates an event has occurred.
   458      * @param aEvent Indicates the event type. 
   459      * @param aArg1 Event type-specific argument value 
   460      * @param aArg2 Event type-specific argument value 
   461      * @param aArg3 Event type-specific argument value 
   462      */
   463     void HandleSessionEventL( TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2,
   464                               TAny* aArg3 );
   466 private:
   468 struct TNSmlEmailCommandElement
   469     {
   470     HBufC8* iLastUriSeg;
   471     HBufC8* iData;
   472     TInt iStatusRef;
   473     TBool iLeaf;
   474     CSmlDmAdapter::TError iStatus;
   475     };
   477 enum TNSmlEmailAccountType
   478     {
   479     EImap,
   480     EPop,
   481     EUnknown
   482     };
   484 enum TNSmlEmailSecuritySetting
   485     {
   486     EUseSecCon = 1,
   487     EUseStartTls,
   488     ESuseSecCon,
   489     ESuseStartTls,
   490     };
   492 struct TNSmlEmailSettingsElement
   493     {
   494     CArrayFixFlat<TNSmlEmailCommandElement> *iNodeBuf;
   495     /* iMappingName = Email/xxxx */
   496     HBufC8* iMappingName;
   497     HBufC* iName;
   498     CImSmtpSettings* iSmtpSettings;
   499     CImPop3Settings* iPop3Settings;
   500     CImImap4Settings* iImap4Settings;
   501     CImIAPPreferences* iIapPref;
   502     CImIAPPreferences* iSmtpIapPref;
   504     TBool iExecuted;
   505     TInt iLuid;
   506     TBool iJustFetch;
   507     CNSmlDmEmailAdapter::TNSmlEmailAccountType iAccType;
   508     TInt iAccId;
   509     TMsvId iServiceId;
   510     };
   512     /**
   513     * C++ default constructor.
   514     */
   515     void ConstructL();
   516     CNSmlDmEmailAdapter();
   517     CNSmlDmEmailAdapter( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback );
   519     /**
   520      * Initializes the buffer for leaf nodes.
   521      * @param    aURI URI of the object
   522      * @param    aObject The data to be updated
   523      * @param    aStatusRef The status reference
   524      * @param    aIndex The index to command buffer
   525      * @return   status of the operation
   526      */
   527     TInt FirstAddLeafL(const TDesC8& aURI, 
   528         const TDesC8& aObject, 
   529         TInt aStatusRef,
   530         TInt aIndex);
   532     /**
   533      * Updates the value of leaf object
   534      * @param    aLastUriSeg URI of the object
   535      * @param    aObject The data to be updated
   536      * @param    aIndex The index to node buffer
   537      * @param    aCommand The index to command buffer
   538      * @return   status of the operation
   539      */
   540     TInt DoAddLeafObjectL(const TDesC8& aLastUriSeg, 
   541         const TDesC8& aObject,
   542         TInt aIndex, 
   543         TInt aCommand);
   545     /**
   546      * Set the default values to email account
   547      * @param    aIndex The index to node buffer
   548      * @return   none
   549      */
   550     void SetDefaultSettingsL(TInt aIndex);
   552     /**
   553      * Converts 16bit descriptor to integer
   554      * @param    aLuid The descriptor to be converted
   555      * @return    Integer value of the descriptor
   556      */
   557     TInt DesToInt(const TDesC& aLuid) const;
   559     /**
   560      * Converts 8bit descriptor to integer
   561      * @param    aLuid The descriptor to be converted
   562      * @return    Integer value of the descriptor
   563      */
   564     TInt DesToInt(const TDesC8& aLuid) const;
   566     /**
   567      * Converts integer to 16bit descriptor
   568      * @param    aLuid The integer to be converted
   569      * @return    The Integer as a descriptor
   570      */
   571     HBufC* IntToDesLC(const TInt aLuid) const;
   573     /**
   574      * Converts integer to 8bit descriptor
   575      * @param    aLuid The integer to be converted
   576      * @return    The Integer as a descriptor
   577      */
   578     HBufC8* IntToDes8LC(const TInt aLuid) const;
   580     /**
   581      * Converts 16bit descriptor to 8bit descriptor
   582      * @param    aSource The descriptor to be converted
   583      * @return    The 8bit descriptor
   584      */
   585     HBufC8* ConvertTo8LC( const TDesC& aSource ) const;
   587     /**
   588      * Transfers the email settings from memory to phones permanent data store
   589      * @param    aIndex The index to command buffer
   590      * @return    Luid of the email account
   591      */
   592     TInt ValidateAndStoreSettingsL(TInt aIndex);
   594     /**
   595      * Restores the settings to the adapter from phones permanent data store
   596      * @param    aIndex The index to command buffer
   597      * @return    Status of the operation
   598      */
   599     TInt DoRestoreSettingsL(TInt aIndex);
   601     /**
   602      * Opens the CMsvSession if it is not open already
   603      * @param    none
   604      * @return    Status of the operation
   605      */
   606     TInt OpenSessionL();
   608     /**
   609      * Parses the last URI segment from URI
   610      * @param    aURI The whole URI
   611      * @return    The last URI segment
   612      */
   613     TPtrC8 LastURISeg(const TDesC8& aURI) const; 
   615     /**
   616      * Removes the last URI segment from URI
   617      * @param    aURI The whole URI
   618      * @return    The aURI without the last URI segment
   619      */
   620     TPtrC8 RemoveLastURISeg(const TDesC8& aURI) const;
   622     /**
   623      * Calculates the number of URI segments
   624      * @param    aURI The whole URI
   625      * @return    The number of URI segments
   626      */
   627     TInt NumOfURISegs(const TDesC8& aURI) const;
   629     /**
   630      * Fills the DDF node with desired properties
   631      * @param    aNode           Reference to node or leaf which info to be filled.
   632      * @param    aAccTypes       Access rights for a leaf / node.
   633      * @param    aOccurrence     Occurance of the node / leaf.
   634      * @param    aScope          Scope (dynamic / permanent) of the leaf / node.
   635      * @param    aFormat         Data format of the leaf / node.
   636      * @param    aDescription    Description of the node / leaf.
   637      * @param    aDefaultValue   Default value for a leaf or node.
   638      * @return    none
   639      */
   640     void FillNodeInfoL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aNode,
   641         const TSmlDmAccessTypes& aAccTypes, 
   642                         MSmlDmDDFObject::TOccurence aOccurrence, 
   643                         MSmlDmDDFObject::TScope aScope, 
   644                         MSmlDmDDFObject::TDFFormat aFormat,
   645                         const TDesC8& aDescription) const;
   647     /**
   648      * Parses the dot and slash in start of URI away
   649      * @param    aURI The whole URI
   650      * @return    The URI without dot and slash in start
   651      */
   652     TPtrC8 RemoveDotSlash(const TDesC8& aURI) const;
   654     /**
   655      * Fetches the value of leaf node
   656      * @param    aURI The whole URI
   657      * @param    aLUID The LUID
   658      * @param    aObject The storage for the result
   659      * @return    Status of the operation
   660      */
   661     CSmlDmAdapter::TError FetchObjectL(const TDesC8& aURI, 
   662         const TDesC8& aLUID,
   663         CBufBase& aObject);
   665     /**
   666      * Calculates correct account id from the LUID
   667      * @param    aAccType Account Type
   668      * @param    aAccId Account ID
   669      * @param    aLuid The LUID
   670      * @return    none
   671      */
   672     void GetIdByLuid( TNSmlEmailAccountType& aAccType, 
   673                       TInt& aAccId, const TInt aLuid ) const;
   675     /**
   676      * Calculates LUID from the account id
   677      * @param    aAccType Account Type
   678      * @param    aAccId Account ID
   679      * @param    aLuid The LUID
   680      * @return    none
   681      */
   682     void SetLuidById( const TNSmlEmailAccountType& aAccType, 
   683                       const TInt& aAccId, TInt& aLuid ) const;
   685     /**
   686      * Checks if the account with given id exists
   687      * @param    aAccs Pointer to CEmailAccount object
   688      * @param    aAccType Account Type
   689      * @param    aId Account ID
   690      * @param    aIndex The LUIDIndex to the command buffer
   691      * @return    True if the account exists
   692      */
   693     TBool AccountExistsL( CEmailAccounts* aAccs, 
   694                          const TNSmlEmailAccountType aAccType, 
   695                          const TInt aId,
   696                          TInt aIndex );
   698     /**
   699      * Sets the parameters related to STARTTLS and SSL/TLS
   700      * @param    aObject The value(True/False) to be set
   701      * @param    aThisElem The element of which value is to be set.
   702      * @param    aSetting The setting which value is to be set
   703      * @return    none
   704      */
   705     void SetDefaultSecurityL(const TDesC8& aObject,
   706                           const TNSmlEmailSettingsElement* aThisElem,
   707                           const TNSmlEmailSecuritySetting aSetting
   708         ) const;
   710     /**
   711      * Fetches the parameters related to STARTTLS and SSL/TLS
   712      * @param    aObject The storage for the value
   713      * @param    aElem The element of which value is fetched.
   714      * @param    aSetting The setting which value is fetched.
   715      * @return    Status of the operation
   716      */
   717     CSmlDmAdapter::TError FetchSecurityValueL(CBufBase& aObject, 
   718         const TNSmlEmailSettingsElement* aElem,
   719         const TNSmlEmailSecuritySetting aSetting ) const;
   721 		/**
   722      * Creates the mapping for the email account preset
   723      * @param    aURI The whole URI
   724      * @return   the luid of the email account specified im aURI, else -1
   725      */
   726 		TInt ConstructTreeL(const TDesC8& aURI);
   728  /**
   729         * The function extracts Email/x node from aURI		        
   730         * @param    aURI     Email aURI.
   731         * @return   Email/x node.
   732     */ 
   733     TPtrC8 GetDynamicEmailNodeUri( const TDesC8& aURI );
   735 private:
   736     // Pointer to CMsvSession
   737     CMsvSession* iMsvSession;
   738     // The buffer for received commands
   739     CArrayFixFlat<TNSmlEmailSettingsElement>* iBuffer;
   740     };
   742 #endif // __NSMLDMEMAILADAPTER_H__
   744 // End of File