changeset 58 5b858729772b
child 70 5d5344402085
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omadm/omadmappui/data/NSmlDMSync.rss	Wed Sep 01 12:31:32 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1298 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Resource file for Device Manager UI
+NAME    DMUI // 4 letter ID
+#include <bldvariant.hrh>
+#include <eikon.rh>
+#include <uikon.rh>
+#include <avkon.rsg>
+#include <avkon.rh>
+#include <avkon.mbg>
+#include <avkon.hrh>
+#include <AvkonIcons.hrh>
+#include <avkon.loc>
+#include <CommonDialogs.rh>
+#include <CommonDialogs.hrh>
+#include <nsmldmsync.loc>
+#include <nsmldmsyncfota.loc>
+#include "NSmlDMSyncUi.hrh"
+#include "NSmlDMUIDefines.h"
+#include <appinfo.rh>
+RESOURCE TBUF { buf= "NSmlDMSync"; }
+  {
+  status_pane = r_nsmldm_status_pane; //r_smlsync_status_pane;
+  hotkeys     = r_smlsync_hotkeys;
+  }
+// AIF icons/files
+RESOURCE LOCALISABLE_APP_INFO r_nsmldmsync_localisable_app_info
+    {
+    short_caption = qtn_apps_updates_title;
+    caption_and_icon = 
+        {
+        caption = qtn_apps_updates_title;
+    #ifdef __SCALABLE_ICONS
+        number_of_icons = 1;
+        icon_file = "Z:\\resource\\apps\\NSmlDMSync_aif.mif";
+    #else
+        number_of_icons = 2;
+        icon_file = "Z:\\resource\\apps\\NSmlDMSync.mbm";
+    #endif  // __SCALABLE_ICONS
+        };
+    }
+//  The status pane for device manager application
+RESOURCE STATUS_PANE_APP_MODEL r_nsmldm_status_pane
+    {
+    panes =
+        {
+        SPANE_PANE
+            {
+            id       = EEikStatusPaneUidNavi;
+            type     = EAknCtNaviPane;
+            resource = r_nsmldm_navi_decorator;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+//  The navi decorator for device manager application
+//  Defines application views tabs
+//  The navi decorator for device manager application
+//  Defines application views tabs
+RESOURCE NAVI_DECORATOR r_nsmldm_navi_decorator
+    {
+    type    = ENaviDecoratorControlNone;
+    }
+// -------------------------------------------------------
+//                   MSK Enabled CBA Resources
+// -------------------------------------------------------
+//CBA for FOTA Updates view and Server profiles view
+RESOURCE CBA r_nsml_fota_profiles_view_msk_options_exit_contextoptions
+   {
+	flags = 0;
+    buttons = 
+        {
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyOptions; txt = text_softkey_option; },
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyExit; txt = text_softkey_exit; },
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyContextOptions; txt = text_softkey_option; }
+        };
+   }
+   RESOURCE CBA r_cp_nsml_fota_profiles_view_msk_options_back_contextoptions
+   {
+	flags = 0;
+    buttons = 
+        {
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyOptions; txt = text_softkey_option; },
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyBack; txt = text_softkey_back; },
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyContextOptions; txt = text_softkey_option; }
+        };
+   }
+RESOURCE CBA r_nsml_profiles_view_msk_options_back_contextoptions
+	flags = 0;
+    buttons = 
+        {
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyOptions; txt = text_softkey_option; },
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyBack; txt = text_softkey_back; },
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyContextOptions; txt = text_softkey_option; }
+        };
+//CBA for FOTA Settings & Server profile settings Dialog
+RESOURCE CBA r_nsml_fota_profiles_settings_msk_options_back__change
+   {
+	flags = 0;
+    buttons = 
+        {
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyOptions; txt = text_softkey_option; },
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyBack; txt = text_softkey_back; },
+        CBA_BUTTON { id = EAknSoftkeyChange; txt = qtn_msk_change; }
+        };
+   }
+//CBA for Authentication dialog   
+RESOURCE CBA r_nsml_profiles_authdialog_softkeys
+  {
+   buttons =
+        {
+        CBA_BUTTON 
+            {
+            id = EAknSoftkeySave; 
+            txt = text_softkey_save;
+            },
+        CBA_BUTTON 
+            {
+            id = EAknSoftkeyBack;
+            txt = text_softkey_back; 
+            },
+        CBA_BUTTON 
+            {
+            id = EAknSoftkeySave; 
+            txt = text_softkey_save; 
+            }    
+        };
+  }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_smlsync_fota_view
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_smlsync_fota_view
+    {
+    cba = r_nsml_fota_profiles_view_msk_options_exit_contextoptions;
+    menubar = r_smlsync_menubar_fota_view;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// control panel FOTA view
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_cp_smlsync_fota_view
+    {
+    cba = r_cp_nsml_fota_profiles_view_msk_options_back_contextoptions;
+    menubar = r_smlsync_menubar_fota_view;
+    }
+//    r_smlsync_menubar_fota_view
+RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_smlsync_menubar_fota_view
+  {
+  titles =
+      {
+      MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_smlsync_menu_common;    txt = ""; },
+      MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_smlsync_menu_fota_view; txt = ""; }
+      };
+  }
+//    r_smlsync_contxt_menubar_fota_view
+RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_smlsync_contxt_menubar_fota_view
+  {
+  titles =
+      {
+      MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_smlsync_contxt_menu_fota_view; txt = ""; }
+      };
+  }
+//    r_smlsync_menu_fota_view
+//    Fota view menu items
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_smlsync_menu_fota_view	
+    {
+    items =
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM { command = ENSmlMenuCmdFotaContinue;  txt = qtn_fota_options_continue_update; },
+        MENU_ITEM { command = ENSmlMenuCmdFotaInstall;  txt = qtn_fota_options_install_update; },
+        MENU_ITEM { command = ENSmlMenuCmdFotaCheck;    txt = qtn_fota_options_check_updates; },
+        MENU_ITEM { command = ENSmlMenuCmdFotaServers;    txt = qtn_dm_options_servers; },
+        MENU_ITEM { command = ENSmlMenuCmdFotaSettings; txt = qtn_fota_options_update_settings; }
+        };
+    }
+//    r_smlsync_contxt_menu_fota_view
+//    Fota view context menu items
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_smlsync_contxt_menu_fota_view	
+    {
+    items =
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM { command = ENSmlMenuCmdFotaContinue;  txt = qtn_fota_options_continue_update; },
+        MENU_ITEM { command = ENSmlMenuCmdFotaInstall;  txt = qtn_fota_options_install_update; },
+        MENU_ITEM { command = ENSmlMenuCmdFotaCheck;    txt = qtn_fota_options_check_updates; }
+        };
+    }
+//    r_fota_menubar_settings
+//    Settings view menu
+RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_fota_menubar_settings
+    {
+    titles =
+        { 
+        MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_smlsync_menu_common; txt = ""; },
+        MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_fota_menu_settings;  txt = ""; }
+        };
+    }
+//    r_fota_menu_settings
+//    Fota settings dialog specific menu items
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_fota_menu_settings	
+    {
+    items =
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdFotaSettChange; 
+            txt = qtn_options_change; 
+            flags = EEikMenuItemSpecific;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// r_nsml_fota_settings_dialog
+// Fota settings dialog
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_nsml_fota_settings_dialog
+    {
+    flags = EEikDialogFlagWait | EEikDialogFlagFillAppClientRect | EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc;
+    buttons = r_nsml_fota_profiles_settings_msk_options_back__change;
+    items =
+        {
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type = EAknCtSettingListBox;
+            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
+            id = ENSmlFotaSettList;
+            control = LISTBOX
+                {
+                flags = 0;
+                };            
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// r_smlsync_profiles_view
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_smlsync_profiles_view
+    {
+    cba = r_nsml_profiles_view_msk_options_back_contextoptions;
+    menubar = r_smlsync_menubar_profiles_view;
+    }
+//    r_smlsync_hotkeys
+RESOURCE HOTKEYS r_smlsync_hotkeys
+    {
+    control =
+        {
+        HOTKEY { command = EAknCmdExit; key = 'e'; }
+        };
+    }
+//    r_smlsync_menubar_profiles_view
+RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_smlsync_menubar_profiles_view
+  {
+  titles =
+      {
+      MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_smlsync_menu_common;        txt = ""; },
+      MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_smlsync_menu_profiles_view; txt = ""; }
+      };
+  }
+//    r_smlsync_contxt_menubar_profiles_view
+RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_smlsync_contxt_menubar_profiles_view
+  {
+  titles =
+      {
+      MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_smlsync_contxt_menu_profiles_view; txt = ""; }
+      };
+  }
+//    r_context_menu_empty
+//    Main view empty context sensitive view
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_context_menu_empty
+  {
+  items =
+    {
+      { 
+      command = ENSmlMenuCmdNewProfile; 
+      txt = qtn_dm_opt_profile_new; 
+      }
+    };
+  }
+//    r_smlsync_contxt_menu_profiles_view
+//    Main view context sensitive view
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_smlsync_contxt_menu_profiles_view
+    {
+    items =
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdStartSync; 
+            txt = qtn_dm_opt_connect; 
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdNewProfile; 
+            txt = qtn_dm_opt_server_new;
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdOpenSettings; 
+            txt = qtn_dm_opt_server_edit;
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdOpenLog; 
+            txt = qtn_dm_opt_profile_log; 
+            }
+        };
+    }
+//    r_smlsync_menu_common
+//    Common menu items
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_smlsync_menu_common	
+    {
+    items =
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM { command = EAknCmdHelp; txt = qtn_options_help; },
+        MENU_ITEM { command = EEikCmdExit;          txt = qtn_options_exit; }
+        };
+    }
+//    r_smlsync_menu_profiles_view
+//    Profiles view menu items
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_smlsync_menu_profiles_view	
+    {
+	items =
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdStartSync;  
+            txt = qtn_dm_opt_connect; 
+            flags = EEikMenuItemSpecific;
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdNewProfile; 
+            txt = qtn_dm_opt_server_new; 
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdOpenSettings;  
+            txt = qtn_dm_opt_server_edit;
+            flags = EEikMenuItemSpecific; 
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdEraseProfile;
+            txt = qtn_dm_opt_server_delete; 
+            flags = EEikMenuItemSpecific;
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            {
+            command = ENSmlMenuCmdOpenLog; 
+            txt = qtn_dm_opt_profile_log; 
+            flags = EEikMenuItemSpecific;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//    r_sml_confirmation_query
+//    General confirmation query resource.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_sml_confirmation_query
+    { 
+    flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
+    buttons = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO__YES;
+    items =
+        {
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type = EAknCtQuery;
+            id = EGeneralQuery;
+            control = AVKON_CONFIRMATION_QUERY
+                {
+                layout = EConfirmationLayout;
+                };
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//    r_sml_wait_note
+//    General wait note resource.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_sml_wait_note
+    {
+    flags = EAknWaitNoteFlags;
+    items = 
+        {
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type = EAknCtNote;
+            id = ENSmlWaitNote;
+            control = AVKON_NOTE 
+                {
+                layout = EWaitLayout;
+                };
+            }
+        };
+    } 
+//    r_settings_fotamenu
+//    Menubar and Menupane of the Settings view
+RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_settings_fotamenu
+    {
+    titles = 
+        { 
+        MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_settings_defaultserver; txt = ""; }
+        };
+    }
+//    r_settings_menu
+//    Settings view menu
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_settings_menu
+    {
+    items =
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            {
+            command = ENSmlSettChange; 
+            txt = qtn_options_change; 
+            flags = EEikMenuItemSpecific;
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            {
+            command = EAknCmdHelp;
+            txt = qtn_options_help; 
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlSettExit; 
+            txt = qtn_options_exit;
+            }        
+        };
+    }
+//    r_settings_defaultmenu
+//    Settings view menu
+RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_settings_defaultserver
+    {
+    items =
+        {
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            {
+            command = EAknCmdHelp;
+            txt = qtn_options_help; 
+            },
+        MENU_ITEM 
+            { 
+            command = ENSmlSettExit; 
+            txt = qtn_options_exit;
+            }        
+        };
+    }
+// r_nsml_setting_dialog
+// Content setting dialog
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_nsml_setting_dialog
+  {
+  flags = EEikDialogFlagNoDrag | EEikDialogFlagNoTitleBar | EEikDialogFlagFillAppClientRect | 
+        EEikDialogFlagCbaButtons | EEikDialogFlagModeless;
+  buttons = r_nsml_fota_profiles_settings_msk_options_back__change;
+  items =
+        {
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type = EAknCtSettingListBox;
+            itemflags = EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey;
+            id = ENSmlSettingList;
+            control = LISTBOX
+              {
+              flags = EAknListBoxMultiselectionList;
+              height = 11;
+              width = 80;
+              };            
+            }
+        };
+  }
+//    r_settings_profilemenu
+//    Settings view menu
+RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_settings_profilemenu
+    {
+    titles =
+        { 
+        MENU_TITLE { menu_pane = r_settings_menu; txt =""; }
+        };
+    }
+//    r_smlsync_status_pane
+//    Sync statuspane with overridden title and icon
+RESOURCE STATUS_PANE_APP_MODEL r_smlsync_status_pane
+    {
+    panes =
+        {
+        SPANE_PANE
+            { 
+            id = EEikStatusPaneUidTitle;
+            type = EAknCtTitlePane;
+            resource = r_overridden_smlsync;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+//    r_overridden_smlsync
+//    Application title
+RESOURCE TITLE_PANE r_overridden_smlsync
+    {
+    txt = qtn_apps_dm_title;
+    } 
+//    r_startquery_note
+//    Used at app start, if there aren't any profiles,to
+//    prompt for "Create\nnew profile?"
+//    Used in Main view delete profile prompt "Delete?"   
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_startquery_note
+  { 
+  flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
+  items=
+    {
+      {
+      type = EAknCtQuery;
+      id = EGeneralQuery;
+        {
+        layout = EConfirmationLayout;
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  } 
+//    r_dmalertquery_note
+//    used in confirmation notes After profile deletion
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_dmalertquery_note
+  { 
+  flags = EAknDialogGenericNoteFlags | EEikDialogFlagWait;
+  items=
+    {
+      {
+      type = EAknCtQuery;
+      id = EGeneralNote;
+        { 
+        layout = EConfirmationLayout;
+        label = "Testing";
+        bmpfile = AVKON_ICON_FILE;
+        bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_note_query;
+        bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_note_query_mask;
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+//    r_dmnotifyquery_note
+//    used in confirmation notes After profile deletion
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_dmnotifyquery_note
+  {
+  flags = EAknWaitNoteFlags; // if modal, use EEikDialogFlagWait 
+    items=
+    {
+      {
+      type = EAknCtNote;
+      id = EGeneralNote;
+      control =  AVKON_NOTE 
+                { 
+                layout = EGeneralLayout;
+                singular_label = "RSS teksti";
+                //bmpfile = AVKON_ICON_FILE;
+                imageid = EMbmAvkonQgn_note_info_5;
+                imagemask = EMbmAvkonQgn_note_info_5_mask;
+                };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+//    r_nsml_settings_text_editor
+//    Editor for text setting page
+RESOURCE EDWIN r_nsml_settings_text_editor
+  {
+  flags = 0;
+  width = 9;
+  lines = 5;
+  maxlength = KNSmlMaxProfileNameLength;
+  default_input_mode = EAknEditorAlphaInputMode;
+  flags  =  EEikEdwinNoLineOrParaBreaks;
+  avkon_flags = 0;
+  }
+//    r_nsml_settings_text
+//    Text setting page
+RESOURCE AVKON_SETTING_PAGE r_nsml_settings_text
+  {
+  number = EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed;
+  label = "Page 1";
+  type = EEikCtEdwin;
+  softkey_resource = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
+  invalid_contents_softkey_resource = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_CANCEL;
+  editor_resource_id = r_nsml_settings_text_editor;
+  }
+//    r_setting_pwd_editor
+//    Editor for secret setting page
+RESOURCE SECRETED r_setting_pwd_editor
+  {
+  num_letters = KNSmlMaxPasswordLength;
+  }
+//    r_setting_password
+//    Setting page for secret text editor
+  { 
+  number = EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed;
+  label =  "Password";
+  type = EEikCtSecretEd;
+  softkey_resource = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
+  invalid_contents_softkey_resource = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_CANCEL;
+  editor_resource_id = r_setting_pwd_editor;
+  }
+//    r_setting_integer
+//    Editor for number setting page
+  {
+  maxlength = 5;
+  min = 1;
+  max = 65535;
+  }
+//    r_settings_number
+//    Setting page for number settings
+  {
+  number = EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed;
+  type = EAknCtIntegerEdwin;
+  softkey_resource = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
+  invalid_contents_softkey_resource = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_CANCEL;
+  editor_resource_id = r_setting_integer;
+  }
+//    r_setting_app_listbox
+//    Listbox resource for Radio setting page
+RESOURCE LISTBOX r_setting_app_radiolistbox 
+  {
+  flags = 0x0001 ;
+  }
+//    r_settings_radio
+//    Radiobutton setting page
+  { 
+  number = EAknSettingPageNoOrdinalDisplayed;
+  softkey_resource = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
+  type =  EAknSetListBox;
+  editor_resource_id =  r_setting_app_radiolistbox;
+  }
+// r_progress_note
+// shows the synchronisation progress
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_progress_note
+  {
+  flags = EAknProgressNoteFlags;
+  items= 
+    {
+      {
+      type = EAknCtNote;
+      id = ENSmlProgressNote;
+      control = AVKON_NOTE 
+        {
+        animation = R_QGN_GRAF_WAIT_BAR_ANIM;
+        layout = EProgressLayout;
+        singular_label =  "\n \n \n";
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  } 
+// r_nsmldm_authdialog
+// Authentication dialog for entering username and password.
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_nsmldm_authdialog
+  {
+  flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
+  buttons = r_nsml_profiles_authdialog_softkeys;
+  items=
+    {
+      {
+      type = EAknCtMultilineQuery;
+      id = EMultilineFirstLine;
+      control = AVERELL_DATA_QUERY
+        { 
+        layout = EMultiDataFirstEdwin;
+        label = qtn_dm_conf_query_username;
+        control = EDWIN
+          {
+          maxlength = KNSmlMaxUsernameLength;
+          };
+        };
+      },
+      {
+      type = EAknCtMultilineQuery;
+      id = EMultilineSecondLine;
+      control =  AVERELL_DATA_QUERY 
+        { 
+          layout = EMultiDataSecondSecEd;
+          label = qtn_dm_conf_query_password;
+          control = SECRETED
+	          {
+	          num_letters = KNSmlMaxPasswordLength;
+	          };
+        };
+      }
+    };
+  }
+// r_fota_check_wait_note
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_fota_check_wait_note
+    {
+    flags = EAknWaitNoteFlags;
+    items =
+        {
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type = EAknCtNote;
+            id = ENSmlWaitNote;
+            control = AVKON_NOTE 
+				{
+                layout = EWaitLayout;
+                singular_label = qtn_fota_wait_checking_update;
+                animation = R_QGN_GRAF_WAIT_BAR_ANIM;
+				};
+			}
+		};
+	} 
+//    r_smlsync_softkeys_options_cancel
+//    LeftSoftKey Select, RightSofKey Cancel (Context menu)
+RESOURCE CBA r_smlsync_softkeys_options_cancel
+    {
+    buttons =
+        {
+        CBA_BUTTON 
+            {
+            id = ENSmlSyncSelect; 
+            txt = text_softkey_select;
+            },
+        CBA_BUTTON 
+            {
+            id = ENSmlSyncCancel;
+            txt = text_softkey_cancel; 
+            }
+        };
+    }
+//  Strings
+  {
+  LTEXT text;
+  }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_sml_profiles_title                           { buf = qtn_dm_title_servers; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_sml_app_title                           { buf = qtn_apps_dm_title; }
+RESOURCE TBUF64 r_qtn_sml_main_sync_last                { buf = qtn_dm_sync_last; }
+RESOURCE TBUF64 r_sml_main_notsynced                    { buf = qtn_dm_not_configured; }
+RESOURCE TBUF128 r_sml_main_noprofiles                  { buf = qtn_dm_empty_no_servers_primary_text; }
+RESOURCE TBUF128 r_sml_main_noprofiles_sec_txt          { buf = qtn_dm_empty_no_servers_secondary_text; }
+RESOURCE TBUF256 r_sml_appui_note_text_del              { buf = qtn_dm_conf_server_delete; } 
+RESOURCE TBUF256 r_sml_appui_note_text_new              { buf = qtn_dm_conf_new_server; }
+RESOURCE TBUF256 r_qtn_sml_appui_copy                   { buf = qtn_dm_conf_server_copy_defaults; }
+RESOURCE TBUF256 r_qtn_sml_name_exists                  { buf = qtn_dm_conf_set_user_name; }
+RESOURCE TBUF256 r_nsml_settings_save_anyway            { buf = qtn_dm_conf_server_settings_missing; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_sml_sync_app_invalid_iap            { buf = qtn_dm_conf_ap_setting; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_sml_conf_startquery                 { buf = qtn_dm_conf_connection; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_sml_conf_allowquery                 { buf = qtn_dm_conf_activation_dm; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_sml_conf_activequery                { buf = qtn_dm_conf_activation_server; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_conf_set_server_id               { buf = qtn_dm_conf_change_server_id; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_conf_set_dup_server_id           { buf = qtn_dm_conf_set_dup_server_id; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_query_accept_configuration       { buf = qtn_dm_query_accept_configuration; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_sync_cancelled                      { buf = qtn_dm_note_end_cancelled; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_syncstatus_sync_conn                  { buf = qtn_dm_note_connecting; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_syncstatus_sync_init                  { buf = qtn_dm_note_initialising; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_syncstatus_sync_send                    { buf = qtn_dm_note_processing; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_syncstatus_sync_recv                  { buf = qtn_dm_note_receiving; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_syncstatus_sync_comp                  { buf = qtn_dm_note_finalising; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_syncstatus_sync_disc                  { buf = qtn_dm_note_disconnecting; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_syncstatus_sync_fin                   { buf = qtn_dm_note_end_done; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_syncstatus_err                        { buf = qtn_dm_note_end_error; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_syncstatus_canc                       { buf = qtn_dm_note_end_cancelling; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_syncstatus_sync_fin_canc              { buf = qtn_dm_note_end_cancelled; }
+RESOURCE TBUF64 r_sml_log_synclog_title                 { buf = qtn_dm_query_hdr_conf_log; }
+RESOURCE TBUF32 r_qtn_sml_log_server                    { buf = qtn_dm_log_remote_server; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_qtn_sml_log_ok                        { buf = qtn_dm_log_status_complete; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_qtn_sml_log_cancelled                 { buf = qtn_dm_log_status_cancelled; }
+RESOURCE TBUF40 r_qtn_sml_log_err                       { buf = qtn_dm_log_status_error; }
+RESOURCE TBUF128 r_sml_settings_title                   { buf = qtn_dm_title_server_settings; }
+RESOURCE TBUF64 r_qtn_apps_newprofile                   { buf = qtn_dm_default_server_name; }
+RESOURCE TBUF64 r_qtn_apps_emptyprofile                 { buf = qtn_dm_empty_server_name; }
+RESOURCE TBUF64 r_qtn_sml_set_val_field_none            { buf = qtn_selec_setting_compulsory; }
+RESOURCE TBUF64 r_qtn_sml_set_val_hostaddr_field_none   { buf = qtn_selec_setting_compulsory; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_invalid_uri                         { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_uriinvalid; }
+// ask always
+RESOURCE TBUF64 r_qtn_dm_set_always_ask   { buf = qtn_dm_sett_always_ask; }
+//formatting strings for setting items
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_sml_settingrowitem                  { buf = "\t%0U\t\t%1U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_sml_settingrowitem_mand             { buf = "\t%0U\t\t%1U\t*"; }
+//error note for locked setting items
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_info_note_locked_setting		{ buf = qtn_selec_protected_setting; }
+//error note for client authentication in progress view
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_nsml_log_err_clientauth             { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_clientauth; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_numberdata                          { buf = "%N"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_systemerror              { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_systemerror; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_servererror              { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_servererror; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_protocol                 { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_protocol; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_cmdnotsupported          { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_cmdnotsupported; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_versionnotsupported      { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_versionnotsupported; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_contentnotsupported      { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_contentnotsupported; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_clientauth               { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_clientauth; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_servertauth              { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_servertauth; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_serverbusy               { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_serverbusy; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_servernotresponding      { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_servernotresponding; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_uriinvalid               { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_uriinvalid; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_comm                     { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_comm; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_sessionabort             { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_sessionabort; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_offline                  { buf = qtn_offline_not_possible; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_log_err_timedout                 { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_timedout;}
+// Fota specific strings
+RESOURCE TBUF r_item_fota_model  { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_model"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_item_dm_phone_no_model  { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_model
+												"\t"qtn_dm_list_model_not_available"\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_item_fota_latest_update                 { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_latest_update"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_item_fota_current_swversion             { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_current_version"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_item_fota_new_sw_available              { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_new_sw_available
+                                                                "\t"qtn_fota_list_sw_available"\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_item_fota_download_postponed              { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_new_sw_available
+                                                                "\t"qtn_fota_list_download_postponed"\t"; }                                                            
+RESOURCE TBUF r_item_fota_default_server               { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_setting_default_server"\t\t%U"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_hdr_fota_default_server                { buf = qtn_fota_setting_default_server; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_title_settings_dialog          { buf = qtn_fota_title_update_settings; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_not_updated                    { buf = qtn_fota_list_not_updated; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_profile_always_ask             { buf = qtn_fota_setting_value_always_ask; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_list_query_select_server_profile { buf = qtn_fota_list_query_select_server; }
+// Strings on tabs
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_tab_phone_updates                { buf = qtn_dm_tab_phone_updates; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_tab_profiles                     { buf = qtn_dm_tab_profiles; }
+// Used in the sync handler class, which is not variated.
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_wait_checking_update           { buf = qtn_fota_wait_checking_update; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_no_new_updates                 { buf = qtn_fota_no_new_updates; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_cp_app_title                            { buf = qtn_apps_updates_title;}
+//    r_sml_bearer_type
+//    Texts for connection type setting item
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_sml_bearer_type
+  {
+  items=
+    {
+    STRING { text = qtn_sml_set_http ; },
+    STRING { text = qtn_sml_set_bluetooth ; }
+    };
+  }
+//    r_nsml_yesno_type
+//    Texts for boolean type setting item (active)
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_nsml_yesno_type
+  {
+  items=
+    {
+    STRING { text = qtn_dm_set_active_value_false ; },
+    STRING { text = qtn_dm_set_active_value_true ; }
+    };
+  }
+//    r_nsml_accept_yesno_type
+//    Texts for boolean type setting item (accept)
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_nsml_accept_yesno_type
+  {
+  items=
+    {
+    STRING { text = qtn_dm_set_accepted_value_false ; },
+    STRING { text = qtn_dm_set_accepted_value_true ; }
+    };
+  }
+//    r_nsml_https_active_yesno_type
+//    Texts for boolean type setting item (accept)
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_nsml_https_active_yesno_type
+  {
+  items=
+    {
+    STRING { text = qtn_dm_set_https_value_no ; },
+    STRING { text = qtn_dm_set_https_value_yes ; }
+    };
+  }
+//    r_sml_settings_items
+//    Texts for settings dialog item list
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_sml_settings_items
+  {
+  items=
+    {
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_server_name; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_server_id; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_server_password; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_connection_type; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_access_point; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_host_address; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_server_port; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_dm_username; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_dm_password; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_active; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_accepted; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_https_active; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_https_username; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_set_lbl_https_password; }
+    };
+  }
+//    r_sml_settings_items
+//    Texts for Log view
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_sml_log_items
+  {
+  items=
+    {
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_log_profile_name; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_log_remote_server; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_log_date; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_log_time; },
+    STRING    { text = qtn_dm_log_remote_status; }
+    };
+  }
+//    r_sml_settings_items
+//    Texts for settings dialog item list
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_dm_error_untrusted_cert                      { buf = qtn_dm_log_err_untrusted_certificate; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_list_release                          { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_release"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_list_software_version                 { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_sw_version"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_list_software_version_date            { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_sw_version_date"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_list_language_version                 { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_language"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_list_customsw_version                 { buf =  "\t"qtn_fota_list_custom_version"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_list_customswdate_version             { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_custom_version_date"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_list_type_designator                  { buf = "\t"qtn_fota_list_type_designator"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_product_code                               { buf = "\t"qtn_dm_list_product_code"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_browser_version                            { buf = "\t"qtn_dm_list_browser_version"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_java_version                               { buf = "\t"qtn_dm_list_java_version"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_flash_version                              { buf = "\t"qtn_dm_list_flash_version"\t%U\t"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_fota_note_time_restriction                 { buf = qtn_fota_note_time_restriction; }
+// End of File