changeset 18 7d11f9a6646f
parent 4 75a71fdb4c92
child 21 c707676bf59f
--- a/omadm/omadmappui/src/NSmlDMFotaView.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:03:17 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,947 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Methods for the firmware update view 
-#include <AknIconArray.h>
-#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
-#include <AknsUtils.h>
-#include <featmgr.h>
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
-#include <centralrepository.h>
-#include <SyncMLNotifierDomainCRKeys.h>
-#include <e32property.h> 
-#include "NSmlDMSyncApp.h"
-#include "nsmldmsyncinternalpskeys.h"
-#include "NSmlDMSyncPrivateCRKeys.h"
-#include "NSmlDMSyncDocument.h"
-#include "NSmlDMSyncAppUi.h"
-#include "NSmlDMFotaModel.h"
-#include "NSmlDMFotaView.h"
-#include "NSmlDMFotaContainer.h"
-#include "NSmlDMFotaSettingsDialog.h"
-#include "NSmlDMdef.h"
-#include "NSmlDMSyncUi.hrh"
-#include <NSmlDMSync.rsg>
-#include <nsmldmsync.mbg>
-#include "NSmlDMSyncDebug.h"
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::ConstructL()
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::ConstructL()" );
-    CNSmlDMSyncDocument* doc = ( CNSmlDMSyncDocument* ) AppUi()->Document();
-    if( doc->IsServerAlertSync() ) //For embedded application opening
-       {       	      
-       BaseConstructL( R_CP_SMLSYNC_FOTA_VIEW );
-       }
-    else     //Independent application opening
-       {
-       BaseConstructL( R_SMLSYNC_FOTA_VIEW );	
-       }       
-    iExitPress = -1;
-    FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
-    iFotaDLObserver = new (ELeave) CDLObserver;
-    iFotaDLObserver->ConstructL(this);
-    iFotaDLObserver->StartL(EFalse);
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::ConstructL() completed" );
-    }
-// Destructor
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::~CNSmlDMFotaView()" );
-    if(iFotaDLObserver)
-    	{
-    	iFotaDLObserver->Cancel();
-    	delete iFotaDLObserver;
-    	iFotaDLObserver = NULL;
-    	}    
-    if ( iContainer )
-        {
-        AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer );
-        }
-    delete iContainer;
-     FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::Id
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUid CNSmlDMFotaView::Id() const
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::Id()" );
-    return KNSmlDMFotaViewId;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleCommandL
-// Redirects commands to the appui class.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
-    {
-    FTRACE( FPrint( _L("[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleCommandL(), aCommand = 0x%x"),
-        aCommand ) );
-    switch ( aCommand )
-        {
-        case EAknSoftkeyBack:
-            {
-            UpdateExitL();
-            TInt value=-1;
-            TInt r1=RProperty::Set(KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,KNSmlDMSyncUiLaunchKey,value);
-            AppUi()->HandleCommandL( EEikCmdExit );
-            break;
-            }
-        /*case EAknCmdExit: 
-        case EEikCmdExit:
-            {
-            STATIC_CAST( CNSmlDMSyncAppUi*, iEikonEnv->EikAppUi() )->CloseGs(); //control panel            
-            break;
-            }*/
-        case ENSmlMenuCmdFotaCheck:
-            {
-            InitiateFotaCheckL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ENSmlMenuCmdFotaInstall:
-            {
-            InitiateFwUpdInstallL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ENSmlMenuCmdFotaContinue:
-            {
-            RefreshL(EFalse);
-            InitiateFwUpdContinueL();
-            break;
-            }
-        case ENSmlMenuCmdFotaSettings:
-            {
-            TInt value = ETrue;                 //IAD: Making DM busy
-            TInt r1=RProperty::Set(KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,KDMIdle,value);	
-            CNSmlDMFotaSettingsDialog* settingDialog = CNSmlDMFotaSettingsDialog::NewL();
-            settingDialog->ExecuteLD( R_NSML_FOTA_SETTINGS_DIALOG );
-            break;
-            }
-        case ENSmlMenuCmdFotaServers:
-            {
-            TInt value = ETrue;    //IAD: Making DM busy
-            TInt r1=RProperty::Set(KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,KDMIdle,value);	
-             AppUi()->ActivateLocalViewL( KNSmlDMProfilesViewId );
-             break;
-            }    
-        case EEikCmdExit:
-        case EAknCmdExit:
-            {
-            UpdateExitL();	
-            STATIC_CAST( CNSmlDMSyncAppUi*, iEikonEnv->EikAppUi() )->CloseGs(); //control panel            
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            {
-            UpdateExitL();	
-            AppUi()->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleCommandL() completed" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::StepL
-// Does nothing.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::StepL()
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::IsProcessDone
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CNSmlDMFotaView::IsProcessDone() const
-    {
-    return ETrue;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFotaCheckL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFotaCheckL()
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFotaCheck()" );
-    TInt profileId( KErrNotFound );
-    TBool isValidId( EFalse );
-    HBufC* stringHolder = NULL;
-    profileId = iFotaModel->DefaultFotaProfileIdL();
-    if ( profileId >= KErrNone )
-        {
-         isValidId = iFotaModel->VerifyProfileL( profileId );
-        }
-    if( ( profileId == KErrNotFound ) || ( !isValidId ) )
-        {
-    	profileId = ShowFotaProfileQueryL();
-    	if( profileId == KErrNotFound )    
-    	  return;
-        }
-    TInt query(EFalse);
-    CRepository* cRepository=NULL;
-	TRAPD ( error, cRepository = CRepository::NewL ( KCRUidNSmlNotifierDomainKeys ) );
-	if ( error == KErrNone )
-	{
-		CleanupStack::PushL( cRepository );
-		TInt dmChargingNote(1);
-		cRepository->Get ( KNSmlDMChargingNote, dmChargingNote );
-		if(dmChargingNote==1)
-		{      
-    	CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
-    	CleanupStack::PushL( dlg );
-    	stringHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_FOTA_CONNECTION_NEEDED );
-    	dlg->SetPromptL( stringHolder->Des() );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( stringHolder );
-    stringHolder = NULL;
-    	CleanupStack::Pop( dlg );
-    	query = dlg->ExecuteLD( R_SML_CONFIRMATION_QUERY );
-  		}
-  		else
-  			query = ETrue;
-  		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cRepository );//cRepository
-  	}
-    if(query)
-    {
-        __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iFotaModel, TUtil::Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
-        iFotaModel->EnableFwUpdRequestL( profileId );
-        ( ( CNSmlDMSyncAppUi* ) AppUi() )->StartSyncL( profileId, ETrue );
-    	iFotaDLObserver->StartL(ETrue);
-        }
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFotaCheck() completed" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::ShowFotaProfileQueryL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNSmlDMFotaView::ShowFotaProfileQueryL()
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaView::ShowFotaProfileQueryL()" );
-    TInt retval( KErrNotFound );
-    CDesCArray* items = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( KNSmlDefaultGranularity );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( items );
-    items->Reset();
-    // Profile list owned by the dialog
-    CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* profileIdList =
-        new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( KNSmlDefaultGranularity );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( profileIdList );
-    FormatProfileQueryListItemsL( items, profileIdList );
-    if ( items->Count() > 1 )
-        {
-    	CEikFormattedCellListBox* listBox = new ( ELeave )
-    	    CAknDoubleLargeGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox;
-    	CleanupStack::PushL( listBox );
-    	CAknPopupList* popupList = CAknPopupList::NewL( listBox, 
-            				 AknPopupLayouts::EMenuDoubleLargeGraphicWindow );
-    	CleanupStack::PushL( popupList );
-    	listBox->ConstructL( popupList, ( EAknListBoxSelectionList | EAknListBoxLoopScrolling ) );
-    	listBox->Model()->SetItemTextArray( items );
-    	listBox->Model()->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
-        listBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
-        listBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
-        listBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
-            CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto);
-    	CAknIconArray* icons = new (ELeave) CAknIconArray( 10 );
-    	CleanupStack::PushL( icons );
-        CreateIconArrayL( icons );
-    	listBox->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetIconArrayL( icons );
-    	CleanupStack::Pop( icons );
-        HBufC* popupTitle = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC(
-        popupList->SetTitleL( popupTitle->Des() );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( popupTitle );
-        popupTitle = NULL;
-        CleanupStack::Pop( popupList );
-        TBool queryResult = popupList->ExecuteLD();
-        popupList = NULL;
-        if ( queryResult )
-            {
-            retval = profileIdList->At( listBox->CurrentItemIndex() );
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( listBox );  // Destroys also the icon array
-        }
-    else if ( items->Count() == 1 )
-        {
-        retval = profileIdList->At(0);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TInt ServersViewVariable( 0 );
-        CRepository* centrep = NULL;
-        TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidNSmlDMSyncApp ) );
-        if ( centrep )
-            {
-            centrep->Get( KNSmlDMServersMenuKey, ServersViewVariable );         
-            delete centrep;
-            }
-        if ( err != KErrNone ) 
-            {
-            User::Leave( err );
-            }    
-        if( ServersViewVariable == 0)   
-            {
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( profileIdList );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( items );
-         	return KErrNotFound;
-            }
-		HBufC* newProfileString = 
-		            iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_SML_APPUI_NOTE_TEXT_NEW );
-		CAknQueryDialog* newProfileDialog = new ( ELeave ) CAknQueryDialog;
-		if ( newProfileDialog->ExecuteLD( R_SML_CONFIRMATION_QUERY,
-		                                  newProfileString->Des() ) )
-			{	
-			TInt viewtitle = 1;
-			( (CNSmlDMSyncAppUi*) AppUi() )->
-			                         SetTitleCall( viewtitle );	
-			( (CNSmlDMSyncAppUi*) AppUi() )->
-			    ShowEditProfileDialogL( ESmlNewProfile );
-			}
-		newProfileDialog = NULL;
-		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newProfileString );
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( profileIdList );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( items );
-    FTRACE( FPrint(
-        _L("[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::ShowFotaProfileQueryL() completed, retval = %d"),
-        retval ) );
-    return retval;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::FormatProfileQueryListItemsL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::FormatProfileQueryListItemsL( CDesCArray*          aItems,
-                                                    CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aProfileIdList )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaView::FormatProfileQueryListItemsL()" );
-    TInt index( 0 );
-    CNSmlDMSyncDocument* doc = ( CNSmlDMSyncDocument* ) AppUi()->Document();
-    doc->RefreshProfileListL( ETrue ); // Include hidden profile
-    CArrayFixFlat<TNSmlDMProfileItem>* profileList = doc->ProfileList( index );
-    TBuf<KNSmlMaxTextLength256> text;
-    for ( index = 0; index < profileList->Count(); index++ )
-        {
-        text.Zero();
-        TInt iconIndex( EProfileInternet ); //internet
-        if ( ( *profileList )[index].iBearer != EProfileInternet )
-            {
-            iconIndex = EProfileObexBlueTooth;	
-            }
-        text.Num( iconIndex );
-        text.Append( KNSmlTab );
-        text.Append( ( *profileList )[index].iProfileName );
-        text.Append( KNSmlTab );
-        aItems->AppendL( text );
-        aProfileIdList->AppendL( ( *profileList )[index].iProfileId );
-        }
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaView::FormatProfileQueryListItemsL() completed" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::CreateIconArrayL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::CreateIconArrayL( CAknIconArray* aIconArray )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaView::CreateIconArrayL()" );
-    HBufC* appIconFilePath = HBufC::NewLC( 5 + KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR().Length() 
-                                             + KDMAppIconFileName().Length() );
-    TPtr ptr = appIconFilePath->Des();
-    ptr.Append( KZDrive );
-    ptr.Append( KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR );
-    ptr.Append( KDMAppIconFileName );
-	aIconArray->AppendL( AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL( 
-	                             AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
-	                             KAknsIIDQgnPropSmlHttp,
-	                             *appIconFilePath,
-	                             EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_http,
-	                             EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_http_mask ) );
-	aIconArray->AppendL( AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL( 
-	                          AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
-	                          KAknsIIDQgnPropSmlHttpOff,
-	                          *appIconFilePath,
-	                          EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_http_off,
-	                          EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_http_off_mask ) );
-	if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdSyncMlDmObex ) )
-		{
-		aIconArray->AppendL( AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL( 
-		                            AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
-		                            KAknsIIDQgnPropSmlBt,
-		                            *appIconFilePath,
-		                            EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_bt,
-		                            EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_bt_mask ) );
-		aIconArray->AppendL( AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL(
-		                        AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
-		                        KAknsIIDQgnPropSmlBtOff,
-		                        *appIconFilePath,
-		                        EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_bt_off,
-		                        EMbmNsmldmsyncQgn_prop_sml_bt_off_mask ) );
-		}
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( appIconFilePath );
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaView::CreateIconArrayL() completed" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFwUpdInstallL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFwUpdInstallL()
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFwUpdInstallL()" );
-    TInt pkgId = iFotaModel->RetrieveFwUpdPkgIdListL(
-        EStartingUpdate );
-    if ( pkgId != KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        TInt retval = iFotaModel->InitiateFwUpdInstall( pkgId, KErrNotFound );
-        // No profile id was stored in the fota engine. Trying to select a suitable
-        // profile, or asking user.
-        if ( retval == KErrNotFound )
-            {
-            TBool isValidId( EFalse );
-            TInt profileId = iFotaModel->DefaultFotaProfileIdL();
-            if ( profileId >= KErrNone )
-                {
-                 isValidId = iFotaModel->VerifyProfileL( profileId );
-                }
-            if( ( profileId == KErrNotFound ) || ( !isValidId ) )
-                {
-            	profileId = ShowFotaProfileQueryL();
-                }
-            // Retrying the update with the chosen profile id.
-            iFotaModel->InitiateFwUpdInstall( pkgId, profileId );
-            }
-        }
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFwUpdInstallL() completed" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFwUpdContinueL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFwUpdContinueL()
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFwUpdContinueL()" );    
-    iFotaDLObserver->StartL(ETrue);
-    iFotaModel->ContinueFwUpdInstall();
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::InitiateFwUpdContinueL() completed" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::DoActivateL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::DoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& /*aPrevViewId*/,
-                                         TUid /*aCustomMessageId*/,
-                                   const TDesC8& /*aCustomMessage*/ )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::DoActivateL()" );
-    CNSmlDMSyncDocument* doc = ( CNSmlDMSyncDocument* ) AppUi()->Document();
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( doc, TUtil::Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
-    	MenuBar()->SetContextMenuTitleResourceId( 
-    	                              R_SMLSYNC_CONTXT_MENUBAR_FOTA_VIEW );
-    if( !ManualCheckAllowedL() )
-       {    	    
-    Cba()->MakeCommandVisible(EAknSoftkeyContextOptions,EFalse);
-    Cba()->DrawDeferred();    
-       }
-    iFotaModel = doc->FotaModel();
-    iContainer = CNSmlDMFotaContainer::NewL( this, ClientRect(), iFotaModel );
-    AppUi()->AddToStackL( *this, iContainer );
-	CAknTitlePane* titlePane = 
-	    (CAknTitlePane*)(AppUi()->StatusPane())->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) );
-    HBufC* titleText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_CP_APP_TITLE );	
-	titlePane->SetTextL( titleText->Des() );
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(titleText);	
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::DoActivateL() completed" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::DoDeactivate
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::DoDeactivate()
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::DoDeactivate()" );
-    if ( iContainer )
-        {
-        AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer );
-        }
-    delete iContainer;
-    iContainer = NULL;
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::DoDeactivate() completed" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::DynInitMenuPaneL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId,
-                                        CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
-	{
-	FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaView::DynInitMenuPaneL()" );
-    if ( aResourceId == R_SMLSYNC_MENU_COMMON && 
-                    ! FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdHelp ) )
-      {   
-          aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknCmdHelp , ETrue );
-      }        
-    if ( aResourceId == R_SMLSYNC_MENU_FOTA_VIEW 
-        || aResourceId == R_SMLSYNC_CONTXT_MENU_FOTA_VIEW )
-        {
-        __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iFotaModel, TUtil::Panic( KErrGeneral ) );
-        // Set all variated items first dimmed and show them according to the
-        // configuration flags.
-        aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaCheck, ETrue );
-        aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaInstall, ETrue );
-        aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaContinue, ETrue );
-        TInt configFlags( 0 );
-        TInt ServersViewVariable( 0 ),SettingsVariable(0);
-        CRepository* centrep = NULL;
-        TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidNSmlDMSyncApp ) );
-        FTRACE( FPrint(
-            _L("[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::DynInitMenuPaneL() centrep open returned %d"),
-            err ) );
-        if ( centrep )
-            {
-            centrep->Get( KNSmlDMFotaConfigurationKey, configFlags );
-            centrep->Get( KNSmlDMServersMenuKey, ServersViewVariable );
-            centrep->Get( KNSmlDMSettingsMenuKey, SettingsVariable );
-            delete centrep;
-            }
-        // If there was problems with the centrep key, the context menu will
-        // be empty. However, the framework does not handle the situation correctly
-        // and we'll have to leave here in order not to break things.
-        // The Options menu shows at least the Exit item and can be shown.
-        if ( err != KErrNone && aResourceId == R_SMLSYNC_CONTXT_MENU_FOTA_VIEW ) 
-            {
-            User::Leave( err );
-            }
-      if( aResourceId == R_SMLSYNC_MENU_FOTA_VIEW )
-      {      	
-      if(SettingsVariable )
-        {
-        aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaSettings, EFalse );
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaSettings, ETrue );	
-        }      
-      }
-        // if ( configFlags & KNSmlDMFotaEnableManualCheckFlag )
-      if ( ManualCheckAllowedL() )
-            {
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaCheck, EFalse );
-            }
-      if( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdSyncMlDmFota ) ) //NFUI
-      {
-        if ( iFotaModel->FindFwUpdPkgWithStateL(
-            EDownloadProgressingWithResume ) != KErrNotFound )
-            {
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaInstall, ETrue );          
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaCheck, ETrue );
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaContinue, EFalse );          
-            }
-        else if ( iFotaModel->FindFwUpdPkgWithStateL(
-            EStartingUpdate ) != KErrNotFound )
-            {
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaInstall, EFalse );          
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaCheck, ETrue );          
-            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaContinue, ETrue );          
-            }
-        }
-      if( aResourceId == R_SMLSYNC_MENU_FOTA_VIEW )
-        {
-        if( ServersViewVariable )
-           {
-           aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaServers, EFalse );	
-           }
-        else
-           {
-           aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENSmlMenuCmdFotaServers, ETrue );	
-           }
-        }
-	    }
-	   FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMFotaView::DynInitMenuPaneL() completed" );
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::RefreshL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::RefreshL(TBool aPostponeDisplay)
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::RefreshListBox()" );
-    if ( iContainer )
-        {
-        iContainer->RefreshL(aPostponeDisplay);
-        }
-    FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::RefreshListBox() completed" );
-    }	
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::ManualCheckAllowed
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CNSmlDMFotaView::ManualCheckAllowedL()
-	{
-	CRepository* cenrep = NULL;
-    TRAPD( error, cenrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidNSmlDMSyncApp ) );        
-    if ( cenrep )
-        {
-        cenrep->Get( KNsmlDmManualCheckAllowed, iManCheckAllowed );
-        delete cenrep;
-        }
-    if ( error != KErrNone ) 
-        {
-        User::Leave( error );
-        }
-	if ( iManCheckAllowed == 1)
-	    {
-		return ETrue;		
-	    }
-	return EFalse;
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleForegroundEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleForegroundEventL(TBool aForeground)
-	{
-	// For Application Management purpose whenever there is switch between app.
-	FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleForegroundEventL():Begin" );
-	if( !aForeground )
-		{
-		FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleForegroundEventL() not in FG :end" );
-	    return;	
-		}	
-	if( iExitPress != -2 ) // == 1 some what fast as no call to refreshL based on iexitPress
-		{
-		iExitPress = -1;	
-		STATIC_CAST( CNSmlDMSyncAppUi*, iEikonEnv->EikAppUi())->CheckFotaDlL();
-		FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleForegroundEventL(): CheckAMDlL Begin" );
-		STATIC_CAST( CNSmlDMSyncAppUi*, iEikonEnv->EikAppUi())->CheckAMDlL();
-		FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleForegroundEventL(): CheckAMDlL END" );
-		}
-	iFotaDLObserver->StartL(EFalse);
-	if ( !ManualCheckAllowedL() && iExitPress != -2 )	//for MSK display
-	    {
-	    if( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdSyncMlDmFota ) )
-	       {
-	       if ( iFotaModel->FindFwUpdPkgWithStateL(
-            EStartingUpdate ) != KErrNotFound )
-	    	{
-	        EnableMskL( ETrue );	
-	    	}	
-	       }	    
-	    iExitPress = -1;	
-	    }
-	CAknView::HandleForegroundEventL(aForeground);
-	FLOG( "[OMADM]\t CNSmlDMFotaView::HandleForegroundEventL():completed" );
-	}    
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::EnableMskL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::EnableMskL ( TBool aEnable )	
-	{
-	CEikButtonGroupContainer* cbaGrp= Cba();
-	if (cbaGrp)
-		{
-		if (aEnable)
-			{						
-			cbaGrp->MakeCommandVisible(EAknSoftkeyContextOptions,ETrue);	    	
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			cbaGrp->MakeCommandVisible(EAknSoftkeyContextOptions,EFalse);
-			}		
-		}
-	}
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMFotaView::UpdateExitL
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMFotaView::UpdateExitL()
-	{
-	iExitPress = -2;	
-	}	
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDLObserver::CDLObserver()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-inline CDLObserver::CDLObserver()
-	:CActive(EPriorityStandard)
-	{
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDLObserver::ConstructL()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CDLObserver::ConstructL(CNSmlDMFotaView* iFotaView)
-	{
-	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);	
-    iView = iFotaView;
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDLObserver::Start()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CDLObserver::StartL(TBool aResetKey)
-	{	
-	FLOG("CDLObserver::Start- begin");
-	if(!IsActive())
-		{
-		//set key value to -1			
-		FLOG("logging new request");
-		TInt err = iProperty.Attach(KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,KFotaDLRefresh);
-		FTRACE( FPrint(_L("CDLObserver::StartL attached to P&S key with error as %d"),err ) );		
-		CNSmlDMSyncDocument* doc = 
-		    ( CNSmlDMSyncDocument* ) iView->AppUi()->Document();
-		if( aResetKey && doc->DMDefinesFotaDLKey())		
-		 {		 
-		 TInt value = -1;
-		 err = iProperty.Set(KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,KFotaDLRefresh,value);
-		 FTRACE( FPrint(_L("CDLObserver::StartL updated the value of p&S key with error %d"),err ) );
-		 }
-		iStatus=KRequestPending;
-		iProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
-		FLOG("CDLObserver::StartL subscribed to p&S ");
-		SetActive();	
-		}		   
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDLObserver::RunL()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CDLObserver::RunL()
-	{
-	FLOG("CDLObserver::RunL()- begin");
-	TInt value;	
-	iProperty.Attach(KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,KFotaDLRefresh);
-	iProperty.Get(KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,KFotaDLRefresh,value);
-	TInt state (EIdle);
-	state = iView->iFotaModel->GetCurrentFwUpdState();
-	FTRACE( FPrint(_L("current state of fota is %d"),state ) );
-	//EFALSE for suspended,failed & completed
-	//Download Ended either successfully or unsuccessfully
-	if( value == EFalse ) 
-		{			
-		FLOG("CDLObserver::RunL()--status value = 0");			
-		if (state == EDownloadProgressingWithResume || 
-				state == EDownloadComplete ||
-				state == EStartingUpdate ||
-				state == EDownloadFailed)
-			{
-			TInt IsDMBusy = EFalse;    //IAD: Making DM Idle 
-			TInt r2=RProperty::Set(KUidSmlSyncApp,KDMIdle,IsDMBusy);	
-			iView->RefreshL(ETrue);				
-			iProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
-			FLOG("CDLObserver::RunL()--issued request in the loop EFalse");
-			SetActive();
-			}
-		}
-	else if( value == 1 ) //resume case and update the UI
-		{		
-		FLOG("CDLObserver::RunL()--status value = 1");
-		if (state == EDownloadProgressingWithResume || 
-				state == EDownloadProgressing || 
-				state == EStartingDownload )
-			{
-			TInt IsDMBusy = ETrue;    //IAD: Making DM Busy
-			TInt r2=RProperty::Set(KUidSmlSyncApp,KDMIdle,IsDMBusy);		
-			FLOG("CDLObserver::RunL():call to view refresh");
-			iView->RefreshL(EFalse);
-			}
-		iProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
-		FLOG("CDLObserver::RunL()--issued request in the loop ETRUe");
-		SetActive();
-		}
-	else 
-		{			
-		FTRACE( FPrint(_L("CDLObserver::RunL()-- else loop & value is %d"),value ) );
-		if(!IsActive())
-			{
-			iStatus=KRequestPending;
-			value = -1;
-			iProperty.Set(KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,KFotaDLRefresh,value);
-			iProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
-			FLOG("CDLObserver::RunL()--issued request again");
-			SetActive();
-			}				
-		}
-	}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDLObserver::DoCancel() 
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CDLObserver::DoCancel()
-	{
-	FLOG("CDLObserver::::DoCancel()");
-    if( iStatus == KRequestPending )
-    	{	
-    	iProperty.Cancel();// new fix to be tested thoroughly
-    	TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
-    	User::RequestComplete( status, KErrCancel );
-    	}
-	}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDLObserver::~CDLObserver() 
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	{ 
-	FLOG("CDLObserver::~CDLObserver()");  
-    Cancel();
-    if (iProperty.Handle()) iProperty.Close();
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CDLObserver::RunError
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CDLObserver::RunError( TInt aError )
-    {
-    return aError;
-    }
-//  End of File