changeset 18 7d11f9a6646f
parent 4 75a71fdb4c92
child 21 c707676bf59f
--- a/omadm/omadmappui/src/NSmlDMSyncAppEngine.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:03:17 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Methods for CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine
-#include "NSmlDMSyncAppEngine.h"
-#include "NSmlDMSyncDebug.h"
-#include "NSmlDMSyncHandler.h"
-#include <collate.h>
-#include <e32property.h>
-#include "nsmldmsyncinternalpskeys.h"
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine() : iProgressShown( ETrue )
-	{
-	FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine:" );
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ConstructL( CNSmlDMSyncDocument* aSyncDocument )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ConstructL:" );
-    iSyncMLSession.OpenL();
-    iSyncHandler = CNSmlDMSyncHandler::NewL( &iSyncMLSession,
-                                             this,
-                                             aSyncDocument );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine* CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::NewL(
-    CNSmlDMSyncDocument* aSyncDocument )
-	{
-	FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::NewL:" );
-	CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine* self = new( ELeave ) CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( aSyncDocument );
-    CleanupStack::Pop();
-    return self;
-	}
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::~CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine:" );
-    delete iSyncHandler;
-    delete iProfile;        
-    iSyncMLSession.Close();
-	}
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::DeleteProfileL
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::DeleteProfileL( TInt aProfileId )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::DeleteProfileL:" );
-    delete iProfile;
-    iProfile = NULL;
-    iSyncMLSession.DeleteProfileL( aProfileId );
-	}
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CreateProfileL
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CreateProfileL()
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CreateProfileL:" );
-    delete iProfile;
-    iProfile = NULL;
-    iProfile = CNSmlDMSyncProfile::NewL( KUidSmlSyncApp.iUid, &iSyncMLSession );
-    return iProfile->CreateL();
-	}
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Profile
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CNSmlDMSyncProfile* CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Profile( )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Profile:" );
-    return iProfile;
-	}
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CreateCopyProfileL
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CNSmlDMSyncProfile* CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CreateCopyProfileL( TInt aProfileId )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CreateCopyProfileL:" );
-    delete iProfile;
-    iProfile = NULL;
-    iProfile = CNSmlDMSyncProfile::NewL( KUidSmlSyncApp.iUid, &iSyncMLSession );
-    iProfile->CreateCopyL( aProfileId );
-    return iProfile;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Session
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RSyncMLSession* CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Session()
-	{
-	FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Session:" );
-	return &iSyncMLSession;
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::OpenL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CNSmlDMSyncProfile* CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::OpenProfileL( TInt aProfileId,
-                                                        TInt aOpenMode )
-    {
-	FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::OpenL:" );
-    delete iProfile;
-    iProfile = NULL;
-    iProfile = CNSmlDMSyncProfile::NewL( KUidSmlSyncApp.iUid, &iSyncMLSession );
-   	iProfile->OpenL( aProfileId, aOpenMode );
-   	return iProfile;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Close
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CloseProfile()
-    {
-    FLOG(  "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Close:" );
-    delete iProfile;
-    iProfile = NULL;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SynchronizeL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SynchronizeL( TDesC& aServerName,
-                                         TInt aProfileId,
-                                         TInt aConnectionBearer,
-                                         const TBool aUseFotaProgressNote )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SynchronizeL:" );
-    iProgressShown = ETrue;
-    iSyncHandler->SynchronizeL( aServerName,
-                                aProfileId,
-                                aConnectionBearer,
-                                aUseFotaProgressNote );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SynchronizeL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SynchronizeL( TDesC& aServerName,
-                                         TInt aProfileId,
-                                         TInt aJobId,
-                                         TInt aConnectionBearer,
-                                         const TBool aUseFotaProgressNote )
-    {
-   	FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SynchronizeL:" );
-    iProgressShown = ETrue;
-    TInt err = RProperty::Set( KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp,
-    				KDmJobCancel, KErrNone );
-    FTRACE(FPrint(
-    	_L("CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SynchronizeL()KDmJobCancel reset to 0 err = %d"),
-    										err ) );
-    iSyncHandler->SynchronizeL( aServerName, 
-                                aProfileId, 
-                                aJobId, 
-                                aConnectionBearer,
-                                aUseFotaProgressNote );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ShowProgressDialogL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ShowProgressDialogL( TBool aShow )
-    {
- 	FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ShowProgressDialog()" );
-    if ( aShow != iProgressShown )
-        {
-        if ( aShow )
-            {
-            iSyncHandler->ShowProgressDialogL();
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iSyncHandler->HideProgressDialogL();
-            }
-        iProgressShown = aShow;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ServerIdFoundL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ServerIdFoundL( const TDesC& aServerId,
-                                            const TInt aProfileId )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ServerIdFoundL:" );
-	RArray<TSmlProfileId> arr;
-    iSyncMLSession.ListProfilesL( arr, ESmlDevMan );
-    TBool ret = EFalse;
-   	CleanupClosePushL(arr);
-	for ( TInt index = 0; index < arr.Count(); index++ )
-		{
-	    TRAPD( error, OpenProfileL( arr[index], ESmlOpenRead ) );
-	    if ( error == KErrNone )
-	        {
-	        if ( aProfileId != Profile()->ProfileId() )
-	            {	        
-    	        TBuf<KNSmlMaxItemLength> buf;
-    	        Profile()->GetServerId( buf );
-    	        if ( buf.Compare( aServerId ) == 0 )
-    	            {
-    	            FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::ServerIdFoundL: Match" );
-                    ret = ETrue;
-                    CloseProfile();
-                    break;
-                    }
-	            }
-		    CloseProfile();
-	        }
-		}
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &arr );
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Compare
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Compare( const TDesC& aLeft, const TDesC& aRight )
-	{
-	FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::Compare:" );
-	// Empty Name() is always greater than non-empty Name()
-    if (aLeft.Length() == 0 && aRight.Length() == 0)
-        {
-        return 0;
-        }
-    if (aLeft.Length() == 0)
-        {
-        return 1;
-        }
-    if (aRight.Length() == 0)
-        {
-        return -1;
-        }
-    // None of the Name()s was empty, use TDesC::CompareC to do the comparison.
-    // This is from cntmodel.
-    TCollationMethod collateMethod;
-    // get the standard method
-	collateMethod = *Mem::CollationMethodByIndex(0);
-    // dont ignore punctuation and spaces
-	collateMethod.iFlags |= TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone; 
-	TInt comparison( aLeft.CompareC(aRight, 3, &collateMethod) );
-	return comparison;	
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SyncRunning
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SyncRunning()
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SyncRunning:" );
-    return iSyncHandler->SyncRunning();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CancelSyncL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CancelSyncL()
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::CancelSyncL()" );
-    iSyncHandler->CancelSynchronizeL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SyncCompleted
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SyncCompleted( TNSmlStatus aStatus )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SyncCompleted:" );
-    if( iSyncObserver )
-        {
-        FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::SyncCompleted: inform observer" );
-        iSyncObserver->SyncComplete( aStatus );
-        }    
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::RequestSyncStatus
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::RequestSyncStatus( 
-                                           MNSmlDMSyncObserver* aSyncObserver )
-    {
-    FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::RequestSyncStatus:" );
-    if( aSyncObserver )
-        {
-        FLOG( "[OMADM] CNSmlDMSyncAppEngine::RequestSyncStatus: added observer" );
-        iSyncObserver = aSyncObserver;
-        }
-    }
-// End of File