changeset 18 7d11f9a6646f
parent 4 75a71fdb4c92
child 21 c707676bf59f
--- a/pnpmobileservices/pnpms/OnlineSupport/inc/CCMAppUi.h	Tue Feb 02 00:03:17 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Header file for Ui class
-#ifndef CCMAPPUI_H
-#define CCMAPPUI_H
-#include <eikapp.h>
-#include <eikdoc.h>
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <coeccntx.h>
-#include <aknappui.h>
-#include <favouriteslimits.h>   // for KFavouritesMaxUrl
-#include <sysutil.h>
-#include <ApDataHandler.h>      // for creating new Init Access
-#include <ApAccessPointItem.h>  // for creating new Init Access
-#include "MCMSocketsEngineNotifier.h"
-#include "MCMRegisterationStatusNotifier.h"
-#include "MiniBrowserObserver.h"
-#include "mcmdialogstatusnotifier.h"
-#include "ccmdialogmonitor.h"
-//Maximun length of WAP address
-const TInt KMaximumLengthOfWapAddress = KFavouritesMaxUrl;
-const TInt KMaxServerString = 20;
-const TInt KMaxPageString = 20;
-const TInt KMaxQueryString = 256;
-// None
-// None
-// None
-class CRepository;
-class CCMRegistrationMonitor;
-class CCMSocketsEngine;
-class CMiniBrowser;
-class CCMDialogMonitor;
-class CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery;
-class CAknGlobalNote;
-*  CCMAppUi application class.
-*  @lib
-*  @since 2.0
-class CCMAppUi : public CAknAppUi,
-                    /*public MProgressDialogCallback,*/ 
-                    public MCMSocketsEngineNotifier,
-                    public MCMRegisterationStatusNotifier,
-                    public MCoeForegroundObserver,
-                    public MMiniBrowserObserver,
-                    public MCMDialogStatusNotifier
-    {
-    public:  // Constructors and destructor
-        CCMAppUi();
-        /**
-        * Destructor.
-        */      
-        ~CCMAppUi();
-    public: // New methods
-        /**
-        * ApplicationStatus used when the timer expires
-        */
-        enum TApplicationStatus 
-            {
-            EAppStatusMonitoring,
-            EAppStatusConnecting,
-            EAppStatusWaitingDisconnect,
-            EAppStatusInactive,
-            EAppStatusStartingUp,
-            /*(if the app is closed immediately, it crashes after calling the destructor.
-            Seems like CAknMessageQueryDialog releases some of it's resources after some
-            kind of delay and this causes the crash)
-            */
-            EAppStatusClosing
-            };
-        /**
-        * ApplicationStatus used when the timer expires
-        */
-        enum TConnectingVia 
-            {
-            EConnectingViaNull, // Initial state, no connection has been tried yet
-            EConnectingViaInit, // Trying to connect via Init Access
-            EConnectingViaDefault, // Trying to connect via Browser default AP
-            EConnectingViaUser // Trying to connect via AP asked from user
-            };
-        /**
-        * ConnectReason used to inform help-portal
-        */
-        enum TConnectReason
-            {
-            EConnectReasonUnknown               = 0,
-            EConnectReasonFirstBoot             = 1,
-            EConnectReasonNewSim                = 2,
-            EConnectReasonUserTriggered         = 3,
-            EConnectReasonApplicationTriggered  = 4,
-            EConnectReasonRemoteTriggered       = 5
-            };
-        /**
-        * Activates confirmation dialog
-        * @since 2.0
-        */
-        void ConfirmationDialogL();
-        /**
-        * Activates error note
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */
-        void ErrorNoteConnectionL();
-        /**
-        * Activates error note, displaying the error value
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @param aError errorvalue, will displayed in the note
-        * @return void
-        */
-        void ErrorNoteUnknownL( TInt aError );
-        /**
-        * StartUp starting sequence.
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return errorcode.
-        */
-        TInt StartUpStartL();
-        /**
-        * Checks if there is accesspoint available
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return errorcode
-        */ 
-        TInt CheckSettingsL();
-        /**
-        * opens wap browser
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */ 
-        void OpenWapBrowserL( );
-        /**
-        * Checks if there is defaul accesspoint available
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @returns ID of the accesspoint or KErrNotFound
-        */ 
-        TUint32 CheckDefaultAccessPointL();
-        /**
-        * Checks if there is init accesspoint available
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @returns ID of the accesspoint or KErrNotFound
-        */ 
-        TUint32 InitAccessPointL();
-        /**
-        * Checks the settings of init access point
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @param aDb Commsdb connection
-        * @param aAccessPoint id of the AP to be checked
-        * @returns ETrue if the AP was ok, EFalse if not
-        */ 
-        TBool CheckInitAccessPointL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TUint32& aAccessPoint );
-        /**
-        * Creates the init accesspoint
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @param aDb Commsdb connection
-        * @returns ID of the accesspoint or KErrNotFound
-        */ 
-        TUint32 CreateInitAccessPointL( CCommsDatabase& aDb );
-        /**
-        * Initiates next test
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @returns void
-        */ 
-        void InitiateNextConnectionTestL();
-        /**
-        * Checks if init access is ok in the comms db
-        *   if not creates one and cheks again
-        *   if init access AP is ok initiates the init access test
-        *   otherwise returns EFalse
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @returns ETrue if connection test was initiated, EFalse if not
-        */ 
-        TBool TryInitAccessL();
-        /**
-        * Checks if browser default access is ok in the comms db
-        *   if so initiates the default access test
-        *   otherwise returns EFalse
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @returns ETrue if connection test was initiated or EFalse
-        */ 
-        TBool TryDefaultAccessL();
-        /**
-        * Prompts the user to select an ap to test
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @returns ETrue if connection test was initiated or EFalse
-        */ 
-        TBool TryUserAccessL();
-        /**
-        * Reads the accesspoint id from the preferences table and changes
-        * iAccessPoint to refer to the id in the WAP_ACCESS_POINT table.
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @returns ID of the accesspoint or KErrNotFound
-        */ 
-        TInt ReadAccessPointFromPreferencesL();
-        /**
-        * function checks the settings in the ini file
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */ 
-        void CheckIniFileSettingsL();
-        /**
-        * Shows wait Dialog
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */ 
-        void ShowWaitDialogL();
-        /**
-        * Starts the real functionality of the configuration Manager
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */ 
-        void StartUpOperationL();
-        /**
-        * Sets server string (http://<server>
-        * @param aServer the server string, max length KMaxServerString
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */ 
-        void SetServerString(const TDesC& aServer);
-        /**
-        * Sets page string (<page>)
-        * @param aPage the page string, max length KMaxPageString
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */ 
-        void SetPageString(const TDesC& aPage);
-        /**
-        * Sets connect reason 
-        * @param aReason the connect reason
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */ 
-        void SetConnectReason(TConnectReason aReason);
-        /**
-        * Sets query string 
-        * @param aQuery the query string, max length KMaxQueryString
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */ 
-        void SetQueryString(const TDesC& aQuery);
-        /**
-        * Sets iAtBoot
-        * @param aAtBoot if ETrue indicates that Support is started as part
-        *                of boot process
-        * @return voi
-        */
-        void SetAtBoot( TBool aAtBoot);
-        /**
-        * Fetch product model and sw version
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @return void
-        */ 
-        void FetchProductModelAndSwVersionL();
-        /**
-        * Exit application. The implementation depends on the platform.
-        * On 3.0 a short delay is needed on exit because dialogs do not release
-        * all resources when ExecuteLD function completes. The delay is needed
-        * since the app panics on exit if all resources has not been freed.
-        */ 
-        void DelayedExit();
-    public: //Functions from base classes
-        /**
-        * TimerExpired function was replaced by TimeOutCallBack
-        * after replacing class CCMTimer with CPeriodic. Calls DoTimeOutCallBack.
-        * @return TInt KErrNone in case everything was Ok.
-        */
-        static TInt TimeOutCallBack( TAny* aCCMAppUi );
-        /**
-        * The functionality from TimerExpired function was moved here
-        */
-        void DoTimeOutCallBackL();
-        /**
-        Starts a time-out period of aTimeOut micro seconds. Calls TimeOutCallBack
-        after that.
-        */
-        void StartTimeOut( const TInt aTimeOut );
-        /**
-        * From MCMSocketsEngineNotifier notifies the connection result
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @param aErrorCode error code of the connection test
-        * @return void
-        */    
-        void ConnectionResultL( TInt aErrorCode );
-        /**
-        * A method for CCMSocketEngine to tell that a unhandled
-        * leave has occurred during it's RunL handling.
-        * Displays a Unknown Error note
-        * @param aErrorCode the errorcode of the unhandled leave
-        * @return voi
-        */
-        void UnhandledLeave( TInt aErrorCode );
-        /**
-        * From MCMRegisterationStatusNotifier
-        * @param aNetworkStatus
-        */
-        void RegistrationMonitoringDoneL( CCMRegistrationMonitor::TNetworkStatus aNetworkStatus );
-        /**
-        * From MCMRegisterationStatusNotifier
-        * @param aStatus 
-        * @param aError
-        */
-        void RegistrationReportErrorL( const CCMRegistrationMonitor::TMonitoringStatus aStatus, const TInt aError );
-        /**
-        * From CEikAppui
-        * Handles commandline params
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @param aCommand see sdk help
-        * @param aDocumentName see sdk help
-        * @return void
-        */    
-        TBool ProcessCommandParametersL( TApaCommand aCommand, TFileName& aDocumentName );
-        /**
-        * From CEikAppui
-        * Handles commandline params
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @param aCommand see sdk help
-        * @param aDocumentName see sdk help
-        * @param aTail see sdk help
-        * @return void
-        */    
-        TBool ProcessCommandParametersL( TApaCommand aCommand, TFileName& aDocumentName, const TDesC8& aTail );
-        /**
-        * takes care of wait dialog command handling.
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @param aCommand command
-        * @return void
-        */
-        void WaitDialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
-    public: // from MMiniBrowserObserver
-        /**
-        Called after MiniBrowser has handled a request for an URL
-        (a call to HttpGetL successfully done)
-        */      
-        void MiniBrowserRequestDoneL();
-        /**
-        Called if RunL of CMiniBrowser leaves.
-        @param aError The leave code.
-        */      
-        void MiniBrowserErrorL( const TInt aError );
-        /**
-        Called if a call to MiniBrowserRequestDoneL or MiniBrowserErrorL leaves
-        @param aError The leave code
-        */      
-        void MiniBrowserUnhandledLeave( const TInt aError );
-    public: // from MCoeForegroundObserver
-        void HandleGainingForeground();
-        void HandleLosingForeground();
-    public: // from MCMDialogStatusNotifier
-        void CommonDialogDismissedL( const CCMDialogMonitor::TDialogMode aDialog, const TInt aStatusCode );
-    private: // Functions from base classes
-        /**
-        * Checks if network connections are allowed. The current implementation
-        * checks the value of KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed central 
-        * repository key in KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs.
-        * @return TBool ETrue if network connections are allowed
-        */    
-        TBool IsNetworkConnectionsAllowedL();
-        /**
-        * From MEikMenuObserver takes care of menu handling.
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @param aResourceId resourceid
-        * @param aMenuPane menu
-        * @return void
-        */    
-        void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
-        /**
-        * From CEikAppUi takes care of command handling.
-        * @since 2.0
-        * @param aCommand command
-        * @return void
-        */
-        void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
-        /**
-        * From CEikAppUi handles key events.
-        * @since 1.0
-        * @param aKeyEvent key event
-        * @param aType event type code
-        * @return Response code (EKeyWasConsumed, EKeyWasNotConsumed).
-        */
-        virtual TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL
-            (
-            const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType 
-            );
-        /**
-        For storing an integer value.
-        */
-        TInt StoreIntValue( const TUint32 aCrKey, const TInt aValue );
-        /**
-        For storing a string value.
-        */
-        TInt StoreStringValue( const TUint32 aCrKey, const TDesC& aValue );
-        /**
-        For restoring an integer value that was stored by using StoreIntValue.
-        */
-        TInt GetIntValue( const TUint32 aCrKey, TInt& aValue );
-        /**
-        For restoring a string value that was stored by using StoreStringValue.
-        */
-        TInt GetStringValue( const TUint32 aCrKey, TDes& aValue );
-        /**
-        Appends the domain to be used for redirecting browser (for example
-        @param aUrl The descriptor the domain is appended to.
-        */
-        void AppendDomainL( TDes& aUrl );
-        /**
-        Clear Service Activation Information if there are any, online support should not read
-        */
-        void DeleteServiceActivationInfoL();
-        /**
-        Append Token And Nonce Value to WAPPage
-        */
-        void AppendTokenAndNonceValL();
-        /**
-        Append Device Information to URL
-        */
-        void AppendDeviceInfoL();
-        /**
-        Create Minibrowser and Launch
-        */
-        void LaunchMiniBrowserL();
-        /*
-        Launch s60 Web browser using command line parameters
-        */
-        void LaunchS60WebBrowserL();
-        /*
-        Append parameters to URL required from Server
-        */
-        void AppendWebUtilParamsL(); 
-        /*
-        Create Online Help for settings based on Autostart value
-        Can be either Silent or Non Silent.
-        In case of Silent settings are downloaded settings silently
-        connecting to browser in background
-        In case of Non-Silent Browser will be opened with display of
-        webpage where user can select settings based on his wish
-        */
-        void OnlineHelpL();
-    private:
-        /**
-        * By default EPOC constructor is private.
-        */
-        void ConstructL();
-    private: //Data
-        // RegistrarionMonitor
-        CCMRegistrationMonitor* iRegistrationMonitor;
-        // Sockets engine
-        CCMSocketsEngine* iEngine;
-        // Timer
-        CPeriodic* iTimer;
-        // WAP page address
-        TBuf <KMaximumLengthOfWapAddress> iWapPage;
-        // if this is true the application has changed the preferences
-        TBool iPreferencesChanged;
-        // If this is true the phone is in homenetwork
-        TBool iNetworkStatusOk;
-        // This is set to true if the phone has been started before while it 
-        //hasn't been registered to it's homenetwork and now the phone has 
-        //been started in the homenetework.
-        TBool iFirstStartInHomeNetwork;
-        // if this is true the application knows that the confirmation dialog will be showed
-        TBool iShowConfirmation;
-        /** Id for the current AccessPoint this id refers to the WAP_ACCESS_POINT table. */
-        TUint32 iAccessPoint;
-        // Application status
-        TApplicationStatus iApplicationStatus;
-        // This is for the initAccess
-        TBool iInitAccessPointUsed;
-        // Connection reason (EConnectReasonUnknown if not started with parameters)
-        TConnectReason iConnectReason;
-        // Page string (http://<server>
-        TBuf<KMaxServerString> iServer;
-        // Page string (<page>)
-        TBuf<KMaxPageString> iPage;
-        // SW version
-        TBuf<KSysUtilVersionTextLength>    iSwVersion;
-        // Product model
-        TBuf<KSysUtilVersionTextLength>    iProductModel;
-        // Query string
-        TBuf<KMaxQueryString> iQuery;        
-        // Tells by which AP the connection is tried, so that the state machine in
-        //   TimerExpired can try the next AP if the current did not work
-        TConnectingVia iConnectingVia;
-        // The number to show in wait dialog
-        TInt iWaitDialogProgressVal;
-        // Last configured IMSI from ini file
-        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSubscriberId iLastConfIMSI;
-        CCMRegistrationMonitor::TNetworkStatus iNetworkStatus;
-        /** Tells if the application was started in auto start (quiet) mode */
-        TBool iAutoStart;
-        /** Tells if we should override need for initAccess in order to use TOKEN (TokenOverride).
-        set to ETrue to append TOKEN and tValid parameters even if not using initAccess */
-        TBool iTokenOverride;
-        /** Tells if we started Browser (needed in considering whether a long exit delay is needed) */
-        TBool iStartingBrowser;
-        CRepository* iRepository;
-        /*!
-        Note that iMiniBrowser must have an opened RSocketServ handle and an
-        opened and started RConnection handle until it is destroyed. This means
-        that it has to be deleted after iEngine (iMiniBrowser uses the RSocketServ
-        and RConnection handles of iEngine).
-        */
-        CMiniBrowser* iMiniBrowser;
-        CCMDialogMonitor* iCommonDialogMonitor;
-        /*!
-        To prevent infinite redirects in silent mode
-        */
-        TInt iRedirectsLeft;
-        CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery* iGlobalConfirmationQuery;
-        CAknGlobalNote* iGlobalWaitNote;
-        TInt iWaitNoteId;
-        TInt iInitAccessOn;
-    };
-#endif  // CCMAPPUI_H
-// End of File