changeset 42 aa33c2cb9a50
child 52 6e38e48ee756
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applicationmanagement/server/src/appmgmtdownloadmgr.cpp	Tue Jul 06 14:06:19 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,933 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description: Implementation of applicationmanagement components
+ *
+ */
+#include <nsmldmconst.h>
+#include <downloadmanager.h>
+#include <download.h>
+#include <e32Property.h>
+#include <serviceipc.h>
+#include <hbdialog.h>
+#include <hblabel.h>
+#include <HbMessageBox.h>
+#include <hbapplication.h>
+#include <hbdevicenotificationdialog.h>
+#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <apgtask.h>
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <Driveinfo.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include "ApplicationManagementUtility.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "dmcommon.h"
+#include "amstorage.h"
+#include "appmgmtnotifier.h"
+#include "appmgmtdownloadmgr.h"
+#include "ServicePluginLogger.h"
+using namespace NApplicationManagement;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::appmgmtdownloadmgr
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+appmgmtdownloadmgr::appmgmtdownloadmgr(QWidget* parent,
+        MDownloadMgrQTCallback& callback,TRequestStatus& aStatus) :
+    QWidget(parent), m_callback(callback), iStatus(aStatus)
+    {
+    iProgressNote = NULL;
+    iSetFinalValue = 0;
+    iProgressCancelled = 0;
+    iDialogAccepted = 0;
+    mEndReported = 0;
+    mNetworkLoss = 0;
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::~appmgmtdownloadmgr
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+    {
+    if (iProgressNote)
+        {
+        iProgressNote->closeAMProgDialog();
+        delete iProgressNote;
+        iProgressNote = 0;
+        }
+    if(mNote)
+        {
+        delete mNote;
+        mNote=0;
+        }
+    delete iFileName;
+    delete iContentType;
+    delete iURI;
+    delete iComp;
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::startDownload
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::startDownload(CDeploymentComponent *aComponent)
+    {
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::startDownload Start" );
+    QString m_appName = "ApplicationManagementServer";
+    iComp = aComponent;
+    iDownloadManager = new DownloadManager(m_appName);
+    // initialise the downloads of the last session
+    connect(iDownloadManager,
+            SIGNAL(downloadManagerEvent(DownloadManagerEvent *)), this,
+            SLOT(downloadMgrEventRecieved(DownloadManagerEvent *)));
+    iDownloadManager->initialize();
+    DownloadType m_type = Parallel;
+    DownloadPriority m_priority = High;
+    #ifdef __WINS__
+        iDownloadManager->setProxy("", 8080);
+    #endif
+    TBuf<KMaxUrlLength> buf;
+    buf.Copy(aComponent->DownloadURI());
+    QString url((QChar*) buf.Ptr(), buf.Length());
+    TInt silentsession = 0;
+    RProperty::Get(KPSUidNSmlSOSServerKey,KNSmlDMSilentJob,silentsession);
+    CApplicationManagementUtility::iSilentSession = silentsession;
+    iDl = iDownloadManager->createDownload(url, m_type);
+    bool t = connect(iDl, SIGNAL(downloadEvent(DownloadEvent *)), this,
+            SLOT(downloadEventRecieved(DownloadEvent *)));
+    if (!iDl)
+        return;
+    QString path("c:\\system\\appmgr\\");
+    iDl->setAttribute(Priority, m_priority);
+    iDl->setAttribute(DestinationPath, path);
+    iDl->start();
+    iOperationType = aComponent->DownloadTarget();
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::startDownload End" );
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::convertSize
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+QString appmgmtdownloadmgr::convertSize()
+    {
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::convertSize Start" );
+    TBuf<64> size;
+    TReal filesize;
+    TRealFormat realFormat;
+    TInt64 fileKBytes;
+    realFormat.iWidth = 6;
+    //converting size to Kb
+    fileKBytes = m_totalSize / KSizeDivisor;
+    filesize = (TReal) m_totalSize / (KSizeDivisor);
+    size.Num(fileKBytes);
+    //get the length of the value in Kb before the decimal point.
+    //Accordingly convert it further.
+    int len = size.Length();
+    QString text;
+    if (len >= 7)
+        {
+        //in gb
+        TReal mul = (KSizeDivisor * KSizeDivisor);
+        TReal temp = filesize / mul;
+        size.Num(temp, realFormat);
+        mSize = QString::fromUtf16(size.Ptr(), size.Length());
+        text = hbTrId("txt_deviceupdate_info_size_1_Gb").arg(mSize);
+        mSizeFormat = "gb";
+        }
+    else if (len >= 4)
+        {
+        //in mb
+        TReal temp = filesize / KSizeDivisor;
+        size.Num(temp, realFormat);
+        mSize = QString::fromUtf16(size.Ptr(), size.Length());
+        text = hbTrId("txt_deviceupdate_info_size_1_mb").arg(mSize);
+        mSizeFormat = "mb";
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        mSize = QString::fromUtf16(size.Ptr(), size.Length());
+        text = hbTrId("txt_deviceupdate_info_size_1_kb").arg(mSize);
+        mSizeFormat = "kb";
+        }
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::convertSize End" );
+    return text;
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::getAvailableDrives()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::getAvailableDrives()
+    {
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::getAvailableDrives start" );
+    RFs iFs;
+    qt_symbian_throwIfError(iFs.Connect());
+    TDriveList driveList;
+    TInt driveCount = 0;
+    TBuf<20> buf;
+    int i = 0;
+    QString val;
+    QStringList list;
+    TDriveInfo info;
+    TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
+    qt_symbian_throwIfError(DriveInfo::GetUserVisibleDrives(iFs, driveList,
+            driveCount));
+    TUint driveStatus = 0;
+    for (TInt index(0); index < KMaxDrives; index++)
+        {
+        if (driveList[index])
+            {
+            TRealFormat realFormat;
+            qt_symbian_throwIfError(DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus(iFs, index,
+                    driveStatus));
+            TFileName path;
+            TDriveUnit driveUnit(index);
+            if (!(driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveRemote))
+                {
+                TBuf<64> freeSpace;
+                TReal free;
+                TInt64 freeKBytes;
+                realFormat.iWidth = 6;
+                iFs.Drive(info, index);
+                if(iFs.Volume(volumeInfo, index)==KErrNone)
+                    {
+                RDEBUG_2("free space: (%d)", volumeInfo.iFree  );
+                freeKBytes = 0;
+                freeKBytes = volumeInfo.iFree / KSizeDivisor;
+                free = volumeInfo.iFree / KSizeDivisor;
+                freeSpace.Num(freeKBytes);
+                TInt sizeUnit = EKb;
+                //converting the drive freespace
+                int len = freeSpace.Length();
+                if (len >= 7)
+                    {
+                    TReal nul = (KSizeDivisor * KSizeDivisor);
+                    TReal temp = free / nul;
+                    freeSpace.Num(temp, realFormat);
+                    sizeUnit = EGb;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    TReal temp = free / KSizeDivisor;
+                    freeSpace.Num(temp, realFormat);
+                    sizeUnit = EMb;
+                    }
+                //Getting the drive name in QString
+                path.Zero();
+                path.Append(driveUnit.Name());
+                val = QString::fromUtf16(path.Ptr(), path.Length());
+                drilist.Append(path);
+                //Getting the drive free space in QString
+                path.Zero();
+                path.Append(freeSpace);
+                QString str1 = QString::fromUtf16(path.Ptr(), path.Length());
+                QString driv;
+                if (sizeUnit == EKb)
+                    {
+                    driv
+                            = hbTrId(
+                                    "txt_deviceupdate_setlabel_install_to_val_1_2_kb").arg(
+                                    val, str1);
+                    }
+                else if (sizeUnit == EMb)
+                    {
+                    driv
+                            = hbTrId(
+                                    "txt_deviceupdate_setlabel_install_to_val_1_2_Mb").arg(
+                                    val, str1);
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    driv
+                            = hbTrId(
+                                    "txt_deviceupdate_setlabel_install_to_val_1_2_Gb").arg(
+                                    val, str1);
+                    }
+                    mDriveBox->insertItem(i++, driv);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::getAvailableDrives End" );
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::showInstalltoDialog()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::showInstalltoDialog()
+    {
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::showIntalltoDialog start" );
+    HbDocumentLoader loader;
+    QString val;
+    bool ok = false;
+    HbLabel* label;
+    loader.load(":/xml/sample.docml", &ok);
+    if (!ok)
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    Q_ASSERT_X(ok, "Device Manager", "Invalid docml file");
+    mDialog = qobject_cast<HbDialog*> (loader.findWidget("dialog"));
+    //set title for the dialog
+    label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget(
+            "qtl_dialog_pri_heading"));
+    if (iOperationType == EInstallAndActivate)
+        {
+        val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_download_and_install");
+        label->setPlainText(val);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_install");
+        label->setPlainText(val);
+        }
+    //set the app name
+    label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("label"));
+    val = hbTrId("txt_deviceupdate_info_file_1_2").arg(m_appName);
+    label->setPlainText(val);
+    //size
+    label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("label_1"));
+    if (m_totalSize != 0)
+        {
+        m_sizeStr = convertSize();
+        label->setPlainText(m_sizeStr);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_info_details_not_available");
+        label->setPlainText(val);
+        }
+    //icon
+    label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("icon"));
+    HbIcon* icon = new HbIcon(":/icon/qgn_prop_sml_http.svg");
+    label->setIcon(*icon);
+    //"install to" label
+    label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("qtl_dialog_pri5"));
+    val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_setlabel_install_to");
+    label->setPlainText(val);
+    //getting the available free space in all drives and adding to combobox
+    mDriveBox = qobject_cast<HbComboBox*> (loader.findWidget("combobox"));
+    int err(KErrNone);
+    TRAP(err,QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(getAvailableDrives()));
+    if(err!=KErrNone)
+        {
+        mDriveBox->setVisible(false);
+        }
+    iComp->SetDriveSelectionStatus(true);
+    CDeliveryComponentStorage* iStorage;
+    QT_TRAP_THROWING(iStorage = CDeliveryComponentStorage::NewL());
+    TRAP( err, QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iStorage->UpdateL(*iComp)));
+    delete iStorage;
+    iStorage = NULL;
+    connect(mDriveBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this,
+            SLOT(defaultDriveChanged(int )));
+    //setting the actions
+    mOkButton = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject(
+            "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_left"));
+    mCancel = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject(
+            "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_right"));
+    val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok");
+    mOkButton->setText(val);
+    val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel");
+    mCancel->setText(val);
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::showIntalltoDialog End" );
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::showDownloadDialog()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::showDownloadDialog()
+    {
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::showDownloadDialog start" );
+    HbDocumentLoader loader;
+    QString val;
+    bool ok = false;
+    HbLabel* label;
+    loader.load(":/xml/downloaddialog.docml", &ok);
+    Q_ASSERT_X(ok, "Device Manager", "Invalid docml file");
+    mDialog = qobject_cast<HbDialog*> (loader.findWidget("dialog"));
+    //set title for the dialog
+    label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget(
+            "qtl_dialog_pri_heading"));
+    val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_download");
+    label->setPlainText(val);
+    //set icon
+    label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("icon"));
+    HbIcon* icon = new HbIcon(":/icon/qgn_prop_sml_http.svg");
+    label->setIcon(*icon);
+    label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("qtl_dialog_pri5"));
+    //set appname
+    val = hbTrId("txt_deviceupdate_info_file_1_2").arg(m_appName);
+    label->setPlainText(val);
+    //size
+    label = qobject_cast<HbLabel*> (loader.findWidget("qtl_dialog_pri5_1"));
+    //size
+    if (m_totalSize != 0)
+        {
+        m_sizeStr = convertSize();
+        label->setPlainText(m_sizeStr);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        val = hbTrId("txt_device_update_info_details_not_available");
+        label->setPlainText(val);
+        }
+    //setting the actions
+    mOkButton = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject(
+            "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_left"));
+    mCancel = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (loader.findObject(
+            "qtl_dialog_softkey_2_right"));
+    val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok");
+    mOkButton->setText(val);
+    val = hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel");
+    mCancel->setText(val);
+    RDEBUG( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::showDownloadDialog End" );
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::showDialog
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::showDialog(CDeploymentComponent *aComponent)
+    {
+    CCoeEnv* coe = CCoeEnv::Static();
+    TApaTaskList taskList(coe->WsSession());
+    TApaTask task1(taskList.FindApp(TUid::Uid(KAppMgmtServerUid)));
+    if (task1.Exists())
+        {
+        task1.BringToForeground();
+        }
+    //get the Size of the install package
+    m_totalSize = iDl->attribute(TotalSize).toInt();
+    //get the name of the install package
+    TDeploymentComponentName name = aComponent->ComponentName();
+    TBuf<KDeploymentComponentNameMaxLength> nameBuf;
+    nameBuf.Copy(name);
+    m_appName = QString::fromUtf16(nameBuf.Ptr(), nameBuf.Length());
+    (iOperationType == EInstallAndActivate)?showInstalltoDialog():showDownloadDialog();
+    mDialog->setTimeout(20000);
+    mNotifierdata = m_appName;
+    QString comma(",");
+    mNotifierdata.append(comma);
+    mNotifierdata.append(mSize);
+    mNotifierdata.append(comma);
+    mNotifierdata.append(mSizeFormat);
+    mDialogData = m_appName;
+    mDialogData.append(comma);
+    mDialogData.append(m_sizeStr);
+    CApplicationManagementUtility::mCurrDlg = mDialog;
+    mDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+    mDialog->open(this,SLOT(dialogSlot(HbAction*)));
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::defaultDriveChanged
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::defaultDriveChanged(int i)
+    {
+    TAMInstallOptions opts = iComp->InstallOpts();
+    int err = KErrNone;
+    TChar drive = drilist[i*2];
+    drive.LowerCase();
+    opts.iOptions.iDrive = drive;
+    TPtrC8 buf;
+    TAMInstallOptionsPckg optsb(opts);
+    buf.Set(optsb);
+    TRAP( err, QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iComp->SetInstallOptsL(buf)));
+    CDeliveryComponentStorage* iStorage;
+    TRAP( err, QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iStorage = CDeliveryComponentStorage::NewL()));
+    TRAP( err, QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iStorage->UpdateL(*iComp)));
+    delete iStorage;
+    iStorage = NULL;
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::dialogSlot
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::dialogSlot(HbAction* recAction)
+    {
+    RDEBUG("dialogslot");
+    TRequestStatus* stat = &iWait->iStatus;
+    User::RequestComplete(stat,KErrNone);
+    if(recAction == mCancel)
+        {
+    mEndReported = 1;
+        sendSrvToBg();
+        iWait->Stop();
+        iDl->cancel();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        //visited if ok is selected or after timeout
+        iDialogAccepted = 1;      
+        int err = RProperty::Set(TUid::Uid(KOmaDMAppUid), KDownloadActive, iDialogAccepted);
+        RDEBUG_2("RProperty set (%d)", err  );
+        }  
+    CApplicationManagementUtility::mCurrDlg = 0;
+    mOkButton=0;
+    mCancel = 0;
+    RDEBUG("dialogslot end");
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::downloadMgrEventRecieved(
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+bool appmgmtdownloadmgr::downloadMgrEventRecieved(DownloadManagerEvent *event)
+    {
+    //DEventType type = (DEventType)event->type();
+    //bool eventHandled = false;
+    switch (event->type())
+        {
+        case DownloadManagerEvent::Created:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("DownloadCreated");
+            return true;
+            }
+        case DownloadManagerEvent::Removed:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("Removed");
+            return true;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            //QWidget::event(event);
+            return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::FileName
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::FileName(QString& filename)
+    {
+    if (iDl)
+        filename = iDl->attribute(WRT::FileName).toString();
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::MimeType
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::MimeType(QString& mimetype)
+    {
+    	mimetype=m_mimetype;
+    	TBuf<1024> buffer(mimetype.utf16());
+	RDEBUG_2( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::MimeType '%S'", &buffer );
+    }
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::SetMimeType()
+   {
+    if (iDl)
+      m_mimetype  = iDl->attribute(ContentType).toString();
+	TBuf<1024> buffer(m_mimetype.utf16());
+	RDEBUG_2( "appmgmtdownloadmgr::MimeType SetMimeType '%S'", &buffer );
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::downloadEventRecieved
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+bool appmgmtdownloadmgr::downloadEventRecieved(DownloadEvent *event)
+    {
+    //DEventType type = (DEventType)event->type();
+    bool eventHandled = true;
+    switch (event->type())
+        {
+        case DownloadEvent::Started:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("Started");
+            m_inProgress = false;
+            break;
+            }
+        case DownloadEvent::HeadersReceived:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("HeaderReceived");
+            m_inProgress = false;
+		SetMimeType();
+            break;
+            }
+        case DownloadEvent::InProgress:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("Progress");
+            //HandleAlreadyRunningL(downloadedsize, contentsize, *download, aEvent.iProgressState);
+            if (!iDialogAccepted)
+                {
+                if (!CApplicationManagementUtility::iSilentSession)
+                    {
+                    showDialog(iComp);
+                    int err = KErrNone;
+                    TRAP( err, QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iWait = CDialogWait::NewL()));
+                    iWait->StartWait();                  
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                m_totalSize = iDl->attribute(TotalSize).toInt();
+                RDEBUG_2("total size = %d",m_totalSize );
+                m_currentDownloadedSize
+                        = iDl->attribute(DownloadedSize).toInt();
+                RDEBUG_2("m_currentDownloadedSize = %d",m_currentDownloadedSize );
+                if (!CApplicationManagementUtility::iSilentSession)
+                    updateProgress(m_currentDownloadedSize, m_totalSize);
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case DownloadEvent::Paused:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("Paused");
+            break;
+            }
+        case DownloadEvent::Completed:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("Completed");
+            m_inProgress = false;
+            closeProgress();
+            QApplication::processEvents();
+            if (iOperationType == EDeliver && !CApplicationManagementUtility::iSilentSession)
+                {
+                mNote = new AppMgmtNotifier(m_appName);
+				if(mNote)
+				    mNote->showDownloadSuccessNote();
+                delete mNote;
+                mNote=NULL;
+                }
+            m_callback.DownloadCompleted();
+            iStatus = KErrNone;
+            break;
+            }
+        case DownloadEvent::Failed:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("Failed");
+            m_inProgress = false;
+            closeProgress();
+            if(!CApplicationManagementUtility::iSilentSession)
+                {
+            mNote = new AppMgmtNotifier(m_appName);
+			if(mNote)
+			{
+            bool ret = mNote->showDownloadFailedNote(mNotifierdata);
+            RDEBUG_2( "device dialog : %d", ret );
+            delete mNote;
+            mNote=NULL;
+                    }
+			}
+            break;
+            }
+        case DownloadEvent::Cancelled:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("Cancelled");
+            m_inProgress = false;
+            closeProgress();
+            if(!mNetworkLoss)
+                {
+                m_callback.DownloadFailed(KStatusUserCancelled);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                m_callback.DownloadFailed(KStatusDownloadFailed);
+                }
+            iStatus = KErrNone;
+            break;
+            }
+        case DownloadEvent::ConnectionNeeded:
+        case DownloadEvent::ConnectionDisconnected:
+        case DownloadEvent::NetworkLoss:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("NetworkLoss");
+            m_inProgress = false;
+            int errornum;
+            int statusdwnld;
+			closeProgress();
+            if(!mEndReported)
+                {
+                mNetworkLoss = 1;
+                mEndReported = 1;
+                if (!CApplicationManagementUtility::iSilentSession)
+                    {
+                mNote = new AppMgmtNotifier(m_appName);
+                if(mNote)
+                    mNote->showDownloadFailedNote(mNotifierdata);
+                delete mNote;
+                mNote=NULL;
+                    }
+                iDl->cancel();
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case DownloadEvent::Error:
+            {
+            RDEBUG("Error");
+            m_inProgress = false;
+            int errornum;
+            int statusdwnld;
+            Download::State state =
+                    (Download::State) iDl->attribute(State).toInt();
+            errornum = iDl->attribute(LastError).toInt();
+            statusdwnld = currDwnldStatForGenericAlert(errornum);
+			closeProgress();
+            if(!mEndReported)
+                {
+                if (!CApplicationManagementUtility::iSilentSession)
+                    {
+                mNote = new AppMgmtNotifier(m_appName);
+                if(mNote)
+                   mNote->showDownloadFailedNote(mNotifierdata);
+                delete mNote;
+                mNote=NULL;
+                    }
+                m_callback.DownloadFailed(statusdwnld);
+                mEndReported = 1;
+                }
+            iStatus = KErrNone;
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            eventHandled = false;
+            }
+        }
+    return eventHandled;
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::updateProgress
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::updateProgress(TInt32 aDownloadedSize,
+        TInt32 aContentSize)
+    {       
+    if (!iProgressNote)
+        {
+        iProgressNote = new AppMgmtProgDialog(mDialogData,*iDl,mEndReported); 
+        iProgressNote->startDialog(aContentSize, aDownloadedSize);
+        }
+    //handles the progress dialog
+    //creating progress dialog and set final val and update
+    if (aContentSize >= 0)
+        {
+        iProgressNote->updateProgress(aDownloadedSize);
+        }
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::currDwnldStatForGenericAlert
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+int appmgmtdownloadmgr::currDwnldStatForGenericAlert(int dwnldstatus)
+    {
+     int status;
+        if(dwnldstatus == DiskFull )
+            status = KStatusDowloadFailedOOM;
+        else if(dwnldstatus == TransactionFailed ||dwnldstatus== HostNotFoundError || dwnldstatus== TimeoutError || dwnldstatus== OperationCanceledError)
+            status = KStatusAltDowldUnavailable;
+        else if (dwnldstatus == AuthenticationRequiredError )
+            status = KStatusAlternateDownldAuthFail;
+        else
+            status = KStatusDownloadFailed;
+        return status;
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::closeProgress
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::closeProgress()
+    {
+    if(iProgressNote)
+        {
+        iProgressNote->closeAMProgDialog();
+        }
+    }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// appmgmtdownloadmgr::sendSrvToBg
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+void appmgmtdownloadmgr::sendSrvToBg()
+    {
+    CCoeEnv* coe = CCoeEnv::Static();
+    TApaTaskList taskList(coe->WsSession());
+    TApaTask task=taskList.FindApp(TUid::Uid(KAppMgmtServerUid));
+    if(task.Exists())
+        {
+        task.SendToBackground();
+        }
+    }
+// CDialogWait::CDialogWait
+: CActive(0)
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+    }
+// CDialogWait::ConstructL
+void CDialogWait::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iWait = new( ELeave ) CActiveSchedulerWait;
+    }
+// CDialogWait::NewL
+CDialogWait* CDialogWait::NewL()
+    {
+    CDialogWait* self = new( ELeave ) CDialogWait();                                                       
+        CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+        self->ConstructL();
+        CleanupStack::Pop();
+        return self;
+    }
+// CDialogWait::~CDialogWait
+// Destructor
+    {
+    Cancel();
+    delete iWait;
+    }
+// CDialogWait::Stop
+void CDialogWait::Stop()
+    {
+    if (iWait && iWait->IsStarted() && iWait->CanStopNow())
+        {
+        iWait->AsyncStop();
+        }
+    }
+// CDialogWait::WaitOnDialog
+void CDialogWait::StartWait()
+    {    
+    RDEBUG("startwait start");
+    if (!IsActive() )
+	{
+		if(iWait)
+		{
+		  if(!iWait->IsStarted())
+		      {
+              iStatus = KRequestPending;
+              SetActive();
+              iWait->Start();
+		      }
+		}
+	}
+    RDEBUG("startwait end");
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDialogWait::DoCancel()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDialogWait::DoCancel()
+    {
+     if (iWait && iWait->IsStarted() && iWait->CanStopNow())
+         {
+         iWait->AsyncStop();
+         }
+    }    
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDialogWait::RunL()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CDialogWait::RunL()
+    {
+    if (iWait && iWait->IsStarted() && iWait->CanStopNow())
+        {
+        iWait->AsyncStop();
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CDialogWait::RunError()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CDialogWait::RunError(TInt aError)
+    {
+    RDEBUG_2("CDialogWait::RunError %d",aError );
+    return KErrNone;
+    }