changeset 60 d6935193cf9a
parent 33 7464c1e21dae
--- a/deviceupdatesui/deviceupdates/inc/nsmldmsyncprivatecrkeys.h	Thu Aug 19 17:35:23 2010 +0530
+++ b/deviceupdatesui/deviceupdates/inc/nsmldmsyncprivatecrkeys.h	Fri Sep 03 22:23:57 2010 +0530
@@ -30,56 +30,20 @@
 //flash uid 
 const TUid  flashuid = {0x101FD693}; 
-// CenRep key used in variation of the aspects of
-// the firmware update feature. The flag values are
-// commented below.
-const TUint32 KNSmlDMFotaConfigurationKey = 0x00000001;
-// Enables the menu option Check updates.
-const TUint KNSmlDMFotaEnableManualCheckFlag         = 0x0001;
-// Enables the menu option that allows the user to access the default
-// profile used in FOTA sessions.
-const TUint KNSmlDMFotaUnlockedDefaultProfileFlag    = 0x0002;
-// Enables the FOTA view.
-const TUint KNSmlDMFotaEnableFotaViewFlag            = 0x0004;
 // CenRep keys for default dm profile used in the
 // firmware update over the air.
-const TUint32 KNSmlDMDefaultFotaProfileKey = 0x00000002;
+const TUint32 KNSmlDMDefaultFotaProfileKey = 0x00000001;
 // CenRep key that can be used to hide a DM profile from the
 // profile list on the UI, but still retaining the UI functionality
 // during server alerted session. The server identifier used
 // to authenticate the server should be stored here.
-const TUint32 KNSmlDMFotaHiddenProfileIdKey = 0x00000003;
-// CenRep key that can be used to Enable/Disable the 
-// Connect menu in servers view options.Default value is 1
-// which Enables the Connect menu
-const TUint32 KNSmlDMEnableConnectMenuKey = 0x00000004;
-// CenRep key that can be used to Enable/Disable the 
-// Servers menu in Main view options.Default value is 1
-// which Enables the Servers menu
-const TUint32 KNSmlDMServersMenuKey = 0x00000005;
-// CenRep key that can be used to Enable/Disable the 
-// Settings menu in Main view options.Default value is 1
-// which Enables the Settings menu
-const TUint32 KNSmlDMSettingsMenuKey = 0x00000006;
-// CenRep key that can be used to allow manual check updates 
-// or not.Default value is 1 which Enables the check updates 
-// menu in the main view
-const TUint32 KNsmlDmManualCheckAllowed = 0x00000007;
+const TUint32 KNSmlDMFotaHiddenProfileIdKey = 0x00000002;
 // CenRep key that can be used to allow to show runtime versions
 // or not.Default value is 0 which makes it off 
-const TUint32 KNsmlDmRuntimeVerSupport = 0x00000008;
+const TUint32 KNsmlDmRuntimeVerSupport = 0x00000003;
-// CenRep key that can be used to know who launch DM UI
-// Default value is 0 which makes DM launches other than CP 
-const TUint32 KNsmlDmUILaunch = 0x00000009;