* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Localisation file for NSmlDMSyncApp
//d:Title of the application on the application shell list
#define qtn_apps_dm_list "Device Manager"
//d:Title of the application on the application shell grid
#define qtn_apps_dm_grid "Device Manager"
//d:Title of the application on the title pane
#define qtn_apps_dm_title "Device Manager"
//d:Navipane texts on the mainview
//d:%U refers to the last synchronisation date (qtn_date_usual)
#define qtn_dm_sync_last "Last: %U"
//d:Navipane texts on the mainview
//d:Profile has not been synchronised
#define qtn_dm_not_configured "Not configured"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Starts the syncronisation
#define qtn_dm_opt_connect "Connect"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Starts the syncronisation
#define qtn_dm_opt_conf_enable "Enable configurations"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Starts the syncronisation
#define qtn_dm_opt_conf_disable "Disable configurations"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Opens settings view with default profile values
#define qtn_dm_opt_profile_new "New profile"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Opens settings view with existing profile values
#define qtn_dm_opt_profile_edit "Edit profile"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Deletes currently selected profile
#define qtn_dm_opt_profile_delete "Delete profile"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Opens the profile's last synchronisation log for viewing
#define qtn_dm_opt_profile_log "View log"
//d:Main view delete sync profile command confirmation
//d:%U refers to current profile name
#define qtn_dm_conf_delete "Delete server profile %U"
//d:Text on the confirmation query at application start
//d:if no profiles exist and the list is empty
#define qtn_dm_conf_newprofile "Create new profile?"
//d:Text to indicate locked settings when the user tries to
//d:create, edit, or delete profiles.
#define qtn_dm_info_note_locked_setting "Cannot edit locked setting item."
//d:Confirmtion to start confirmation session
#define qtn_dm_conf_connection "Connection is usually started from server, when it needs to update phone settings. Continue?"
//d:Confirmtion to start confirmation session
#define qtn_dm_conf_activation_dm "Remote configurations are disabled. Do you want to active, and start configuration?"
//d:Confirmtion to start confirmation session
//d:as start values. %U is the name of the selected profile.
#define qtn_dm_conf_activation_profile "Selected server profile is not active. Do you want to set it active, and start configuration?"
//d:Confirmation to change the server id setting item
#define qtn_dm_conf_change_server_id "Changing server ID may cause problems.\nDo you still want to change it?"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Error message in case the requested access point is invalid
#define qtn_dm_conf_ap_setting "Selected server has no access point. Do you want to set access point now?"
//d:Confirmation query to accept configuration
//d:Error message in case the requested access point is invalid
#define qtn_dm_query_accept_configuration "Server %U is about to configure. Accept ?"
//d:Text for user name editor in multiquery
#define qtn_dm_conf_query_username "User name"
//d:Text for password editor in multiquery
#define qtn_dm_conf_query_password "Password"
//d:progress note window which shows the synchronistion progress
//d:changing text displayed at connect stage
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_connecting "Connecting\n"
//d:changing text displayed at initialising stage
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_initialising "Initialising\n"
//d:changing text displayed at initialising stage
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_processing "Processing configuration data from %U"
//d:changing text displayed at finishing stage
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_finalising "Finalising\n"
//d:changing text displayed at disconnect stage
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_disconnecting "Disconnecting\n"
//d:changing text displayed after succesful synchronisation
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_end_done "Completed\n\n"
//d:changing text displayed when user has cancelled the
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_end_cancelled "Cancelled\n\n"
//d:changing text displayed when error has stopped the
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_end_error "Terminated\n\n"
//d:changing text displayed at cancelling stage
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_end_cancelling "Cancelling,\nplease wait\n"
//d:texts for the log view window
//d:heading for the log view window list
#define qtn_dm_query_hdr_conf_log "Configuration log"
//d:texts for the log view window
//d:heading for the log view window list
#define qtn_dm_log_profile_name "Server name"
//d:heading for the log view window list
#define qtn_dm_log_date "Date"
//d:heading for the log view window list
#define qtn_dm_log_time "Time"
//d:heading for the log view window list
#define qtn_dm_log_remote_server "Remote server"
//d:heading for the log view window list
#define qtn_dm_log_remote_status "Status"
//d:heading for the log view window list
#define qtn_dm_log_status_complete "Complete"
//d:heading for the log view window list
#define qtn_dm_log_status_cancelled "Cancelled"
//d:heading for the log view window list
#define qtn_dm_log_status_error "Incomplete"
//d:Default title of the new profile
#define qtn_dm_default_server_name "Configuration server (%N)"
//d:Default title for the unnamed server name
#define qtn_dm_empty_server_name "<unnamed server>"
//d:settings view title pane text
#define qtn_dm_title_profile_settings "Profile Settings"
//d:if setting item doesn't have a value it's value is none
#define qtn_dm_set_val_field_none "None"
//d:if setting item doesn't have a value it's value is none (host address)
#define qtn_sml_set_val_hostaddr_none "None"
//d:Value used in setting view's (Yes/No) lists
#define qtn_dm_set_active_value_true "Yes"
//d:Value used in setting view's (Yes/No) lists
#define qtn_dm_set_active_value_false "No"
//d:Scheduling interval option
//d:Opens the settings subview
#define qtn_dm_conf_set_user_name "Name already in use. Profile not saved.\nExit anyway?"
//d:Scheduling interval option
//d:Opens the settings subview
#define qtn_dm_conf_set_dup_server_id "Duplicate server ID. Please change the ID."
//d:Prompted for the user if not all the needed
//d:information isn't entered for the profile
#define qtn_dm_conf_mandatory_missing "Incomplete server profile settings. Profile not saved.\nExit anyway?"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_server_name "Server name"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_server_id "Server Id"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_server_password "Server password"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_connection_type "Connection type"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_access_point "Access point"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_host_address "Host address"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_server_port "Port"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_dm_username "User name"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_dm_password "DM Password"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_active "Active"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_accepted "Accepted"
//d:Value used in setting view's (Yes/No) lists
#define qtn_dm_set_accepted_value_true "Yes"
//d:Value used in setting view's (Yes/No) lists
#define qtn_dm_set_accepted_value_false "No"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Opens the settings subview
#define qtn_dm_options_change "Change"
//d:Value used in setting view's bearer type lists
#define qtn_sml_set_http "Internet"
//d:Value used in setting view's bearer type lists
#define qtn_sml_set_bluetooth "Bluetooth"
//d:Value used in setting view's bearer type lists
#define qtn_sml_set_irda "IrDA"
//d:Value used in setting view's bearer type lists
#define qtn_sml_set_usb "USB"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_https_active "Network authentication"
//d:Value used in setting view's (Yes/No) lists
#define qtn_dm_set_https_value_yes "Yes"
//d:Value used in setting view's (Yes/No) lists
#define qtn_dm_set_https_value_no "No"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_https_username "Network user name"
//d:One of the setting items in settings view
//d:Used also as a title in editing state
#define qtn_dm_set_lbl_https_password "Network password"
//d:NOTE: This is defined in "s60\ConnectionUiUtilities\inc\ConnectionUiUtilities.loc"
//d:This string is used as connection dialog access point (qtn_sml_set_list_access)
//d:setting value when user has selected "Always ask" option in access point selection dialog.
#define qtn_dm_sett_always_ask "Always ask"
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Agent info messages
// ------------------------------------------------------
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if system error occured
#define qtn_dm_log_err_systemerror "System Error"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if system error occured in server
#define qtn_dm_log_err_servererror "Error in Remote conf server"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if SyncML protocol error occured
#define qtn_dm_log_err_protocol "Unable to configure"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if command sent to server was not supported
#define qtn_dm_log_err_cmdnotsupported "Unsupported SyncML software version in server"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if server has unsupported version
#define qtn_dm_log_err_versionnotsupported "Unsupported SyncML software version in server"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if content type is not supported by server
#define qtn_dm_log_err_contentnotsupported "Unsupported content type"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if client authentication failed
#define qtn_dm_log_err_clientauth "Invalid user name or password"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if server authentication failed
#define qtn_dm_log_err_servertauth "Authentication failed, check server ID and password"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if server was busy
#define qtn_dm_log_err_serverbusy "Remote conf server was busy"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if server is not responding
#define qtn_dm_log_err_servernotresponding "Server is not responding"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if uri is invalid
#define qtn_dm_log_err_uriinvalid "Invalid host address"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if communication error occured
#define qtn_dm_log_err_comm "Error in communication"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if opening remote database failed
#define qtn_dm_log_err_sessionabort "Session was aborted by remote conf server"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if communication error occured
#define qtn_dm_log_dialog_unknown_err "Undefined error."
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if communication error occured
#define qtn_dm_log_err_timedout "Session timed out."
//d:Command in main view options list.
//d:opens the servers view
#define qtn_dm_options_servers "Servers"
//d:Title of the application on the title pane
#define qtn_dm_title_server_settings "Server settings"
//d:Value used in setting view's bearer type lists
#define qtn_dm_set_usb "USB"
//d:Prompted for the user if not all the needed
//d:information isn't entered for the profile
#define qtn_dm_conf_server_settings_missing "Incomplete server settings. Server not saved.\nExit anyway?"
//d:Confirmtion to start confirmation session
//d:as start values. %U is the name of the selected profile.
#define qtn_dm_conf_activation_server "Selected server is not active. Do you want to set it active, and start configuration?"
//d:Title of the servers view title pane
#define qtn_dm_title_servers "Servers"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Opens settings view with existing server profile values
#define qtn_dm_opt_server_edit "Edit server"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Deletes currently selected server profile
#define qtn_dm_opt_server_delete "Delete server"
//d:Command in options list.
//d:Opens settings view with default server profile values
#define qtn_dm_opt_server_new "New server"
//d:Text on the confirmation query to use selected server profile's values
//d:as start values. %U is the name of the selected server profile.
#define qtn_dm_conf_server_copy_defaults "Copy values from server\n%U?"
//d:Main view delete sync profile command confirmation
//d:%U refers to current profile name
#define qtn_dm_conf_server_delete "Delete server\n%U?"
//d:Text on the confirmation query at application start
//d:if no profiles exist and the list is empty
#define qtn_dm_conf_new_server "Create new server?"
//d:Displayed as the secondary text in the empty main view if no server profiles exist
//d:if no server profiles exist and the list is empty
#define qtn_dm_empty_no_profiles_secondary_text "Select New profile from Options to define server profile"
//d:Displayed as the secondary text in the empty main view if no servers exist with DM UI Evolution
//d:if no servers exist and the list is empty
#define qtn_dm_empty_no_servers_secondary_text "Select New server from Options to define server"
//d:lText of Device update list item in Control panel Device management view
//d:Item opens Updates application
#define qtn_cp_folder_device_updates "Device updates"
//d:Text of the application title
#define qtn_apps_updates_title "Updates"
//d:Information note to be shown for server started user informative session
#define qtn_dm_info_note_updating "Updating device from server %U"
//d:Error confirmation dialog
//d:Message in log if client is connecting to Untrusted server
#define qtn_dm_log_err_untrusted_certificate "Server has Untrusted Certificate"
//d:Displayed at the empty main view as primary text
//d:if no profiles exist and the list is empty
#define qtn_dm_empty_no_profiles_primary_text "No profiles defined"
//d:changing text displayed at receiving stage
//d:Image replaced by animation
#define qtn_dm_note_receiving "Receiving update data from %U"
//d:Displayed at the empty main view as primary text,if no servers exist
//d:if no servers exist and the list is empty
#define qtn_dm_empty_no_servers_primary_text "No servers defined"
//d:Text on the confirmation query to use selected profile's values
//d:as start values. %U is the name of the selected profile.
#define qtn_dm_conf_copy_defaults "Copy values from profile\n%U?"
//d:Item showing product code in the Fota view
//d:as start values. %U is Product code.
#define qtn_dm_list_product_code "Product Code"
//d:Item showing browser version in the Fota view
//d:as start values. %U is Browser Version.
#define qtn_dm_list_browser_version "Browser Version"
//d:Item showing java version in the Fota view
//d:as start values. %U is Java Version.
#define qtn_dm_list_java_version "Java Version"
//d:Item showing flash version in the Fota view
//d:as start values. %U is Flash Version.
#define qtn_dm_list_flash_version "Flash Version"
// End of File