changeset 48 1bebd60c0f00
equal deleted inserted replaced
44:22e202702210 48:1bebd60c0f00
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *       test the file manager internal apis.
    16 */
    18 #include "ut_fminternaldrivemodel.h"
    19 #include "testclassdatafmdrivelistprovider.h"
    20 #include "fmdrivemodel.h"
    21 #include <QtTest/QtTest>
    22 #include <hbapplication.h>
    23 #include "fmutils.h"
    24 /*!
    25     \class TestFmInternalDriveModel
    26     \brief \n
    27       class name:  FmDriveModel \n
    28       class's description: Test the File Manager internal api functions. \n
    29       type of test case: unit test\n 
    30       test cases' number totally: 10 \n
    31  */
    33 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::initTestCase()
    34 {
    35     // translate the related text. 
    36     QString lang = QLocale::system().name(); 
    37     QString path = "z:/resource/qt/translations/"; 
    38     mTranslator.load( path + "filemanager_" + lang );
    39     qApp->installTranslator(&mTranslator);
    41     // get all the drives which can be shown, the parameters should be according to the parameter (Options) of FmDriveModel.
    42     FmUtils::getDriveList(mDriverList, false);
    43     qDebug() << mDriverList;        
    44 }
    45 /*!
    46      Test Case Description:\n 
    47      1. Fucntion Name: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
    48         explicit FmDriveModel( QObject *parent = 0, Options options = 0,
    49             FmDriveListProvider *driveListProvider = 0 ); \n
    50      2. Case Descrition: test the constructor function. \n
    51      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
    52         <1> parent = new QObject(), 
    53             Options = FmDriveModel::FillWithVolume, 
    54             driveListProvider = new TestDataClassFmDriveListProvider();\n &nbsp;&nbsp;
    55         <2> parent = new QObject(),
    56             Options = FmDriveModel::FillWithVolume | FillWithDefaultVolume, 
    57             driveListProvider = 0 \n&nbsp;&nbsp;
    58         <3> parent = new QObject(); 
    59             Options = FmDriveModel::FillWithVolume | FillWithDefaultVolume |HideUnAvailableDrive, 
    60             driveListProvider = 0 \n
    61      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
    62         <1> no crash \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
    63         <2> no crash \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
    64         <3> no crash \n
    65  */
    66 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testConstructor()
    67 {
    68     QObject *pObject = new QObject();
    69     // the class TestDataClassFmDriveListProvider is a sub class from FmDriveListProvider.
    70     TestDataClassFmDriveListProvider *driveListProvider = new TestDataClassFmDriveListProvider();    
    71     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel( pObject,FmDriveModel::FillWithVolume,driveListProvider );
    72     QVERIFY ( fmDriveModel != 0 );
    74     // the drive number in class TestDataClassFmDriveListProvider is "3".
    75     QVERIFY ( fmDriveModel->rowCount() == 3 );
    76     delete fmDriveModel;
    77     fmDriveModel = 0;
    79     fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel( pObject,FmDriveModel::FillWithVolume | FmDriveModel::FillWithDefaultVolume ,0 );
    80     QVERIFY ( fmDriveModel != 0 );
    81     QVERIFY ( fmDriveModel->rowCount() > 0 );
    82     delete fmDriveModel;
    83     fmDriveModel = 0;
    85     fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel( pObject, FmDriveModel::FillWithVolume | FmDriveModel::FillWithDefaultVolume | FmDriveModel::HideUnAvailableDrive ,0 );
    86     QVERIFY ( fmDriveModel != 0 );
    87     QVERIFY ( fmDriveModel->rowCount() > 0 );
    89     delete fmDriveModel;
    90     delete pObject;
    91     delete driveListProvider;
    92 }
    94 /*!
    95      Test Case Description:\n 
    96      1. Fucntion Name: int rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const; \n
    97      2. Case Descrition: Verify it return the right row count. \n
    98      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
    99         <1> parent = QModelIndex() \n
   100      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   101         <1> retColumnCount = 1 \n
   102  */
   103 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testRowCount()
   104 {
   105     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel(0);
   106     QModelIndex testIndex1 = fmDriveModel->index(1,0);
   108     int retRowCount1 = fmDriveModel->rowCount(testIndex1);
   109     QVERIFY(retRowCount1 == 0);    
   110     int retRowCount2 = fmDriveModel->rowCount();
   111     delete fmDriveModel;
   112 }
   114 /*!
   115      Test Case Description:\n 
   116      1. Fucntion Name: int columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const; \n
   117      2. Case Descrition:  \n
   118      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   119         <1> parent = QModelIndex() \n
   120      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   121         <1> retColumnCount = 1 \n
   122  */
   123 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testColumnCount()
   124 {
   125     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel(0);
   126     QModelIndex testIndex = QModelIndex();
   127     int retColumnCount = fmDriveModel->columnCount(testIndex);
   128     QVERIFY(retColumnCount == 1);    
   129     delete fmDriveModel;
   130 }
   132 /*!
   133      Test Case Description:\n 
   134      1. Fucntion Name:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   135         QVariant data( const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const; \n
   136      2. Case Descrition:  \n
   137      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   138         <1> index = QModelIndex(), role = Qt::DisplayRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   139         <2> index = QModelIndex(), role = Qt::UserRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   140         <3> index = QModelIndex(), role = Qt::DecorationRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   141         <4> index = QModelIndex(), role = Qt::TextAlignmentRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   142      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   143         <1> retData1 = "C:" \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   144         <2> retData2 = "C:\"  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   145         <3> return the right icon
   146         <4> to be delete...
   147  */
   148 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testData()
   149 {
   150     QObject *pObject = new QObject();  
   151     TestDataClassFmDriveListProvider *driveListProvider = new TestDataClassFmDriveListProvider();
   153     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel( 0 );
   154     QModelIndex index = fmDriveModel->index(0,0);
   156     QVariant retData1 = fmDriveModel->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole);
   157     QString strTemp1 = retData1.toString();
   158     QVERIFY( strTemp1.trimmed() == "C:" );
   160 //  unable to verify the return icon is the right one.
   161     QVariant retData3 = fmDriveModel->data(index, Qt::DecorationRole); 
   163 // need to delete the  "if (index.column() == 1 && role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole)", because only one column is defined.
   164     QVariant retData4 = fmDriveModel->data(index, Qt::TextAlignmentRole);
   166     delete driveListProvider;
   167     driveListProvider = 0;
   168     delete fmDriveModel;
   169     fmDriveModel = 0; 
   170 }
   172 /*!
   173      Test Case Description:\n 
   174      1. Fucntion Name:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   175         bool indexValid( const QModelIndex &index ) const; \n
   176      2. Case Descrition:  \n
   177      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   178         <1> index = QModelIndex() \n &nbsp;&nbsp;     
   179      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   180         <1> retBool = true \n
   181  */
   182 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testIndexValid()
   183 {
   184     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel(0);
   185     QModelIndex aIndex = fmDriveModel->index(0,0);
   186     QModelIndex bIndex = fmDriveModel->index(0,1); 
   187     bool a = fmDriveModel->indexValid(aIndex);
   188     QVERIFY(a == true);
   189     bool b = fmDriveModel->indexValid(bIndex);
   190     QVERIFY(b == true);
   191     delete fmDriveModel;
   192     fmDriveModel = 0;
   193 }
   195 /*!
   196      Test Case Description:\n 
   197      1. Fucntion Name:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   198         QVariant headerData( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const; \n
   199      2. Case Descrition:  \n
   200      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   201         <1> section = 0, orientation =  Qt::Horizontal, role = Qt::DisplayRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   202         <2> section = 1, orientation =  Qt::Horizontal, role = Qt::DisplayRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   203         <3> section = 2, orientation =  Qt::Horizontal, role = Qt::DisplayRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   204         <4> section = 3, orientation =  Qt::Horizontal, role = Qt::DisplayRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   205         <5> section = 4, orientation =  Qt::Horizontal, role = Qt::DisplayRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp; 
   206         <6> section = 1, orientation =  Qt::Vertical, role = Qt::DisplayRole \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   207         <7> section = 1, orientation =  Qt::Horizontal, role = Qt::UserRole \n
   208      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   209         <1> retHeaderData.toString() = "Name" \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   210         <2> retHeaderData.toString() = "Size" \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   211         <3> retHeaderData.toString() = "Type" \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   212         <4> retHeaderData.toString() = "Date Modified" \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   213         <5> no crash \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   214         <6> no crash \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   215         <7> no crash \n 
   216  */
   217 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testHeaderData()
   218 {
   219     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel(0);
   220     // 
   221     QVariant retHeaderData1 = fmDriveModel->headerData(0, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole);
   222     QVERIFY(retHeaderData1.toString() == "Name");
   224     QVariant retHeaderData2 = fmDriveModel->headerData(1, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole);
   225     QVERIFY(retHeaderData2.toString() == "Size");
   227     QVariant retHeaderData3 = fmDriveModel->headerData(2, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole);
   228     QVERIFY(retHeaderData3.toString() == "Type");
   230     QVariant retHeaderData4 = fmDriveModel->headerData(3, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole);
   231     QVERIFY(retHeaderData4.toString() == "Date Modified");
   233     QVariant retHeaderData5 = fmDriveModel->headerData(4, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole);    
   234     QVERIFY(retHeaderData5.toString().isEmpty());// "");
   236 #ifdef TO_BE_INVESTIGATE    
   237     QVariant retHeaderData6 = fmDriveModel->headerData(0, Qt::Vertical, Qt::DisplayRole);  
   238     QString a = retHeaderData6.toString(); // to be investigated.
   239 //    QVERIFY(retHeaderData6.toString() == ""); 
   240 #endif
   242     QVariant retHeaderData7 = fmDriveModel->headerData(1, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::UserRole);  
   243     QVERIFY(retHeaderData7.toString().isEmpty()); //== "");
   245     delete fmDriveModel;
   246     fmDriveModel = 0;
   247 }
   249 /*!
   250      Test Case Description:\n 
   251      1. Fucntion Name:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   252         QString displayString( const QModelIndex &index ) const; \n
   253      2. Case Descrition: Verify the correct display string is shown. \n
   254      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   255         <1> index = QModelIndex() \n &nbsp;&nbsp;     
   256      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   257         <1> retBool = true \n
   258  */
   259 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testDisplayStringWithVolume()
   260 {
   261     // option = FillWithVolume | FillWithDefaultVolume
   262     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel( 0,FmDriveModel::FillWithVolume | FmDriveModel::FillWithDefaultVolume, 0);
   264     for(int i=0; i < mDriverList.count(); i++){
   265         QModelIndex indexValid = fmDriveModel->index(i,0);
   266         // get the display string.
   267         QVariant retData = fmDriveModel->displayString(indexValid); 
   268         QVERIFY(retData.toString() == FmUtils::fillDriveVolume(mDriverList[i], true));
   269     }
   270     delete fmDriveModel;
   271 }
   273 /*!
   274      Test Case Description:\n 
   275      1. Fucntion Name:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   276         QString displayString( const QModelIndex &index ) const; \n
   277      2. Case Descrition: Verify the correct display string is shown. \n
   278      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   279         <1> index = QModelIndex() \n &nbsp;&nbsp;     
   280      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   281         <1> retBool = true \n
   282  */
   283 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testDisplayStringWithoutVolume()
   284 { 
   285     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel();
   287     for(int i=0; i < mDriverList.count(); i++){
   288         QModelIndex indexValid = fmDriveModel->index(i,0);
   289         // get the display string.
   290         QVariant retData = fmDriveModel->displayString(indexValid); 
   291 //        QString retString = retData.toString();
   292 //        qDebug()<<retString;
   293         QVERIFY(retData.toString() == FmUtils::removePathSplash( mDriverList[i] ));
   294     }
   295     delete fmDriveModel;
   296 }
   298 /*!
   299      Test Case Description:\n 
   300      1. Fucntion Name:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   301         QString displayString( const QModelIndex &index ) const; \n
   302      2. Case Descrition: Verify it doesn't crash when using an invalid index. \n
   303      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   304         <1> index = QModelIndex() \n &nbsp;&nbsp;     
   305      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   306         <1> retString = QString() \n
   307  */
   308 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testDisplayStringEmpty()
   309 { 
   310     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel();
   311     QModelIndex indexInValid = fmDriveModel->index(-1,0);
   312     QVariant retData = fmDriveModel->displayString(indexInValid); 
   313     QVERIFY(retData.toString() == QString());
   314 }
   315 /*!
   316      Test Case Description:\n 
   317      1. Fucntion Name:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   318         QString driveName( const QModelIndex &index ) const; \n
   319      2. Case Descrition:  \n
   320      3. Input Parameters:  \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   321         <1> indexValid = QModelIndex() \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   322         <2> indexInValid = QModelIndex() \n     
   323      4. Expected result: \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   324         <1> return the rignt drive name. \n &nbsp;&nbsp;
   325         <2> no crash. \n
   326  */
   327 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::testDriveName()
   328 {
   329     FmDriveModel *fmDriveModel = new FmDriveModel();
   330     QModelIndex indexValid = fmDriveModel->index(0,0);    
   331     QModelIndex indexInValid1 = fmDriveModel->index(0,2);
   332     QModelIndex indexInValid2 = fmDriveModel->index(18);
   333     QModelIndex indexInValid3 = fmDriveModel->index(5,0);
   334     QString retDriveName1 = fmDriveModel->driveName(indexValid);
   335     QVERIFY(retDriveName1 == "C:/");
   336     QString retDriveName2 = fmDriveModel->driveName(indexInValid1);
   337     QVERIFY(retDriveName2.isEmpty());
   338     QString retDriveName3 = fmDriveModel->driveName(indexInValid2);
   339     QVERIFY(retDriveName3.isEmpty());
   340     QString retDriveName4 = fmDriveModel->driveName(indexInValid3);
   341     QVERIFY(retDriveName4.isEmpty());
   342     delete fmDriveModel;
   343     fmDriveModel = 0;
   344 }
   346 void TestFmInternalDriveModel::cleanupTestCase()
   347 {
   348 }
   350 QTEST_MAIN(TestFmInternalDriveModel)