changeset 0 6a9f87576119
child 1 d1daf54a55b5
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:6a9f87576119
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Handles the copy/move operation
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <bautils.h>
    21 //#include <cmgxfilemanager.h>
    22 //#include <mgxfilemanagerfactory.h>
    23 #include "CFileManagerActiveExecute.h"
    24 #include "MFileManagerProcessObserver.h"
    25 #include "CFileManagerEngine.h"
    26 #include "CFileManagerFileSystemIterator.h"
    27 #include "Cfilemanagerindexiterator.h"
    28 #include "CFileManagerCommonDefinitions.h"
    29 #include "CFileManagerUtils.h"
    30 #include "FileManagerDebug.h"
    31 #include "CFileManagerThreadWrapper.h"
    33 // CONSTANTS
    34 const TInt KFileManagerNotificationArrayGranularity = 64;
    36 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    38 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::NewL
    40 // 
    41 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 // 
    43 EXPORT_C CFileManagerActiveExecute* CFileManagerActiveExecute::NewL( 
    44         CFileManagerEngine& aEngine,
    45         MFileManagerProcessObserver::TFileManagerProcess aOperation,
    46         MFileManagerProcessObserver& aObserver,
    47         CArrayFixFlat<TInt>& aIndexList,
    48         const TDesC& aToFolder )
    49     {
    50     CFileManagerActiveExecute* self = 
    51         new( ELeave ) CFileManagerActiveExecute(
    52             aEngine,
    53             aOperation,
    54             aObserver );
    55     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    56     self->ConstructL( aIndexList, aToFolder );
    57     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    58     return self;
    59     }
    61 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::~CFileManagerActiveExecute
    63 // 
    64 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 // 
    66 EXPORT_C CFileManagerActiveExecute::~CFileManagerActiveExecute()
    67     {
    68     Cancel();
    69     delete iThreadWrapper;
    70     delete iItemIterator;
    71     delete iFullPath;
    72     delete iDestination;
    73     delete iToFolder;
    74     delete iIndexList;
    75     delete iChangedSrcItems;
    76     delete iChangedDstItems;
    77     }
    79 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::ExecuteL
    81 // 
    82 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 // 
    84 EXPORT_C void CFileManagerActiveExecute::ExecuteL( TFileManagerSwitch aOverWrite )
    85     {
    86     TInt error( KErrNone );
    88     if ( iCancelled )
    89         {
    90         TFileName newName;
    91         TParsePtrC parse( *iFullPath );
    92         if ( parse.NameOrExtPresent() )
    93             {
    94             newName.Copy( parse.NameAndExt() );
    95             }
    96         else
    97             {
    98             TPtrC name( iEngine.LocalizedName( *iFullPath ) );
    99             if ( name.Length() > 0 )
   100                 {
   101                 newName.Copy( name );
   102                 }
   103             else
   104                 {
   105                 newName = BaflUtils::FolderNameFromFullName( *iFullPath );
   106                 }
   107             }
   108         iObserver.ProcessFinishedL( iError, newName );
   109         return;
   110         }
   112     if ( aOverWrite == ENoOverWrite )
   113         {
   114         iItemIterator->CurrentL( &iSrc, &iDst, iItemType );
   115         }
   117     if ( iDst && iDst->Length() > KMaxFileName )
   118         {
   119         error = KErrBadName;
   120         TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   121         User::RequestComplete( status, error );              
   122         }
   123     else if ( iItemType == EFileManagerFile )
   124         {
   126     if ( iSrc && iDst &&
   127         CFileManagerUtils::IsFromInternalToRemovableDrive( iFs, *iSrc, *iDst ) )
   128         {
   129         TBool protectedFile( EFalse );
   131         // silently ignore this file if it is protected, or if there
   132         // was an error in checking.
   133         // Did consider leaving, but what about eg KErrNotFound - eg another
   134         // process moving/deleting the file...
   135         TInt ret( iEngine.IsDistributableFile( *iSrc, protectedFile ) );
   136         if( protectedFile || ret != KErrNone )
   137             {
   138             TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   139             User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
   140             SetActive();
   141             return;
   142             }
   143         }
   144 #endif
   145         DoOperation( aOverWrite );
   146         return;
   147         }
   148     else if ( iItemType == EFileManagerFolder )
   149         {
   150         if ( !iIsDstRemoteDrive && iEngine.IsNameFoundL( *iDst ) )
   151             {
   152             TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   153             User::RequestComplete( status, KErrAlreadyExists );
   154             SetActive();
   155             return;
   156             }
   157         DoOperation( aOverWrite );
   158         return;
   159         }
   160     else
   161         {
   162         // We must complete this
   163         TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   164         User::RequestComplete( status, error );              
   165         }
   166     SetActive();
   167     }
   169 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::CancelExecution
   171 // 
   172 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 // 
   174 EXPORT_C void CFileManagerActiveExecute::CancelExecution()
   175     {
   176     FUNC_LOG
   178     iCancelled = ETrue;
   180     if ( iSrc )
   181         {
   182         iEngine.CancelTransfer( *iSrc );
   183         }
   184     if ( iDst )
   185         {
   186         iEngine.CancelTransfer( *iDst );
   187         }
   188     delete iThreadWrapper; // Cancel thread
   189     iThreadWrapper = NULL;
   190     Cancel();
   191     TRAP_IGNORE( CompleteL( KErrCancel ) );
   192     }
   194 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::DoCancel
   196 // 
   197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 // 
   199 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::DoCancel()
   200     {
   201     iCancelled = ETrue;
   203     if ( iSrc )
   204         {
   205         iEngine.CancelTransfer( *iSrc );
   206         }
   207     if ( iDst )
   208         {
   209         iEngine.CancelTransfer( *iDst );
   210         }
   211     delete iThreadWrapper; // Cancel thread
   212     iThreadWrapper = NULL;
   213     }
   215 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   216 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::KErrNoneAction
   217 //
   218 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 //
   220 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::KErrNoneActionL()
   221     {
   222     UpdateNotifications( EFalse, KErrNone );
   223     if ( iItemIterator->NextL() )
   224         {
   225         ExecuteL( ENoOverWrite );
   226         }
   227     else
   228         {
   229         if ( iOperation == MFileManagerProcessObserver::EMoveProcess && 
   230             iEngine.IsFolder( iIndexList->At( 0 ) ) )
   231             {
   232             if ( !iFinalizeMove )
   233                 {
   234                 // Finalize move in the thread, the finalizing way take time
   235                 iFinalizeMove = ETrue;
   236                 DoOperation( ENoOverWrite );
   237                 return;
   238                 }
   239             }
   240         UpdateNotifications( ETrue, KErrNone );
   241         iObserver.ProcessFinishedL( KErrNone );
   242         }
   244     }
   246 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   247 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::KErrAlreadyExistsAction
   248 //
   249 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   250 //
   251 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::KErrAlreadyExistsActionL()
   252     {
   253     TParsePtrC dstParse( *iDst );
   254     HBufC* name = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
   255     TPtr ptrName( name->Des() );
   256     TBool doContinue( EFalse );
   258     // Depending on target file can it be delete, we ask overwrite or rename.
   259     // If source and target is same, then rename is only possible choice.
   260     if ( iItemType == EFileManagerFile && iEngine.CanDelete( *iDst ) && iSrc->FindF( *iDst ) )
   261         {
   262         if ( iObserver.ProcessQueryOverWriteL( *iDst, ptrName, iOperation ) )
   263             {
   264             ExecuteL( EOverWrite );
   265             }
   266         else
   267             {
   268             // user does not want to overwrite item and ptrName should now contain
   269             // user given new name
   270             if ( ptrName.Length() > 0 )
   271                 {
   272                 ptrName.Insert( 0, dstParse.DriveAndPath() );
   273                 if ( !iDst->CompareF( ptrName ) )
   274                     {
   275                     DoOperation( ENoOverWrite );
   276                     }
   277                 else
   278                     {
   279                     iDst->Des().Copy( ptrName );
   280                     // Overwrite, because user already queried by overwrite
   281                     DoOperation( EOverWrite );
   282                     }
   283                 }
   284             else
   285                 {
   286                 // User is not willing to rename item, continue current operation
   287                 doContinue = ETrue;
   288                 }
   289             }
   290         }
   291     else
   292         {
   293         // item can't be overwrite
   294         if ( iObserver.ProcessQueryRenameL( *iDst, ptrName, iOperation ) )
   295             {
   296             if ( ptrName.Length() > 0 )
   297                 {
   298                 if ( iItemType == EFileManagerFile )
   299                     {
   300                     ptrName.Insert( 0, dstParse.DriveAndPath() );
   301                     iDst->Des().Copy( ptrName );
   302                     }
   303                 else if ( iItemType == EFileManagerFolder )
   304                     {
   305                     TPtr ptr( iDst->Des() );
   306                     AddLastFolder( ptr, ptrName, *iToFolder );
   307                     iDestination->Des().Copy( ptr );
   308                     }
   309                 // Overwrite, because user already queried by rename
   310                 ExecuteL( EOverWrite );
   311                 }
   312             else if ( iItemType == EFileManagerFolder )
   313                 {
   314                 iCancelled = ETrue;
   315                 iError = KErrCancel;
   316                 ExecuteL( ENoOverWrite );
   317                 }
   318             else
   319                 {
   320                 // User is not willing to rename item, continue current operation
   321                 doContinue = ETrue;
   322                 }
   323             }
   324         else if ( iItemType == EFileManagerFolder )
   325             {
   326             iCancelled = ETrue;
   327             iError = KErrCancel;
   328             ExecuteL( ENoOverWrite );
   329             }
   330         else
   331             {
   332             // User is not willing to rename item, continue current operation
   333             doContinue = ETrue;
   334             }
   335         }
   337     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( name );
   339     if ( doContinue )
   340         {
   341         if ( iItemIterator->NextL() )
   342             {
   343             ExecuteL( ENoOverWrite );
   344             }
   345         else
   346             {
   347             UpdateNotifications( ETrue, KErrNone );
   348             iObserver.ProcessFinishedL( KErrNone );
   349             }
   350         }
   351     }
   353 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::RunL
   355 // 
   356 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   357 // 
   358 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::RunL()
   359     {
   360     CompleteL( iStatus.Int() );
   361     }
   363 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   364 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::CompleteL
   365 // 
   366 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   367 // 
   368 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::CompleteL( TInt aError )
   369     {
   370     if ( iCancelled || !iItemIterator )
   371         {
   372         UpdateNotifications( ETrue, iError );
   373         TParsePtrC parse( CFileManagerUtils::StripFinalBackslash(
   374             *iDestination ) );
   375         if ( parse.NameOrExtPresent() )
   376             {
   377             iObserver.ProcessFinishedL( iError, parse.NameAndExt() );
   378             }
   379         else if ( parse.DrivePresent() )
   380             {
   381             iObserver.ProcessFinishedL( iError, parse.Drive() );
   382             }
   383         else
   384             {
   385             iObserver.ProcessFinishedL( iError );
   386             }
   387         return;
   388         }
   390     // Symbian returns KErrNone if source and destination
   391     // in moving is same. Here we have to treat it as error.
   392     if( iSrc && iDst )
   393         {
   394         if ( !iSrc->CompareF( *iDst ) && aError == KErrNone )
   395             {
   396             aError = KErrInUse;
   397             }
   398         }    
   400     ERROR_LOG1( "CFileManagerActiveExecute::CompleteL()-aError=%d", aError )
   402     switch ( aError )
   403         {
   404         case KErrNone:
   405             {
   406             KErrNoneActionL();
   407             break;
   408             }
   409         case KErrAlreadyExists:
   410             {
   411             KErrAlreadyExistsActionL();
   412             break;
   413             }
   414         case KErrCancel: // Suppressed errors
   415             {
   416             UpdateNotifications( ETrue, KErrNone );
   417             iObserver.ProcessFinishedL( KErrNone );
   418             break;
   419             }
   420         default:
   421             {
   422             if ( iSrc )
   423                 {
   424                 // Try rename when moving and the target file exists and is in use
   425                 if ( iOperation == MFileManagerProcessObserver::EMoveProcess &&
   426                     aError == KErrInUse &&
   427                     iDst &&
   428                     iEngine.CanDelete( *iSrc ) &&
   429                     iEngine.IsNameFoundL( *iDst ) )
   430                     {
   431                     KErrAlreadyExistsActionL();
   432                     }
   433                 else
   434                     {
   435                     UpdateNotifications( ETrue, aError );
   436                     TParsePtrC parse( *iSrc );
   437                     iObserver.ProcessFinishedL( aError, parse.NameAndExt() );
   438                     }
   439                 }
   440             else
   441                 {
   442                 UpdateNotifications( ETrue, aError );
   443                 iObserver.ProcessFinishedL( aError );
   444                 }
   445             break;
   446             }
   447         }
   448     }
   450 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::RunError
   452 // 
   453 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   454 // 
   455 TInt CFileManagerActiveExecute::RunError(TInt aError)
   456     {
   457     return aError;
   458     }
   460 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::CFileManagerActiveExecute
   462 // 
   463 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   464 // 
   465 CFileManagerActiveExecute::CFileManagerActiveExecute( 
   466     CFileManagerEngine& aEngine,
   467     MFileManagerProcessObserver::TFileManagerProcess aOperation,
   468     MFileManagerProcessObserver& aObserver ) :
   469         CActive( CActive::EPriorityLow ), // Use low to avoid progress note mess up
   470         iEngine( aEngine ),
   471         iFs( aEngine.Fs() ),
   472         iOperation( aOperation ),
   473         iObserver( aObserver )
   474     {
   475     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
   476     }
   478 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::ConstructL
   480 // 
   481 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   482 // 
   483 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::ConstructL( CArrayFixFlat<TInt>& aIndexList,
   484                                             const TDesC& aToFolder )
   485     {
   486     iChangedSrcItems = new( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat(
   487         KFileManagerNotificationArrayGranularity );
   488     iChangedDstItems = new( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat(
   489         KFileManagerNotificationArrayGranularity );
   491     iToFolder = aToFolder.AllocL();
   492     TInt count( aIndexList.Count() );
   493     iIndexList = new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TInt >( count );
   494     for( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
   495         {
   496         // make own copy of index list because caller may
   497         // destroy the original one.
   498         iIndexList->AppendL( aIndexList.At( i ) );
   499         }
   501     TInt index( iIndexList->At( iCurrentIndex ) );
   503     iFullPath = iEngine.IndexToFullPathL( index );
   505     TBool isDirectory( iEngine.IsFolder( index ) );
   507     iDestination = HBufC::NewL( KFmgrDoubleMaxFileName );
   509     if ( isDirectory )
   510         {
   511         TPtr ptr( iDestination->Des() );
   512         AddLastFolder( ptr, *iFullPath, *iToFolder );
   513         }
   514     else
   515         {
   516         iDestination->Des().Copy( aToFolder );
   517         }
   519     // Check that we are not copying/moving folder to inside it ( recursive copy )
   520     if ( isDirectory && !iDestination->FindF( *iFullPath ) && 
   521          iDestination->Length() > iFullPath->Length() )
   522         {
   523         iCancelled = ETrue;
   524         iError = KErrAccessDenied;
   525         }
   526     // Is destination path too long for file system
   527     else if ( iDestination->Length() > KMaxFileName )
   528         {
   529         iCancelled = ETrue;
   530         iError = KErrBadName;
   531         }
   532     else if ( isDirectory )
   533         {
   534         iItemIterator = CFileManagerFileSystemIterator::NewL(
   535             iFs, *iFullPath, *iDestination, iEngine );
   536         }
   537     else
   538         {
   539         iItemIterator = CFileManagerIndexIterator::NewL(
   540             iEngine, aIndexList, *iDestination );
   541         }
   543     // MG2 notification object
   544     //iMgxFileManager = &iEngine.MGXFileManagerL();
   546     // Check are operation source and target on the same drive
   547     TParsePtrC srcParse( *iFullPath  );
   548     TParsePtrC dstParse( *iDestination );
   549     TPtrC srcDrv( srcParse.Drive() );
   550     TPtrC dstDrv( dstParse.Drive() );
   551     iOperationOnSameDrive = !( srcDrv.CompareF( dstDrv ) );
   552     iIsSrcRemoteDrive = CFileManagerUtils::IsRemoteDrive( iFs, srcDrv );
   553     iIsDstRemoteDrive = CFileManagerUtils::IsRemoteDrive( iFs, dstDrv );
   554     }
   556 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   557 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::AddLastFolder
   558 // 
   559 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   560 // 
   561 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::AddLastFolder( TDes& aResult,
   562                                                const TDesC& aSrc, 
   563                                                const TDesC& aDst )
   564     {
   565     TInt lastBackslash = aSrc.LocateReverse( KFmgrBackslash()[0] );
   566     if ( lastBackslash != KErrNotFound )
   567         {
   568         // source is full path
   569         aResult.Copy( aSrc.Left( lastBackslash - 1 ) );
   570         // Last backslash is now temporary removed check next last backslash
   571         TInt secondLastBackslash( aResult.LocateReverse( KFmgrBackslash()[0] ) );
   572         // Now we know the coordinates of the last path
   573         aResult.Copy( iEngine.LocalizedName( aSrc ) );
   574         if ( aResult.Length() > 0 )
   575             {
   576             aResult.Insert( 0, aDst );
   577             aResult.Append( KFmgrBackslash );
   578             }
   579         else
   580             {
   581             aResult.Append( aDst );
   582             // Skip '\\'
   583             TInt startingPoint( secondLastBackslash + 1 );
   584             aResult.Append( aSrc.Mid( startingPoint, 
   585                                       lastBackslash - secondLastBackslash ) );
   586             }
   587         }
   588     else
   589         {
   590         // source is only one folder name
   591         aResult.Copy( aDst );
   592         aResult.Append( aSrc );
   593         aResult.Append( KFmgrBackslash );
   594         }
   595     }
   597 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   598 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::DoOperation
   599 // 
   600 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   601 // 
   602 TInt CFileManagerActiveExecute::DoOperation( TInt aSwitch )
   603     {
   604     // Source and destination must be different
   605     if ( iSrc && iDst && !iDst->CompareF( *iSrc ) )
   606         {
   607         TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   608         User::RequestComplete( status, KErrAlreadyExists );
   609         SetActive();
   610         return KErrAlreadyExists;
   611         }
   612     TInt err( KErrNone );
   614     iSwitch = aSwitch;
   616     if ( !iThreadWrapper )
   617         {
   618         TRAP( err, iThreadWrapper = CFileManagerThreadWrapper::NewL() );
   619         if ( err != KErrNone )
   620             {
   621             TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   622             User::RequestComplete( status, err );
   623             SetActive();
   624             return err;
   625             }
   626         }
   627     if ( iThreadWrapper->IsThreadStarted() )
   628         {
   629         iThreadWrapper->ResumeThread();
   630         }
   631     else
   632         {
   633         err = iThreadWrapper->StartThread(
   634             *this, ENotifyStepFinished, EPriorityLess );
   635         if ( err != KErrNone )
   636             {
   637             TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   638             User::RequestComplete( status, err );
   639             SetActive();
   640             return err;
   641             }
   642         }
   643     return err;
   644     }
   646 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   647 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::IsEmptyDir
   648 // 
   649 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   650 // 
   651 TBool CFileManagerActiveExecute::IsEmptyDir( const TDesC& aDir )
   652     {
   653     return !CFileManagerUtils::HasAny(
   654         iFs, aDir, KEntryAttMatchMask | KEntryAttNormal );
   655     }
   657 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   658 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL()
   659 //
   660 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   661 //
   662 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL()
   663     {
   664     FUNC_LOG
   666     INFO_LOG2( "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-%S=>%S",
   667          iSrc, iDst )
   669     TInt err( KErrNone );
   671     if ( iItemType == EFileManagerFolder )
   672         {
   673         // Handle folders
   674         err = iFs.MkDir( *iDst ); // Try faster way first
   675         LOG_IF_ERROR1(
   676             err,
   677             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-MkDir,err=%d",
   678             err )
   679         if ( err != KErrNone && err != KErrCancel )
   680             {
   681             err = iFs.MkDirAll( *iDst );
   682             LOG_IF_ERROR1(
   683                 err,
   684                 "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-MkDirAll,err=%d",
   685                 err )
   686             }
   687         if ( err == KErrNone )
   688             {
   689             TEntry entry;
   690             err = iFs.Entry( *iSrc, entry );
   691             if ( err == KErrNone )
   692                 {
   693                 iFs.SetEntry( *iDst, entry.iModified, entry.iAtt, 0 ); // Ignore error
   694                 }
   695             }
   696         User::LeaveIfError( err );
   697         return;
   698         }
   700     // Handle files
   701     if ( iOperationOnSameDrive &&
   702         iOperation == MFileManagerProcessObserver::EMoveProcess )
   703         {
   704         INFO_LOG(
   705             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-MoveInsideDrive" )
   707         if ( iSwitch == EOverWrite )
   708             {
   709             INFO_LOG( "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-Overwrite" )
   711             err = iFs.Replace( *iSrc, *iDst );
   712             }
   713         else
   714             {
   715             INFO_LOG( "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-NoOverwrite" )
   717             err = iFs.Rename( *iSrc, *iDst );
   718             }
   720         LOG_IF_ERROR1(
   721             err,
   722             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-OnSameDrive,err=%d",
   723             err )
   725         if ( err == KErrNone || err == KErrCancel )
   726             {
   727             // Optimized move was successful or cancelled
   728             User::LeaveIfError( err );
   729             // If move the files in the same drive, the application
   730             // just calculate the amount of the files, so it should 
   731             // notify the observer that how many files have been moved.
   732             iBytesTransferredTotal++;
   733             TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.ProcessAdvanceL(
   734                 iBytesTransferredTotal ) ); 
   735             return;
   736             }
   737         }
   739     TInt64 fileSize( 0 );
   740     RFile64 srcFile;
   742     // Open source file
   743     if ( iOperation == MFileManagerProcessObserver::EMoveProcess )
   744         {
   745         INFO_LOG( "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-Move" )
   747         User::LeaveIfError( srcFile.Open(
   748             iFs, *iSrc, EFileRead | EFileShareExclusive ) );
   749         }
   750     else
   751         {
   752         INFO_LOG( "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-Copy" )
   754         User::LeaveIfError( srcFile.Open(
   755             iFs, *iSrc, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly ) );
   756         }
   757     CleanupClosePushL( srcFile );
   758     User::LeaveIfError( srcFile.Size( fileSize ) );
   760     // Open destination file
   761     RFile64 dstFile;
   762     if ( iSwitch == EOverWrite )
   763         {
   764         INFO_LOG( "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-Overwrite" )
   766         User::LeaveIfError( dstFile.Replace(
   767             iFs, *iDst, EFileWrite | EFileShareExclusive ) );
   768         }
   769     else
   770         {
   771         INFO_LOG( "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-NoOverwrite" )
   773         User::LeaveIfError( dstFile.Create(
   774             iFs, *iDst, EFileWrite | EFileShareExclusive ) );
   775         }
   776     CleanupClosePushL( dstFile );
   778     dstFile.SetSize( fileSize ); // Setting the size first speeds up operation
   780     INFO_LOG1(
   781         "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-FileSize=%d",
   782          fileSize )
   784     // Create buffer and copy file data using it. 
   785     // Note that buffer size should not be too big to make it is possible 
   786     // to cancel the operation in reasonable time from the main thread. 
   788     // Move these to CenRep to make configuration and fine tuning easier.
   789     const TInt64 KBigBufSize = 0x40000; // 256KB
   790     const TInt64 KMediumBufSize = 0x10000; // 64KB
   791     const TInt64 KSmallBufSize = 0x2000; // 8KB
   793     HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::New(
   794         Max( KSmallBufSize, Min( fileSize, KBigBufSize ) ) );
   795     if ( !buf )
   796         {
   797         buf = HBufC8::New( KMediumBufSize );
   798         }
   799     if ( !buf )
   800         {
   801         buf = HBufC8::New( KSmallBufSize );
   802         }
   803     if ( !buf )
   804         {
   805         User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
   806         }
   807     CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
   809     TPtr8 block( buf->Des() );
   811     INFO_LOG1(
   812         "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-BlockSize=%d",
   813          block.MaxSize() )
   815     while ( err == KErrNone && fileSize > 0 )
   816         {
   817         if ( iThreadWrapper->IsThreadCanceled() )
   818             {
   819             err = KErrCancel;
   820             break;
   821             }
   822         TInt blockSize( Min( fileSize, static_cast<TInt64>(block.MaxSize() ) ) );
   823         err = srcFile.Read( block, blockSize );
   824         if ( err == KErrNone )
   825             {
   826             if ( block.Length() == blockSize )
   827                 {
   828                 err = dstFile.Write( block, blockSize );
   829                 if ( err == KErrNone )
   830                     {
   831                     fileSize -= blockSize;
   833                     // Do not update the latest file transfer progress here.
   834                     // Flushing file below may take a long time and
   835                     // progress indicator should not get full before it.
   836                     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.ProcessAdvanceL(
   837                         iBytesTransferredTotal ) );
   838                     iBytesTransferredTotal += blockSize;
   839                     }
   840                 }
   841             else
   842                 {
   843                 err = KErrCorrupt;
   844                 }
   845             }
   846         }
   848     INFO_LOG2(
   849         "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-BytesNotWritten=%d,err=%d",
   850          fileSize, err )
   852     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
   854     // Copy attributes
   855     TTime mod;
   856     if ( err == KErrNone )
   857         {
   858         err = srcFile.Modified( mod );
   860         INFO_LOG1(
   861             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-ModifiedRead,err=%d",
   862             err )
   864         }
   865     if ( err == KErrNone )
   866         {
   867         err = dstFile.SetModified( mod );
   869         INFO_LOG1(
   870             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-ModifiedWritten,err=%d",
   871             err )
   872         }
   873     TUint att( 0 );
   874     if ( err == KErrNone )
   875         {
   876         err = srcFile.Att( att );
   878         INFO_LOG2(
   879             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-AttributesRead,err=%d,att=%d",
   880             err, att )
   881         }
   882     if ( err == KErrNone )
   883         {
   884         // Ignore fail, because some drives like remote drives
   885         // do not support attributes at all
   886         dstFile.SetAtt( att, ( ~att ) & KEntryAttMaskSupported );
   888         INFO_LOG(
   889             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-AttributesWritten" )
   890         }
   891     // Flush file and finalize transfer progress of this file.
   892     // Don't flush if copying failed because it causes save dialog to appear 
   893     // when remote drives are involved.
   894     if ( err == KErrNone )
   895         {
   896         err = dstFile.Flush();
   898         INFO_LOG1(
   899             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-Flushed,err=%d",
   900             err )
   901         }
   902     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.ProcessAdvanceL( iBytesTransferredTotal ) );
   904     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &dstFile );
   905     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &srcFile );
   907     // Delete source if move was succesful so far
   908     if ( err == KErrNone &&
   909         iOperation == MFileManagerProcessObserver::EMoveProcess )
   910         {
   911         // Ensure that read-only is removed before delete
   912         if ( att & KEntryAttReadOnly )
   913             {
   914             CFileManagerUtils::RemoveReadOnlyAttribute( iFs, *iSrc );
   915             }
   916         err = iFs.Delete( *iSrc );
   918         INFO_LOG1(
   919             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-MoveSourceDeleted,err=%d",
   920             err )
   921         }
   923     // Delete incomplete destination if error
   924     if ( err != KErrNone )
   925         {
   926         // Ensure that read-only is removed before delete
   927         if ( att & KEntryAttReadOnly )
   928             {
   929             CFileManagerUtils::RemoveReadOnlyAttribute( iFs, *iDst );
   930             }
   931         iFs.Delete( *iDst );
   933         ERROR_LOG1(
   934             "CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL-FailedDstDeleted,fail=%d",
   935             err )
   936         }
   938     User::LeaveIfError( err );
   939     }
   941 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   942 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::IsThreadDone()
   943 //
   944 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   945 //
   946 TBool CFileManagerActiveExecute::IsThreadDone()
   947     {
   948     return EFalse;
   949     }
   951 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   952 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::NotifyThreadClientL()
   953 //
   954 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   955 //
   956 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::NotifyThreadClientL(
   957         TNotifyType aType, TInt aValue )
   958     {
   959     switch ( aType )
   960         {
   961         case ENotifyStepFinished:
   962             {
   963             CompleteL( aValue );
   964             break;
   965             }
   966         default:
   967             {
   968             break;
   969             }
   970         }
   971     }
   973 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   974 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::AppendArrayIfNotFound()
   975 //
   976 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   977 //
   978 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::AppendArrayIfNotFound(
   979         CDesCArray& aArray, const TDesC& aFullPath )
   980     {
   981     // Append if not already appended to the last item
   982     TBool append( ETrue );
   983     TInt count( aArray.MdcaCount() );
   984     if ( count > 0 )
   985         {
   986         TPtrC ptr( aArray.MdcaPoint( count - 1 ) );
   987         if ( !ptr.Compare( aFullPath ) )
   988             {
   989             append = EFalse;
   990             }
   991         }
   992     if ( append )
   993         {
   994         TRAPD( err, aArray.AppendL( aFullPath ) );
   995         if ( err != KErrNone )
   996             {
   997             ERROR_LOG1(
   998                 "CFileManagerActiveExecute::AppendArrayIfNotFound-err=%d",
   999                 err )
  1000             }
  1001         }
  1002     }
  1004 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1005 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::FlushArray()
  1006 //
  1007 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1008 //
  1009 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::FlushArray( CDesCArray& aArray )
  1010     {
  1011     if ( aArray.MdcaCount() > 0 )
  1012         {
  1013 //        TRAP_IGNORE( iMgxFileManager->UpdateL( aArray ) );
  1014         aArray.Reset();
  1015         }
  1016     }
  1018 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1019 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::UpdateNotifications()
  1020 //
  1021 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1022 //
  1023 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::UpdateNotifications(
  1024         TBool aFlush, TInt aError )
  1025     {
  1026     // Append notification item if operation was successful and 
  1027     // item does not already exist
  1028     if ( aError == KErrNone && iSrc && iDst && iItemType == EFileManagerFile )
  1029         {
  1030         // Notifications are relevant only for local drives
  1031         if ( iOperation == MFileManagerProcessObserver::EMoveProcess &&
  1032              !iIsSrcRemoteDrive )
  1033             {
  1034             AppendArrayIfNotFound( *iChangedSrcItems, *iSrc );
  1035             }
  1036         if ( !iIsDstRemoteDrive )
  1037             {
  1038             AppendArrayIfNotFound( *iChangedDstItems, *iDst );
  1039             }
  1040         }
  1041     if ( aFlush )
  1042         {
  1043         FlushArray( *iChangedSrcItems );
  1044         FlushArray( *iChangedDstItems );
  1045         }
  1046     }
  1048 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1049 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadFinalizeMoveStepL()
  1050 //
  1051 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1052 //
  1053 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadFinalizeMoveStepL()
  1054     {
  1055     FUNC_LOG
  1057     HBufC* folderToDelete = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
  1058     TPtr ptrFolderToDelete( folderToDelete->Des() );
  1059     CDirScan* dirScan = CDirScan::NewLC( iFs );
  1060     dirScan->SetScanDataL( 
  1061         *iFullPath, 
  1062         KEntryAttNormal|KEntryAttHidden|KEntryAttSystem|
  1063         KEntryAttDir|KEntryAttMatchExclusive, 
  1064         ESortNone, 
  1065         CDirScan::EScanUpTree );
  1066     CDir* dir = NULL;
  1067     dirScan->NextL( dir );
  1068     while( dir )
  1069         {
  1070         CFileManagerUtils::RemoveReadOnlyAttribute(
  1071             iFs, dirScan->FullPath() );
  1072         CleanupStack::PushL( dir );
  1073         TInt count( dir->Count() );
  1074         for( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
  1075             {
  1076             if ( iThreadWrapper->IsThreadCanceled() )
  1077                 {
  1078                 User::Leave( KErrCancel );
  1079                 }
  1080             TPtrC abbrPath( dirScan->AbbreviatedPath() );
  1081             const TEntry& entry( ( *dir )[ i ] );
  1082             ptrFolderToDelete.Copy( *iFullPath );
  1083             ptrFolderToDelete.Append( 
  1084                 abbrPath.Right( abbrPath.Length() - 1 ) );
  1085             ptrFolderToDelete.Append( entry.iName );
  1086             ptrFolderToDelete.Append( KFmgrBackslash );
  1088             if ( iSrc && iDst &&
  1089                 CFileManagerUtils::IsFromInternalToRemovableDrive( iFs, *iSrc, *iDst ) )
  1090                 {
  1091                 HBufC* targetFolderToDelete = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
  1092                 TPtr ptrTargetFolderToDelete( targetFolderToDelete->Des() );
  1093                 ptrTargetFolderToDelete.Append( *iDestination );
  1094                 ptrTargetFolderToDelete.Append( 
  1095                     abbrPath.Right( abbrPath.Length() - 1 ) );
  1096                 ptrTargetFolderToDelete.Append( entry.iName );
  1097                 ptrTargetFolderToDelete.Append( KFmgrBackslash );
  1099                 if ( IsEmptyDir( ptrFolderToDelete ) )
  1100                     {
  1101                     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.RmDir( ptrFolderToDelete ) );
  1102                     }
  1103                 else if ( IsEmptyDir( ptrTargetFolderToDelete ))
  1104                     {
  1105                     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.RmDir( ptrTargetFolderToDelete ) );
  1106                     }
  1107                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( targetFolderToDelete );    
  1108                 }
  1109             else
  1110                 {
  1111                 User::LeaveIfError( iFs.RmDir( ptrFolderToDelete ) );   
  1112                 }
  1113 #else
  1114             User::LeaveIfError( iFs.RmDir( ptrFolderToDelete ) );
  1115 #endif
  1116             }
  1117         if ( iThreadWrapper->IsThreadCanceled() )
  1118             {
  1119             User::Leave( KErrCancel );
  1120             }
  1121         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dir );
  1122         dir = NULL;
  1123         dirScan->NextL( dir );
  1124         }
  1125     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dirScan );
  1126     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( folderToDelete );
  1128     if ( iSrc && iDst &&
  1129         CFileManagerUtils::IsFromInternalToRemovableDrive( iFs, *iSrc, *iDst ) )
  1130         {
  1131         if ( IsEmptyDir( *iFullPath ) )
  1132             {
  1133             User::LeaveIfError( iFs.RmDir( *iFullPath ) );
  1134             }   
  1135         }
  1136     else
  1137         {
  1138         User::LeaveIfError( iFs.RmDir( *iFullPath ) );  
  1139         }
  1140 #else
  1141     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.RmDir( *iFullPath ) );
  1142 #endif
  1143     }
  1145 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1146 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadStepL()
  1147 //
  1148 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1149 //
  1150 void CFileManagerActiveExecute::ThreadStepL()
  1151     {
  1152     FUNC_LOG
  1154     if ( !iFinalizeMove )
  1155         {
  1156         ThreadCopyOrMoveStepL();
  1157         }
  1158     else
  1159         {
  1160         ThreadFinalizeMoveStepL();
  1161         }
  1162     }
  1164 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1165 // CFileManagerActiveExecute::ToFolder()
  1166 //
  1167 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1168 //
  1169 EXPORT_C TPtrC CFileManagerActiveExecute::ToFolder()
  1170     {
  1171     if ( iToFolder )
  1172         {
  1173         return iToFolder->Des();
  1174         }
  1175     return TPtrC( KNullDesC );
  1176     }
  1178 // End of File