changeset 38 491b3ed49290
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/filemanager/src/filemanager/src/fmfindresultmodel.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:06:05 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ * 
+ * Contributors:
+ *     Zhiqiang Yang <>
+ * 
+ * Description:
+ *     The find result model source file of file manager
+ */
+#include "fmfindresultmodel.h"
+#include "fmfindthread.h"
+#include "fmfileiconprovider.h"
+#include <QDateTime>
+#include <hbglobal.h>
+    \fn void finished()
+    This signal is emitted when find is finished.
+    \fn void modelCountChanged( int count )
+    This signal is emitted when data count in model is changed
+    \a count is current data count in model.
+    Currently only start find and get more find result will emit this signal.
+FmFindResultModel::FmFindResultModel( QObject *parent )
+    : QAbstractListModel( parent )
+    init();
+    connect( mFindThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SIGNAL(finished()) );
+	connect( mFindThread, SIGNAL(found(QStringList)), this, SLOT(on_findThread_found( QStringList) ), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection ); 
+	delete mIconProvider;
+    Returns the number of rows in the model. This value corresponds to the
+    number of items in the model's internal string list.
+    The optional \a parent argument is in most models used to specify
+    the parent of the rows to be counted. Because this is a list if a
+    valid parent is specified, the result will always be 0.
+    \sa insertRows(), removeRows(), QAbstractItemModel::rowCount()
+int FmFindResultModel::rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent ) const
+    if ( !parent.isValid() )
+        return mFindResult.count();
+    return 0;
+int FmFindResultModel::columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent ) const
+    if ( !parent.isValid() )
+        return 4;
+    return 0;
+QVariant FmFindResultModel::data( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const
+    if (!indexValid( index ))
+        return QVariant();
+    if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
+        switch (index.column()) {
+            case 0: return fileInfo( index ).fileName();
+            case 1: return fileInfo( index ).size();
+            case 2: return mIconProvider->type( fileInfo( index ) );
+            case 3: return fileInfo( index ).lastModified().toString( Qt::LocalDate );
+            default:
+                qWarning( "FmFindResultData: invalid display value column %d", index.column() );
+                return QVariant();
+        }
+    }
+    if (index.column() == 0) {
+        if (role == FileIconRole) {
+            return mIconProvider->icon( fileInfo( index ) );
+        }
+    }
+    if (index.column() == 1 && role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) {
+        return Qt::AlignRight;
+    }
+    return QVariant();
+QString FmFindResultModel::filePath ( const QModelIndex & index ) const
+   return fileInfo( index ).filePath();
+QVariant FmFindResultModel::headerData( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role ) const
+    if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
+        if (role != Qt::DisplayRole)
+            return QVariant();
+        switch (section) {
+            case 0: return hbTrId("Name");
+            case 1: return hbTrId("Size");
+            case 2: return hbTrId("Type");
+            case 3: return hbTrId("Date Modified");
+            default: return QVariant();
+        }
+    }
+    return QAbstractItemModel::headerData( section, orientation, role );
+    Inserts \a dataList into the model, beginning at the given \a row.
+    The \a parent index of the rows is optional and is only used for
+    consistency with QAbstractItemModel. By default, a null index is
+    specified, indicating that the rows are inserted in the top level of
+    the model.
+    \sa QAbstractItemModel::insertRows()
+bool FmFindResultModel::insertRows( int row, const QStringList &dataList, const QModelIndex &parent )
+    if ( row < 0 || dataList.count() < 1 || row > rowCount(parent) )
+		return false;
+    beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), row, row + dataList.count() - 1 );
+    mFindResult.append( dataList );
+    endInsertRows();
+    // emit modelCountChanged could let FmFindWidget switch style between EmptyTipWidget and ResultListview
+    // FmFindWidget will show an empty tip widget such as "No found files or folderss" if set 0 as parameter
+    emit modelCountChanged( rowCount() );
+    return true;
+    Removes \a count rows from the model, beginning at the given \a row.
+    The \a parent index of the rows is optional and is only used for
+    consistency with QAbstractItemModel. By default, a null index is
+    specified, indicating that the rows are removed in the top level of
+    the model.
+    \sa QAbstractItemModel::removeRows()
+bool FmFindResultModel::removeRows( int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent )
+	if (row < 0 || count < 1 || (row + count) > rowCount(parent) )
+		return false;
+	beginRemoveRows( QModelIndex(), row, row + count - 1 );
+	for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+		mFindResult.removeAt(row);
+	endRemoveRows();
+    // emit modelCountChanged could let FmFindWidget switch style between EmptyTipWidget and  ResultListview
+    // FmFindWidget will show an empty tip widget such as "No found files or folderss" if set 0 as parameter
+    emit modelCountChanged( rowCount() );
+	return true;
+QFileInfo FmFindResultModel::fileInfo( const QModelIndex &index ) const
+    if (index.row() >= 0 && index.row() < mFindResult.size())
+        return QFileInfo( mFindResult[index.row()] );
+    else
+        return QFileInfo();
+QString FmFindResultModel::findPath() const
+    return mFindThread->findPath();
+void FmFindResultModel::setFindPath( const QString &path )
+    mFindThread->setFindPath( path );
+QRegExp FmFindResultModel::pattern() const
+    return mFindThread->pattern();
+void FmFindResultModel::setPattern( const QRegExp &regExp )
+    mFindThread->setPattern( regExp );
+void FmFindResultModel::find()
+	if(mFindThread->isRunning())
+		return;
+    if( findPath().isEmpty() ){
+        mFindThread->setLastResult( mFindResult );
+    }
+	removeRows( 0, rowCount() );
+    mFindThread->start();
+void FmFindResultModel::stop()
+    mFindThread->stop();
+    mFindThread->wait();
+bool FmFindResultModel::isFinding() const
+    return mFindThread->isRunning();
+    Receive \a dataList as some found result
+    Then insert dataList to model
+void FmFindResultModel::on_findThread_found( const QStringList &dataList )
+    if( dataList.isEmpty() ) {
+		return;
+    }
+    insertRows( rowCount(), dataList );
+bool FmFindResultModel::indexValid( const QModelIndex &index ) const
+    Q_UNUSED( index );
+    return true;
+void FmFindResultModel::init()
+    mFindThread = new FmFindThread( this );
+    mFindThread->setObjectName( "findThread" );
+    mIconProvider = new FmFileIconProvider();
+bool FmFindResultModel::caseNameLessThan(const QPair<QString,int> &s1,
+                                         const QPair<QString,int> &s2)
+    QFileInfo info1( s1.first );
+    QFileInfo info2( s2.first );
+    return info1.fileName() < info2.fileName();
+bool FmFindResultModel::caseTimeLessThan(const QPair<QString,int> &s1,
+                                         const QPair<QString,int> &s2)
+    QFileInfo info1( s1.first );
+    QFileInfo info2( s2.first );
+    return info1.lastModified() < info2.lastModified();
+bool FmFindResultModel::caseSizeLessThan(const QPair<QString,int> &s1,
+                                         const QPair<QString,int> &s2)
+    QFileInfo info1( s1.first );
+    QFileInfo info2( s2.first );
+    return info1.size() < info2.size();
+bool FmFindResultModel::caseTypeLessThan(const QPair<QString,int> &s1,
+                                         const QPair<QString,int> &s2)
+    QFileInfo info1( s1.first );
+    QFileInfo info2( s2.first );
+    if( info1.isDir() != info2.isDir() ){
+        return info1.isDir();
+    }
+    else{
+        return info1.suffix().toLower() < info2.suffix().toLower();   
+    }
+  \reimp
+  Sort by \a column, which is aligned to \a SortFlag
+  \sa SortFlag
+void FmFindResultModel::sort ( int column, Qt::SortOrder order )
+    // Sort algorithm comes from
+    // void QListModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
+    Q_UNUSED( order );
+    emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
+    // store value and row pair.
+    QVector < QPair<QString,int> > sorting(mFindResult.count());
+    for (int i = 0; i < mFindResult.count(); ++i) {
+        QString item =;
+        sorting[i].first = item;
+        sorting[i].second = i;
+    }
+    // sort in "sorting"
+   switch( ( SortFlag )column )
+    {
+    case Name:
+        qSort( sorting.begin(), sorting.end(), caseNameLessThan );
+        break;
+    case Time:
+        qSort( sorting.begin(), sorting.end(), caseTimeLessThan );
+        break;
+    case Size:
+        qSort( sorting.begin(), sorting.end(), caseSizeLessThan );
+        break;
+    case Type:
+        qSort( sorting.begin(), sorting.end(), caseTypeLessThan );
+        break;
+    }
+    // create from Indexes and toIndexes, then set sorted data back to mFindResult
+    QModelIndexList fromIndexes;
+    QModelIndexList toIndexes;
+    for (int r = 0; r < sorting.count(); ++r) {
+        QString item =;
+        toIndexes.append(createIndex(r, 0));
+        fromIndexes.append(createIndex(, 0));
+        mFindResult[r] =;
+    }
+    changePersistentIndexList(fromIndexes, toIndexes);
+    emit layoutChanged();