Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of CDevEncUiAppUi.
#include <avkon.hrh>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <DevEncUi.rsg>
#include <csxhelp/devenc.hlp.hrh>
#include <e32event.h>
#include <hlplch.h> // Help launcher
#include <StringLoader.h> // TBD: Needed?
#include <w32std.h>
#include <DevEncExternalCRKeys.h>
#include "DevEncLog.h"
#include "DevEnc.hrh"
#include "DevEncUi.pan"
#include "DevEncUiAppui.h"
#include "DevEncUiEncrView.h"
#include "DevEncUiEncryptionOperator.h"
#include "DevEncUiDecrView.h"
#include "DevEncUiMainView.h"
#include "DevEncUiMemoryEntity.h"
#include "DevEncUids.hrh"
#include <AknGlobalNote.h>
//Local definitions
const TInt KDevEncUiConstructionDelay( 1000000 );
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL()
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL()
// Initialise app UI with standard value.
BaseConstructL( EAknEnableSkin | EAknSingleClickCompatible );
DFLOG( ">>CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL" );
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => Create drive path" );
// Create private folder. TBD: Needed?
TInt error = iFs.CreatePrivatePath( EDriveC );
if ( error == KErrAlreadyExists )
error = KErrNone;
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => Leave ?" );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => No, constructing CR" );
// Central repository settings
iCrSettings = CRepository::NewL( TUid::Uid( KCRDevEncUiSettings ) );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => Adding observer" );
// Create MMC observer
iObserver = CMmcObserver::NewL( this, &iFs );
// Call the MMC callback function once to get the initial card status
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => constructing mass memory" );
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* massMemory = CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::NewLC( iEikonEnv,
EPhoneMemory );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => adding to mem entities" );
iMemEntities.AppendL( massMemory );
CleanupStack::Pop( massMemory );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => constructing memory card" );
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* memoryCard = CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::NewLC( iEikonEnv,
EMemoryCard );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => adding to mem entities" );
iMemEntities.AppendL( memoryCard );
CleanupStack::Pop( memoryCard );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => constructing phone memory" );
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* phoneMemory = CDevEncUiMemoryEntity::NewLC( iEikonEnv,
EPrimaryPhoneMemory );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL => adding to mem entities" );
iMemEntities.AppendL( phoneMemory );
CleanupStack::Pop( phoneMemory );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL() => Create enc operator" );
// Create encryption operator
iEncOperator = CDevEncUiEncryptionOperator::NewL( *iEikonEnv,
iCrSettings );
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL() => Create views" );
// Create views
iMainView = CDevEncUiMainView::NewL( iMemEntities,
iMmcStatus );
AddViewL( iMainView ); // transfer ownership
iEncryptionView = CDevEncUiEncrView::NewL( iMemEntities );
AddViewL( iEncryptionView ); // transfer ownership
iDecryptionView = CDevEncUiDecrView::NewL( iMemEntities );
AddViewL( iDecryptionView ); // transfer ownership
SetDefaultViewL( *iMainView );
DFLOG( "ConstructL 6" );
iConstructionOnGoing = ETrue;
iTimer = CDevEncUiTimer::NewL( this );
iTimer->After( KDevEncUiConstructionDelay );
DFLOG( "<<CDevEncUiAppUi::ConstructL" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiAppUi::CDevEncUiAppUi()
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// No implementation required
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiAppUi::~CDevEncUiAppUi()
// Destructor.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DFLOG( ">>CDevEncUiAppUi::~CDevEncUiAppUi" );
delete iObserver;
delete iEncOperator;
if (iMemEntities.Count())
iMemEntities[ EMemoryCard ]->RemoveObserver( this );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iMemEntities.Count(); i++ )
delete iMemEntities[i];
delete iCrSettings;
delete iTimer;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiAppUi::HandleCommandL()
// Takes care of command handling.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
DFLOG( ">>CDevEncUiAppUi::HandleCommandL" );
switch( aCommand )
// These commands are specific to the memory card
case EDevEncUiCommandEncryptWithoutSavingKey: // fall through
case EDevEncUiCommandEncryptAndSaveKey:
case EDevEncUiCommandEncryptWithRestoredKey:
// Pass the MMC memory entity to the operator, along with the command
iEncOperator->HandleMmcEncryptRequestL( iMemEntities[ EMemoryCard ],
aCommand );
case EDevEncUiCommandDecrypt: // fall through
case EDevEncUiCommandDecryptAndTurnOffEncryption:
// Pass the MMC memory entity to the operator, along with the command
iEncOperator->HandleMmcDecryptRequestL( iMemEntities[ EMemoryCard ],
aCommand );
case EDevEncUiCommandHelp:
case EAknSoftkeyBack:
// Get the current view
TVwsViewId wsViewId;
TInt err = GetActiveViewId( wsViewId );
if ( ( err != KErrNone ) ||
( wsViewId.iAppUid.iUid != KDevEncUiUid ) )
User::Leave( err );
// Go to the main view from the encryption and decryption views
if ( wsViewId.iViewUid.iUid == EDevEncUiEncrViewId ||
wsViewId.iViewUid.iUid == EDevEncUiDecrViewId )
ActivateLocalViewL( TUid::Uid( EDevEncUiMainViewId ) );
if ( wsViewId.iViewUid.iUid == EDevEncUiMainViewId )
case EEikCmdExit: // fall through
case EAknSoftkeyExit:
Panic( EDevEncUi );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by the framework when the app is moved to or from foreground.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground )
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL" );
DFLOG2( "CDevEncUiAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL => aForeground = %d ", aForeground );
CAknAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL( aForeground );
iForeground = aForeground;
if( iConstructionOnGoing )
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL => Construction on going" );
if( iTimer )
iTimer->After( KDevEncUiConstructionDelay );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by the framework before the options menu is shown.
// Sets the correct menu items.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt /*aResourceId*/,
CEikMenuPane* /*aMenuPane*/ )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by the framework before the context-sensitive help is shown.
// Sets the correct menu items.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* CDevEncUiAppUi::HelpContextL()
// {
// TCoeHelpContext& aContext
// }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by the framework before the context-sensitive help is shown.
// Sets the correct menu items.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::DisplayHelpL()
CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* contexts =
new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TCoeHelpContext>( 1 );
CleanupStack::PushL( contexts );
TCoeHelpContext context;
context.iMajor = TUid::Uid( KDevEncUiUid );
// Get the currently active view
TVwsViewId wsViewId;
TInt err = GetActiveViewId( wsViewId );
if ( ( err != KErrNone ) ||
( wsViewId.iAppUid.iUid != KDevEncUiUid ) )
User::Leave( err );
// Set the help context for the current view
switch ( wsViewId.iViewUid.iUid )
case EDevEncUiEncrViewId:
case EDevEncUiDecrViewId:
default: // Main view
context.iContext = KES_HLP_ENCRYPTION_MAIN;
contexts->AppendL( context );
CleanupStack::Pop( contexts );
HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( iCoeEnv->WsSession(), contexts );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by CDevEncMmcObserver when MMC status changes.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::MMCStatusChangedL()
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::MMCStatusChangedL" );
TVolumeInfo volInfo;
TInt err = iFs.Volume( volInfo, /*EDriveE*/EDriveF );
switch ( err )
case KErrNone:
// Readable MMC inserted
DFLOG( "MMC inserted" );
iMmcStatus = EMmcOk;
case KErrNotReady:
// MMC ejected
DFLOG( "MMC ejected" );
iMmcStatus = EMmcNotPresent;
case KErrCorrupt:
// Corrupt or unformatted MMC, or wrong key
DFLOG( "MMC corrupt, unformatted or encrypted with other key" );
iMmcStatus = EMmcNotReadable;
DFLOG2( "RFs::Volume returned error %d", err );
} // switch
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by memory entity when memory status changes.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::UpdateInfo( TDevEncUiMemoryType aType,
TUint aState,
TUint /*aProgress*/ )
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::UpdateInfo" );
TInt error( KErrNone );
TRAP( error, DoUpdateInfoL( aType, aState ) );
DFLOG2( "CDevEncUiAppUi::DoUpdateInfo returned %d", error );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper function called by UpdateInfo when memory status changes.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::DoUpdateInfoL( TDevEncUiMemoryType aType,
TUint aState )
DFLOG( ">>CDevEncUiAppUi::DoUpdateInfoL" );
if ( aType != EMemoryCard )
// Prevent re-entry
if ( iStatusUpdateOngoing )
iStatusUpdateOngoing = ETrue;
DFLOG3( "CDevEncUiAppUi::DoUpdateInfoL, type %d, state %d",
aType, aState );
DFLOG2( "Mmc state %d", iMmcStatus );
DFLOG2( "Enc state %d", iMmcEncState );
// Check encryption key status
TInt mmcKeyInDriver( 0 );
iCrSettings->Get( KDevEncUserSettingMemoryCard, mmcKeyInDriver );
if ( ( iMmcStatus == EMmcOk ) &&
( iMmcEncState == EUnmounted ) &&
( aState == EDecrypted ) )
// A readable memory card has just been inserted
if ( mmcKeyInDriver )
// We have a valid encryption key, but the newly inserted
// card is decrypted. Ask if the user wants to encrypt.
// (see UI spec 2.13)
iMemEntities[ EMemoryCard ] );
if ( ( iMmcStatus == EMmcNotReadable ) &&
( iMmcEncState == EUnmounted ) &&
( aState == ECorrupted ) )
// An unreadable memory card has just been inserted
if ( mmcKeyInDriver )
// We seem to have the wrong encryption key in the driver.
// Inform the user that the card cannot be used.
// (see UI spec 2.16)
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::DoUpdateInfoL => SuggestMmcDecryption" );
// We have no encryption key in the driver.
// Ask if the user wants to import a key and decrypt.
// (see UI spec 2.17)
iMemEntities[ EMemoryCard ] );
iMmcEncState = aState;
iStatusUpdateOngoing = EFalse;
DFLOG( "<<CDevEncUiAppUi::DoUpdateInfoL" );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by the CDevEncUiTimer when the event is generated.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::Timeout()
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::Timeout()" );
if( iForeground )
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiAppUi::Timeout() => Construction completed" );
//the construction is completed now
iConstructionOnGoing = EFalse;
// This class needs to observe memory card status changes.
// (This call results in a call to UpdateInfo, hence we need to be fully
// constructed before this.)
TRAP_IGNORE(iMemEntities[ EMemoryCard ]->AddObserverL( this ));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL
// From CEikAppUi
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDevEncUiAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL(
TApaCommand /*aCommand*/,
TFileName& /*aDocumentName*/,
const TDesC8& /*aTail*/ )
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiAppUi::OpenFileL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::OpenFileL(const TDesC& /*aFilename*/)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiAppUi::OpenFileL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::OpenFileL(RFile& aFile)
TBuf16<100> destinationPath;
destinationPath.Copy( KTargetDir );
TBuf16<250> sourcePath;
aFile.FullName( sourcePath );
// if the paths are the same, the copy operation will not be executed
if ( sourcePath.Left( destinationPath.Length() ).CompareF( destinationPath ) )
// copy the file to Others folder
TRAPD(err, CopyL( sourcePath, destinationPath ));
if( err == KErrNone )
iEncOperator->InfoNoteL( R_DEVENCUI_TEXT_NOTE_SAVEINFO, ETrue );
ActivateLocalViewL( TUid::Uid( EDevEncUiMainViewId ) );
ActivateLocalViewL( TUid::Uid( EDevEncUiMainViewId ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiAppUi::Copy()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiAppUi::CopyL(const TDesC &anOld, const TDesC &aNew)
CFileMan* fileMan=CFileMan::NewL( iFs );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileMan );
User::LeaveIfError(fileMan->Copy( anOld, aNew ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileMan );
// End of File