Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of CDevEncUiMainView.
// Class include
#include "DevEncUiMainView.h"
// System includes
#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
#include <aknViewAppUi.h> // CAknViewAppUi
#include <DevEncUi.rsg>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <DevEncExternalCRKeys.h>
// User includes
#include "DevEncLog.h"
#include "DevEnc.hrh"
#include "DevEncUiEncryptionOperator.h"
#include "DevEncUiMainViewContainer.h"
#include "DevEncUiMemoryEntity.h"
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
* Destructor. Frees up memory for the iLabel.
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iMemEntities.Count(); i++ )
iMemEntities[i]->RemoveObserver( iContainer );
delete iContainer;
delete iEncOperator;
* Symbian OS 2 phase constructor.
* Constructs the CDevEncUiMainView using the NewLC method, popping
* the constructed object from the CleanupStack before returning it.
* @param aRect The rectangle for this window
* @return The newly constructed CDevEncUiMainView
CDevEncUiMainView* CDevEncUiMainView::NewL(
RArray<CDevEncUiMemoryEntity*>& aMemEntities,
CRepository*& aCrSettings,
TInt& aMmcStatus )
CDevEncUiMainView* self = CDevEncUiMainView::NewLC( aMemEntities,
aMmcStatus );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
* Symbian OS 2 phase constructor.
* Constructs the CDevEncUiMainView using the constructor and ConstructL
* method, leaving the constructed object on the CleanupStack before returning it.
* @param aRect The rectangle for this window
* @return The newly constructed CDevEncUiMainView
CDevEncUiMainView* CDevEncUiMainView::NewLC(
RArray<CDevEncUiMemoryEntity*>& aMemEntities,
CRepository*& aCrSettings,
TInt& aMmcStatus )
CDevEncUiMainView* self =
new ( ELeave ) CDevEncUiMainView( aMemEntities,
aMmcStatus );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
CDevEncUiMainView::CDevEncUiMainView( RArray<CDevEncUiMemoryEntity*>& aMemEntities,
CRepository*& aCrSettings,
TInt& aMmcStatus )
: iMemEntities( aMemEntities ),
iCrSettings( aCrSettings ),
iMmcStatus( aMmcStatus )
* Symbian OS 2nd phase constructor.
* Uses the superclass constructor to construct the view
void CDevEncUiMainView::ConstructL()
iContainer = CDevEncUiMainViewContainer::NewL( AppUi()->ClientRect(),
iMmcStatus );
iContainer->SetMopParent( this );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iMemEntities.Count(); i++ )
iMemEntities[i]->AddObserverL( iContainer );
* Called by the framework
* @return The Uid for this view
TUid CDevEncUiMainView::Id() const
return TUid::Uid( EDevEncUiMainViewId );
* Called by the framework when the view is activated.
* Adds the container to the control stack.
void CDevEncUiMainView::DoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& /*aPrevViewId*/,
TUid /*aCustomMessageId*/,
const TDesC8& /*aCustomMessage*/)
AppUi()->AddToStackL( *this, iContainer );
if ( iEikonEnv->StartedAsServerApp() )
CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = Cba();
* Called by the framework when the view is deactivated.
* Removes the container from the control stack.
void CDevEncUiMainView::DoDeactivate()
if ( iContainer )
AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( iContainer );
* From CEikAppUi, takes care of command handling for this view.
* @param aCommand command to be handled
void CDevEncUiMainView::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
switch ( aCommand )
case EDevEncUiCommandChange:
// Show the toggle popup
if ( iContainer->ChangeSelectedItemL() )
// The user made a new selection
TDevEncUiMemoryType memoryType =
static_cast<TDevEncUiMemoryType>( iContainer->SelectedItem() );
EncryptionStatusChangeReq( memoryType );
AppUi()->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
void CDevEncUiMainView::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
if ( ! iContainer ||
iMemEntities.Count() == 0 )
// Disable the "Change" menu item if an encryption operation is ongoing
if ( aResourceId == R_DEVENCUI_MENU_MAIN )
TBool proceed( ETrue );
TInt dmControl( 0 );
TInt err = iCrSettings->Get( KDevEncUiDmControl, dmControl );
if ( err )
DFLOG2( "Cenrep error %d", err );
User::Leave( err );
// Check if phone memory encryption is controlled by dev management
if ( ( dmControl & KDmControlsPhoneMemory ) &&
( iContainer->SelectedItem() == EPhoneMemory ) )
// Selected memory is controlled by DM -> disable "Change"
aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EDevEncUiCommandChange, ETrue );
proceed = EFalse;
// Check if memory card encryption is controlled by dev management
if ( ( dmControl & KDmControlsMemoryCard ) &&
( iContainer->SelectedItem() == EMemoryCard ) )
// Selected memory is controlled by DM -> disable "Change"
aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EDevEncUiCommandChange, ETrue );
proceed = EFalse;
if ( !proceed )
DFLOG( "Hiding Change, item is controlled by DM" );
// Show the "Change" item if encryption status can be changed
TBool allowChange( EFalse );
if ( ( iMemEntities[ EMemoryCard ]->State() == EUnmounted ||
iMemEntities[ EMemoryCard ]->State() == EDecrypted ||
iMemEntities[ EMemoryCard ]->State() == EEncrypted ) &&
( iMemEntities[ EPhoneMemory ]->State() == EDecrypted ||
iMemEntities[ EPhoneMemory ]->State() == EEncrypted ) )
allowChange = ETrue;
if ( allowChange )
aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EDevEncUiCommandChange, EFalse );
aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EDevEncUiCommandChange, ETrue );
CDevEncUiAppUi& CDevEncUiMainView::GetAppUi()
CAknViewAppUi* aknViewAppUi = AppUi();
CDevEncUiAppUi* appUi = reinterpret_cast<CDevEncUiAppUi*>( aknViewAppUi );
return ( *appUi );
void CDevEncUiMainView::EncryptionStatusChangeReq( TDevEncUiMemoryType aType )
// Can't do anything about errors here
TInt error( KErrNone );
TRAP( error, DoEncryptionStatusChangeReqL( aType ) );
if ( error )
DFLOG2( "DoEncryptionStatusChangeReqL error %d", error );
// TBI: Async this function and create a subfunction with -L
void CDevEncUiMainView::DoEncryptionStatusChangeReqL( TDevEncUiMemoryType aType )
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiMainView::DoEncryptionStatusChangeReqL" );
// Check if we are allowed to start an encryption operation
TInt dmControl( 0 );
TInt err = iCrSettings->Get( KDevEncUiDmControl, dmControl );
if ( err )
DFLOG2( "Cenrep error %d", err );
User::Leave( err );
if ( DmControlsMemory( aType, dmControl ) )
// Encryption controlled by admin
// Create the encryption operator if necessary
if ( ! iEncOperator )
iEncOperator = CDevEncUiEncryptionOperator::NewL( *iEikonEnv,
iCrSettings );
// Get the currently highlighted memory type
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* mem = iMemEntities[ aType ];
DFLOG3( "Mem type: %d, state: %d", aType, mem->State() );
if ( aType == EPhoneMemory )
CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* phoneMemory = iMemEntities[ EPrimaryPhoneMemory];
iEncOperator->HandlePhoneMemEncryptRequestL( mem, phoneMemory );
else // aType = EMemoryCard
HandleMemoryCardEncryptRequestL( mem );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMainView::ErrorNoteL()
// TBI: Create base class and move this there
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMainView::ErrorNoteL( TInt aResourceId )
HBufC* message = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceId );
CAknErrorNote* errorNote = new ( ELeave ) CAknErrorNote;
errorNote->ExecuteLD( *message );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
// TBI: Create base class and move this there
TBool CDevEncUiMainView::DmControlsMemory( TDevEncUiMemoryType aType,
TInt aDmControlSetting )
TBool result( EFalse );
if ( ( aType == EPhoneMemory ) &&
( aDmControlSetting & KDmControlsPhoneMemory ) )
result = ETrue;
if ( ( aType == EMemoryCard ) &&
( aDmControlSetting & KDmControlsMemoryCard ) )
result = ETrue;
return result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDevEncUiMainView::HandleMemoryCardEncryptRequestL()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMainView::HandleMemoryCardEncryptRequestL( CDevEncUiMemoryEntity* aMem )
// Check if the driver has a known encryption key
TInt mmcEncrOn( 0 );
iCrSettings->Get( KDevEncUserSettingMemoryCard, mmcEncrOn );
if ( aMem->State() == EDecrypted ||
aMem->State() == EUnmounted )
if ( mmcEncrOn )
// Mmc decrypted or ejected but encryption is on ->
// suggest destruction of key
DFLOG( "Mmc decrypted, encryption key set -> destroy key?" );
if ( aMem->State() == EDecrypted )
// Mmc inserted -> indicate that it is decrypted
// (see UI spec 2.12)
iEncOperator->DestroyKeyQueryL( ETrue );
// Mmc ejected -> no need to show note
// (see UI spec 2.11)
iEncOperator->DestroyKeyQueryL( EFalse );
// Mmc decrypted and encryption is off -> show encryption menu
DFLOG( "Mmc decrypted, encryption key not set -> enc menu" );
AppUi()->ActivateLocalViewL( TUid::Uid( EDevEncUiEncrViewId ) );
else if ( aMem->State() == EEncrypted )
// Encryption is on -> show decryption menu
DFLOG( "Mmc encrypted -> decr menu" );
AppUi()->ActivateLocalViewL( TUid::Uid( EDevEncUiDecrViewId ) );
else if ( aMem->State() == ECorrupted )
if ( mmcEncrOn )
// Mmc seems to be encrypted with another key.
// Ask if the user wants to import another key.
// (See UI spec 2.10)
DFLOG( "CDevEncUiMainView::HandleMemoryCardEncryptRequestL => Mmc encrypted with another key, enc on -> import key" );
iEncOperator->SuggestMmcImportKeyL( aMem, ETrue );
// Mmc is probably encrypted with another key -> show encryption
// menu to let user choose a key
DFLOG( "Mmc encrypted, encryption key not set -> enc menu" );
AppUi()->ActivateLocalViewL( TUid::Uid( EDevEncUiEncrViewId ) );
DFLOG2( "Mmc busy, state = %d, no action", aMem->State() );
// Depending on the user's selection, the memory may be in the same
// state as before or in a new state. This call will let all observers
// know what state the memory ended up in.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Called by the framework when the application status pane
// size is changed. Passes the new client rectangle to the container.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDevEncUiMainView::HandleStatusPaneSizeChange()
if ( iContainer )
iContainer->SetRect( ClientRect() );
// End of File