Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Deletes files
#include "Cfilemanageractivedelete.h"
#include "MFileManagerProcessObserver.h"
#include "CFileManagerEngine.h"
#include "CFileManagerCommonDefinitions.h"
#include "CFileManagerUtils.h"
#include "FileManagerDebug.h"
//#include <cmgxfilemanager.h>
const TInt KFileManagerDeletionPerStep = 20;
const TInt64 KFileManagerMaxStepTime = 1000000; // 1s
const TInt KFileManagerNotificationArrayGranularity = 64;
// ============================ LOCAL FUNCTIONS ================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetTimeStamp
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TInt64 GetTimeStamp()
TTime time;
return time.Int64();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsTimedOut
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool IsTimedOut( const TInt64& aStartTime )
TInt64 time( GetTimeStamp() );
TBool ret( time - aStartTime > KFileManagerMaxStepTime );
if ( ret )
return ret;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::CFileManagerActiveDelete
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RFs& aFs,
CArrayFixFlat< TInt >& aIndexList,
CFileManagerEngine& aEngine,
CFileManagerUtils& aUtils ) :
iFs( aFs ),
iIndexList( aIndexList ),
iError( KErrNone ),
iEngine( aEngine ),
iUtils( aUtils )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFileManagerActiveDelete* CFileManagerActiveDelete::NewL(
CArrayFixFlat< TInt >& aIndexList,
CFileManagerEngine& aEngine,
CFileManagerUtils& aUtils )
CFileManagerActiveDelete* self = new( ELeave ) CFileManagerActiveDelete(
aEngine.Fs(), aIndexList, aEngine, aUtils );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileManagerActiveDelete::ConstructL()
iStringBuffer = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
//MG2 notification object
//iMgxFileManager = &iEngine.MGXFileManagerL();
iRemovedItems = new( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat(
KFileManagerNotificationArrayGranularity );
iIsRemoteDrive = iUtils.IsRemoteDrive( iEngine.CurrentDirectory() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::~CFileManagerActiveDelete
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CFileManagerActiveDelete::~CFileManagerActiveDelete()
delete iStringBuffer;
delete iFullPath;
delete iDirScan;
delete iDir;
delete iRemovedItems;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::IsProcessDone
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CFileManagerActiveDelete::IsProcessDone() const
return iProcessDone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerEngine::DeleteItemsInDirectoryL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CFileManagerActiveDelete::DeleteItemsInDirectoryL()
if ( !iDirScan )
iDirScan = CDirScan::NewL( iFs );
// Set scanning from current directory, take all files
// No sorting needed
iDirScan->SetScanDataL( *iFullPath,
KEntryAttNormal | KEntryAttHidden | KEntryAttSystem,
ESortNone );
if ( iDir && iFileIndex < iDir->Count() )
// Delete file item
const TEntry& item = ( *iDir )[ iFileIndex ];
TPtr ptr( iStringBuffer->Des() );
iDirScan->FullPath(), item, ptr );
CFileManagerUtils::RemoveReadOnlyAttribute( iFs, ptr, item );
DeleteFileL( ptr, ETrue );
// Fetch next directory
delete iDir;
iDir = NULL;
iDirScan->NextL( iDir );
iFileIndex = 0;
if ( iDir )
iFs, iDirScan->FullPath() );
if ( !iDir )
// Items are deleted now, report done
if ( !iNotDeletedItems )
// Delete all directories
CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( iFs );
SetError( fileMan->RmDir( *iFullPath ), *iFullPath );
delete fileMan;
return ETrue;
return EFalse; // Still items left
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::StepL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileManagerActiveDelete::StepL()
TInt64 startTime( GetTimeStamp() );
TInt indexCount( iIndexList.Count() );
TInt i( KFileManagerDeletionPerStep );
TBool timedOut( EFalse );
while ( iCurrentIndex < indexCount && i && !timedOut )
TBool isItemDone( EFalse );
// Fetch item path if missing
if ( !iFullPath )
iFullPath = iEngine.IndexToFullPathL(
iIndexList.At( iCurrentIndex ) );
if ( IsDir( *iFullPath ) )
// Ignore default folders
if ( iUtils.DefaultFolder( *iFullPath ) )
SetError( KErrFmgrDefaultFolder, *iFullPath );
isItemDone = ETrue;
// Delete item
if ( !isItemDone )
if ( IsDir( *iFullPath ) )
// Delete directory item
while ( iCurrentIndex < indexCount && i && !isItemDone && !timedOut )
isItemDone = DeleteItemsInDirectoryL();
// Adjust amount of deleted files per step by consumed time.
// This is an attempt to avoid long periods of time,
// where the UI does not respond to user activity.
timedOut = IsTimedOut( startTime );
// Delete file item
DeleteFileL( *iFullPath );
isItemDone = ETrue;
// Adjust amount of deleted files per step by consumed time.
// This is an attempt to avoid long periods of time,
// where the UI does not respond to user activity.
timedOut = IsTimedOut( startTime );
// Move to next item if done
if ( isItemDone )
delete iFullPath;
iFullPath = NULL;
if ( iCurrentIndex >= indexCount )
iProcessDone = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::DialogDismissedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileManagerActiveDelete::DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId )
if ( aButtonId == EAknSoftkeyCancel )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::GetError
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CFileManagerActiveDelete::GetError( TDes& aFileName )
if( iFileName.Length() > 0)
aFileName.Append( iFileName );
if ( iOpenFiles > 1 )
iError = KErrFmgrSeveralFilesInUse;
return iError;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::DeletedDrmItems
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CFileManagerActiveDelete::DeletedDrmItems(TInt& aTotalCount )
aTotalCount = iDeletedItems;
return iDeletedDrmItems;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::DeleteFileL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileManagerActiveDelete::DeleteFileL(
const TDesC& aFullPath, const TBool aReadOnlyChecked )
TBool isLocalDataFile( EFalse );
TBool isDrmProtected( EFalse );
if ( !iIsRemoteDrive )
// Check DRM protection
isDrmProtected = iUtils.IsDrmProtectedFile( aFullPath );
if ( isDrmProtected )
isLocalDataFile = iUtils.IsDrmLocalDataFile( aFullPath );
TInt err( iFs.Delete( aFullPath ) );
if ( err == KErrAccessDenied && !aReadOnlyChecked )
// Remove readonly and retry
TEntry entry;
if( iFs.Entry( aFullPath, entry ) == KErrNone )
iFs, aFullPath, entry );
err = iFs.Delete( aFullPath );
if ( !IsError( err ) )
// Notification is relevant only for local drives
if ( !iIsRemoteDrive )
TRAPD( err2, iRemovedItems->AppendL( aFullPath ) );
if ( err2 != KErrNone )
err2 )
// Inform deletion of DRM protected files except local data files
if( isDrmProtected && !isLocalDataFile )
SetName( aFullPath );
// Delete failed, update error info
SetError( err, aFullPath );
if ( err == KErrInUse )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::IsDir
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CFileManagerActiveDelete::IsDir( const TDesC& aFullPath )
return CFileManagerUtils::HasFinalBackslash( aFullPath );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::SetName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileManagerActiveDelete::SetName( const TDesC& aFullPath,
TBool aOverWrite )
if ( !aOverWrite && iFileName.Length() )
if ( aFullPath.Length() )
if ( IsDir( aFullPath ) )
TParsePtrC parse( aFullPath.Left( aFullPath.Length() - 1 ) );
iFileName.Append( parse.Name() );
TParsePtrC parse( aFullPath );
iFileName.Append( parse.NameAndExt() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::IsError
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CFileManagerActiveDelete::IsError( TInt aErr )
return ( aErr != KErrNone &&
aErr != KErrCorrupt &&
aErr != KErrNotFound &&
aErr != KErrPathNotFound );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::SetError
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileManagerActiveDelete::SetError( TInt aErr, const TDesC& aFullPath )
if ( iError == KErrNone && IsError( aErr ) )
iError = aErr;
SetName( aFullPath, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileManagerActiveDelete::FlushNotifications
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileManagerActiveDelete::FlushNotifications()
if ( iRemovedItems->MdcaCount() > 0 )
//TRAP_IGNORE( iMgxFileManager->UpdateL( *iRemovedItems ) );
// End of file