Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Concrete implementation of MGflmItemGroup interface
#include "CGflmItemGroupImpl.h"
#include "MGflmItemFilter.h"
#include "CGflmItemLocalizer.h"
#include "CGflmDriveResolver.h"
#include "CGflmFileRecognizer.h"
#include "CGflmDirectoryListingCache.h"
#include "CGflmGlobalActionItem.h"
#include "CGflmFileSystemItem.h"
#include "CGflmDriveItem.h"
#include "GFLMConsts.h"
#include "GFLM.hrh"
#include "GflmUtils.h"
#include <f32file.h>
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::CGflmItemGroupImpl
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TInt aId,
RFs& aFss,
CGflmDirectoryListingCache& aCache,
CGflmItemLocalizer& aLocalizer,
CGflmDriveResolver& aResolver ) :
iId( aId ),
iFss( aFss ),
iListingCache( aCache ),
iItemLocalizer( aLocalizer ),
iDriveResolver( aResolver )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::~CGflmItemGroupImpl
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iDirectory;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::NewLC
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGflmItemGroupImpl* CGflmItemGroupImpl::NewLC(
const TInt aId,
RFs& aFss,
CGflmDirectoryListingCache& aCache,
CGflmItemLocalizer& aLocalizer,
CGflmDriveResolver& aResolver )
CGflmItemGroupImpl* self = new( ELeave ) CGflmItemGroupImpl(
aId, aFss, aCache, aLocalizer, aResolver );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::ContructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGflmItemGroupImpl::ConstructL()
iSortCollationMethod = *Mem::CollationMethodByIndex( 0 );
iSortCollationMethod.iFlags |=
TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone | TCollationMethod::EFoldCase;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::RefreshL()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGflmItemGroupImpl::RefreshL(
MGflmItemFilter* aFilter,
TGflmSortMethod aSortMethod,
TGflmRefreshMode aRefreshMode )
"CGflmItemGroupImpl::RefreshL-aRefreshMode=%d, aSortMethod=%d",
aRefreshMode, aSortMethod )
if ( aRefreshMode == ERefreshItems )
// Reset reference list
// Destroy old filesystem items
// Re-read contents of the assigned directories, filter out unwanted
// items and add rest to the item list
TIMESTAMP( "GFLM reading and filtering directories started: " )
PopulateReferenceListL( aFilter );
TIMESTAMP( "GFLM reading and filtering directories ended: " )
if ( aRefreshMode == ERefreshItems || aRefreshMode == ERefreshSort )
if ( !( iInclusion & EDrives ) )
TIMESTAMP( "GFLM group sorting started: " )
iItemReferences.Sort( CGflmGroupItem::GetSortL( aSortMethod ) );
TIMESTAMP( "GFLM group sorting ended: " )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::PopulateReferenceListL()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGflmItemGroupImpl::PopulateReferenceListL( MGflmItemFilter* aFilter )
CGflmGroupItem* item = NULL;
TInt i( 0 );
// Add drive items to the reference list
if ( iInclusion & EDrives )
if ( iDirectory )
// Hide drive selection when location inside folder.
TInt count( iDriveResolver.DriveCount() );
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
// Add directly, items are filtered from drive resolver
CGflmDriveItem* drvItem = iDriveResolver.DriveAt( i );
iItemReferences.AppendL( drvItem );
drvItem->SetGroup( this );
// Add pointers to the static items (action items) to the
// reference list
TInt staticCount( iStaticItems.Count() );
for ( i = 0; i < staticCount; i++ )
item = iStaticItems[ i ];
if ( !aFilter ||
( aFilter && aFilter->FilterItemL( item, iId, NULL ) ) )
iItemReferences.AppendL( item );
item->SetGroup( this );
if ( iInclusion & ( EFiles | EDirectories ) )
if ( iDirectory )
// Check directory name length validity
TPtrC directory( iDirectory->Des() );
TInt dirLen( directory.Length() );
if ( !dirLen || dirLen > KMaxFileName )
// Get the drive where items are located
CGflmDriveItem* drvItem = iDriveResolver.DriveFromPath(
directory );
const CGflmDirectoryListingCache::CEntryArray* dir =
iListingCache.ListingL( directory );
TInt entryCount( dir->Count() );
// Reserve room for all entries at once to avoid overhead
iVolatileItems.ReserveL( entryCount );
iItemReferences.ReserveL( iItemReferences.Count() + entryCount );
// Create buffer for filenames
HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr filename( buffer->Des() );
TIMESTAMP( "GFLM files and folders list genaration started: " )
TInt bsLen( KGFLMBackslash().Length() );
// For all items in a directory listing
for( i = 0; i < entryCount; i++ )
const TEntry& entry( ( *dir )[ i ] );
TBool isDir( entry.IsDir() );
TInt extLen( isDir ? bsLen : 0 ); // Handle final backslash
if ( dirLen + entry.iName.Length() + extLen > KMaxFileName )
continue; // Too long name
if ( isDir && !( iInclusion & EDirectories ) )
continue; // No directories allowed
if ( !isDir && !( iInclusion & EFiles ) )
continue; // No files allowed
// Create a new filesystem item
CGflmFileSystemItem* fsItem = CGflmFileSystemItem::NewLC(
entry, directory );
// Filter out unwanted items
if ( !aFilter ||
( aFilter && aFilter->FilterItemL( fsItem, iId, drvItem ) ) )
// Only directory items can be localized
if ( isDir )
// Get localized name for the item, if it has one
GflmUtils::GetFullPath( directory, entry, filename );
TPtrC localizedName(
iItemLocalizer.LocalizeFromWorkThread( filename ) );
if ( localizedName.Length() )
fsItem->SetLocalizedNameL( localizedName );
iVolatileItems.AppendL( fsItem );
CleanupStack::Pop( fsItem );
iItemReferences.AppendL( fsItem );
fsItem->SetGroup( this );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fsItem );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
TIMESTAMP( "GFLM files and folders list genaration ended: " )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::ItemCount()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CGflmItemGroupImpl::ItemCount() const
return iItemReferences.Count();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::Item()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CGflmGroupItem* CGflmItemGroupImpl::Item( TInt aIndex )
return iItemReferences[ aIndex ];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::Id()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CGflmItemGroupImpl::Id() const
return iId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::SetInclusion()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGflmItemGroupImpl::SetInclusion( TUint aInclusion )
iInclusion = aInclusion;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::AddSourceL()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGflmItemGroupImpl::AddSourceL( const TDesC& aDirectory )
HBufC* temp = aDirectory.AllocL();
delete iDirectory;
iDirectory = temp;
// Reset reference list to cleanup all references to deleted directory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::ResetSources()
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGflmItemGroupImpl::ResetSources()
delete iDirectory;
iDirectory = NULL;
// Reset reference list to cleanup all references to deleted directory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::AddActionItemL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CGflmItemGroupImpl::AddActionItemL( TInt aId, const TDesC& aCaption )
CGflmGlobalActionItem* actionItem =
CGflmGlobalActionItem::NewLC( aId, aCaption );
iStaticItems.AppendL( actionItem );
CleanupStack::Pop( actionItem );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGflmItemGroupImpl::CollationMethod
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TCollationMethod* CGflmItemGroupImpl::CollationMethod()
return &iSortCollationMethod;
// End of File