* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Main class of the File Manager Engine
#include <e32base.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <AknServerApp.h>
#include "MFileManagerProcessObserver.h"
#include "FileManagerEngine.hrh"
#include "TFileManagerDriveInfo.h"
#include "CFileManagerRestoreSettings.h"
// File Manager engine spcific error codes
// defined numbers should be far away from system wide error code numbers
const TInt KErrFmgrSeveralFilesInUse = -4500;
const TInt KErrFmgrDefaultFolder = -4501;
const TInt KErrFmgrNotSupportedRemotely = -4502;
class CGflmNavigatorModel;
class CFileManagerItemProperties;
class CFileManagerActiveDelete;
class CFileManagerActiveSize;
class CFileManagerActiveExecute;
class CFileManagerRefresher;
class CFileManagerFileSystemEvent;
class CFileManagerUtils;
//class CMGXFileManager;
class CFileManagerItemFilter;
class CFileManagerRemovableDriveHandler;
class CFileManagerRemoteDriveHandler;
class CFileManagerDocHandler;
class CFileManagerBackupSettings;
class CFileManagerRestoreSettings;
class CFileManagerActiveRename;
class CFileManagerFeatureManager;
class MAknServerAppExitObserver;
* This class implements the main functionalities of File Manager Engine
* @lib FileManagerEngine.lib
* @since 2.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFileManagerEngine) : public CBase
// Engine state
enum TState
ENavigation = 0, // For using navigation list model
ESearch // For using search list model
// Sort method
enum TSortMethod
EByName = 0,
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aFs Shareable file server session, see RFs::ShareProtected()
* @return Pointer to a CFileManagerEngine instance
IMPORT_C static CFileManagerEngine* NewL( RFs& aFs );
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C ~CFileManagerEngine();
public: // Interface
* Set currently viewed memory
* @since 2.0
* @param aMemory The memory type
* @return system wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt SetMemoryL( TFileManagerMemory aMemory );
* Returns the currently viewed memory
* @since 2.0
* @return TFileManagerMemory, the memory type
IMPORT_C TFileManagerMemory Memory() const;
* Returns selected views item in array, which ListBox can show
* @since 2.0
* @return Array of formatted strings of current view
IMPORT_C MDesCArray* FileList() const;
* Engine signals events with this observer
* @since 2.0
* @param aObserver The process observer or NULL, ownership is not transferred
IMPORT_C void SetObserver( MFileManagerProcessObserver* aObserver );
* Returns full path of the current directory
* @since 2.0
* @return Full path of current directory
IMPORT_C TPtrC CurrentDirectory() const;
* Returns localized name of the current directory
* @since 2.0
* @return Full path of current directory
IMPORT_C TPtrC LocalizedNameOfCurrentDirectory() const;
* This backsteps the navigator to previously visible folder
* @since 2.0
IMPORT_C void BackstepL();
* Returns the type of given item index in CFileManagerItemProperties bitmask
* @since 2.0
* @param aIndex The index to current view index.
* @return CFileManagerItemProperties bitmask
IMPORT_C TUint32 FileTypeL( const TInt aIndex ) const;
* Returns the type of given item index in CFileManagerItemProperties bitmask
* @since 2.0
* @param aFullPath Full path to item which type is needed..
* @return CFileManagerItemProperties bitmask
IMPORT_C TUint32 FileTypeL( const TDesC& aFullPath ) const;
* Delete file(s) or folder, caller should delete the returned object.
* @since 2.0
* @param aIndexList List of indexes from current directory which is going to be deleted
* @return pointer to newly created CFileManagerActiveDelete object
IMPORT_C CFileManagerActiveDelete* CreateActiveDeleteL(
CArrayFixFlat< TInt >& aIndexList );
* Creates a new folder
* @since 2.0
* @param aFolderName Name of the new folder which is created current directory
IMPORT_C void NewFolderL( const TDesC& aFolderName );
* Set the current item name
* @since 5.0
* @param aFileName File name to be set
IMPORT_C void SetCurrentItemName( const TDesC& aFileName );
* Rename the file or folder.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIndex index of the file or folder from current directory
* @param aNewFileName name where that file or folder name is changed
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C void RenameL( const TInt aIndex, const TDesC& aNewFileName );
* Opens the file or folder
* @since 2.0
* @param aIndex from the current directory list
IMPORT_C void OpenL( const TInt aIndex );
* Returns the depth of the current folder
* @since 2.0
* @return Current depth in folder tree, 0 is root, 1 one folder down
IMPORT_C TInt FolderLevel();
* Checks from current directory, if the name is found
* @since 2.0
* @param aString Name which is matched with current directory files and folders
* @return ETrue if exists
* EFalse if not exists in current directory
IMPORT_C TBool IsNameFoundL(const TDesC& aString);
* returns number of the current drive.
* @since 2.0
* @returns TDriveNumber type, or KErrNotFound if no current drive set
IMPORT_C TInt CurrentDrive();
* returns info class of the item
* @since 2.0
* @param aIndex to current directory item
* @return class which contains all necessary data for info box, receiver must delete it
IMPORT_C CFileManagerItemProperties* GetItemInfoL( const TInt aIndex );
* returns info about MMC status
* @since 2.0
* @return class which contains all necessary data for MMC status
IMPORT_C TFileManagerDriveInfo GetMMCInfoL() const;
* Sets the state of the engine
* @since 2.0
* @param aState TState, the state type
IMPORT_C void SetState( TState aState );
* Gets the state of the engine
* @since 2.0
* @return TState, the state type
IMPORT_C CFileManagerEngine::TState State() const;
* Updates the current view
* @since 2.0
IMPORT_C void RefreshDirectory();
* Returns string which was used for finding items
* @since 2.0
* @return Ref to string
IMPORT_C TPtrC SearchString() const;
* Is given file name valid
* @since 2.0
* @param aDriveAndPath root path
* @param aName name of the file
* @param aIsFolder ETrue folder and EFalse file name
* @return ETrue if file name is valid
IMPORT_C TBool IsValidName(
const TDesC& aDriveAndPath,
const TDesC& aName,
TBool aIsFolder ) const;
* Check that if given file name contains illegal characters
* @since 2.0
* @param aName name of the file
* @return ETrue if file name is valid
IMPORT_C TBool IllegalChars( const TDesC& aName ) const;
* Check that there is enough memory to do specific operation
* @since 2.0
* @param aToFolder Target memory
* @param aSize Space needed bytes
* @param aOperation Move or Copy
* @return ETrue if there is enough space for operation
IMPORT_C TBool EnoughSpaceL(
const TDesC& aToFolder,
TInt64 aSize,
MFileManagerProcessObserver::TFileManagerProcess aOperation ) const;
* Sets the file system event on or off
* @since 2.0
* @param aSet ETrue sets file system event
* EFalse turns events off
IMPORT_C void FileSystemEvent( TBool aEventOn );
* Returns the current focus index if rename, copy/move or new folder
* operation has happened
* @since 2.0
* @return index to current focused item,
* KErrNotFound if not found
IMPORT_C TInt CurrentIndex();
* returns the file name with full path which is behind given index
* @since 2.0
* @param aIndex to current directory item
* @return HBufC buffer which caller must release after usage
IMPORT_C HBufC* IndexToFullPathL( const TInt aIndex) const;
* returns the file name with full path which is behind given index
* @since 3.2
* @param aIndex to current directory item
* @return HBufC buffer which caller must release after usage
IMPORT_C HBufC* IndexToFullPathLC( const TInt aIndex ) const;
* Checks given item that can it be deleted.
* @since 2.0
* @param aFullPath full path to item which is checked
* @returns ETrue if item can be deleted, EFalse if not
TBool CanDelete( const TDesC& aFullPath ) const;
* returns localized name of the given item
* @since 2.0
* @param aFullPath full path to item which is checked
* @returns TDesC reference to localized name
IMPORT_C TPtrC LocalizedName( const TDesC& aFullPath ) const;
* returns the count of files in folder
* @since 2.0
* @return count of files in folder
IMPORT_C TInt FilesInFolderL();
* Cancels the refresh operation
* @since 2.0
* @return ETrue if refresh process is cancelled,
* EFalse if there wasn't any refresh process ongoing
IMPORT_C TBool CancelRefresh();
* Checks given index is it folder, this call is very quick
* because it uses icon information to retrieve item type
* @since 2.0
* @param aIndex index to item
* @return ETrue item behind the index is folder
* EFalse item behind the index is not folder
IMPORT_C TBool IsFolder( const TInt aIndex ) const;
* Asynchronous notifies about drive added or changed
* @since 5.2
* @param aPtr Pointer to an instance of this class
* @return 0
static TInt DriveAddedOrChangeAsyncL( TAny* aPtr );
* Notifies about drive added or changed
* @since 3.1
void DriveAddedOrChangedL();
* Notifies about folder content changed
* @since 3.2
void FolderContentChangedL();
* Resolves the icon id of the given item index
* @since 2.7
* @param aIndex index to item
* @return Icon id of the item behind the index
IMPORT_C TInt IconIdL( const TInt aIndex ) const;
* Checks is given folder system folder
* @since 3.1
* @param aFull Full path to item
* @return ETrue if folder is system folder, EFalse if not
IMPORT_C TBool IsSystemFolder( const TDesC& aFullPath ) const;
* Gets current drive name
* @since 3.2
* @return Drive name
IMPORT_C TPtrC CurrentDriveName();
* Renames the current drive
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
* @param aName The new name
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt RenameDrive(
const TInt aDrive, const TDesC& aName );
* Retrieves current drive information
* @param aInfo A reference to a TFileManagerDriveInfo object
IMPORT_C void GetDriveInfoL( TFileManagerDriveInfo& aInfo );
* Sets password on current drive
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
* @param aOld The old password
* @param aNew The new password
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt SetDrivePassword(
const TInt aDrive,
const TMediaPassword& aOld,
const TMediaPassword& aNew );
* Removes password from current drive
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
* @param aPwd The current password
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt RemoveDrivePassword(
const TInt aDrive,
const TMediaPassword& aPwd );
* Unlocks the current drive
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
* @param aPwd The current password
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt UnlockDrive(
const TInt aDrive,
const TMediaPassword& aPwd );
* Starts format process
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
IMPORT_C void StartFormatProcessL( const TInt aDrive );
* Starts eject process
* @since 3.2
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
IMPORT_C void StartEjectProcessL( const TInt aDrive );
* Initiates backup or restore process
* @since 3.1
* @param aProcess The process to start:
* EBackupProcess or ERestoreProcess
IMPORT_C void StartBackupProcessL(
MFileManagerProcessObserver::TFileManagerProcess aProcess );
* Cancels ongoing process
* @since 3.1
* @param aProcess The process to cancel
IMPORT_C void CancelProcess(
MFileManagerProcessObserver::TFileManagerProcess aProcess );
* Get drive state
* @since 3.1
* @param aState For TFileManagerDriveInfo::TDriveState bits
* @param aPath Only drive letter is used
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt DriveState( TUint32& aState, const TDesC& aPath ) const;
* Get drive state
* @since 3.1
* @param aState For TFileManagerDriveInfo::TDriveState bits
* @param aDrive
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt DriveState( TUint32& aState, const TInt aDrive ) const;
* Determine if given file must be protected (kept on the device)
* @since 3.1
* @param aFullPath Full path to item
* @param aIsProtected The protection status
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt IsDistributableFile( const TDesC& aFullPath,
TBool& aIsProtected ) const;
* Connects or disconnects remote drive
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
* @param aConnect ETrue when connecting, EFalse when disconnecting
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt SetRemoteDriveConnection(
const TInt aDrive, TBool aConnect );
* Deletes the remote drive settings from remote storage framework
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
* @return System wide error code
IMPORT_C TInt DeleteRemoteDrive( const TInt aDrive );
* Gets drive root directory
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
* @return Reference to root directory string
IMPORT_C TPtrC DriveRootDirectory( const TInt aDrive ) const;
* Gets backup settings
* @since 3.1
* @return Reference to backup settings.
IMPORT_C CFileManagerBackupSettings& BackupSettingsL();
* Gets restore settings
* @since 3.1
* @return Reference to restore settings.
IMPORT_C CFileManagerRestoreSettings& RestoreSettingsL();
* Gets drive name
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive that name is required
* @return Reference to drive name.
IMPORT_C TPtrC DriveName( const TInt aDrive );
* Gets drive info
* @since 3.1
* @param aDrive Drive that info is required
* @param aInfo For storing drive info
IMPORT_C void GetDriveInfoL(
const TInt aDrive, TFileManagerDriveInfo& aInfo ) const;
* Gets restore info array
* @since 3.1
* @param aArray For storing restore info
* @param aDrive For getting info from specific drive
IMPORT_C void GetRestoreInfoArrayL(
RArray< CFileManagerRestoreSettings::TInfo >& aArray,
const TInt aDrive = KErrNotFound ) const;
* Checks if any ejectable drive is present
* @since 3.1
* @return ETrue if present, otherwise EFalse
IMPORT_C TBool AnyEjectableDrivePresent() const;
* Ensures that contents of a directory are up to date
* including remote drives when current view is updated
* @since 3.1
IMPORT_C void ForcedRefreshDirectory();
* Calculates the total size of given items
* @since 3.2
* @param aIndexList List of indexes from current directory
* @return Total size
IMPORT_C TInt64 GetFileSizesL(
const CArrayFixFlat< TInt >& aIndexList );
* Gets navigation level, the depth of backstep stack
* @since 3.2
* @return The navigation level
IMPORT_C TInt NavigationLevel() const;
* Gets drive name and letter as combined formatted text.
* @since 5.0
* @param aDrive Drive number EDriveA...EDriveZ
* @param aTextIdForDefaultName TextId of default name format string
* @param aTextIdForName TextId of name format string
* @return Text containing drive letter and name
IMPORT_C HBufC* GetFormattedDriveNameLC(
const TInt aDrive,
const TInt aTextIdForDefaultName,
const TInt aTextIdForName = 0 ) const;
* Returns info class of the item
* @since 5.0
* @param aIndex to current directory item
* @return class which contains all necessary data for info box, receiver must delete it
IMPORT_C CFileManagerItemProperties* GetItemInfoLC( const TInt aIndex );
* Sets search string.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSearchString Search string
IMPORT_C void SetSearchStringL( const TDesC& aSearchString );
* Sets search folder.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSearchString Search folder
IMPORT_C void SetSearchFolderL( const TDesC& aSearchFolder );
* Sets the directory with backsteps.
* @since 3.2
* @param aDirectory New current directory
IMPORT_C void SetDirectoryWithBackstepsL( const TDesC& aDirectory );
* Stores current navigation index.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIndex The index to current view index.
IMPORT_C void SetCurrentIndex( const TInt aIndex );
* Sets the sort method of the engine
* @since 5.0
* @param aSortMethod TSortMethod, the sort method type
IMPORT_C void SetSortMethod( TSortMethod aSortMethod );
* Gets the sort method of the engine
* @since 5.0
* @return TSortMethod, the sort method type
IMPORT_C CFileManagerEngine::TSortMethod SortMethod() const;
* Re-sorts the current view
* @since 5.0
IMPORT_C void RefreshSort();
* Gets the feature manager
* @since 3.2
IMPORT_C CFileManagerFeatureManager& FeatureManager() const;
* Set server application exit observer
* @Param aObserver The ServerAppExit observer or NULL, ownership is not transferred
IMPORT_C void SetAppExitOb( MAknServerAppExitObserver* aObserver );
* Deletes the backup archives selected using
* CFileManagerRestoreSettings::SetSelection() method.
* @since 5.0
IMPORT_C void DeleteBackupsL();
* Check if a drive is mounted
* @Param aDrive The target drive to check
* @Return TBool to indicate check result
* @since 5.2
IMPORT_C TBool IsDriverMounted( TInt aDrive );
* Set whether the file is a sis file
* @Param aSisFile file is or not a sis file
void SetSisFile( TBool aSisFile );
* Notice the ServerAppExit event
* @Param aReason the reason of the server application exit
void NoticeServerAppExit( TInt aReason );
* Sets embedded app status
* @param aStatus ETrue if embedded app on, EFalse if not
void EmbeddedAppStatus( TBool aStatus );
/* MFileManagerWaitNote */
void ShowWaitDialogL( MAknBackgroundProcess& aProcess );
//CMGXFileManager& MGXFileManagerL();
RFs& Fs() const;
TBool HasAppRemoteDriveSupport( TUid aUid );
TBool IsRemoteDriveConnected( const TInt aDrive ) const;
TBool BackupFileExistsL( const TInt aDrive ) const;
// Ensures that drive info is refreshed on next update
void ClearDriveInfo();
// Cancels ongoing transfer
void CancelTransfer( const TDesC& aFullPath );
* Gets the latest backup time
* @since 5.0
* @param aBackupTime Stores the latest backup time
* @return System wide error code
TInt LatestBackupTime( TTime& aBackupTime );
* C++ default constructor.
CFileManagerEngine( RFs& aFs );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
// Adds current dir fullpath to given name, returns HBufC buffer which must be released
HBufC* AddFullPathLC( const TDesC& aName, const TBool aIsFolder );
// Sets file system event watcher for given path
void SetFileSystemEventL( const TDesC& aFullPath = KNullDesC );
// For checking mount state
TInt CheckDriveMountL( TInt aDrive ) const;
// For getting drive info
void GetDriveInfoL(
const TDesC& aPath, TFileManagerDriveInfo& aInfo ) const;
// Opens file
void OpenFileL( const TDesC& aFullPath );
// Opens directory
void OpenDirectoryL( const TDesC& aFullPath );
// Checks is current drive available
TBool CurrentDriveAvailable();
* Start asynchronous disk event notification timer
* @since 5.2
void StartDiskEventNotifyTimerAsyncL();
* Stop asynchronous disk event notification timer
* @since 5.2
void StopDiskEventNotifyTimerAsync();
// Own: General File List Model is used via this object.
CGflmNavigatorModel* iNavigator;
// Ref: For file operations
RFs& iFs;
// Normal or search state
TState iState;
// Own: String which was used in latest search
HBufC* iSearchString;
// Own: String which is used for search process
HBufC* iSearchProcessString;
// Own: AO for async GFLM refresh operation
CFileManagerRefresher* iRefresher;
// Ref: Handle to current observer
MFileManagerProcessObserver* iProcessObserver;
// Own: Handles file system events
CFileManagerFileSystemEvent* iFileSystemEvent;
// item name of current index, used to search current index
TFileName iCurrentItemName;
// Own: Folder size calculation
CFileManagerActiveSize* iActiveSize;
// Own: Checks drive notifications
CFileManagerFileSystemEvent* iDiskEvent;
// Own: Indicates if embedded application is on
TBool iEmbeddedApplicationOn;
// Own: MG2 update notification object
//CMGXFileManager* iMgxFileManager;
// Own: Compines services of couple classes
CFileManagerUtils* iUtils;
// Own: Used for item filtering
CFileManagerItemFilter* iItemFilter;
// Own: Used for handling memory card etc functinalities
CFileManagerRemovableDriveHandler* iRemovableDrvHandler;
// Own: Used for handling remote drive functinalities
CFileManagerRemoteDriveHandler* iRemoteDrvHandler;
// Own: Used for opening files
CFileManagerDocHandler* iDocHandler;
// Own: Used for backup settings
CFileManagerBackupSettings* iBackupSettings;
// Own: Used for restore settings
CFileManagerRestoreSettings* iRestoreSettings;
// Own: Indicates last drive available status
TBool iLastDriveAvailable;
// Own: Stores current drive info
TFileManagerDriveInfo iCurrentDriveInfo;
// Own: Indicates if current drive info is refreshed
TBool iCurrentDriveInfoRefreshed;
// Own: Indicates if wait dialog is on
TBool iWaitDialogOn;
// Own: Stores drive name
HBufC* iDriveName;
// Own: Navigation indices
RArray< TInt > iNavigationIndices;
// Own: Used for rename
CFileManagerActiveRename* iActiveRename;
// Own: Used for storing search folder
HBufC* iSearchFolder;
// Own: Indicates file system event status
TBool iFileSystemEventEnabled;
// Own: Indicates if drive added or changed update is postponed
TBool iDriveAddedOrChangedPostponed;
// Own: Manages runtime variated features
CFileManagerFeatureManager* iFeatureManager;
// Ref: Handle to current ServerAppExit observer
MAknServerAppExitObserver* iObserver;
//Own: Whether the file was a sis type
TBool iSisFile;
//Own: postpone disk event notification while disk refresh is ongoing
CPeriodic* iDelayedDiskEventNotify;
// End of File