* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Localization strings for File view details
//d: Heading Text for the presentation details like size, date, format etc.
//d: When the 'View Details' option is selected, the presentation details view appears.
//l: heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_heading_pres_details "Presentation details"
//d: Keyword conveying the size of the SVG-T file.
//d: When the 'View Details' option is selected, the presentation details view appears.
//d: The SVG-T files size information is displayed as "Size %N B", or "Size %N kB"
//d: where the %N is replaced by the number of bytes/kbytes of the size of file.
//l: list_double_popup_menu_pane_1
#define qtn_details_size "Size"
//d: Expressed in number of kbytes
//d: When the 'View Details' option is selected, the presentation details view appears.
//d: The SVG-T files size information is displayed as "Size %N kB", where the %N is replaced
//d: by the number of kbytes of the size of file.
//l: list_double_popup_menu_pane_2
#define qtn_details_size_kb " %U kB"
//d: Expressed in number of bytes
//d: When the 'View Details' option is selected, the presentation details view appears.
//d: The SVG-T files size information is displayed as "Size %N B", where the %N is replaced
//d: by the number of bytes of the size of file.
//l: list_double_popup_menu_pane_2
#define qtn_details_size_b "%U B"
//d: Keyword conveying the Time when the SVG-T file was received in the system.
//d: When the 'View Details' option is selected, the presentation details view appears.
//l: list_double_popup_menu_pane_1
#define qtn_details_time "Time"
//d: Keyword conveying the Date when the SVG-T file was received in the system.
//d: When the 'View Details' option is selected, the presentation details view appears.
//l: list_double_popup_menu_pane_1
#define qtn_details_date "Date"
//d: Keyword conveying the Format of the SVG-T file
//d: When the 'View Details' option is selected, the presentation details view appears.
//l: list_double_popup_menu_pane_1
#define qtn_details_format "Format"
// *******************************
// Copy from DRMRightsManager.loc
// *******************************
//d:Second part of the first line of the fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:Related Media Object can be displayed (for example an image)
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det2_display "Display"
//d:Possible first line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%U is the type of rigths (qtn_drm_mgr_det2_play, qtn_drm_mgr_det2_display,
//d:qtn_drm_mgr_det2_execute or qtn_drm_mgr_det2_print)
//d:Second line is qtn_drm_mgr_det_unlimited, meaning that there are no
//d:constraints for this type of rights
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_full_x "Rights (%U)"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:No constraints for this type of Right.
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_unlimited "Unlimited"
//d:Possible first line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%U is the type of rigths (qtn_drm_mgr_det2_play, qtn_drm_mgr_det2_display,
//d:qtn_drm_mgr_det2_execute or qtn_drm_mgr_det2_print)
//d:Second line is qtn_drm_mgr_det_1_count or qtn_drm_mgr_det_n_counts,
//d:meaning the number of times that this object can be used.
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_utl_x "Times left (%U)"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:Usage times left is 1: it means that this object can be played, displayed,
//d:executed or printed (according to the examined type of right) only once
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_1_count "1 count"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N is the number of counts
//d:Usage times left is %n: it means that this object can be played, displayed,
//d:executed or printed (according to the examined type of right) only %N times
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_n_counts "%N counts"
//d:Possible first line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%U is the type of rigths (qtn_drm_mgr_det2_play, qtn_drm_mgr_det2_display,
//d:qtn_drm_mgr_det2_execute or qtn_drm_mgr_det2_print)
//d:Second line is qtn_drm_mgr_det_not_act, meaning that this object has not
//d:been activated yet.
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_uts_x "Times status (%U)"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:Rights not activated
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_not_act "Not activated"
//d:Possible first line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%U is the type of rigths (qtn_drm_mgr_det2_play, qtn_drm_mgr_det2_display,
//d:qtn_drm_mgr_det2_execute or qtn_drm_mgr_det2_print)
//d:Second line is qtn_drm_mgr_det_inter or qtn_drm_mgr_det_inter_two, meaning
//d:a quantity of time that specifies how long this object can be used.
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_udl_x "Time left (%U)"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:There is only one entry for an interval: e.g. "1 year"
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_inter "%U"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:There are two entries for an interval: e.g. "1 year, 2 months"
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_inter_two "%0U, %1U"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 year.
//d:Other quantities of time may follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_years_one "1 year"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of years of an interval
//d:It is used for period of years ending with 1 from 21 (21, 31, 41, etc.)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N years.
//d:Other quantities of time may follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_years_one_final "%N years"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of years of an interval
//d:It is used for period of years ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:22-24, 32-34, etc.)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N years.
//d:Other quantities of time may follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_years_two_four "%N years"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of years of an interval
//d:It is used for period of years ending from 5 to 0 plus range between 11 and
//d:14 (5-20, 25-30, 35-40, etc.)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N years.
//d:Other quantities of time may follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_years_five_zero "%N years"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 month.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_months_one "1 month"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of months of an interval
//d:It is used for period from two to four months
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N months.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_months_two_four "%N months"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of months of an interval
//d:It is used for period greater than four months
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N months.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_months_five_zero "%N months"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 day.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_days_one "1 day"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of days of an interval
//d:It is used for a period of 21 days
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N days.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_days_one_final "%N days"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of days of an interval
//d:It is used for period of days ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N days.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_days_two_four "%N days"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of days of an interval
//d:It is used for period of days ending from 5 to 0 plus range between 11 and
//d:14 (5-20, 25-30)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N days.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_days_five_zero "%N days"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 hour.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_hours_one "1 hour"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of hours of an interval
//d:It is used for a period of 21 hours
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N hours.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_hours_one_final "%N hours"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of hours of an interval
//d:It is used for period of hours ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N hours.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_hours_two_four "%N hours"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of hours of an interval
//d:It is used for a period included from 5 to 20 hours
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N hours.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_hours_five_zero "%N hours"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 minute.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_mins_one "1 minute"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of minutes of an interval
//d:It is used for period of minutes ending with 1 from 21 (21, 31, 41, 51)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N minutes.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_mins_one_final "%N minutes"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of minutes of an interval
//d:It is used for period of minutes ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:22-24, 32-34, 42-44, 52-54)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N minutes.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_mins_two_four "%N minutes"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of minutes of an interval
//d:It is used for period of minutes ending from 5 to 0 plus range between 11
//d:and 14 (5-20, 25-30, 35-40, 45-50, 53-59)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N minutes.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_mins_five_zero "%N minutes"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 second.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_secs_one "1 second"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of seconds of an interval
//d:It is used for period of seconds ending with 1 from 21 (21, 31, 41, 51)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N seconds.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_secs_one_final "%N seconds"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of seconds of an interval
//d:It is used for period of seconds ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:22-24, 32-34, 42-44, 52-54)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N seconds.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_secs_two_four "%N seconds"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of seconds of an interval
//d:It is used for period of minutes ending from 5 to 0 plus range between 11
//d:and 14 (5-20, 25-30, 35-40, 45-50, 53-59)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N seconds.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede.
#define qtn_drm_nbr_of_secs_five_zero "%N seconds"
//d:Possible first line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%U is the type of rigths (qtn_drm_mgr_det2_play, qtn_drm_mgr_det2_display,
//d:qtn_drm_mgr_det2_execute or qtn_drm_mgr_det2_print)
//d:Second line is a date, meaning when the object started to be valid.
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_rvf_x "Valid from (%U)"
//d:Possible first line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%U is the type of rigths (qtn_drm_mgr_det2_play, qtn_drm_mgr_det2_display,
//d:qtn_drm_mgr_det2_execute or qtn_drm_mgr_det2_print)
//d:Second line is a date, meaning until when the object is valid.
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_rvt_x "Valid until (%U)"
//d:First line of third entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports if it is possible to send Media Object or not.
//d:Second line is qtn_drm_mgr_det_allowed or qtn_drm_mgr_det_forbid
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_cs "Content sending"
//d:Possible second line for third entry of Details View listbox
//d:Sending of the content is allowed
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_allowed "Allowed"
//d:Possible second line for third entry of Details View listbox
//d:Sending of the content is forbidden
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_forbid "Not allowed"
//d:First line of first entry of Details View listbox
//d:It indicates the current status of the selected Right Object
//d:Second line is qtn_drm_mgr_det_valid or qtn_drm_mgr_det_exp
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_stat "Status"
//d:Possible second line for first entry of Details View listbox
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_valid "Activation key is valid"
//d:Possible second line for first entry of Details View listbox
#define qtn_drm_mgr_det_exp "Activation key expired"
// End of File