* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: SVGRenderFrameControl provides an implementation of a control
* which renders SVG using RenderFrames API provided by the
* engine.
#include <gdi.h>
#include <SVGRequestObserver.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include "SvgRenderFrameTimer.h"
const TInt KMaxTimeDuration=2500;
class CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl;
class MSvgtAppObserver;
* CSvgRenderFrameControl is a CCoeControl used to display SVGT content.
* It makes use of RenderFrames API provided by the svg engine to get
* the set of frame buffers and render it one by using render frame timer
* @lib SVGTScreenSaverPlugin.lib
* @since 3.1
class CSvgRenderFrameControl: public CCoeControl,
public MSvgRenderFrameTimerListener,
public MSvgRequestObserver
* Two-phased constructor.
* @since 3.1
static CSvgRenderFrameControl* NewL(
const CCoeControl* aParent,
RFile& aFileHandle,
MSvgtAppObserver* aObserver = NULL );
* Two-phased constructor.
* @since 3.1
static CSvgRenderFrameControl* NewLC(
const CCoeControl* aParent,
RFile& aFileHandle,
MSvgtAppObserver* aObserver = NULL );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CSvgRenderFrameControl();
* From CCoeControl,
* @since 3.1
void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
* From CCoeControl,
* @since 3.1
void SizeChanged();
public : // From MSvgRequestObserver
* From MSvgRequestObserver, Method Called by Svg Engine,
* when the frame buffer is updated and has to be redrawn
* @since 3.1
virtual void UpdateScreen();
* From MSvgRequestObserver, Method Called by Svg Engine,
* when there is a script support
* @since 3.1
virtual TBool ScriptCall( const TDesC& aScript,
CSvgElementImpl* aCallerElement );
* From MSvgRequestObserver, Method Called by Svg Engine,
* when it encounters an image element
* @since 3.1
virtual TInt FetchImage( const TDesC& aUri, RFs& aSession,
RFile& aFileHandle );
TInt FetchFont( const TDesC& /* aUri */,
RFs& /* aSession */, RFile& /* aFileHandle */ );
* This Method is called by the Svg engine to Get the SMIL
* Fit Attribute Value
* @since 3.1
virtual void GetSmilFitValue( TDes& aSmilValue );
* This Method updates the presentation status
* @since 3.1
virtual void UpdatePresentation(const TInt32& aNoOfAnimation);
public: // From MSvgRenderFrameTimerListener
* This function is a callback from animation timer,
* when there is an animation timeout.
* @since 3.1
virtual void AnimationTimeOut();
public: // New Function
* Starts the timer
* @since 3.1
void SetTimer();
* Cancels the timer
* @since 3.1
void CancelTimer();
* Processes the command sent by the user of the control
* @param aCommandId - command to be processed
* @since 3.1
virtual void ProcessViewerCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
* Gets the current index of the frame buffers
* @since 3.1
TInt GetCurrentIndex() const;
* Sets the index of the buffer to be used
* @param aIndex - index to be set
* @since 3.1
void SetCurrentIndex( TInt aIndex );
* This function initializes the svg engine.
* This function is also used to check the validity of the file.
* @param aCheckFile True if used in check file mode
* False otherwise
* @since 3.1
void InitializeEngineL( TBool aCheckFile,
MSvgRequestObserver* aObserver = NULL );
* This function deletes the svg engine.
* @since 3.1
void DeleteEngine();
* This function uses the svg engine to get the frames in an array
* of buffers.
* @since 3.1
TInt RenderMyFrames();
* This function moves the index of the array
* of buffers.
* @since 3.1
void MoveIndex();
* This function logs the debug message
* @param aMsg - message to be logged
* @since 3.1
void PrintDebugMsg( const TDesC& aMsg ) const;
* Default Constructor
* @since 3.1
CSvgRenderFrameControl( RFile& aFileHandle ,
MSvgtAppObserver* aObserver = NULL );
* 2nd phase constructor
* @since 3.1
void ConstructL( const CCoeControl* aParent );
// Pointer to the Svg Engine
CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl* iSvgEngine;
// Frame buffer to be given to svg engine during initialization
CFbsBitmap* iBmap;
// Array of bitmaps generated by RenderFrames
RPointerArray<CFbsBitmap> iBitmapFrames;
// Array of corresponding masks for the Bitmaps
RPointerArray<CFbsBitmap> iMaskFrames;
// Array of TimeInterval between frames
RArray<TUint> iDelayIntervals;
// file handle of the svg file to be set as ScreenSaver.
RFile* iFileHandle;
// Index of the bitmap in the array
TInt iCurrentFrame;
// Start duration to be given to RenderFrames
TUint iDuration;
// Handle to the Svg Dom
TInt iSvgDom;
// timer
CSvgRenderFrameTimer* iRenderFrameTimer;
// boolean to check whether it is in play or paused state
TBool iCanPlay;
// size of the control currently
TRect iRect;
// Parent Control
const CCoeControl* iParent;
// App observer pointer
MSvgtAppObserver* iAppObserver;
// End of File