/** ============================================================================* Name : cshelp.laf* Part of : CsHelp** Description:* This is the LAF specification file for the Cshelp app.* ** Version:** Copyright (C) 2002 Nokia Corporation.* This material, including documentation and any related* computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by* Nokia Corporation. All rights are reserved. Copying,* including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any * or all of this material requires the prior written consent of * Nokia Corporation. This material also contains confidential * information which may not be disclosed to others without the * prior written consent of Nokia Corporation.** ============================================================================*///d: laf data for Help application's topic view.// Edit 16 >>////l: main_pane_1//l:main_pane_1_help_item_text// <<//#define topic_view_font ELatinPlain12#define topic_view_C 215 #define topic_view_l 4#define topic_view_r 5#define topic_view_B 21#define topic_view_W 167#define topic_view_J ELayoutAlignBidi#define topic_view_lines 8#define topic_view_nextB 37// End of file