Add missing docml files.
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Help Picture module
#include "hlppict.h"
// User includes
#include "hlppanic.h"
#include "HLPDB.H"
#include "hlpmodel_internal.h"
// System includes
#include <fbs.h>
#include <coemain.h>
// ----> CHlpPicture (source)
CHlpPicture::CHlpPicture(CHlpDatabase& aDatabase, CHlpModel& aHlpModel)
:iDatabase(aDatabase), iHlpModel(&aHlpModel)
delete iImage;
if (iHlpModel)
void CHlpPicture::ConstructL(const CStreamStore& aStore, TStreamId aStreamId)
// Just restore for now
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iHlpModel, Panic(EHlpNoHelpModelPointer));
const THlpZoomState aZoomState = iHlpModel->ZoomSize();
RestoreL(aStore, aStreamId, iDatabase, aZoomState);
/** Constructs a new CHlpPicture object and returns a pointer to it,
pushing it onto the cleanup stack.
@param aStore A reference to a stream store.
@param aStreamId The ID of the stream to be used.
@param aDatabase A reference to a CHlpDatabase object.
@param aHlpModel A reference to a CHlpModel object.
@return A pointer to a CHlpPicture object.
@pre Valid stream store, stream ID, database and Hlpmodel
objects are passed to the function.
@post A CHlpPicture object has been created and has been pushed
onto the cleanup stack. */
CHlpPicture* CHlpPicture::NewLC(const CStreamStore& aStore, TStreamId aStreamId, CHlpDatabase& aDatabase, CHlpModel& aHlpModel)
CHlpPicture* picture = new(ELeave) CHlpPicture(aDatabase, aHlpModel);
picture->ConstructL(aStore, aStreamId);
return picture;
void CHlpPicture::Draw(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aTopLeft, const TRect& aClipRect, MGraphicsDeviceMap* aMap) const
if (iImageCountForPicture != KHlpModelMaximumNumberOfImagesForV6Point2Files)
// If there is only one image to represent this image, then we revert to using
// the scaling code, as per v6.0 and 6.1
TSize size;
GetSizeInPixels(aMap, size);
TRect destRect(aTopLeft, size);
TMargins cropMargins;
TSize originalSize;
TRect sourceRect(TPoint(cropMargins.iLeft,cropMargins.iTop), TPoint(originalSize.iWidth-cropMargins.iRight,originalSize.iHeight-cropMargins.iBottom));
sourceRect = CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->TwipsToPixels(sourceRect);
aGc.DrawBitmap(destRect, iImage, sourceRect);
// There are (by default anyway) 3 images available for use at various zoom states,
// hence we must ensure that we don't scale the bitmap.
TMargins cropMargins;
TRect sourceRect;
TRect destRect;
TSize size(iImage->SizeInPixels());
destRect = TRect(aTopLeft, size);
sourceRect = TRect(TPoint(cropMargins.iLeft, cropMargins.iTop), TPoint(size.iWidth - cropMargins.iRight, size.iHeight - cropMargins.iBottom));
aGc.DrawBitmap(destRect, iImage, sourceRect);
void CHlpPicture::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
void CHlpPicture::GetCropInTwips(TMargins& aMargins) const
aMargins.iLeft = aMargins.iRight = aMargins.iTop = aMargins.iBottom = 0;
/** Converts a bitmap size to twips before any scaling is applied.
@param aSize The size of the bitmap rectangle in pixels.
@pre None.
@post The bitmap rectangle size is expressed in twips. */
void CHlpPicture::GetOriginalSizeInTwips(TSize& aSize) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iHlpModel, Panic(EHlpNoHelpModelPointer));
aSize = iImage->SizeInPixels();
if (iImageCountForPicture != KHlpModelMaximumNumberOfImagesForV6Point2Files)
// ER6 and 6.1 scale-based code
TRect rect(aSize);
rect = CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->PixelsToTwips(rect);
aSize = rect.Size();
// Fetch the zoom
const TReal zoomValue = static_cast<TReal>(iHlpModel->CurrentZoomFactor());
const TReal scaleFactor = static_cast<TReal>(KHlpModelDefaultZoomFactorAsRealNumber / zoomValue);
// Scale up or down (in pixels) accordingly
aSize.iWidth = static_cast<TInt>(aSize.iWidth * scaleFactor);
aSize.iHeight = static_cast<TInt>(aSize.iHeight * scaleFactor);
// Now scale into twips
aSize = CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->PixelsToTwips(TRect(TPoint(0,0), aSize)).Size();
void CHlpPicture::HandleHelpModelDestruction()
iHlpModel = NULL;
void CHlpPicture::SetScaleFactor(TInt /*aScaleFactorWidth*/, TInt /*aScaleFactorHeight*/)
void CHlpPicture::SetCropInTwips(const TMargins& /*aMargins*/)
TInt CHlpPicture::ScaleFactorWidth() const
return KHlpModelZoomFactorMedium;
TInt CHlpPicture::ScaleFactorHeight() const
return KHlpModelZoomFactorMedium;
/** Replaces any currently used bitmap with the bitmap that
corresponds to the new zoom size.
@param aNewZoom The new zoom size.
@pre A valid zoom size is passed to the function.
@post All currently used bitmaps are replaced with bitmaps
that correspond to the new zoom size. */
void CHlpPicture::HandleZoomChangedL(THlpZoomState aNewZoom)
CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iDatabase.ImageForIdLC(iImageId, aNewZoom);
delete iImage;
iImage = bitmap;
/** Replaces any currently used bitmap with the bitmap
that corresponds to the new zoom size.
@param aNewZoom The new zoom size.
@pre A valid zoom size is passed to the function.
@post All currently used bitmaps are replaced with bitmaps
that correspond to the new zoom size.
@see CHlpDatabase::ImageForIdLC()
@see CHlpDatabase::ImageCountForIdL()
@see RStoreReadStream::OpenLC() */
void CHlpPicture::RestoreL(const CStreamStore& aStore, TStreamId aStreamId, CHlpDatabase& aDatabase, THlpZoomState aZoomState)
RStoreReadStream stream;
stream.OpenLC(aStore, aStreamId);
iImageId = stream.ReadUint32L();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stream
iImageCountForPicture = aDatabase.ImageCountForIdL(iImageId);
// Fetch the specified bitmap from the help files image table.
// This method will leave if the image isn't in the table.
CFbsBitmap* bitmap = aDatabase.ImageForIdLC(iImageId, aZoomState);
delete iImage;
iImage = bitmap;
CleanupStack::Pop(); // bitmap