changeset 4 4d54b72983ae
child 9 f966699dea19
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:fb3763350a08 4:4d54b72983ae
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Task monitor engine
    15  *
    16 */
    19 #include "tsfswengine.h"
    20 #include "tsfsalwaysshownapplist.h"
    21 #include "tsfshiddenapplist.h"
    22 #include "tsfswidgetlist.h"
    23 #include "tsfswiconcache.h"
    24 #include "tspreviewprovider.h"
    25 #include "tsfswclient.h"
    26 #include <apgtask.h>
    27 #include <AknDef.h>
    28 #include <apgwgnam.h>
    29 #include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerpluginresolver.h> // for CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL
    30 #include <featmgr.h>
    31 #include <swi/swispubsubdefs.h>
    33 #include "enginelogging.h"
    35 // time to wait before refreshing content
    36 const TInt KContentRefreshDelay = 500000; // 0.5 sec
    38 // for screenshots, they are scaled down to (screensize/this_factor).
    39 const TInt KScreenSizeFactor = 2;
    41 // format to get a lowercase hex string prefixed with 0x
    42 _LIT( KHexFmt, "0x%x" );
    44 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 // CTsFswEngine::NewL
    46 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 //
    48 EXPORT_C CTsFswEngine* CTsFswEngine::NewL( MTsFswEngineObserver& aObserver )
    49     {
    50     CTsFswEngine* self = NewLC( aObserver );
    51     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    52     return self;
    53     }
    55 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 // CTsFswEngine::NewLC
    57 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 EXPORT_C CTsFswEngine* CTsFswEngine::NewLC( MTsFswEngineObserver& aObserver )
    60     {
    61     CTsFswEngine* self = new ( ELeave ) CTsFswEngine( aObserver );
    62     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    63     self->ConstructL();
    64     return self;
    65     }
    67 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 // CTsFswEngine::CTsFswEngine
    69 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 //
    71 CTsFswEngine::CTsFswEngine( MTsFswEngineObserver& aObserver )
    72         : CActive( EPriorityStandard ), iObserver( aObserver )
    73     {
    74     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    75     }
    77 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 // CTsFswEngine::ConstructL
    79 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 //
    81 void CTsFswEngine::ConstructL()
    82     {
    83     iEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
    85     User::LeaveIfError( iWsSession.Connect() );
    86     User::LeaveIfError( iAppArcSession.Connect() );
    88     iHiddenAppList = CTsFsHiddenAppList::NewL( *this );
    89     iAlwaysShownAppList = CTsFsAlwaysShownAppList::NewL();
    91     iWidgetsSupported = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdWebWidgets );
    92     if ( iWidgetsSupported )
    93         {
    94         iWidgetList = CTsFsWidgetList::NewL();
    95         }
    97     // create app icon retriever instance
    98     iAppIcons = CTsFswIconCache::NewL();
   100     // get an initial list of tasks
   101     iAppDataRefreshNeeded = ETrue;
   102     CollectTasksL();
   104     // listen for app screenshots
   105     iPreviewProvider = CTsFastSwapPreviewProvider::NewL( *this );
   106     SetPreviewParams();
   107     UpdatePreviewContent();
   109     iUpdateStarter = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   111     // start listening for swi ps property
   112     if ( iSwiProp.Attach( KUidSystemCategory,
   113             Swi::KUidSoftwareInstallKey ) == KErrNone )
   114         {
   115         iSwiProp.Subscribe( iStatus );
   116         SetActive();
   117         }
   118     }
   120 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 // CTsFswEngine::~CTsFswEngine
   122 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 //
   124 CTsFswEngine::~CTsFswEngine()
   125     {
   126     Cancel();
   127     iSwiProp.Close();
   129     delete iUpdateStarter;
   130     delete iPreviewProvider;
   132     // delete the bitmaps as the hash map cannot do that
   133     THashMapIter<TInt, CFbsBitmap*> iter( iScreenshots );
   134     while ( const TInt* key = iter.NextKey() )
   135         {
   136         CFbsBitmap** value = iter.CurrentValue();
   137         delete *value;
   138         }
   139     iScreenshots.Close();
   140     delete iAppIcons;
   142     iData.ResetAndDestroy();
   143     iWgIds.Close();
   145     delete iHiddenAppList;
   146     delete iAlwaysShownAppList;
   147     delete iWidgetList;
   148     iAppArcSession.Close();
   149     iWsSession.Close();
   151 //    delete iContextUtility;
   152     }
   154 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 // CTsFswEngine::FswDataL
   156 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 //
   158 EXPORT_C const RTsFswArray& CTsFswEngine::FswDataL()
   159     {
   160     TSLOG_CONTEXT( FswDataL, TSLOG_LOCAL );
   161     TSLOG1_IN( "dirty flag = %d", iTaskListDirty );
   163     // check the dirty flag and refresh if needed
   164     if ( iTaskListDirty )
   165         {
   166         CollectTasksL();
   167         // dirty flag is cleared in the above call
   168         }
   170     // Get app icon for entries without screenshot,
   171     // do this only here as the app icon is not needed in case a screenshot
   172     // is already available.
   173     for ( TInt i = 0, ie = iData.Count(); i != ie; ++i )
   174         {
   175         if ( !iData[i]->ScreenshotHandle() )
   176             {
   177             CFbsBitmap* bmp;
   178             CFbsBitmap* mask;
   179             TUid appUid = iData[i]->AppUid();
   180             // this will leave with -46 in case of widgets if we do not have AllFiles cap
   181             TRAPD( err, iAppIcons->GetIconL( appUid, bmp, mask ) );
   182             if ( err == KErrNone && bmp )
   183                 {
   184                 iData[i]->SetAppIconHandles( bmp->Handle(),
   185                     mask ? mask->Handle() : 0 );
   186                 }
   187             else
   188                 {
   189                 iAppIcons->DefaultIcon( bmp, mask );
   190                 iData[i]->SetAppIconHandles( bmp->Handle(),
   191                     mask ? mask->Handle() : 0 );
   192                 }
   193             }
   194         }
   196     TSLOG_OUT();
   197     return iData;
   198     }
   200 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 // CTsFswEngine::CloseAppL
   202 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 //
   204 EXPORT_C void CTsFswEngine::CloseAppL( TInt aWgId )
   205     {
   206     TSLOG_CONTEXT( CloseAppL, TSLOG_LOCAL );
   207     TSLOG1_IN( "aWgId = %d", aWgId );
   209     if ( iWidgetsSupported && aWgId < 0 && iWidgetAppUiWgId )
   210         {
   211         // for widgets clients see a wgid that is -1*(index+1)
   212         const RWidgetInfoArray& arr( iWidgetList->RunningWidgets() );
   213         // convert aWgId to an index in the list of running widgets
   214         TInt idx = -aWgId - 1;
   215         // if index is valid then handle the widget specially
   216         if ( idx >= 0 && idx < arr.Count() )
   217             {
   218             TWsEvent event;
   219             event.SetType( EEventUser );
   220             TUint8* eventData = event.EventData();
   221             // Fill bits 0-31 with widget application uid.
   222             reinterpret_cast<TUint32&>( *eventData ) = KWidgetAppUidValue;
   223             eventData += sizeof( TUint32 );
   224             // Fill bits 32-63 with uid of the widget that should be closed.
   225             reinterpret_cast<TUint32&>( *eventData ) = arr[idx]->iUid.iUid;
   226             // Send the event to Widget AppUi.
   227             iEnv->WsSession().SendEventToWindowGroup(
   228                 iWidgetAppUiWgId, event );
   229             // closing a widget may not cause a window group change so trigger
   230             // the update manually
   231             UpdateTaskList();
   232             TSLOG0_OUT( "widget processing finished" );
   233             return;
   234             }
   235         }
   237     TUid appUid = AppUidForWgIdL( aWgId );
   238     if ( !iAlwaysShownAppList->IsAlwaysShownApp( appUid ) )
   239         {
   240         // send window group event to kill the app
   241         TWsEvent event;
   242         event.SetTimeNow();
   243         event.SetType( KAknShutOrHideApp );
   244         iEnv->WsSession().SendEventToWindowGroup( aWgId, event );
   245         TSLOG0( TSLOG_INFO, "event sent to wg" );
   246         }
   248     TSLOG_OUT();
   249     }
   251 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   252 // CTsFswEngine::SwitchToAppL
   253 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 //
   255 EXPORT_C void CTsFswEngine::SwitchToAppL( TInt aWgId )
   256     {
   257     TSLOG_CONTEXT( SwitchToAppL, TSLOG_LOCAL );
   258     TSLOG1_IN( "aWgId = %d", aWgId );
   260     if ( iWidgetsSupported && aWgId < 0 )
   261         {
   262         // for widgets clients see a wgid that is -1*(index+1)
   263         const RWidgetInfoArray& arr( iWidgetList->RunningWidgets() );
   264         // convert aWgId to an index in the list of running widgets
   265         TInt idx = -aWgId - 1;
   266         // if index is valid then handle the widget specially
   267         if ( idx >= 0 && idx < arr.Count() )
   268             {
   269             SwitchToWidgetL( idx );
   270             TSLOG1_OUT( "switched to widget %d", idx );
   271             return;
   272             }
   273         }
   275     TApaTask task( iEnv->WsSession() );
   276     task.SetWgId( aWgId );
   277     task.BringToForeground();
   279     TSLOG_OUT();
   280     }
   282 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 // CTsFswEngine::SwitchToWidgetL
   284 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   285 //
   286 void CTsFswEngine::SwitchToWidgetL( TInt aWidgetIndex )
   287     {
   288     const RWidgetInfoArray& arr( iWidgetList->RunningWidgets() );
   289     RApaLsSession ls;
   290     User::LeaveIfError( ls.Connect() );
   291     CleanupClosePushL( ls );
   292     CApaCommandLine* cmdLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
   293     cmdLine->SetCommandL( EApaCommandRun );
   294     TApaAppInfo info;
   295     iAppArcSession.GetAppInfo( info, arr[aWidgetIndex]->iUid ); // codescanner::accessArrayElementWithoutCheck2 (aWidgetIndex checked in SwitchToAppL())
   296     cmdLine->SetExecutableNameL( info.iFullName );
   297     ls.StartApp( *cmdLine );
   298     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &ls );
   299     }
   301 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   302 // CTsFswEngine::UpdateTaskList
   303 // Callback from appui
   304 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   305 //
   306 void CTsFswEngine::UpdateTaskList()
   307     {
   308     TSLOG_CONTEXT( UpdateTaskList, TSLOG_LOCAL );
   309     TSLOG_IN();
   311     // If no clients are subscribed for fsw content change notifications
   312     // then there is no need to waste time with rebuilding the task list,
   313     // just set the dirty flag.
   314     TInt listenerCount = iObserver.FswDataListenerCount();
   315     TSLOG1( TSLOG_INFO, "listener count = %d", listenerCount );
   316     if ( listenerCount > 0 )
   317         {
   318         // There can be many calls in a row, use a timer to prevent degrading
   319         // device performance.
   320         if ( !iUpdateStarter->IsActive() )
   321             {
   322             iUpdateStarter->Start( KContentRefreshDelay, 0,
   323                 TCallBack( UpdateStarterCallback, this ) );
   324             }
   325         }
   326     else
   327         {
   328         iTaskListDirty = ETrue;
   329         }
   331     // screenshot taking support - call Register and Unregister when needed
   332     UpdatePreviewContent();
   334     // get the foreground app uid and publish it to CFW if different than before
   335     TRAP_IGNORE( PublishFgAppUidL() );
   337     TSLOG_OUT();
   338     }
   340 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 // CTsFswEngine::ForegroundAppUidL
   342 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 //
   344 EXPORT_C TUid CTsFswEngine::ForegroundAppUidL( TInt aType )
   345     {
   346     // Do not use GetFocusWindowGroup or others.
   347     // We want to see only "real" application uids in FgApp,
   348     // i.e. stuff that would also be shown in the task swapper
   349     // area of Taskswitcher.
   351     TUid result = KNullUid;
   352     RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo> allWgIds;
   353     CleanupClosePushL( allWgIds );
   354     User::LeaveIfError( iWsSession.WindowGroupList( 0, &allWgIds ) );
   355     TInt count = allWgIds.Count();
   356     for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
   357         {
   358         // Depending on aType we may not need to bother with iParentId here.
   359         // If aType == EUseEmbeddedUid => embedded apps are treated as others.
   360         // If aType == EUseStandaloneUid => embedded apps must be ignored.
   361         if ( allWgIds[i].iParentId > 0
   362                 && aType == CTsFswClient::EUseStandaloneUid )
   363             {
   364             continue;
   365             }
   367         CApaWindowGroupName* wgn = CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(
   368             iWsSession, allWgIds[i].iId );
   369         TUid newUid = wgn->AppUid();
   370         TBool hidden = wgn->Hidden() || iHiddenAppList->IsHiddenL(
   371             newUid, iWsSession, allWgIds[i].iId );
   372         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wgn );
   374         if ( !hidden && newUid.iUid )
   375             {
   376             result = newUid;
   377             break;
   378             }
   379         }
   380     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &allWgIds );
   382     return result;
   383     }
   385 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 // CTsFswEngine::PublishFgAppUidL
   387 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   388 //
   389 void CTsFswEngine::PublishFgAppUidL()
   390     {
   391     TSLOG_CONTEXT( PublishFgAppUidL, TSLOG_LOCAL );
   392     TSLOG_IN();
   394     TUid newUid = ForegroundAppUidL( CTsFswClient::EUseEmbeddedUid );
   395     TSLOG2( TSLOG_INFO, "ws says: %x we have: %x", newUid.iUid, iFgAppUid.iUid );
   396     if ( iFgAppUid != newUid && newUid.iUid )
   397         {
   398         iFgAppUid = newUid;
   399         iFgAppUidStr.Format( KHexFmt, iFgAppUid.iUid );
   400         }
   402     TSLOG_OUT();
   403     }
   405 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   406 // CTsFswEngine::UpdateStarterCallback
   407 // Callback for the timer
   408 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 //
   410 TInt CTsFswEngine::UpdateStarterCallback( TAny* aParam )
   411     {
   412     CTsFswEngine* self = static_cast<CTsFswEngine*>( aParam );
   413     self->iUpdateStarter->Cancel();
   414     // get list of tasks and notify observer if there is a change in the list
   415     TBool changed = EFalse;
   416     TRAPD( err, changed = self->CollectTasksL() );
   417     if ( err == KErrNone && changed )
   418         {
   419         self->iObserver.FswDataChanged();
   420         }
   421     return 0;
   422     }
   424 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 // CTsFswEngine::CollectTasksL
   426 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   427 //
   428 TBool CTsFswEngine::CollectTasksL()
   429     {
   430     TSLOG_CONTEXT( CollectTasksL, TSLOG_LOCAL );
   431     TSLOG_IN();
   433     // clear dirty flag
   434     iTaskListDirty = EFalse;
   436     TBool changed = EFalse;
   437     RTsFswArray newList;
   438     CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( newList );
   440     // update app data if needed
   441     // (usually on startup and when new apps might have been installed)
   442     if ( iAppDataRefreshNeeded )
   443         {
   444         TSLOG0( TSLOG_INFO, "refreshing app data" );
   445         iAppArcSession.GetAllApps();
   446         iAlwaysShownAppList->InitializeAlwaysShownListL();
   447         iAppDataRefreshNeeded = EFalse;
   448         }
   450     // get all window groups
   451     RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo> allWgIds;
   452     CleanupClosePushL( allWgIds );
   453     User::LeaveIfError( iWsSession.WindowGroupList( 0, &allWgIds ) );
   454     TInt count = allWgIds.Count();
   456     for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
   457         {
   458         // ignore uninteresting entries (e.g. embedded apps)
   459         if ( allWgIds[i].iParentId > 0 )
   460             {
   461             continue;
   462             }
   464         // get window group name
   465         TInt wgId = allWgIds[i].iId;
   466         CApaWindowGroupName* windowName =
   467             CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC( iWsSession, wgId );
   468         TUid appUid = windowName->AppUid();
   470         // ignore entries with null uid
   471         if ( !appUid.iUid )
   472             {
   473             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( windowName );
   474             continue;
   475             }
   477         // will append the task to our own list only if it is not hidden
   478         TBool onHiddenList = iHiddenAppList->IsHiddenL(
   479             appUid, iWsSession, wgId );
   481         // if this is the widget app then save wgid for later use
   482         // and ignore it, but include running widgets instead
   483         if ( iWidgetsSupported && appUid.iUid == KWidgetAppUidValue )
   484             {
   485             iWidgetAppUiWgId = wgId;
   486             onHiddenList = ETrue;
   487             CheckWidgetsL( newList );
   488             }
   490         // get screen number (-1=console, 0=main screen, 1=cover ui)
   491         TInt appScreen = 0;
   492         TInt scrNumErr = iAppArcSession.GetDefaultScreenNumber( appScreen, appUid );
   494         // check if it is on always-shown list
   495         TBool mustShow = iAlwaysShownAppList->IsAlwaysShownApp( appUid );
   497 #ifdef _DEBUG
   498         const TDesC& captionDbg( windowName->Caption() );
   499         TSLOG4( TSLOG_INFO, "[%d] wgid=%d appuid=%x (%S)", i, wgId,
   500             appUid.iUid, &captionDbg );
   501         TSLOG4( TSLOG_INFO, "hidden=%d onhiddenlist=%d mustshow=%d scrno=%d",
   502             windowName->Hidden(), onHiddenList, mustShow, appScreen );
   503 #endif
   505         // add item to task list if it is always-shown OR it is not hidden
   506         // and it is not on cover ui
   507         if ( mustShow
   508                 || ( !onHiddenList
   509                     && !windowName->Hidden()
   510                     && ( appScreen == 0 || appScreen == -1 )
   511                     && scrNumErr == KErrNone ) )
   512             {
   513             if ( AddEntryL( wgId, appUid, windowName, newList, EFalse ) )
   514                 {
   515                 changed = ETrue;
   516                 }
   517             }
   518         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( windowName );
   519         }
   520     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &allWgIds );    
   522     // if counts for old and new lists do not match then there is a change for sure,
   523     // probably an app has been closed
   524     if ( iData.Count() != newList.Count() )
   525         {
   526         changed = ETrue;
   527         }
   529     // move pointers from the temporary list into the real one
   530     iData.ResetAndDestroy();
   531     TInt newListCount = newList.Count();
   532     TSLOG1( TSLOG_INFO, "new list count = %d", newListCount );
   533     for ( TInt i = 0; i < newListCount; ++i )
   534         {
   535         TSLOG3( TSLOG_INFO, "[%d] %S wgid=%d",
   536             i, &newList[i]->AppName(), newList[i]->WgId() );
   537         iData.AppendL( newList[i] );
   538         newList[i] = 0;
   539         }
   540     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &newList );
   542     TSLOG1_OUT( "change flag = %d", changed );
   543     return changed;
   544     }
   546 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   547 // CTsFswEngine::AddEntryL
   548 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   549 //
   550 TBool CTsFswEngine::AddEntryL( TInt aWgId, const TUid& aAppUid,
   551         CApaWindowGroupName* aWgName, RTsFswArray& aNewList,
   552         TBool aIsWidget )
   553     {
   554     TBool changed = EFalse;
   555     CTsFswEntry* entry = CTsFswEntry::NewLC();
   556     entry->SetWgId( aWgId );
   557     entry->SetAppUid( aAppUid );
   558     entry->SetWidget( aIsWidget );
   560     // check if present in old list and if yes then take some of the old data
   561     TBool found = CheckIfExistsL( *entry, aAppUid, changed, aNewList );
   563     // if not present previously then find out app name
   564     // and check if screenshot is already available
   565     if ( !found )
   566         {
   567         // when adding a new entry to the list it is changed for sure
   568         changed = ETrue;
   569         HBufC* name = FindAppNameLC( aWgName, aAppUid, aWgId );
   570         if ( name )
   571             {
   572             entry->SetAppNameL( *name );
   573             }
   574         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( name );
   575         TInt h = LookupScreenshotHandle( aWgId );
   576         if ( h )
   577             {
   578             entry->SetScreenshotHandle( h );
   579             }
   580         entry->SetAlwaysShown( iAlwaysShownAppList->IsAlwaysShownApp( aAppUid ) );
   581         if ( aWgName )
   582             {
   583             entry->SetSystemApp( aWgName->IsSystem() );
   584             }
   585         }
   587     // add to new list, ownership is transferred
   588     aNewList.AppendL( entry );
   589     CleanupStack::Pop( entry );
   590     return changed;
   591     }
   593 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   594 // CTsFswEngine::CheckIfExistsL
   595 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   596 //
   597 TBool CTsFswEngine::CheckIfExistsL( CTsFswEntry& aEntry,
   598         const TUid& aAppUid,
   599         TBool& aChanged,
   600         RTsFswArray& aNewList )
   601     {
   602     for ( TInt entryIdx = 0, oldCount = iData.Count();
   603             entryIdx < oldCount; ++entryIdx )
   604         {
   605         // Enough to check appuid, no need to bother with wgid as the
   606         // screenshot handle is up-to-date or will be updated later anyway.
   607         if ( iData[entryIdx]->AppUid() == aAppUid )
   608             {
   609             // if positions do not match then the list is different than before
   610             if ( entryIdx != aNewList.Count() )
   611                 {
   612                 aChanged = ETrue;
   613                 }
   614             CTsFswEntry* oldEntry = iData[entryIdx];
   615             aEntry.SetAppNameL( oldEntry->AppName() );
   616             aEntry.SetScreenshotHandle( oldEntry->ScreenshotHandle() );
   617             aEntry.SetAlwaysShown( oldEntry->AlwaysShown() );
   618             aEntry.SetSystemApp( oldEntry->SystemApp() );
   619             return ETrue;
   620             }
   621         }
   622     return EFalse;
   623     }
   625 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   626 // CTsFswEngine::CheckWidgetsL
   627 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   628 //
   629 void CTsFswEngine::CheckWidgetsL( RTsFswArray& aNewList )
   630     {
   631     if ( iWidgetsSupported )
   632         {
   633         iWidgetList->InitializeWidgetListL();
   634         const RWidgetInfoArray& arr( iWidgetList->RunningWidgets() );
   635         for ( TInt i = 0, ie = arr.Count(); i != ie; ++i )
   636             {
   637             // wgid will be a special negative value
   638             // windowgroupname is not needed here so pass NULL
   639             AddEntryL( -(i+1), arr[i]->iUid, 0, aNewList, ETrue );
   640             }
   641         }
   642     }
   644 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   645 // CTsFswEngine::HiddenAppListUpdated
   646 // Callback from the hidden app list watcher
   647 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   648 //
   649 void CTsFswEngine::HiddenAppListUpdated()
   650     {
   651     UpdateTaskList();
   652     }
   654 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   655 // CTsFswEngine::AppUidForWgIdL
   656 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   657 //
   658 TUid CTsFswEngine::AppUidForWgIdL( TInt aWgId )
   659     {
   660     CApaWindowGroupName* windowName =
   661         CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC( iWsSession, aWgId );
   662     TUid appUid = windowName->AppUid();
   663     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( windowName );
   664     return appUid;
   665     }
   667 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   668 // CTsFswEngine::FindParentWgId
   669 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   670 //
   671 TInt CTsFswEngine::FindParentWgId( TInt aWgId )
   672     {
   673     TInt parent( KErrNotFound );
   674     RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo> allWgIds;
   675     // Ask for window group list from RWsSession
   676     TInt error = iWsSession.WindowGroupList( 0, &allWgIds );
   677     if ( !error )
   678         {
   679         TInt count( allWgIds.Count() );
   680         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; i++ )
   681             {
   682             RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo info = allWgIds[i];
   683             if ( info.iId == aWgId )
   684                 {
   685                 parent = info.iParentId;
   686                 break;
   687                 }
   688             }
   689         }
   690     allWgIds.Close();
   691     return parent;
   692     }
   694 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   695 // CTsFswEngine::FindAppNameLC
   696 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   697 //
   698 HBufC* CTsFswEngine::FindAppNameLC( CApaWindowGroupName* aWindowName,
   699                                   const TUid& aAppUid,
   700                                   TInt aWgId )
   701     {
   702     //Retrieve the app name
   703     TApaAppInfo info;
   704     iAppArcSession.GetAppInfo( info, aAppUid );
   705     TPtrC caption = info.iShortCaption;
   707     HBufC* tempName = 0;
   708     if ( !caption.Length() && aWindowName ) // if not set - use thread name instead
   709         {
   710         if ( aWindowName->Caption().Length() )
   711             {
   712             tempName = aWindowName->Caption().AllocL();
   713             //put on cleanupstack after the if
   714             }
   715         else
   716             {
   717             TThreadId threadId;
   718             TInt err = iWsSession.GetWindowGroupClientThreadId(
   719                     aWgId, threadId );
   720             if ( err == KErrNone )
   721                 {
   722                 RThread thread;
   723                 CleanupClosePushL( thread );
   724                 err = thread.Open ( threadId );
   725                 if ( err==KErrNone )
   726                     {
   727                     tempName = thread.Name().AllocL(); // codescanner::forgottoputptroncleanupstack
   728                     // tempName put on cleanupstack after the if
   729                     }
   730                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &thread );
   731                 }
   732             }
   733         }
   734     else
   735         {
   736         tempName = caption.AllocL();
   737         //put on cleanupstack after the if
   738         }
   739     CleanupStack::PushL( tempName );
   740     return tempName;
   741     }
   743 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   744 // CTsFswEngine::CopyBitmapL
   745 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   746 //
   747 CFbsBitmap* CTsFswEngine::CopyBitmapL( TInt aFbsHandle, TBool aKeepAspectRatio )
   748     {
   749     CFbsBitmap* ret = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   750     CleanupStack::PushL( ret );
   751     CFbsBitmap* bmp = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   752     CleanupStack::PushL( bmp );
   753     User::LeaveIfError( bmp->Duplicate( aFbsHandle ) );
   755     //Make bitmap width and height equal so that it will look better in FSW control.
   756     TSize size  = bmp->SizeInPixels();
   758     if ( !aKeepAspectRatio )
   759         {
   760         if ( size.iHeight > size.iWidth )
   761             {
   762             size.iHeight = size.iWidth;
   763             }
   764         else
   765             {
   766             size.iWidth = size.iHeight;
   767             }
   768         }
   770     // preserve size and mode
   771     User::LeaveIfError( ret->Create( size, EColor64K ) );
   773     CFbsBitmapDevice* doubleBufferDev = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( ret );
   774     CleanupStack::PushL( doubleBufferDev );
   776     CFbsBitGc* doubleBufferGc = 0;
   777     User::LeaveIfError( doubleBufferDev->CreateContext( doubleBufferGc ) );
   778     CleanupStack::PushL( doubleBufferGc );
   780     // preserve size
   781     doubleBufferGc->BitBlt( TPoint( 0, 0 ), bmp, TRect(size) );
   783     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( doubleBufferGc );
   784     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( doubleBufferDev );
   785     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bmp );
   786     CleanupStack::Pop( ret );
   788     return ret;
   789     }
   791 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   792 // CTsFswEngine::UpdatePreviewContent
   793 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   794 //
   795 void CTsFswEngine::UpdatePreviewContent()
   796     {
   797     TSLOG_CONTEXT( UpdatePreviewContent, TSLOG_LOCAL );
   798     TSLOG_IN();
   800     RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo> allWgIds;
   801     if ( iWsSession.WindowGroupList( 0, &allWgIds ) == KErrNone )
   802         {
   803         // check window groups that do not exist anymore
   804         for ( TInt i = 0, ie = iWgIds.Count(); i != ie; ++i )
   805             {
   806             TInt wgid = iWgIds[i];
   807             TBool present = EFalse;
   808             for ( TInt j = 0, je = allWgIds.Count(); j != je; ++j )
   809                 {
   810                 if ( allWgIds[j].iId == wgid )
   811                     {
   812                     present = ETrue;
   813                     break;
   814                     }
   815                 }
   816             if ( !present )
   817                 {
   818                 TSLOG1( TSLOG_INFO, "unregister: %d", wgid );
   819                 iPreviewProvider->Unregister( wgid );
   820                 }
   821             }
   822         // check topmost window group
   823         if ( allWgIds.Count() )
   824             {
   825             if ( !iWgIds.Count() || allWgIds[0].iId != iWgIds[0] )
   826                 {
   827                 TInt wgid = allWgIds[0].iId;
   828                 TSLOG1( TSLOG_INFO, "registering %d", wgid );
   829                 iPreviewProvider->Register( wgid );
   830                 }
   831             }
   832         // store the new list
   833         iWgIds.Reset();
   834         for ( TInt i = 0, ie = allWgIds.Count(); i != ie; ++i )
   835             {
   836             iWgIds.Append( allWgIds[i].iId );
   837             }
   838         }
   839     allWgIds.Close();
   841     TSLOG_OUT();
   842     }
   844 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   845 // CTsFswEngine::HandleFswPpApplicationChange
   846 // Callback from CTsFastSwapPreviewProvider
   847 // Note: aWgId is for the window group for which the screenshot is taken,
   848 // it may not be the same as the application's wgid (in case of embedded apps)
   849 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   850 //
   851 void CTsFswEngine::HandleFswPpApplicationChange( TInt aWgId, TInt aFbsHandle )
   852     {
   853     TSLOG_CONTEXT( HandleFswPpApplicationChange, TSLOG_LOCAL );
   854     TSLOG2_IN( "aWgId = %d aFbsHandle = %d", aWgId, aFbsHandle );
   856     CFbsBitmap* bmp = 0;
   857     TRAPD( err, bmp = CopyBitmapL( aFbsHandle, EFalse ) );
   858     iPreviewProvider->AckPreview(aFbsHandle);
   859     if ( err == KErrNone )
   860         {
   861         CFbsBitmap** oldbmp = iScreenshots.Find( aWgId );
   862         if ( oldbmp )
   863             {
   864             delete *oldbmp;
   865             }
   866         if ( iScreenshots.Insert( aWgId, bmp ) != KErrNone )
   867             {
   868             delete bmp;
   869             iScreenshots.Remove( aWgId );
   870             }
   871         else
   872             {
   873             AssignScreenshotHandle( aWgId, bmp->Handle() );
   874             }
   875         }
   877     TSLOG_OUT();
   878     }
   880 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   881 // CTsFswEngine::HandleFswPpApplicationUnregistered
   882 // Callback from CTsFastSwapPreviewProvider
   883 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   884 //
   885 void CTsFswEngine::HandleFswPpApplicationUnregistered( TInt aWgId )
   886     {
   887     TSLOG_CONTEXT( HandleFswPpApplicationUnregistered, TSLOG_LOCAL );
   888     TSLOG1_IN( "aWgId = %d", aWgId );
   890     CFbsBitmap** bmp = iScreenshots.Find( aWgId );
   891     if ( bmp )
   892         {
   893         delete *bmp;
   894         iScreenshots.Remove( aWgId );
   895         AssignScreenshotHandle( aWgId, 0 );
   896         }
   898     TSLOG_OUT();
   899     }
   901 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   902 // CTsFswEngine::AssignScreenshotHandle
   903 // Called when a screenshot arrives to check if there is a corresponding
   904 // application in the task list.
   905 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   906 //
   907 void CTsFswEngine::AssignScreenshotHandle( TInt aWgIdForScreenshot,
   908         TInt aBitmapHandle )
   909     {
   910     TBool changed = EFalse;
   911     TInt parentWgId = FindParentWgId( aWgIdForScreenshot );
   912     // now parentWgId is a valid wgid or KErrNotFound (-1)
   913     for ( TInt i = 0, ie = iData.Count(); i != ie; ++i )
   914         {
   915         if ( iData[i]->Widget() )
   916             {
   917             // Do not do anything for now => no screenshot for widgets.
   918             continue;
   919             }
   920         TInt appWgId = iData[i]->WgId();
   921         if ( appWgId == aWgIdForScreenshot || appWgId == parentWgId )
   922             {
   923             iData[i]->SetScreenshotHandle( aBitmapHandle );
   924             changed = ETrue;
   925             break;
   926             }
   927         }
   928     if ( changed )
   929         {
   930         iObserver.FswDataChanged();
   931         }
   932     }
   934 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   935 // CTsFswEngine::LookupScreenshotHandle
   936 // Called to check if there is a screenshot already stored for the given
   937 // app. (or a screenshot with a wgid for which aWgIdForApp is the parent)
   938 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   939 //
   940 TInt CTsFswEngine::LookupScreenshotHandle( TInt aWgIdForApp )
   941     {
   942     CFbsBitmap** bmp = iScreenshots.Find( aWgIdForApp );
   943     if ( bmp )
   944         {
   945         // there is a screenshot stored for this wgid
   946         return (*bmp)->Handle();
   947         }
   948     else if ( aWgIdForApp > 0 )
   949         {
   950         // must check if there is a screenshot for which aWgIdForApp is the parent
   951         THashMapIter<TInt, CFbsBitmap*> iter( iScreenshots );
   952         while ( const TInt* wgid = iter.NextKey() )
   953             {
   954             if ( FindParentWgId( *wgid ) == aWgIdForApp )
   955                 {
   956                 CFbsBitmap** bmp = iter.CurrentValue();
   957                 return (*bmp)->Handle();
   958                 }
   959             }
   960         }
   961     else if ( aWgIdForApp < 0 )
   962         {
   963         // Must be a widget, wgid is useless in this case.
   964         // Do not do anything for now => no screenshot for widgets.
   965         }
   966     return 0;
   967     }
   969 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   970 // CTsFswEngine::RunL
   971 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   972 //
   973 void CTsFswEngine::RunL()
   974     {
   975     if ( iStatus != KErrCancel ) // when cancelling the subscribe it completes with KErrCancel
   976         {
   977         TInt value = 0;
   978         if ( iSwiProp.Get( value ) == KErrNone )
   979             {
   980             TInt operationStatus( value & Swi::KSwisOperationStatusMask );
   981             // When an (un)installation has finished change the flag to
   982             // refresh the app list during the next task list update.
   983             if ( operationStatus == Swi::ESwisStatusSuccess )
   984                 {
   985                 iAppDataRefreshNeeded = ETrue;
   986                 }
   987             }
   988         iSwiProp.Subscribe( iStatus );
   989         SetActive();
   990         }
   991     }
   993 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   994 // CTsFswEngine::DoCancel
   995 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   996 //
   997 void CTsFswEngine::DoCancel()
   998     {
   999     iSwiProp.Cancel();
  1000     }
  1002 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1003 // CTsFswEngine::RunError
  1004 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1005 //
  1006 TInt CTsFswEngine::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
  1007     {
  1008     return KErrNone;
  1009     }
  1011 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1012 // CTsFswEngine::HandleResourceChange
  1013 // callback from appui's HandleResourceChangeL
  1014 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1015 //
  1016 void CTsFswEngine::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
  1017     {
  1018     TSLOG_CONTEXT( HandleResourceChange, TSLOG_LOCAL );
  1019     TSLOG_IN();
  1021     if ( iPreviewProvider && aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
  1022         {
  1023         SetPreviewParams();
  1024         }
  1026     TSLOG_OUT();
  1027     }
  1029 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1030 // CTsFswEngine::SetPreviewParams
  1031 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1032 //
  1033 void CTsFswEngine::SetPreviewParams()
  1034     {
  1035     TSize screenSize = iEnv->ScreenDevice()->SizeInPixels();
  1036     iPreviewProvider->SetPreviewParam(
  1037         TSize( screenSize.iWidth / KScreenSizeFactor,
  1038             screenSize.iHeight / KScreenSizeFactor ),
  1039         EColor64K ); // displaymode is ignored
  1040     }
  1043 // end of file