changeset 4 4d54b72983ae
parent 3 fb3763350a08
child 5 c743ef5928ba
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:fb3763350a08 4:4d54b72983ae
     1 /*
     2  * ============================================================================
     3  *  Name        : hgteleportfastswaparea.cpp
     4  *  Part of     : Hg Teleport
     5  *  Description : Teleport Fast Swap area UI
     6  *  Version     : %version: sa1spcx1#74 %
     7  *
     8  *  Copyright © 2008 Nokia.  All rights reserved.
     9  *  This material, including documentation and any related computer
    10  *  programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia.  All
    11  *  rights are reserved.  Copying, including reproducing, storing,
    12  *  adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
    13  *  prior written consent of Nokia.  This material also contains
    14  *  confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
    15  *  without the prior written consent of Nokia.
    16  * ============================================================================
    17  *
    18  */
    20 #include <gulicon.h>
    21 #include <eikenv.h>
    22 #include <AknUtils.h>
    23 #include <AknIconUtils.h>
    24 #include <AknIconArray.h>
    25 #include <aknstyluspopupmenu.h>
    26 #include <AknQueryDialog.h>
    27 #include <StringLoader.h>
    28 #include <hgteleport.rsg>
    29 #include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
    30 #include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
    31 #include <aknlists.h>
    32 #include <touchfeedback.h>
    33 #include <akntransitionutils.h>
    34 #include <akntranseffect.h>
    36 #include "hgteleportfastswaparea.h"
    37 #include "hgteleportapplogging.h"
    38 #include "hgfswclient.h"
    39 #include "hgteleportappui.h"
    40 #include "hgteleportdatachangeobserver.h"
    41 #include "hgteleporteventcontroler.h"
    43 /** command ids for the fsw popup */
    44 enum TPopupCommands
    45     {
    46     EFswCmdClose = 10000,
    47     EFswCmdCloseAll
    48     };
    50 /** Number of closable applications, to show "close all" option. */
    51 const TInt KHgMaxClosableApps = 2;
    53 /** Interval until which no change in the fsw content is rendered
    54     after starting the closing of an application. */
    55 const TInt KRefreshDelayAfterClose = 2; // seconds
    57 /** Uid of Active Idle application. 
    58     Used when movind Ai to specified position.*/
    59 const TUid KAiUid = TUid::Uid( 0x102750F0 );
    61 /** Position of Ai in fsw grid.*/
    62 const TInt KAiPosition = 0;
    64 /** Default grid item to highlight.*/
    65 const TInt KItemToHighlight = 3;
    67 const TInt KAppKeyTypeShort = 1;
    68 const TInt KAppKeyTypeLong = 2;
    70 const TInt KLayoutItemCount = 3;
    72 const TInt KRedrawTime = 250000; // 0.25 sec
    73 const TInt KHighlighActivationTime = 100000; // 100 ms
    74 const TInt KUpdateGridTime = 1000000; // 1 s
    76 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::NewL
    78 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 //
    80 CHgTeleportFastSwapArea* CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::NewL( const TRect& aRect,
    81     CCoeControl& aParent, CHgTeleportDeviceState& aDeviceState, 
    82     CHgTeleportEventControler& aEventHandler )
    83     {
    84     CHgTeleportFastSwapArea* self = CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::NewLC(aRect,
    85             aParent, aDeviceState, aEventHandler);
    86     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    87     return self;
    88     }
    90 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::NewLC
    92 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 //
    94 CHgTeleportFastSwapArea* CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::NewLC( const TRect& aRect,
    95     CCoeControl& aParent, CHgTeleportDeviceState& aDeviceState,
    96     CHgTeleportEventControler& aEventHandler)
    97     {
    98     CHgTeleportFastSwapArea* self = new (ELeave) CHgTeleportFastSwapArea(
    99             aParent, aDeviceState, aEventHandler);
   100     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   101     self->ConstructL( aRect );
   102     return self;
   103     }
   105 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CHgTeleportFastSwapArea
   107 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 //
   109 CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CHgTeleportFastSwapArea(CCoeControl& aParent,
   110     CHgTeleportDeviceState& aDeviceState,
   111     CHgTeleportEventControler& aEventHandler) :
   112     iParent(aParent), iDeviceState(aDeviceState), iEvtHandler(aEventHandler),
   113     iPreviousNoOfItems(0)
   114     {
   115     // no implementation required
   116     }
   118 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::~CHgTeleportFastSwapArea
   120 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 //
   122 CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::~CHgTeleportFastSwapArea()
   123     {
   124     iArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   125     delete iGrid;
   126     delete iFSClient;
   127     delete iPopup;
   128     delete iConfirmCloseQuery;
   129     delete iHighlightTimer;
   130     delete iRedrawTimer;
   131     delete iUpdateGridTimer;
   132     }
   134 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   135 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ConstructL
   136 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 //
   138 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect )
   139     {
   140     SetContainerWindowL( iParent );
   142     SetRect( aRect );
   144     // setup ganes grid
   145     ReCreateGridL();
   147     // create stylus popup instance
   148     PreCreatePopupL();
   150     // connect to fsw server
   151     iFSClient = CHgFswClient::NewL();
   153     iEvtHandler.ReInitPhysicsL(GridWorldSize(), ViewSize(), ETrue);
   155     // add self to device state observer
   156     iDeviceState.AddObserverL( *this, EDeviceType );
   158     iHighlightTimer = new (ELeave) CHgTeleportFastSwapTimer( *this );
   159     iHighlightTimer->ConstructL();
   161     iRedrawTimer = new (ELeave) CHgTeleportFastSwapTimer( *this );
   162     iRedrawTimer->ConstructL();
   164     iUpdateGridTimer = new (ELeave) CHgTeleportFastSwapTimer( *this );
   165     iUpdateGridTimer->ConstructL();
   167     ActivateL();
   168     }
   170 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   171 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ReCreateGridL
   172 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 //
   174 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ReCreateGridL()
   175     {
   176     MCoeControlObserver* obs = NULL;
   177     TBool wasHighlight = iDeviceState.DeviceType() == 
   178                              CHgTeleportDeviceState::EHybrid ? ETrue : EFalse;
   179     if ( iGrid )
   180         {
   181         obs = iGrid->Observer();
   182         iDeviceState.RemoveObserver(*iGrid);
   183         wasHighlight = iGrid->IsHighlightVisible();
   184         delete iGrid;
   185         iGrid = NULL;
   186         }
   188     iGrid = new( ELeave ) CHgTeleportFastSwapGrid;
   189     iGrid->ConstructL( this );
   190     iDeviceState.AddObserverL(*iGrid, MHgDeviceStateObserver::ESkin);
   192     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupStandardGrid( *iGrid );
   194     RArray<TAknLayoutRect> rects;
   195     CleanupClosePushL(rects);
   196     rects.ReserveL(KLayoutItemCount);
   197     GetFastSwapAreaRects(rects);
   198     TAknLayoutRect gridAppPane = rects[0];
   199     TAknLayoutRect gridItem = rects[1];
   200     TAknLayoutRect gridImage = rects[2];
   201     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rects);
   203     TInt variety = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() ? 1 : 0;
   204     iGrid->SetRect(gridAppPane.Rect());
   205     iGrid->SetVisibleViewRect(gridAppPane.Rect());
   206     TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits gridParams = 
   207         AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_tport_appsw_pane_ParamLimits( variety );
   208     TPoint empty( ELayoutEmpty, ELayoutEmpty );
   211     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 0,
   212             AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_tport_appsw_pane_g1( variety ).LayoutLine(),
   213             empty, empty );
   214 #else
   215     TRect imageRect;
   216     TRect textRect;
   217     TInt leftMargin = ( KFswItemWidth - KFswImageSize ) / 2;
   218     TInt topMargin = ( KFswItemHeight - KFswImageSize - KFswTextHeight ) / 3;
   219     textRect.iTl = TPoint( leftMargin, topMargin );
   220     textRect.iBr = TPoint( leftMargin + KFswImageSize, topMargin + KFswTextHeight );
   221     imageRect.iTl = TPoint( leftMargin, topMargin * 2 + KFswTextHeight );
   222     imageRect.iBr = TPoint( leftMargin + KFswImageSize, topMargin * 2 + KFswTextHeight + KFswImageSize );
   224     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormGfxCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 0 /*Column index*/,
   225                                          imageRect.iTl.iX  /*Left pos*/, imageRect.iTl.iY /*Top pos*/,
   226                                          0 /*unused*/, 0 /*unused*/,
   227                                          imageRect.Width() /*Icon width*/,
   228                                          imageRect.Height() /*Icon height*/,
   229                                          imageRect.iTl /*Start pos*/,
   230                                          imageRect.iBr /*End pos*/ );
   231 #endif
   233     // Setup text layout
   234     TRgb textColor;
   235     AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), textColor,
   236             KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG9 );
   238     TAknLayoutText textLayout;
   239     textLayout.LayoutText(
   240             Rect(),
   241             AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_tport_appsw_pane_t1( variety ).LayoutLine() );
   243     // Because textLayout.BaselineOffset() does not work (missing lib entry),
   244     // we need to calculate offset ourselves
   246     TInt baselineOffset = textLayout.TextRect().iBr.iY - textLayout.TextRect().iTl.iY;
   247     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 1 /*Column index*/,
   248                                           textLayout.Font() /*Font type*/,
   249                                           textColor.Color16() /*color*/,
   250                                           textLayout.TextRect().iTl.iX /*Left margin*/, 0 /*unused*/,
   251                                           baselineOffset /*Baseline*/, 0 /*Text width*/,
   252                                           textLayout.Align() /*Text alignment*/,
   253                                           TPoint(0,0) /*Start pos*/,
   254                                           TPoint(0,0) /*End pos*/);
   255 #else    
   256     TInt baselineOffset = textRect.iBr.iY - textRect.iTl.iY;
   257     AknListBoxLayouts::SetupFormTextCell( *iGrid, iGrid->ItemDrawer(), 1 /*Column index*/,
   258                                           textLayout.Font() /*Font type*/,
   259                                           textColor.Color16() /*color*/,
   260                                           textRect.iTl.iX /*Left margin*/, 0 /*unused*/,
   261                                           baselineOffset /*Baseline*/, 0 /*Text width*/,
   262                                           CGraphicsContext::ECenter /*Text alignment*/,
   263                                           TPoint(0,0) /*Start pos*/,
   264                                           TPoint(0,0) /*End pos*/);
   265 #endif
   267     // Setup grid observers
   268     if ( obs )
   269         {
   270         iGrid->SetObserver( obs );
   271         }
   272     iGrid->SetListBoxObserver(this);
   273     iGrid->SetFastSwapGridObserver(this);
   274     iGrid->SetContainerWindowL(*this);
   277     iMaxItemsOnScreen = Rect().Width() / gridItem.Rect().Width();
   278     iGridItemWidth = gridItem.Rect().Width();
   279 #else
   280     iMaxItemsOnScreen = Rect().Width() / KFswItemWidth;
   281     iGridItemWidth = KFswItemWidth;
   282 #endif
   284     iGrid->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->SetDrawBackground(EFalse);
   286     // Update state
   287     HandleDeviceStateChanged( EDeviceType );
   288     if( wasHighlight )
   289         {
   290         iGrid->ShowHighlight();
   291         }
   292     else
   293         {
   294         iGrid->HideHighlight();
   295         }
   297     // Make sure that there is an ActivateL call even when we are not
   298     // called from ConstructL. (in order to have the grid's parent ptr set properly)
   299     ActivateL();
   300     }
   303 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   304 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::GetFastSwapAreaRects
   305 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   306 //
   307 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::GetFastSwapAreaRects( RArray<TAknLayoutRect>& aRects )
   308     {
   309     TAknLayoutRect gridAppPane;
   310     TAknLayoutRect gridItem;
   311     TAknLayoutRect gridImage;
   313     TInt variety = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() ? 1 : 0;
   315     gridAppPane.LayoutRect( Rect(), 
   316             AknLayoutScalable_Apps::tport_appsw_pane( variety ) );
   317     aRects.Append(gridAppPane);
   319     gridItem.LayoutRect( gridAppPane.Rect(),
   320             AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_tport_appsw_pane( variety, 0, 0 ) );
   321     aRects.Append(gridItem);
   323     gridImage.LayoutRect( gridItem.Rect(),
   324             AknLayoutScalable_Apps::cell_tport_appsw_pane_g1( variety ) ); 
   325     aRects.Append(gridImage);
   326     }
   329 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Setup
   331 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   332 //
   333 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Setup( MCoeControlObserver& aControlObserver )
   334     {
   335     iGrid->SetObserver( &aControlObserver );
   336     }
   338 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   339 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SizeChanged
   340 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 //
   342 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SizeChanged()
   343     {
   344     HGLOG_CONTEXT( CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SizeChanged, HGLOG_LOCAL );
   345     HGLOG_IN();
   347     if ( iGrid )
   348         {
   349         // Grid needs to be recreated to proper reinitilize
   350         // data with new layout values
   351         TInt selIdx = SelectedIndex();
   352         TRAPD(err, 
   353               ReCreateGridL();
   354               iEvtHandler.ReInitPhysicsL(GridWorldSize(), ViewSize(), ETrue););
   355         if ( err != KErrNone )
   356             {
   357             HGLOG1( HGLOG_INFO, "ReCreateGridL leaves with %d", err );
   358             }
   359         HandleFswContentChanged();
   360         iGrid->SetCurrentDataIndex(selIdx);
   361         UpdateGrid(ETrue, EFalse);
   362         DrawDeferred();
   363         }
   364     HGLOG_OUT();
   365     }
   367 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Draw
   369 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   370 //
   371 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
   372     {
   373     CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
   374     MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
   375     MAknsControlContext* cc = AknsDrawUtils::ControlContext( this );
   376     AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin,
   377            cc,
   378            this,
   379            gc,
   380            Rect() );
   381     }
   383 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   384 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SwitchToApp
   385 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 //
   387 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SwitchToApp( TInt aIndex )
   388     {
   389     if ( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < iArray.Count() )
   390         {
   391         TInt wgId = iArray[aIndex]->WgId();
   392         // Move other app to foreground and then move ourselves to background.
   393         // Order is important and cannot be reversed.
   394         iFSClient->SwitchToApp( wgId );
   395         // We do not want to come back to teleport if the activated app is closed.
   396         // Therefore teleport must be moved to background.
   397         CHgTeleportAppUi* appui =
   398             static_cast<CHgTeleportAppUi*>( iEikonEnv->AppUi() );
   399         appui->MoveAppToBackground( AknTransEffect::EApplicationStartRect );
   400         }
   401     }
   403 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::TryCloseAppL
   405 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   406 //
   407 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::TryCloseAppL( TInt aIndex,
   408         TBool aSuppressRendering )
   409     {
   410     HGLOG_CONTEXT( TryCloseAppL, HGLOG_LOCAL );
   411     HGLOG2_IN( "%d %d", aIndex, aSuppressRendering );
   413     if ( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < iArray.Count() && CanClose( aIndex ) )
   414         {
   415         TInt wgId = iArray[aIndex]->WgId();
   416         iFSClient->CloseApp( wgId );
   417         // The fsw content will change sooner or later
   418         // but the updated content (without the closed app) will not
   419         // come very fast. It looks better to the user if the item
   420         // in the grid is removed right here, right now.
   421         // If the app does not close for some reason then this is
   422         // not fully correct but the app will then reappear on the next
   423         // content-changed notification anyway.
   424         delete iArray[aIndex];
   425         iArray.Remove( aIndex );
   426         NotifyChange();
   427         if ( !aSuppressRendering )
   428             {
   429             RenderContentL();
   430             }
   431         // Update item selection on the screen if last item was deleted
   432         TInt newItemCount = GridItemCount();
   433         if ( aIndex == newItemCount )
   434             {
   435             newItemCount--;
   436             iGrid->SetCurrentDataIndex(newItemCount);
   437             }
   438         iTimeOfLastClose.HomeTime();
   439         }
   441     HGLOG_OUT();
   442     }
   444 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   445 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::TryCloseAppWithQueryL
   446 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   447 //
   448 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::TryCloseAppWithQueryL( TInt aIndex )
   449     {
   450     if ( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < iArray.Count()
   451             && CanClose( aIndex )
   452             && ConfirmCloseL( aIndex ) )
   453         {
   454         TryCloseAppL( aIndex );
   455         }
   456     }
   458 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::TryCloseAllL
   460 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 //
   462 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::TryCloseAllL()
   463     {
   464     // note the direction of the loop, this is needed because
   465     // TryCloseAppL may modify the array
   466     TBool changed = EFalse;
   467     for ( TInt i = iArray.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
   468         {
   469         if ( CanClose( i ) )
   470             {
   471             TryCloseAppL( i, ETrue );
   472             changed = ETrue;
   473             }
   474         }
   475     if ( changed )
   476         {
   477         RenderContentL();
   478         RestoreSelectedIndex();
   479         iGrid->DrawNow();
   480         }
   481     }
   483 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   484 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CanClose
   485 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   486 //
   487 TBool CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CanClose( TInt aIndex ) const
   488     {
   489     CHgFswEntry* e = iArray[aIndex];
   490     return !e->AlwaysShown() && !e->SystemApp();
   491     }
   493 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CanCloseOthers
   495 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 //
   497 TBool CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CanCloseAll( TInt aSelectedItem ) const
   498     {
   499     TInt count( 0 );
   501     // Count number of closable applications and if number exceeds 2 finish
   502     // counting, because it is already enough to show the option.
   503     for ( TInt i = iArray.Count(); --i >= 0 && count < KHgMaxClosableApps; )
   504         {
   505         if ( CanClose( i ) )
   506             {
   507             count++;
   508             }
   509         }
   510     return ( count >= KHgMaxClosableApps ) ||
   511            ( count && !CanClose( aSelectedItem ) );
   512     }
   514 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   515 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleFswContentChanged
   516 // From MHgFswObserver
   517 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   518 //
   519 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleFswContentChanged()
   520     {
   521     HGLOG_CONTEXT( HandleFswContentChanged, HGLOG_LOCAL );
   522     HGLOG_IN();
   524     TRAPD( err, HandleFswContentChangedL() );
   525     if ( err != KErrNone )
   526         {
   527         HGLOG1( HGLOG_INFO, "leave occured: %d", err );
   528         }
   530     HGLOG_OUT();
   531     }
   533 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   534 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleFswContentChangedL
   535 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   536 //
   537 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleFswContentChangedL()
   538     {
   539     HGLOG_CONTEXT( HandleFswContentChangedL, HGLOG_LOCAL );
   540     HGLOG_IN();
   542     // If there was an app close operation started during the last
   543     // few seconds then stop, to prevent flickering.
   544     TTime now;
   545     now.HomeTime();
   546     TTimeIntervalSeconds iv;
   547     if ( now.SecondsFrom( iTimeOfLastClose, iv ) == KErrNone
   548             && iv.Int() <= KRefreshDelayAfterClose )
   549         {
   550         HGLOG1_OUT( "difference since last close is only %d sec, stop", iv.Int() );
   551         return;
   552         }
   554     // get current content from fastswap server
   555     iFSClient->GetContentL( iArray );
   556     SwapApplicationOrder( iArray );
   558 #ifdef _DEBUG
   559     for ( TInt i = 0, ie = iArray.Count(); i != ie; ++i )
   560         {
   561         CHgFswEntry* e = iArray[i];
   562         const TDesC& name( e->AppName() );
   563         HGLOG4( HGLOG_INFO, "[%d]: %d %d %S", i, e->WgId(), e->AppUid(), &name );
   564         }
   565 #endif
   567     // draw
   568     RenderContentL();
   570     // notify observer, if present
   571     NotifyChange();
   573     HGLOG_OUT();
   574     }
   576 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   577 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::RenderContentL
   578 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   579 //
   580 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::RenderContentL()
   581     {
   582     HGLOG_CONTEXT( RenderContentL, HGLOG_LOCAL );
   583     HGLOG_IN();
   585     _LIT(KSeparator, "\t");
   587     CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconArray = new ( ELeave ) CAknIconArray( iArray.Count() );
   588     CleanupStack::PushL( iconArray );
   589     CDesCArrayFlat* textArray = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( iArray.Count() );
   590     CleanupStack::PushL( textArray );
   591     RArray<TInt> closeItemArray;
   592     CleanupClosePushL(closeItemArray);
   594     TInt variety = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() ? 1 : 0;
   595     RArray<TAknLayoutRect> rects;
   596     CleanupClosePushL(rects);
   597     rects.ReserveL(KLayoutItemCount);
   598     GetFastSwapAreaRects(rects);
   599     TAknLayoutRect gridItem = rects[1];
   600     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rects);
   601     if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
   602         {
   604         iGrid->SetLayoutL( EFalse, EFalse, ETrue, iArray.Count(), 1, gridItem.Rect().Size() );
   605 #else
   606         TSize itemSize( KFswItemWidth, KFswItemHeight );
   607         iGrid->SetLayoutL( EFalse, EFalse, ETrue, iArray.Count(), 1, itemSize );
   608 #endif
   609         }
   610     else
   611         {
   613         iGrid->SetLayoutL( EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, iArray.Count(), 1, gridItem.Rect().Size() );
   614 #else
   615         TSize itemSize( KFswItemWidth, KFswItemHeight );
   616         iGrid->SetLayoutL( EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, iArray.Count(), 1, itemSize );
   617 #endif
   618         }
   620     for ( TInt i = 0, ie = iArray.Count(); i != ie; ++i )
   621         {
   622         const TDesC& appName( iArray[i]->AppName() );
   623         const TInt formatLen = 3 + 2;
   624         RBuf formAppName;
   625         CleanupClosePushL(formAppName);
   626         formAppName.CreateL(appName.Length() + formatLen);
   627         formAppName.AppendNum(i);
   628         formAppName.Append(KSeparator);
   629         formAppName.Append(appName);
   630         textArray->AppendL(formAppName);
   631         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&formAppName);
   632         TSize sz = PreferredImageSize();
   634         // take the screenshot or appicon+mask and make a copy and scale
   635         CFbsBitmap* bitmap = 0;
   636         TInt h = iArray[i]->ScreenshotHandle();
   637         HGLOG2( HGLOG_INFO, "'%S' screenshot handle %d", &appName, h );
   638         TInt maskh = 0;
   639         CFbsBitmap* mask = 0;
   640         if ( !h )
   641             {
   642             h = iArray[i]->AppIconBitmapHandle();
   643             maskh = iArray[i]->AppIconMaskHandle();
   644             HGLOG1( HGLOG_INFO, "using appicon, handle = %d", h );
   645             }
   646         __ASSERT_DEBUG( h, User::Invariant() );
   647         bitmap = CopyBitmapL( h, sz );
   648         CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );
   649         if ( maskh )
   650             {
   651             mask = CopyBitmapL( maskh, sz );
   652             }
   653         CleanupStack::PushL( mask );
   655         CGulIcon* icon = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask );
   656         CleanupStack::PushL(icon);
   657         iconArray->AppendL(icon);
   658         CleanupStack::Pop( 3, bitmap ); // mask, bitmap, icon
   660         // Check if item can be closed
   661         if ( CanClose(i) && AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
   662             {
   663             closeItemArray.AppendL(i);
   664             }
   665         }
   666     // Setup grid
   667     iGrid->Model()->SetItemTextArray(textArray);
   668     CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* oldIconArray =
   669         iGrid->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->IconArray();
   670     if(oldIconArray)
   671         {
   672         delete oldIconArray;
   673         oldIconArray = NULL;
   674         }
   675     iGrid->ItemDrawer()->FormattedCellData()->SetIconArrayL(iconArray);
   676     iGrid->SetCloseItemsL(closeItemArray);
   678     // Cleanup
   679     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&closeItemArray);
   680     CleanupStack::Pop(textArray);
   681     CleanupStack::Pop(iconArray);
   683     iGrid->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
   684                 CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff);
   686     // refresh the items in the grid
   687     if(iPreviousNoOfItems < iArray.Count())
   688         {
   689         iGrid->HandleItemAdditionL();
   690         }
   691     else if(iPreviousNoOfItems > iArray.Count())
   692         {
   693         iGrid->HandleItemRemovalL();
   694         }
   695     iPreviousNoOfItems = iArray.Count();
   696     iEvtHandler.ReInitPhysicsL( GridWorldSize(), ViewSize(), ETrue );
   697     UpdateGrid( ETrue );
   699     HGLOG_OUT();
   700     }
   702 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   703 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CopyBitmapL
   704 // Copy and scale.
   705 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   706 //
   707 CFbsBitmap* CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CopyBitmapL( TInt aFbsHandle, TSize aSize )
   708     {
   709     CFbsBitmap* ret = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   710     CleanupStack::PushL( ret );
   712     CFbsBitmap* bmp = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   713     CleanupStack::PushL( bmp );
   714     User::LeaveIfError( bmp->Duplicate( aFbsHandle ) );
   716     // do not always use aSize, preserving the aspect ratio is quite
   717     // important when showing app icons instead of screenshots
   718     TSize sz = CalculateSizePreserveRatio( aSize, bmp->SizeInPixels() );
   720     User::LeaveIfError( ret->Create( sz, bmp->DisplayMode() ) );
   722     AknIconUtils::ScaleBitmapL( sz, ret, bmp );
   724     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bmp );
   725     CleanupStack::Pop( ret );
   727     return ret;
   728     }
   730 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   731 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CountComponentControls
   732 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   733 //
   734 TInt CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CountComponentControls() const
   735     {
   736     return 1;
   737     }
   739 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   740 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ComponentControl
   741 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   742 //
   743 CCoeControl* CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
   744     {
   745     if ( aIndex == 0 )
   746         {
   747         return iGrid;
   748         }
   749     return NULL;
   750     }
   752 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   753 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleSwitchToBackgroundEvent
   754 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   755 //
   756 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleSwitchToBackgroundEvent()
   757     {
   758     // stop listening for changes in fsw content
   759     iFSClient->CancelSubscribe();
   760     // get rid of the close confirmation query if shown
   761     delete iConfirmCloseQuery; // this will cause ExecuteLD to return with 0
   762     iConfirmCloseQuery = 0;
   763     }
   765 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   766 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent
   767 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   768 //
   769 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent()
   770     {
   771     HGLOG_CONTEXT( CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent, HGLOG_LOCAL );
   772     HGLOG_IN();
   774     // get the current task list
   775     HandleFswContentChanged();
   776     // and then start listening for changes
   777     iFSClient->Subscribe( *this );
   779     if ( iDeviceState.DeviceType() == CHgTeleportDeviceState::EFullTouch )
   780         {
   781         iGrid->HideHighlight();
   782         }
   783     else
   784         {
   785         iGrid->ShowHighlight();
   786         }
   788     RestoreSelectedIndex();
   789     UpdateGrid(ETrue, EFalse);
   791     iRedrawTimer->Cancel();
   792     iRedrawTimer->After(KRedrawTime);
   794     // give feedback
   795     LaunchPopupFeedback();
   797     HGLOG_OUT();
   798     }
   800 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   801 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::FocusChanged
   802 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   803 //
   804 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::FocusChanged( TDrawNow /*aDrawNow*/ )
   805     {
   806     if ( IsFocused() )
   807         {
   808         // if in non-touch mode then select (highlight) some item
   809         if ( !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled()
   810             && SelectedIndex() == KErrNotFound
   811             && GridItemCount() )
   812             {
   813             RestoreSelectedIndex();
   814             }
   815         }
   816     else
   817         {
   818         // store the currently selected index if there is one
   819         SaveSelectedIndex();
   820         }
   821     iGrid->DrawDeferred();
   822     }
   824 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   825 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::OfferKeyEventL
   826 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   827 //
   828 TKeyResponse CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::OfferKeyEventL(
   829         const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   830         TEventCode aType )
   831     {
   832     iKeyEvent = ETrue;
   833     // handle the 'clear' key
   834     if ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace )
   835         {
   836         TInt idx = SelectedIndex();
   837         if ( idx >= 0 )
   838             {
   839             TryCloseAppWithQueryL( idx );
   840             }
   841         return EKeyWasConsumed;
   842         }
   844     //do not forward the event until item is higlighted
   845     if( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyLeftArrow ||
   846         aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyRightArrow )
   847         {
   848         if ( !iGrid->IsHighlightVisible() )
   849             {
   850             if ( aType == EEventKey )
   851                 {
   852                 ShowHighlight();
   853                 iConsumeEvent = ETrue;
   854                 }
   855             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   856             }
   857         else if(iConsumeEvent)
   858             {
   859             if (aType == EEventKeyUp)
   860                 {
   861                 return EKeyWasConsumed;
   862                 }
   863             iConsumeEvent = EFalse;
   864             }
   865         }
   867     // pass the event to grid
   868     // do not pass down and up arrow key events
   869     if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode != EStdKeyUpArrow &&
   870          aKeyEvent.iScanCode != EStdKeyDownArrow )
   871         {
   872         TBool animate(ETrue);
   873         TBool redraw(EFalse);
   874         TInt prevItem = SelectedIndex();
   875         TKeyResponse response = iGrid->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   876         if ( prevItem != SelectedIndex() && // item changed
   877              ( ( prevItem == 0 &&
   878                  SelectedIndex() == GridItemCount() - 1 &&
   879                  GridItemCount() > iMaxItemsOnScreen + 1 ) || // loop from first to last item
   880                ( prevItem == GridItemCount() - 1 &&
   881                  SelectedIndex() == 0 &&
   882                  GridItemCount() > iMaxItemsOnScreen + 1) // loop from last to first item
   883               ) // loop
   884             )
   885             {
   886             // Loop occured
   887             animate = EFalse;
   888             }
   889         if ( prevItem != SelectedIndex() )
   890             {
   891             redraw = ETrue;
   892             iGrid->ShowHighlight();
   893             }
   894         UpdateGrid( redraw, animate );
   895         return response;
   896         }
   898     return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   899     }
   901 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   902 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandlePointerEventL
   903 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   904 //
   905 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
   906     {
   907     iKeyEvent = EFalse;
   908     if(aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
   909         {
   910         iTapEvent = aPointerEvent;
   911         }
   912     }
   914 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   915 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ConfirmCloseL
   916 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   917 //
   918 TBool CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ConfirmCloseL( TInt aIndex )
   919     {
   920     HBufC* msg = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_TELEPORT_FSW_CONFIRM_CLOSE,
   921         iArray[aIndex]->AppName() );
   922     iConfirmCloseQuery = CAknQueryDialog::NewL(
   923         CAknQueryDialog::EConfirmationTone );
   924     iConfirmCloseQuery->SetPromptL( *msg );
   925     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msg );
   926     TBool ok = iConfirmCloseQuery->ExecuteLD(
   928     iConfirmCloseQuery = 0;
   929     return ok;
   930     }
   932 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   933 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SelectedIndex
   934 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   935 //
   936 TInt CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SelectedIndex() const
   937     {
   938     return iGrid->CurrentDataIndex();
   939     }
   941 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   942 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SaveSelectedIndex
   943 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   944 //
   945 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SaveSelectedIndex()
   946     {
   947     iSavedSelectedIndex = SelectedIndex();
   948     }
   950 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   951 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::RestoreSelectedIndex
   952 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   953 //
   954 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::RestoreSelectedIndex()
   955     {
   956     iSavedSelectedIndex = KErrNotFound;
   957     if ( GridItemCount() )
   958         {
   959         // highlight second recent item (that has index 2) if possible
   960         TInt highlightItem = 0;
   961         TInt count = GridItemCount();
   962         while( highlightItem < count 
   963             && highlightItem < KItemToHighlight )
   964             {
   965             ++highlightItem;
   966             }
   967         iSavedSelectedIndex = highlightItem - 1;//count from 0
   968         iGrid->SetCurrentItemIndex( iSavedSelectedIndex );
   969         TBool forceRedraw(ETrue);
   970         UpdateGrid(forceRedraw);
   971         }
   972     }
   974 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   975 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ProcessCommandL
   976 // Handle fsw popup commands
   977 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   978 //
   979 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId )
   980     {
   981     switch ( aCommandId )
   982         {
   983         case EFswCmdClose:
   984             TryCloseAppL( iAppIndexForPopup );
   985             break;
   987         case EFswCmdCloseAll:
   988             TryCloseAllL();
   989             break;
   991         case KErrCancel:
   992             // popup dismisses automatically when tapping outside or when switching to other app
   993             break;
   994         }
   995     iTapEvent.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
   996     iGrid->HandlePointerEventL(iTapEvent);
   997     }
  1000 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1001 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleCloseEventL
  1002 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1003 //
  1004 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleCloseEventL(TInt aItemIdx)
  1005     {
  1006     if ( !iLongTap )
  1007         {
  1008         TryCloseAppWithQueryL( aItemIdx );
  1009         }
  1010     // Simulate long tap to prevent item activation
  1011     iLongTap = ETrue;
  1012     iTapEvent.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
  1013     iGrid->HandlePointerEventL(iTapEvent);
  1014     }
  1017 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1018 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleDeviceStateChanged
  1019 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1020 //
  1021 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleDeviceStateChanged( TChangeType aChangeType )
  1022     {
  1023     if ( aChangeType == EDeviceType )
  1024         {
  1025         CHgTeleportDeviceState::TDeviceType state = iDeviceState.DeviceType();
  1026         switch ( state )
  1027             {
  1028             case CHgTeleportDeviceState::EHybrid:
  1029                 {
  1030                 iGrid->SetGridBehaviour( CHgTeleportFastSwapGrid::EHybrid );
  1031                 }
  1032                 break;
  1033             case CHgTeleportDeviceState::EFullTouch:
  1034                 {
  1035                 iGrid->SetGridBehaviour( CHgTeleportFastSwapGrid::ETouchOnly );
  1036                 }
  1037                 break;
  1038             default:
  1039                 break;
  1040             }
  1041         }
  1042     }
  1045 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1046 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::TimerCompletedL
  1047 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1048 //
  1049 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::TimerCompletedL( CHgTeleportFastSwapTimer* aSource )
  1050     {
  1051     if(aSource == iHighlightTimer)
  1052         {
  1053         iTapEvent.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
  1054         iGrid->HandlePointerEventL(iTapEvent);
  1055         }
  1056     else if(aSource == iRedrawTimer)
  1057         {
  1058         DrawNow();
  1059         }
  1060     else if( aSource == iUpdateGridTimer )
  1061         {
  1062         UpdateGrid(ETrue, ETrue);
  1063         }
  1064     }
  1067 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1068 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::PreCreatePopupL
  1069 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1070 //
  1071 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::PreCreatePopupL()
  1072     {
  1073     if ( !iPopup )
  1074         {
  1075         iPopup = CAknStylusPopUpMenu::NewL( this, Rect().iTl );
  1076         HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_TELEPORT_FSW_CLOSE );
  1077         iPopup->AddMenuItemL( *text, EFswCmdClose );
  1078         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
  1079         text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_TELEPORT_FSW_CLOSE_ALL );
  1080         iPopup->AddMenuItemL( *text, EFswCmdCloseAll );
  1081         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
  1082         }
  1083     }
  1085 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1086 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ShowPopupL
  1087 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1088 //
  1089 TBool CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ShowPopupL( TInt aIndex, const TPoint& aPoint )
  1090     {
  1091     TBool showPopUp(EFalse);
  1092     TBool showPopupItem;
  1093     // hide 'close' if app cannot be closed
  1094     showPopupItem = CanClose( aIndex );
  1095     iPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFswCmdClose, !showPopupItem );
  1096     showPopUp = showPopUp || showPopupItem;
  1097     // hide 'close all' if there are no applications to close.
  1098     showPopupItem = CanCloseAll( aIndex );
  1099     iPopup->SetItemDimmed( EFswCmdCloseAll, !showPopupItem );
  1100     showPopUp = showPopUp || showPopupItem;
  1102     if(showPopUp)
  1103         {
  1104         // give feedback
  1105         LaunchPopupFeedback();
  1106         // save index for later use & show popup
  1107         iAppIndexForPopup = aIndex;
  1108         iPopup->SetPosition( aPoint, CAknStylusPopUpMenu::EPositionTypeLeftBottom );
  1109         iPopup->ShowMenu();
  1110         }
  1111     return showPopUp;
  1112     }
  1115 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1116 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Count
  1117 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1118 //
  1119 TInt CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Count() const
  1120     {
  1121     return iArray.Count();
  1122     }
  1124 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1125 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SetDataChangeObserver
  1126 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1127 //
  1128 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SetDataChangeObserver(
  1129         MHgTeleportDataChangeObserver* aDcObserver )
  1130     {
  1131     iDcObserver = aDcObserver;
  1132     }
  1134 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1135 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::NotifyChange
  1136 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1137 //
  1138 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::NotifyChange()
  1139     {
  1140     if ( iDcObserver )
  1141         {
  1142         iDcObserver->DataChanged( this, Count() );
  1143         }
  1144     }
  1146 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1147 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SwapApplicationOrder
  1148 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1149 //
  1150 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SwapApplicationOrder( 
  1151     RPointerArray<CHgFswEntry>& aArray )
  1152     {
  1153     for ( TInt i = 0; i < aArray.Count(); ++i )
  1154         {
  1155         if( aArray[i]->AppUid() == KAiUid )
  1156             {
  1157             CHgFswEntry* homescreenEntry(0);
  1158             homescreenEntry = aArray[i];
  1159             aArray.Remove(i);
  1160             aArray.Insert(homescreenEntry, KAiPosition);
  1161             break;
  1162             }
  1163         }
  1164     }
  1166 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1167 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::PreferredImageSize
  1168 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1169 //
  1170 TSize CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::PreferredImageSize()
  1171     {
  1173     TAknLayoutRect gridImage;
  1174     TRAP_IGNORE(
  1175         RArray<TAknLayoutRect> rects;
  1176         CleanupClosePushL(rects);
  1177         rects.ReserveL(KLayoutItemCount);
  1178         GetFastSwapAreaRects(rects);
  1179         gridImage = rects[2];
  1180         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rects);
  1181         );
  1182     return gridImage.Rect().Size();
  1183 #else
  1184     return TSize( KFswImageSize, KFswImageSize );
  1185 #endif
  1186     }
  1188 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1189 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::GridItemCount
  1190 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1191 //
  1192 TInt CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::GridItemCount()
  1193     {
  1194     return iGrid->Model()->ItemTextArray()->MdcaCount();
  1195     }
  1197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1198 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleListBoxEventL
  1199 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1200 //
  1201 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType)
  1202     {
  1203     if ( aListBox == iGrid )
  1204         {
  1205         switch ( aEventType )
  1206             {
  1207             case EEventEnterKeyPressed:
  1208             case EEventItemClicked:
  1209                 {
  1210                 if (!iLongTap)
  1211                     {
  1212                     SwitchToApp(SelectedIndex());
  1213                     }
  1214                 }
  1215                 break;
  1216             case EEventPenDownOnItem:
  1217                 {
  1218                 iGrid->HideHighlight();
  1219                 iGrid->ShowHighlight();
  1220                 if (!iLongTap )
  1221                     {
  1222                     iHighlightTimer->Cancel();
  1223                     iHighlightTimer->After(KHighlighActivationTime);
  1224                     }
  1225                 }
  1226                 break;
  1227             default:
  1228                 break;
  1229             }
  1230         }
  1231     }
  1233 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1234 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CalculateSizePreserveRatio
  1235 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1236 //
  1237 TSize CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CalculateSizePreserveRatio(
  1238         const TSize& aTargetAreaSize,
  1239         const TSize& aSourceSize )
  1240     {
  1241     TSize sz;
  1242     if ( aSourceSize.iWidth > aSourceSize.iHeight )
  1243         {
  1244         sz.iWidth = aTargetAreaSize.iWidth;
  1245         TReal ratio = aSourceSize.iWidth / (TReal) aSourceSize.iHeight;
  1246         sz.iHeight = sz.iWidth / ratio;
  1247         }
  1248     else
  1249         {
  1250         sz.iHeight = aTargetAreaSize.iHeight;
  1251         TReal ratio = aSourceSize.iHeight / (TReal) aSourceSize.iWidth;
  1252         sz.iWidth = sz.iHeight / ratio;
  1253         }
  1254     return sz;
  1255     }
  1257 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1258 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SelectNextItem
  1259 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1260 //
  1261 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::SelectNextItem()
  1262     {
  1263     iKeyEvent = ETrue;
  1264     TBool forceRedraw(ETrue);
  1265     TBool animate(ETrue);
  1266     TInt selectedItem = SelectedIndex();
  1267     selectedItem++;
  1268     if ( selectedItem == GridItemCount() )
  1269         {
  1270         // Last item is selected, move to first one
  1271         selectedItem = 0;
  1272         animate = EFalse;
  1273         }
  1274     iGrid->SetCurrentItemIndex(selectedItem);
  1275     UpdateGrid(forceRedraw, animate);
  1276     }
  1278 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1279 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ShowHiglight
  1280 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1281 //
  1282 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ShowHighlight()
  1283     {
  1284     iGrid->ShowHighlight();
  1285     UpdateGrid(ETrue, EFalse);
  1286     }
  1288 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1289 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CenterItem
  1290 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1291 //
  1292 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::CenterItem(TInt aRedrawDelay)
  1293     {
  1294     if( iMaxItemsOnScreen < GridItemCount() )
  1295         {
  1296         TInt visibleItem = ViewToVisibleItem( ViewPos() );
  1297         if(iKeyEvent)
  1298             {
  1299             visibleItem = SelectedIndex();
  1300             }
  1301         iGrid->SetCurrentDataIndex( visibleItem );
  1302         }
  1304     iUpdateGridTimer->Cancel();
  1305     iUpdateGridTimer->After(aRedrawDelay);
  1306     }
  1308 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1309 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::GridWorldSize
  1310 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1311 //
  1312 TSize CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::GridWorldSize()
  1313     {
  1314     return TSize( GridItemCount() * iGridItemWidth, Rect().Height() );
  1315     }
  1317 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1318 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::UpdateGrid
  1319 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1320 //
  1321 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::UpdateGrid( TBool aForceRedraw, TBool aAnimate )
  1322     {
  1323     TPoint targetPoint = ItemViewPosition( SelectedIndex() );
  1324     if ( aForceRedraw || targetPoint.iX != ViewPos().iX )
  1325         {
  1326         if ( aAnimate )
  1327             {
  1328             iEvtHandler.Animate( targetPoint );
  1329             }
  1330         else
  1331             {
  1332             MoveOffset(targetPoint);
  1333             iEvtHandler.StopAnimation();
  1334             }
  1335         if ( aForceRedraw )
  1336             {
  1337             iGrid->DrawNow();
  1338             }
  1339         }
  1340     }
  1342 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1343 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleAppKey
  1344 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1345 //
  1346 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::HandleAppKey(TInt aType)
  1347     {
  1348     if( aType == KAppKeyTypeShort )
  1349         {
  1350         if(iGrid->IsHighlightVisible())
  1351             {
  1352             SelectNextItem();
  1353             }
  1354         else
  1355             {
  1356             ShowHighlight();
  1357             }
  1358         }
  1359     else if( aType == KAppKeyTypeLong )
  1360         {
  1361         SwitchToApp( SelectedIndex() );
  1362         }
  1363     }
  1365 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1366 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::MoveOffset
  1367 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1368 //
  1369 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::MoveOffset(const TPoint& aPoint)
  1370     {
  1371     HGLOG_CONTEXT( CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::MoveOffset, HGLOG_LOCAL );
  1372     HGLOG2_IN("Old position x: %d, y:%d", ViewPos().iX, ViewPos().iY);
  1373     HGLOG2_IN("New position x: %d, y:%d", aPoint.iX, aPoint.iY);
  1374     HGLOG_OUT();
  1376     TInt currentXPos = aPoint.iX;
  1377     currentXPos -= Rect().Width() / 2;
  1378     TRect gridViewRect = Rect();
  1379     gridViewRect.iTl.iX = -currentXPos;
  1380     // Take edge offset into account
  1381     gridViewRect.iTl.iX += Rect().iTl.iX;
  1382     if(GridItemCount() <= iMaxItemsOnScreen)
  1383         {
  1384         // Center view
  1385         gridViewRect.iTl.iX += ( Rect().Width() - GridItemCount() * iGridItemWidth ) / 2;
  1386         }
  1387     iGrid->SetRect( gridViewRect );
  1388     DrawNow();
  1389     }
  1391 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1392 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Tap
  1393 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1394 //
  1395 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::TapL(const TPoint& aPoint)
  1396     {
  1397     iLongTap = EFalse;
  1398     if(iGrid->Rect().Contains(aPoint))
  1399         {
  1400         //provide tap pointer event to grid
  1401         iGrid->HandlePointerEventL(iTapEvent);
  1402         }
  1403     else
  1404         {
  1405         //move task switcher to background
  1406         iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->HandleCommandL(EAknSoftkeyExit);
  1407         }
  1408     }
  1410 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1411 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::LongTap
  1412 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1413 //
  1414 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::LongTapL(const TPoint& aPoint)
  1415     {
  1416     iLongTap = ETrue;
  1417     TInt index(KErrNotFound);
  1418     if( iGrid->GridView()->XYPosToItemIndex(aPoint,index) )
  1419         {
  1420         if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
  1421             {
  1422             // Calculate logical item index
  1423             index = GridItemCount() - 1 - index;
  1424             }
  1425         SaveSelectedIndex();
  1426         iGrid->HandlePointerEventL(iTapEvent);
  1427         if ( !ShowPopupL(index, aPoint) )
  1428             {
  1429             TapL(aPoint);
  1430             }
  1431         }
  1432     else
  1433         {
  1434         TapL(aPoint);
  1435         }
  1436     }
  1438 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1439 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Drag
  1440 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1441 //
  1442 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Drag(
  1443     const MAknTouchGestureFwDragEvent& /*aEvent*/)
  1444     {
  1445     iGrid->HideHighlight();
  1446     CenterItem( KUpdateGridTime );
  1447     DrawNow();
  1448     }
  1450 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1451 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ViewSize
  1452 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1453 //
  1454 TSize CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ViewSize()
  1455     {
  1456     return TSize(Rect().Width(), Rect().Height());  
  1457     }
  1459 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1460 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Stop
  1461 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1462 //
  1463 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::Stop()
  1464     {    
  1465     CenterItem( KUpdateGridTime );
  1466     DrawNow();
  1467     }
  1469 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1470 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ViewSize
  1471 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1472 //
  1473 TPoint CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ViewPos() const
  1474     {
  1475     TPoint retVal;
  1476     retVal.iY = iGrid->Rect().iTl.iY + Rect().Height() / 2;
  1477     retVal.iX = - (iGrid->Rect().iTl.iX - Rect().iTl.iX) + Rect().Width() / 2 ;
  1478     TInt gridItemCount = iGrid->Model()->ItemTextArray()->MdcaCount();
  1479     if( gridItemCount <= iMaxItemsOnScreen)
  1480         {
  1481         // View centered
  1482         retVal.iX += ( Rect().Width() - gridItemCount * iGridItemWidth ) / 2;
  1483         }
  1484     return retVal;
  1485     }
  1487 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1488 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ItemPosition
  1489 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1490 //
  1491 TPoint CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ItemViewPosition( TInt aItemIdx )
  1492     {
  1493     TPoint retVal = Rect().iTl;
  1494     if ( aItemIdx == 0 )
  1495         {
  1496         // First item
  1497         if( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
  1498             {
  1499             if ( GridItemCount() > iMaxItemsOnScreen )
  1500                 {
  1501                 retVal.iX = GridWorldSize().iWidth - Rect().Width();
  1502                 }
  1503             else
  1504                 {
  1505                 retVal.iX = 0;
  1506                 }
  1507             }
  1508         else // normal layout
  1509             {
  1510             retVal.iX = 0;
  1511             }
  1512         }
  1513     else if ( aItemIdx == GridItemCount() - 1 )
  1514         {
  1515         // Last item selected
  1516         if( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
  1517             {
  1518             retVal.iX = 0;
  1519             }
  1520         else // normal layout
  1521             {
  1522             if ( GridItemCount() > iMaxItemsOnScreen )
  1523                 {
  1524                 retVal.iX = GridWorldSize().iWidth - Rect().Width();
  1525                 }
  1526             else
  1527                 {
  1528                 retVal.iX = 0;
  1529                 }
  1530             }
  1531         }
  1532     else
  1533         {
  1534         // Middle item
  1535         TInt screenMiddleItemOffset = ( Rect().Width() - iGridItemWidth ) / 2;
  1536         if( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
  1537             {
  1538             retVal.iX = iGridItemWidth * ( GridItemCount() - 1 - aItemIdx ) - screenMiddleItemOffset;
  1539             }
  1540         else // normal layout
  1541             {
  1542             retVal.iX = iGridItemWidth * aItemIdx - screenMiddleItemOffset;
  1543             }
  1544         if ( retVal.iX < 0 )
  1545             {
  1546             retVal.iX = 0;
  1547             }
  1548         else if ( retVal.iX + Rect().Width() > GridWorldSize().iWidth )
  1549             {
  1550             retVal.iX = GridWorldSize().iWidth - Rect().Width();
  1551             }
  1552         }
  1554     // Return middle of the view rectangle
  1555     retVal.iX += Rect().Width() / 2;
  1557     return retVal;
  1558     }
  1560 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1561 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ViewToVisibleItem
  1562 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1563 //
  1564 TInt CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::ViewToVisibleItem( const TPoint aViewPos )
  1565     {
  1566     TInt retVal(0);
  1567     TPoint absViewPos = aViewPos;
  1568     absViewPos.iX -= Rect().Width() / 2;
  1569     if ( absViewPos.iX < 0 )
  1570         {
  1571         if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
  1572             {
  1573             // View crossed left border of grid world rect, last item selected
  1574             retVal = GridItemCount() - 1;
  1575             }
  1576         else // normal layout
  1577             {
  1578             // View crossed left border of grid world rect, first item selected
  1579             retVal = 0;
  1580             }
  1581         }
  1582     else if ( absViewPos.iX + Rect().Width() > GridWorldSize().iWidth )
  1583         {
  1584         if ( AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored() )
  1585             {
  1586             // View crossed right border of grid world rect, first item selected
  1587             retVal = 0;
  1588             }
  1589         else // normal layout
  1590             {
  1591             // View crossed right border of grid world rect, last item selected
  1592             retVal = GridItemCount() - 1;
  1593             }
  1594         }
  1595     else
  1596         {
  1597         TInt offsetCheck = GridWorldSize().iWidth;
  1598         // View inside of grid world rect
  1599         for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < GridItemCount(); i++ )
  1600             {
  1601             TInt offset = aViewPos.iX - ItemViewPosition( i ).iX;
  1602             if ( Abs( offset ) <= offsetCheck )
  1603                 {
  1604                 offsetCheck = Abs( offset );
  1605                 retVal = i;
  1606                 }
  1607             else
  1608                 {
  1609                 break;
  1610                 }
  1611             }
  1612         }
  1613     return retVal;
  1614     }
  1617 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1618 // CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::LaunchPopupFeedback
  1619 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1620 //
  1621 void CHgTeleportFastSwapArea::LaunchPopupFeedback()
  1622     {
  1623     if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
  1624         {
  1625         MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
  1626         if ( feedback )
  1627             {
  1628             TTouchLogicalFeedback fbLogicalType = ETouchFeedbackPopUp;
  1629             if ( CAknTransitionUtils::TransitionsEnabled(
  1630                  AknTransEffect::EComponentTransitionsOff ) )
  1631                 {
  1632                 fbLogicalType = ETouchFeedbackIncreasingPopUp;
  1633                 }
  1634             feedback->InstantFeedback( this,
  1635                                        fbLogicalType,
  1636                                        ETouchFeedbackVibra,
  1637                                        TPointerEvent() );
  1638             }
  1639         }
  1640     }
  1642 // End of file