changeset 14 1abc632eb502
parent 13 6205fd287e8a
child 20 636d517f67e6
--- a/taskswitcher/taskswitcherui/taskswitcherapp/src/tsappui.cpp	Thu Mar 18 14:45:17 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  AppUi class
- *
-#include "tsappui.h"
-#include "tsappview.h"
-#include "tsapplogging.h"
-#include "tsdevicestate.h"
-#include "tsuid.hrh"
-#include "tscommands.hrh"
-#include <akntitle.h>
-#include <hlplch.h>
-#include <avkon.rsg>
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include <AknUtils.h>
-#include <tstaskswitcher.rsg>
-#include <pslninternalcrkeys.h>
-#include <oommonitorsession.h>
-#include <hal.h>
-#include <hal_data.h>
-#include <akntranseffect.h>
-// AknCapServer UID, used for P&S category
-const TUid KTaskswitcherStateCategory = { 0x10207218 };
-// Taskswitcher UI, used as P&S key
-const TInt KTaskswitcherStateKey = KTsAppUidValue;
-// Values for Taskswitcher launching P&S
-const TInt KTaskswitcherBackgroundValue = 1;
-const TInt KTaskswitcherForegroundValue = KTaskswitcherBackgroundValue << 1;
-const TInt KTaskswitcherShortAppKeyPressed = KTaskswitcherForegroundValue << 1;
-const TInt KTaskswitcherLongAppKeyPressed = KTaskswitcherShortAppKeyPressed << 1;
-//short/long App key values 
-const TInt KAppKeyTypeShort = 1;
-const TInt KAppKeyTypeLong = 2;
-//values for checking the OOM
-const TInt KMemoryRequestAmountInBytes = 524288;
-const TInt KMinMemoryAmountInBytes = 524288;
-const TInt KMemoryToBeReservedInBytes = 524288; // 512 KB
-// time to wait before sending the task to background
-// (must give time to animation)
-const TInt KWaitBeforeGoingToBackground = 100000;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::ConstructL()
-// ConstructL is called by the application framework
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::ConstructL()
-    {
-    TSLOG_CONTEXT( CTsAppUi::ConstructL, TSLOG_LOCAL );
-    TSLOG_IN();
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    // create log folder
-	_LIT( KLogPath, "c:\\logs\\taskswitcher\\" );
-	RFs fs;
-	if ( fs.Connect() == KErrNone )
-		{
-		fs.MkDirAll( KLogPath );
-		fs.Close();
-		}
-    // Initialise app UI with standard value.
-    BaseConstructL( CAknAppUi::EAknEnableSkin | CAknAppUi::EAknEnableMSK );
-#ifndef _DEBUG
-    // set as system application (in release build) so we never get closed
-    iEikonEnv->SetSystem( ETrue );
-    //Initialize effects change observation
-    iThemeEffectsEnabledWatcher =
-        CTsCenrepListener::NewL( KCRUidThemes, KThemesTransitionEffects, *this );
-    CenrepChanged( KThemesTransitionEffects, iThemeEffectsEnabledWatcher->Value() );
-    // Hide status pane
-    StatusPane()->MakeVisible( EFalse );
-    // Change CBA if needed, default is non-touch in rss
-    if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
-        {
-        Cba()->SetCommandSetL( R_TS_CBA_TOUCH );
-        }
-    Cba()->MakeVisible(EFalse);
-    // Create timer
-    iGoToBackgroundTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
-    // Create commonly used instances (device state only?)
-    iDeviceState = CTsDeviceState::NewL();
-    // Create UI
-    iAppView = CTsAppView::NewL( ApplicationRect(), *iDeviceState );
-    AddToStackL( iAppView );
-    //Enable effects
-    GfxTransEffect::Enable();
-    GfxTransEffect::Register(iAppView,TUid::Uid(KTsAppUidValue));
-    GfxTransEffect::SetTransitionObserver(this);
-    // Listen for change in the value of the ts state property.
-    iPropListener = new ( ELeave ) CTsPropertyListener(
-            KTaskswitcherStateCategory, KTaskswitcherStateKey, *this );
-    // Initialise the application task object with the window group id of
-    // our application ( so that it represent our app )
-    iApplicationTask.SetWgId( iCoeEnv->RootWin().Identifier() );
-    // And finally, go to background.
-    MoveAppToBackground( AknTransEffect::ENone );
-    TSLOG_OUT();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::CTsAppUi()
-// Perform the first phase of two phase construction
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CTsAppUi::CTsAppUi(): iForeground( ETrue ),
-                                      iApplicationTask( iCoeEnv->WsSession() )
-    {
-    // no implementation required
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::~CTsAppUi()
-// Destructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    if( GfxTransEffect::IsRegistered( iAppView ) )
-        {
-        GfxTransEffect::Deregister(iAppView);
-        }
-    GfxTransEffect::SetTransitionObserver(0);
-    delete iGoToBackgroundTimer;
-    delete iPropListener;
-    // destroy UI first
-    if ( iAppView )
-        {
-        RemoveFromStack( iAppView );
-        delete iAppView;
-        }
-    delete iDeviceState;
-    delete iMemAllocBuf;
-    delete iThemeEffectsEnabledWatcher;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppView::EffectsEnabled
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CTsAppUi::EffectsEnabled() const
-    {
-    return iEffectsEnabled;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::StartTransion
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::StartTransion( TUint aTransitionType )
-    {
-    if( !EffectsEnabled() )
-        {
-        return;
-        }
-    switch(aTransitionType)
-        {
-    case AknTransEffect::EApplicationStart:
-        StartTransition( aTransitionType, 
-                         ETrue, 
-                         EFalse, 
-                         CAknTransitionUtils::EForceVisible);
-        break;
-    case AknTransEffect::EApplicationExit:
-        StartTransition( aTransitionType, 
-                         EFalse, 
-                         EFalse, 
-                         CAknTransitionUtils::EForceInvisible );
-        break;
-    case AknTransEffect::EApplicationStartRect:
-        StartTransition( aTransitionType, 
-                         EFalse, 
-                         ETrue, 
-                         CAknTransitionUtils::EForceInvisible );
-        break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::StartTransition
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::StartTransition( TUint aTranstionId,
-                                TBool aVisibility,
-                                TBool /*aLayers*/, 
-                                TUint aSubCom )
-    {
-    const TDesC8* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const TDesC8*>(iAppView);
-    GfxTransEffect::Abort(iAppView);
-    GfxTransEffect::Begin( iAppView, aTranstionId );
-    GfxTransEffect::SetDemarcation( iAppView, iAppView->Rect() );
-    GfxTransEffect::NotifyExternalState( ECaptureComponentsBegin, ptr );
-    iAppView->MakeVisible( aVisibility );
-    CAknTransitionUtils::MakeVisibleSubComponents( 
-        iAppView,
-        static_cast<CAknTransitionUtils::TMakeVisibleSubComponentsInfo>(aSubCom) );
-    GfxTransEffect::NotifyExternalState( ECaptureComponentsEnd, ptr );
-    GfxTransEffect::End( iAppView );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::TransitionFinished
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::TransitionFinished(const CCoeControl* /*aControl*/, 
-                                  TUint /*aAction*/)
-    {
-    /*if( aControl == iAppView )
-        {
-        }*/
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::HandleCommandL()
-// Takes care of command handling.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
-    {
-    switch ( aCommand )
-        {
-        case EAknCmdExit:
-        case EEikCmdExit:
-            Exit();
-            break;
-        case EAknSoftkeyExit:
-        case EAknSoftkeyBack:
-            // RSK => just hide
-            MoveAppToBackground( AknTransEffect::EApplicationExit );
-            break;
-        case ETsCmdHelp:
-            {
-            MoveAppToBackground( AknTransEffect::EApplicationExit );
-            CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* buf = CCoeAppUi::AppHelpContextL();
-            HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( iCoeEnv->WsSession(), buf );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EAknSoftkeySelect:
-            {
-            // select is generated by lsk and msk (see the resource file)
-            // Simulate a middle key press to the controls.
-            // Note that SimulateKeyEventL must not be used here or else it
-            // will end up in an infinite loop.
-            TKeyEvent keyEvent;
-            keyEvent.iCode = EKeyOK;
-            keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyDevice3;
-            keyEvent.iModifiers = keyEvent.iRepeats = 0;
-            iAppView->OfferKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKeyDown );
-            iAppView->OfferKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKey );
-            iAppView->OfferKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKeyUp );
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL
-// Called by the system when the app is moved to foreground or background.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground )
-    {
-    TSLOG_CONTEXT( HandleForegroundEventL, TSLOG_LOCAL );
-    TSLOG1_IN( "aForeground = %d", aForeground );
-    // These calls may be redundant but the functions will do nothing if the
-    // state has already been changed.
-    // Both this function and the 'manual' MoveAppTo functions must fire the events
-    // because in some cases only one of them will run (e.g. when bringing to foreground
-    // not with the hw key but by other means etc.)
-    if ( aForeground )
-        {
-        HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        HandleSwitchToBackgroundEvent();
-        }
-    // Call Base class method
-    CAknAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL( aForeground );
-    TSLOG_OUT();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::PropertyChanged
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::PropertyChanged( TUid aCategory, TUint aKey )
-    {
-    TSLOG_CONTEXT( PropertyChanged, TSLOG_LOCAL );
-    TSLOG_IN();
-    TInt value( 0 );
-    if ( RProperty::Get( aCategory, aKey, value ) == KErrNone )
-        {
-        if ( iForeground && (value & KTaskswitcherBackgroundValue) )
-            {
-            MoveAppToBackground( AknTransEffect::EApplicationExit );
-            }
-        else if ( !iForeground && (value & KTaskswitcherForegroundValue) )
-            {
-            MoveAppToForeground( AknTransEffect::EApplicationStart );
-            }
-        else if( value & KTaskswitcherLongAppKeyPressed )
-            {
-            if(!iForeground)
-                {
-                MoveAppToBackground( AknTransEffect::EApplicationExit );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iAppView->HandleAppKey(KAppKeyTypeLong);
-                }
-            }
-        else if(  value & KTaskswitcherShortAppKeyPressed )
-            {
-            iAppView->HandleAppKey(KAppKeyTypeShort);
-            }
-        }
-    TSLOG_OUT();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType )
-    {
-    // Must call base class implementation first,
-    // sizes from LayoutMetricsRect etc. will only be correct after this.
-    CAknAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL( aType );
-    if( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch && iAppView )
-        {
-        iAppView->SetRect( ApplicationRect() );
-        }
-    // forward event
-    iDeviceState->HandleResourceChange( aType );
-    if ( iAppView )
-        {
-        iAppView->HandleResourceChange( aType );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::MoveAppToBackground()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::MoveAppToBackground( TUint aTransitionType )
-    {
-    TSLOG_CONTEXT( MoveAppToBackground, TSLOG_LOCAL );
-    TSLOG_IN();
-    if ( AknTransEffect::ENone == aTransitionType || !EffectsEnabled() )
-        {
-        GoToBackgroundTimerCallback( this );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        StartTransion(AknTransEffect::EApplicationExit);
-        iGoToBackgroundTimer->Cancel();
-        iGoToBackgroundTimer->Start( 
-                KWaitBeforeGoingToBackground, 
-                0,
-                TCallBack( GoToBackgroundTimerCallback, this ) );
-        }
-    TSLOG_OUT();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::CenrepChanged
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::CenrepChanged( TUint32 /*aKey*/, TInt aNewValue )
-    {
-    iEffectsEnabled = !(aNewValue & AknTransEffect::EFullScreenTransitionsOff);
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::GoToBackgroundTimerCallback
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CTsAppUi::GoToBackgroundTimerCallback( TAny* aParam )
-    {
-    CTsAppUi* self = static_cast<CTsAppUi*>( aParam );
-    if ( self->iGoToBackgroundTimer )
-        {
-        self->iGoToBackgroundTimer->Cancel();
-        }
-    // Request window server to bring our application
-    // to background
-    self->iApplicationTask.SendToBackground();
-    // Notify
-    self->HandleSwitchToBackgroundEvent();
-    return 0;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::MoveAppToForeground()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::MoveAppToForeground( TUint  /*aTransitionType*/ )
-    {
-    TSLOG_CONTEXT( MoveAppToForeground, TSLOG_LOCAL );
-    TSLOG_IN();
-    // Request window server to bring our application
-    // to foreground
-    iApplicationTask.BringToForeground();
-    // Notify
-    HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent();
-    TSLOG_OUT();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::HandleSwitchToBackgroundEvent
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::HandleSwitchToBackgroundEvent()
-    {
-    TSLOG_CONTEXT( HandleSwitchToBackgroundEvent, TSLOG_LOCAL );
-    TSLOG_IN();
-    // must not do anything if iForeground is already up-to-date
-    // exclude cases with dialogs like power menu, memory card
-    if( iForeground && !IsFaded() )  
-        {
-        iForeground = EFalse;
-        SetTaskswitcherStateProperty( KTaskswitcherBackgroundValue );
-        //allocating extra memory space
-        if ( !iMemAllocBuf )
-            {
-            iMemAllocBuf =
-                (TUint8*) User::Alloc( KMemoryToBeReservedInBytes );
-            }
-        // notify view
-        iAppView->HandleSwitchToBackgroundEvent();
-        }
-    TSLOG_OUT();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent()
-    {
-    TSLOG_CONTEXT( HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent, TSLOG_LOCAL );
-    TSLOG_IN();
-    // must not do anything if iForeground is already up-to-date
-    if ( !iForeground )
-        {
-        //freeing extra memory space
-        delete iMemAllocBuf;
-        iMemAllocBuf = NULL;
-        TInt freeRamMemory;
-        HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, freeRamMemory );
-        if ( freeRamMemory <= KMinMemoryAmountInBytes )
-            {
-            FreeMemoryRequest();
-            }
-        iForeground = ETrue;
-        SetTaskswitcherStateProperty( KTaskswitcherForegroundValue );
-        // notify view
-        iAppView->HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent();
-        }
-    TSLOG_OUT();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::SetTaskswitcherShowProperty
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::SetTaskswitcherStateProperty( TInt aValue )
-    {
-    TSLOG_CONTEXT( CTsAppUi::SetTaskswitcherShowProperty, TSLOG_LOCAL );
-    TSLOG_IN();
-    if ( RProperty::Set(
-            KTaskswitcherStateCategory, KTaskswitcherStateKey, aValue ) != KErrNone )
-        {
-        TInt error = RProperty::Define(
-                KTaskswitcherStateCategory, KTaskswitcherStateKey, RProperty::EInt );
-        if ( error != KErrNone )
-            {
-            TSLOG1( TSLOG_INFO, "RProperty::Define Error: %d", error );
-            }
-        error = RProperty::Set( KTaskswitcherStateCategory, KTaskswitcherStateKey, aValue );
-        if ( error != KErrNone )
-            {
-            TSLOG1( TSLOG_INFO, "RProperty::Set Error: %d", error );
-            }
-        }
-    TSLOG_OUT();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CTsAppUi::FreeMemoryRequest
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CTsAppUi::FreeMemoryRequest()
-    {
-    TSLOG_CONTEXT( CTsAppUi::FreeMemoryRequest, TSLOG_LOCAL );
-    TSLOG_IN();
-    ROomMonitorSession oomMs;
-    TInt error = oomMs.Connect();
-    if ( error != KErrNone)
-        {
-        TSLOG1( TSLOG_INFO, "Could not connect to ROomMonitorSession, %d", error );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        oomMs.RequestFreeMemory( KMemoryRequestAmountInBytes );
-        oomMs.Close();
-        }
-    TSLOG_OUT();
-    }
-// End of file