changeset 90 3ac3aaebaee5
child 97 66b5fe3c07fd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/homescreenapp/stateplugins/hsmenuworkerstateplugin/tsrc/t_hsmenuworkerstateplugin/src/hswallpaper_mock.cpp	Mon Sep 20 10:19:07 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QVariantHash>
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+#include <HbMainWindow>
+#include <HbIconItem>
+#include "hswallpaper.h"
+#include "hsscene.h"
+#include "hspage.h"
+#include "hswallpaperloader.h"
+#include "hsconfiguration.h"
+#include "hsgui.h"
+HsWallpaper::HsWallpaper(QGraphicsItem *parent)
+  : HbWidget(parent),
+    mIsDefaultImage(false),
+    mIconItem(0)/*,
+    mLoader(0)*/
+    setFlag(ItemHasNoContents);
+    setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored,QSizePolicy::Ignored);
+    /*
+    mLoader = new HsWallpaperLoader(this);
+    connect(mLoader, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(onLoaderFinished()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+    connect(mLoader, SIGNAL(failed()), SLOT(onLoaderFailed()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+    */
+    mIconItem = new HbIconItem();
+    QGraphicsLinearLayout *layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout;
+    layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    layout->addItem(mIconItem);
+    setLayout(layout);
+    connect(HsGui::instance(),
+        SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
+        SLOT(updateIconItem(Qt::Orientation)));
+void HsWallpaper::setImage(const QString &path)
+    Q_UNUSED(path);
+void HsWallpaper::setImages(const QString &portraitFileName, const QString &landscapeFileName)
+    Q_UNUSED(portraitFileName)
+    Q_UNUSED(landscapeFileName)
+    emit imageSet();
+void HsWallpaper::setDefaultImage()
+    if (mIsDefaultImage) {
+        return;
+    }
+    QDir dir(wallpaperDirectory());
+    QStringList filters;
+    filters << "default_portrait.*";
+    filters << "default_landscape.*";
+    QFileInfoList infos = dir.entryInfoList(
+        filters, QDir::Files, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase);
+    Q_ASSERT(infos.count() == 2);
+    mIsDefaultImage = true;
+    mLandscapeImagePath = infos.first().absoluteFilePath();
+    mPortraitImagePath = infos.last().absoluteFilePath();
+    updateIconItem(HsGui::instance()->orientation());
+void HsWallpaper::remove()
+    if (mIsDefaultImage) {
+        mIsDefaultImage = false;
+    } else {
+        QFile::remove(mPortraitImagePath);
+        QFile::remove(mLandscapeImagePath);
+    }
+    mPortraitImagePath.clear();
+    mLandscapeImagePath.clear();
+bool HsWallpaper::setExistingImage()
+    QDir dir(wallpaperDirectory());
+    QStringList filters;
+    filters << QString("%1_portrait.*").arg(mId);
+    filters << QString("%1_landscape.*").arg(mId);
+    QFileInfoList infos = dir.entryInfoList(
+        filters, QDir::Files, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase);
+    Q_ASSERT(infos.isEmpty() || infos.count() == 2);
+    if (infos.isEmpty()) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    mIsDefaultImage = false;
+    mLandscapeImagePath = infos.first().absoluteFilePath();
+    mPortraitImagePath = infos.last().absoluteFilePath();
+    updateIconItem(HsGui::instance()->orientation());
+    return true;
+QString HsWallpaper::rootDirectory() const
+#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+    QString directory("c:/private/20022f35/wallpapers/");
+    QString directory(QDir::currentPath() + "/private/20022f35/wallpapers/");
+    directory = QDir::currentPath() + "/wallpapers/";
+    return directory;
+void HsWallpaper::onLoaderFinished()
+    if (mIsDefaultImage) {
+        mIsDefaultImage = false;
+    } else {
+        QFile::remove(mPortraitImagePath);
+        QFile::remove(mLandscapeImagePath);
+    }
+    foreach (QString path, mLoader->targets().keys()) {
+        QString newName = path; newName.remove("temp");
+        QFile::rename(path, newName);
+    }
+    setExistingImage();
+    emit imageSet();
+void HsWallpaper::onLoaderFailed()
+    foreach (QString path, mLoader->targets().keys()) {
+        QFile::remove(path);
+    }
+    emit imageSetFailed();
+void HsWallpaper::updateIconItem(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+    if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) {
+        mIconItem->setIcon(HbIcon(QIcon(mPortraitImagePath)));
+    } else {
+        mIconItem->setIcon(HbIcon(QIcon(mLandscapeImagePath)));
+    }
+HsSceneWallpaper::HsSceneWallpaper(HsScene *scene, QGraphicsItem *parent)
+  : HsWallpaper(parent),
+    mScene(0)
+    setScene(scene);
+void HsSceneWallpaper::setScene(HsScene *scene)
+    if (!scene) {
+        return;
+    }
+    mScene = scene;
+    mId = scene->databaseId();
+    if (!setExistingImage()) {
+        setDefaultImage();
+    }
+QString HsSceneWallpaper::wallpaperDirectory() const
+    return QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootDirectory() + "scene/");
+QVariantHash HsSceneWallpaper::createTargets(const QString &sourcePath)
+    QVariantHash targets;
+    QString path = wallpaperDirectory()
+                   + QString("temp%1_").arg(mId)
+                   + QString("%1.")
+                   + QFileInfo(sourcePath).suffix();
+    targets.insert(path.arg("portrait"), QSize((2 * 360) + HSCONFIGURATION_GET(bounceEffect), 640));
+    targets.insert(path.arg("landscape"), QSize((2 * 640) + HSCONFIGURATION_GET(bounceEffect), 360));
+    return targets;
+HsPageWallpaper::HsPageWallpaper(HsPage *page, QGraphicsItem *parent)
+  : HsWallpaper(parent),
+    mPage(0)
+    setPage(page);
+void HsPageWallpaper::setPage(HsPage *page)
+    if (!page) {
+        return;
+    }
+    mPage = page;
+    mId = page->databaseId();
+    if (!setExistingImage()) {
+        setDefaultImage();
+    }
+QString HsPageWallpaper::wallpaperDirectory() const
+    return QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootDirectory() + "page/");
+QVariantHash HsPageWallpaper::createTargets(const QString &sourcePath)
+    QVariantHash targets;
+    QString path = wallpaperDirectory()
+                   + QString("temp%1_").arg(mId)
+                   + QString("%1.")
+                   + QFileInfo(sourcePath).suffix();
+    targets.insert(path.arg("portrait"), QSize(360, 640));
+    targets.insert(path.arg("landscape"), QSize(640, 360));
+    return targets;