changeset 4 4d54b72983ae
parent 3 fb3763350a08
child 5 c743ef5928ba
--- a/taskswitcher/teleportui/hgteleportapp/inc/hgteleportdevicestate.h	Fri Jan 22 09:35:14 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
- * ============================================================================
- *  Name        : hgteleportdevicestate.h
- *  Part of     : Hg Teleport
- *  Description : Device state (touch mode, screen orientation) handler
- *  Version     : %version: sa1spcx1#11 %
- *
- *  Copyright © 2008 Nokia.  All rights reserved.
- *  This material, including documentation and any related computer
- *  programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia.  All
- *  rights are reserved.  Copying, including reproducing, storing,
- *  adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
- *  prior written consent of Nokia.  This material also contains
- *  confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
- *  without the prior written consent of Nokia.
- * ============================================================================
- * Template version: 4.2
- */
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include "hgteleportappui.h"
-#include "hgproplistener.h"
- * Interface for getting notifications about screen orientation
- * and/or touch state etc. changes.
- */
-class MHgDeviceStateObserver
-    {
-    /**
-     * Type of change.
-     */
-    enum TChangeType
-        {
-        // screen orientation (portrait <=> landscape) has changed
-        EOrientation = 0x01,
-        // touch enabled/disabled status has changed
-        ETouchState = 0x02,
-        // skin has changed
-        ESkin = 0x04,
-        // input device mode change
-        EDeviceType = 0x08,
-        // all of the above
-        EAny = 0xFF
-        };
-    /**
-     * Called when a change, to which the observer is registered,
-     * has happened.
-     */
-    virtual void HandleDeviceStateChanged( TChangeType aChangeType ) = 0;
-    };
- * Class for keeping track of screen orientation and touch enabled/disabled changes.
- */
-class CHgTeleportDeviceState :
-    public CBase,
-    public MHgPropertyChangeObserver
-    {
-    /**
-     * Enumeration for TouchState().
-     */
-    enum TTouchState
-        {
-        ETouchEnabled,
-        ETouchDisabled
-        };
-    /**
-     * Enumeration for Orientation().
-     */
-    enum TOrientation
-        {
-        EPortrait,
-        ELandscape
-        };
-    /**
-     * Enumeration for DeviceType().
-     */
-    enum TDeviceType
-        {
-        EHybrid = 0,
-        EFullTouch  = 1
-        };
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance.
-     */
-    static CHgTeleportDeviceState* NewL();
-    /**
-     * Destructor.
-     */
-    ~CHgTeleportDeviceState();
-    /**
-     * Returns the current state of touch awareness.
-     */
-    TTouchState TouchState() const;
-    /**
-     * Returns the current screen orientation.
-     */
-    TOrientation Orientation() const;
-    /**
-     * Returns the current device input type.
-     */
-    TDeviceType DeviceType() const;
-    /**
-     * Registers an observer.
-     * @param   aObserver   ref to observer
-     * (same observer can be added several times with different mask if needed)
-     * @param   aMask       bitmask composed from TChangeType values
-     * (when to notify the observer)
-     */
-    void AddObserverL( MHgDeviceStateObserver& aObserver, TInt aMask );
-    /**
-     * Deregisters the given observer.
-     * @param   aObserver   ref to observer
-     */
-    void RemoveObserver( MHgDeviceStateObserver& aObserver );
-    /**
-     * Called from appui.
-     */
-    void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
-    //From MHgPropertyChangeObserver
-    /**
-     * Observer interface for getting notifications about a P&S property change.
-     */
-	virtual void PropertyChanged( TUid aCategory, TUint aKey );
-    /**
-     * Constructor.
-     */
-    CHgTeleportDeviceState();
-    /**
-     * Performs 2nd phase construction.
-     */
-    void ConstructL();
-    /**
-     * Checks if touch is enabled or not and performs
-     * appropriate actions.
-     */
-    void CheckTouchState();
-    /**
-     * Checks the screen orientation and performs
-     * appropriate actions.
-     */
-    void CheckOrientation();
-    /**
-     * Checks the device input type.
-     */
-    void CheckDeviceType();
-    /**
-     * Notifies all observers that are registered for the given type.
-     */
-    void NotifyObservers( MHgDeviceStateObserver::TChangeType aType );
-    class SObserver;
-    /**
-     * Identity function to perform comparison between observer array items.
-     */
-    static TBool ObserverIdentity( const SObserver& aA, const SObserver& aB );
-    /**
-     * Current touch enabled/disabled state.
-     */
-    TTouchState iTouchState;
-    /**
-     * Current screen orientation.
-     */
-    TOrientation iOrientation;
-    /**
-     * Current the device input type.
-     */
-    TDeviceType iDeviceType;
-    /**
-     * Observer array entry struct.
-     */
-    struct SObserver
-        {
-        TInt iMask;
-        MHgDeviceStateObserver* iObserver; // not owned
-        SObserver( TInt aMask, MHgDeviceStateObserver* aObserver )
-            : iMask( aMask ), iObserver( aObserver ) { }
-        };
-    /**
-     * Observer array.
-     */
-    RArray<SObserver> iObservers;
-    /**
-     * Counter to indicate that we have not yet returned
-     * from a previous HandleResourceChange.
-     */
-    TInt iResChangeActiveCount;
-    /**
-     * Flip status change observer.
-     */
-    CHgPropertyListener* iFlipStatusObserver;
-    };