author jake
Fri, 26 Mar 2010 15:15:17 +0200
changeset 23 1526727a5b85
parent 0 f72a12da539e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for a bug: GCC-E compilation error in homescreen (1380)

* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  image provider for liw buffer

#include <fbs.h>
#include <AknsSkinInstance.h>
#include <AknsUtils.h>
#include <liwcommon.h>
#include <liwbufferextension.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include "hnattrimgprovliwimage.h"
#include "hnextbmpiconholder.h"

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage::ConstructL( TLiwVariant*& aBitmap, 
                                         TLiwVariant*& aMaskBitmap )
    ASSERT( aBitmap );
    CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
    CFbsBitmap* bitmap = CreateBitmapFromVariantL( *aBitmap );
    if ( bitmap )
        if( aMaskBitmap )
            mask = CreateBitmapFromVariantL( *aMaskBitmap );
        CreateIconL( bitmap, mask );
    else if ( aBitmap->TypeId() == LIW::EVariantTypeBuffer )
        CLiwBitmapBuffer* bmpBuff =
            static_cast<CLiwBitmapBuffer*>( aBitmap->AsBuffer() ); 
        CLiwBitmapBuffer* maskBuff =
                    aMaskBitmap ? aMaskBitmap->AsBuffer() : NULL );
        if ( bmpBuff )
            bitmap = bmpBuff->AsBitmap();
        if ( maskBuff )
            mask = maskBuff->AsBitmap();
        if ( bitmap )
            CreateExtIconL( bitmap, mask, bmpBuff, maskBuff );
    if ( !bitmap )
        //No point to keep variant as bitmap was not created
        delete aBitmap;
        aBitmap = NULL;
    if ( aMaskBitmap && !mask )
        //No point to keep variant as bitmap was not created
        delete aMaskBitmap;
        aMaskBitmap = NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage::CreateExtIconL( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
        CFbsBitmap* aMask, CLiwBitmapBuffer* aExtBmp,
        CLiwBitmapBuffer* aExtMask )
    // the condition in the assertion below means: if you provide aMask then
    // you must also provide aExtMask
    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aBitmap && aExtBmp && ( !aMask || aExtMask ),
            User::Invariant() );
    CGulIcon* newIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( aBitmap, aMask );
    CleanupStack::PushL( newIcon );
    newIcon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( ETrue );
    CHnExtBmpIconHolder *newIconHolder = new (ELeave) CHnExtBmpIconHolder();
    newIconHolder->SetGulIcon( newIcon , aExtBmp, aExtMask );
    CleanupStack::Pop( newIcon );
    if ( iIconHolder )
    iIconHolder = newIconHolder;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage* CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage::NewL( 
        TLiwVariant*& aBitmap, TLiwVariant*& aMaskBitmap )
    CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage* self = NewLC( aBitmap, aMaskBitmap );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage* CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage::NewLC( 
        TLiwVariant*& aBitmap, TLiwVariant*& aMaskBitmap )
    CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage* self = new( ELeave ) CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage;
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    self->ConstructL( aBitmap, aMaskBitmap );
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage::RemoveLiwObjects()
    if ( iIconHolder )
        iIconHolder = NULL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC8& CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage::Value( )
    return iValue;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFbsBitmap* CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage::CreateBitmapFromVariantL( 
                                                const TLiwVariant& aVariant )
    CFbsBitmap* bitmap( NULL );
    TInt handle = 0;

    if ( ExtractBitmapHandleFromVariant( aVariant, handle ) == KErrNone )
        CFbsBitmap* tempBitmap  = new( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
        if ( tempBitmap->Duplicate( handle ) == KErrNone )
            bitmap = tempBitmap;
            delete tempBitmap;
    else if ( aVariant.TypeId() == LIW::EVariantTypeDesC8 )
        CFbsBitmap* tempBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
        CleanupStack::PushL( tempBitmap );
        TPtrC8 buf = aVariant.AsData();
        RDesReadStream stream( buf );
        CleanupClosePushL( stream );
        tempBitmap->InternalizeL( stream );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
        CleanupStack::Pop( tempBitmap );
        bitmap = tempBitmap;
    return bitmap;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHnAttrImgProvLiwImage::ExtractBitmapHandleFromVariant(
        const TLiwVariant& aVariant, TInt& aHandle )
    TInt err = KErrNone;
    switch ( aVariant.TypeId() )
        case LIW::EVariantTypeTInt32:
            aHandle = static_cast<TInt>( aVariant.AsTInt32() );         
        case LIW::EVariantTypeTUint:
            aHandle = static_cast<TInt>( aVariant.AsTUint() );         
        case LIW::EVariantTypeTInt64:
            aHandle = static_cast<TInt>( aVariant.AsTInt64() );         
        case LIW::EVariantTypeTBool:
            // Putting a TInt into a TLiwVariant will result in the variant
            // storing a TBool variable. CFbsBitmap::Handle() returns TInt, so
            // we can assume that the TBool stored in aVariant is in fact TInt.
            aHandle = static_cast<TInt>( aVariant.AsTBool() );
            err = KErrNotFound;
    return err;