# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: tsdevicedialogplugin.pro
CONFIG += hb plugin mobility
MOBILITY = serviceframework
include (../common.pri)
HEADERS += inc/tsdevicedialogcontainer.h \
inc/tsdevicedialogplugin.h \
inc/tsmodel.h \
inc/tsmodelitem.h \
inc/tsentrymodelitem.h \
inc/tsactivitymodelitem.h \
inc/tstasksgrid.h \
inc/tstasksgriditem.h \
inc/tsdocumentloader.h \
inc/tsdataroles.h \
SOURCES += src/tsdevicedialogcontainer.cpp \
src/tsdevicedialogplugin.cpp \
src/tsmodel.cpp \
src/tsentrymodelitem.cpp \
src/tsactivitymodelitem.cpp \
src/tstasksgrid.cpp \
src/tstasksgriditem.cpp \
src/tsdocumentloader.cpp \
./inc \
LIBS += -ltstaskmonitorclient
TRANSLATIONS = taskswitcher.ts
RESOURCES += tsdevicedialogplugin.qrc
symbian {
TARGET.UID3 = 0x2002677F
pluginstub.sources = tsdevicedialogplugin.dll
pluginstub.path = /resource/plugins/devicedialogs
LIBS += -lxqsettingsmanager -lapparc -lapgrfx
# ugly hack
translation.sources = ./*.qm
translation.path = $$QT_PLUGINS_BASE_DIR/../translations
DEPLOYMENT += pluginstub translation
BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports += \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}include <platform_paths.hrh>" \
"conf/tsdevicedialog.confml APP_LAYER_CONFML(tsdevicedialog.confml)" \
"conf/tsdevicedialog_2002677F.crml APP_LAYER_CRML(tsdevicedialog_2002677F.crml)"
win32 {
include ($$[QMAKE_MKSPECS]/features/hb_install.prf)
DESTDIR = $$HB_PLUGINS_DIR/devicedialogs