<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="3.0" language="en_GB" sourcelanguage="en_GB">
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_button_close">
<comment>Button. Note! Use this text ID only if there are max. two buttons in the dialog. Allows the user to close e.g. a window.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Close</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_opt_rename_item">
<comment>Options list item. Note! Only use this text ID if there are no icons. Allows user to rename the selected item (file, folder, music track, image etc.).</comment>
<translation variants="no">Rename</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_opt_view_installed_applications">
<comment>Options list item. Opens a list of applications that do not have a UI, eg. MMSSync, language packages, licence manager</comment>
<source>View installed applications</source>
<translation variants="no">View installed applications</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_opt_add_to_home_screen">
<comment>Options menu item in collections. Adds collection shortcut to Homescreen.</comment>
<source>Add to Home Screen</source>
<translation variants="no">Add to Home Screen</translation>
<extra-loc-viewid>applib_03, applib_09</extra-loc-viewid>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_button_cancel">
<comment>Button. Note! Use this text ID only if there are max. two buttons in the dialog. Allows the user to cancel the action or process.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Cancel</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_info_following_applications_will_be_rem">
<comment>Second part of the confirmation note displayed if the user tries to delete an application that actually includes more than one application.</comment>
<source>Following applications will be removed:</source>
<translation variants="no">Following applications will be removed:</translation>
<message numerus="yes" id="txt_applib_dblist_val_ln_new_applications">
<comment>List item secondary text for the Downloaded collection, shows the number of new, unlaunched applications/widgets when such exist.</comment>
<source>%Ln new applications</source>
<numerusform variants="no">(s)%Ln new applications</numerusform>
<numerusform variants="no">(p)%Ln new applications</numerusform>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_installed">
<comment>Shown in text entry of installed app in installation log dialog</comment>
<translation variants="no">Installed</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_grid_ovi_store">
<comment>Text shown when operator store is defined and toolbar extension is used to show both stores.</comment>
<source>Ovi Store</source>
<translation variants="no">Ovi Store</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_info_delete_1_and_associated_data">
<comment>Confirmation note displayed if the user tries to delete an application. %1 is the application name.</comment>
<source>Delete %1 and associated data?</source>
<translation variants="no">Delete %1 and associated data?</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_1_will_be_removed_from_phone_c">
<comment>Confirmation note for uninstalling an application or a widget that does not have shortcuts on HS or in collections.</comment>
<source>%1 will be removed from phone. Continue?</source>
<translation variants="no">%1 will be removed from phone. Continue?</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_opt_add_content">
<comment>Options menu item in collections. Allows the user to add applications/widgets to the currently open collection.</comment>
<source>Add content</source>
<translation variants="no">Add content</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_name">
<comment>Name label shown in application details dialog</comment>
<translation variants="no">Name:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_l1_mb">
<comment>Size field in app details dialog. App size shown in megabytes, shown after Size-label.</comment>
<source>%L1 MB</source>
<translation variants="no">%L1 MB</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_button_add_to_homescreen">
<comment>Button in widget preview dialog</comment>
<source>Add to Homescreen</source>
<translation variants="no">Add to Homescreen</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_1_mass_storage">
<comment>Shown after "Memory in use" header in Application details dialog</comment>
<source>%1: Mass storage</source>
<translation variants="no">%1: Mass storage</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_info_delete_1_all_its_shortcuts_and">
<comment>Confirmation note displayed if the user tries to delete an application that actually includes more than one application, which has shortcuts. %1 is the application name.</comment>
<source>Delete %1, all it's shortcuts and associated data?</source>
<translation variants="no">Delete %1, all it's shortcuts and associated data?</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_menu_sort_by_oldest_on_top">
<comment>Option for sorting the list by their installation time. Oldest installations are shown on top of the list.</comment>
<source>Sort by oldest on top</source>
<translation variants="no">Sort by oldest on top</translation>
<extra-loc-viewid>applib_07, applib_05</extra-loc-viewid>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dblist_uninstalling_1">
<comment>List text shown on application item when the app is being uninstalled. %1 is the app name</comment>
<source>Uninstalling %1</source>
<translation variants="no">Uninstalling %1</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_title_applications">
<comment>Title for all Application library views</comment>
<translation variants="no">Applications</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_menu_delete">
<comment>Item specific menu item. Note! Only use this text ID if there are no icons. Erases something completely from the phone, list, or memory card, for example. Delete should only be used when something in removed permanently.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Delete</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_menu_rename_item">
<comment>Item specific menu item. Note! Only use this text ID if there are no icons. Allows user to rename the selected item (file, folder, music track, image etc.).</comment>
<translation variants="no">Rename</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_title_arrange">
<comment>Heading for the Arrange dialog</comment>
<translation variants="no">Arrange</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_opt_installation_log">
<comment>Options menu item for viewing installation log</comment>
<source>Installation log</source>
<translation variants="no">Installation log</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_opt_task_switcher">
<comment>Options menu item. Opens the Task Switcher application. (Same command in Home Screen Options menu.)</comment>
<source>Task Switcher</source>
<translation variants="no">Task Switcher</translation>
<extra-loc-viewid>applib_01, applib_03, applib_05, applib_07, applib_09, applib_11</extra-loc-viewid>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_info_no_preview_available">
<comment>Text shown in widget preview dialog if no preview is available</comment>
<source>(No preview available)</source>
<translation variants="no">(No preview available)</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_opt_add_to_collection">
<comment>Options list item. Allows the user to add one or more applications into a virtual collection. Involves several steps, indicated by the ... at the end of the command.</comment>
<source>Add to collection...</source>
<translation variants="no">Add to collection...</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dpophead_added_to_homescreen">
<comment>Notification dialog shown after content (Widget or App shortcut) has been added from AppLib to Homescreen</comment>
<source>Added to Homescreen</source>
<translation variants="no">Added to Homescreen</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_menu_details">
<comment>Item specific menu item. Note! Only use this text ID if there are no icons. Opens a view where information about the item is given.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Details</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_opt_check_software_updates">
<comment>Options list item. Launches SW Update application where user can view and select softwares to be updated.</comment>
<source>Check software updates</source>
<translation variants="no">Check software updates</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_entry_collectionl1">
<comment>Default entry text when naming a new collection, where %L1 is the next available number differentiating between otherwise similar collection names.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Collection(%L1)</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_menu_sort_by_ascending">
<comment>Option for sorting the list by name in ascending order</comment>
<source>Sort by ascending</source>
<translation variants="no">Sort by ascending</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_button_ok">
<comment>Button. Note! Use this text ID only if there are max. two buttons in the dialog. When this button is pressed, the focused item or operation will be selected or accepted.</comment>
<translation variants="no">OK</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_info_installer_is_currently_busy">
<comment>Dialog shown when uninstallation of an application cannot be started because another uninstallation is going on</comment>
<source>Installer is currently busy</source>
<translation variants="no">Installer is currently busy</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_menu_sort_by_descending">
<comment>Option for sorting the list by name in descending order</comment>
<source>Sort by descending</source>
<translation variants="no">Sort by descending</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_menu_open">
<comment>Context menu item. Note! Only use this text ID if there are no icons. Opens a highlighted item such as an application, folder, or message</comment>
<translation variants="no">Open</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_delete_1">
<comment>Confirmation note for deleting a collection that has no shortcuts on Home Screen.</comment>
<source>Delete %1?</source>
<translation variants="no">Delete %1?</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_info_launching_the_application_failed">
<comment>If lauching an application fails, thie note is shown. %1 is error code.</comment>
<source>Launching the application failed (error code %L1)</source>
<translation variants="no">Launching the application failed (error code %L1)</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_deletes_1_also_from_home_screen">
<comment>Confirmation note for deleting a collection, operation also deletes possible shortcuts on Home Screen.</comment>
<source>Deletes %1 also from Home Screen. Continue?</source>
<translation variants="no">Deletes %1 also from Home Screen. Continue?</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_format">
<comment>Format label of application details dialog. Format can be for example Symbian, Java or Widget</comment>
<translation variants="no">Format:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_description">
<comment>Description label of application details dialog. Free-form description of the purpose of the application.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Description:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_l1_kb">
<comment>Size field in app details dialog. App size shown in kilobytes, shown after Size-label.</comment>
<source>%L1 KB</source>
<translation variants="no">%L1 KB</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_title_collection_name">
<comment>Heading for the dialog where user enters the name for a new collection.</comment>
<source>Collection name:</source>
<translation variants="no">Collection name:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_menu_settings">
<comment>Item specific menu item. Note! Only use this text ID if there are no icons. Opens a view where the user can change the settings of applications, features, and services.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Settings</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dpophead_added_to_collection_1">
<comment>Confirmation for a successful operation, app/widget added to a collection. (Use only when user is not inside the target collection.). %1 is the collection name.</comment>
<source>Added to collection %1</source>
<translation variants="no">Added to collection %1</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dblist_downloaded_val_empty">
<comment>List item secondary text for the Downloaded collection, when the collection is empty (no post-installed applications on the device).</comment>
<translation variants="no">Empty</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_info_uninstallation_failed">
<comment>Dialog shown when uninstallation of an application fails</comment>
<source>Uninstallation failed</source>
<translation variants="no">Uninstallation failed</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_removed">
<comment>Shown in text entry of removed app in installation log dialog</comment>
<translation variants="no">Removed</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_file_corrupted_unable_to_use_wi">
<comment>Error dialog shown when user tries to use a corrupted HS widget.</comment>
<source>File corrupted, unable to use widget. Delete widget? </source>
<translation variants="no">File corrupted, unable to use widget. Delete widget? </translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_opt_arrange">
<comment>Options menu item. Allows user to move items in the view (no hierarchy, no folders)</comment>
<translation variants="no">Arrange</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_menu_sort_by_latest_on_top">
<comment>Option for sorting the list by their installation time. New installations are shown on top of the list.</comment>
<source>Sort by latest on top</source>
<translation variants="no">Sort by latest on top</translation>
<extra-loc-viewid>applib_07, applib_05</extra-loc-viewid>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_1_memory_card">
<comment>Shown after "Memory in use" header in Application details dialog if the app is installed in memory card without name</comment>
<source>%1: Memory card</source>
<translation variants="no">%1: Memory card</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_supplier">
<comment>Supplier label of application details dialog</comment>
<translation variants="no">Supplier:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_title_select_item">
<comment>When AppLibrary is opened by selecting "Add" in Homescreen, AppLibrary's title is Select item:</comment>
<source>Select item:</source>
<translation variants="no">Select item:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_menu_add_to_collection">
<comment>Item specific menu item. Allows the user to add the application/widget to a (virtual) collection. Does not move the item but replicates it in virtual collection.</comment>
<source>Add to collection</source>
<translation variants="no">Add to collection</translation>
<extra-loc-viewid>applib_01, applib_05, applib_09</extra-loc-viewid>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_formlabel_no_search_results">
<comment>Text for empty view when searching and no results are found</comment>
<source>No search results</source>
<translation variants="no">No search results</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_size">
<comment>Size label on application details dialog. Size of the app is shown after this label.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Size:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_1_device_memory">
<comment>Shown after "Memory in use" header in Application details dialog</comment>
<source>%1: Device memory</source>
<translation variants="no">%1: Device memory</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_1_2">
<comment>Shown after "Memory in use" header in Application details dialog. %1 is the drive letter and %2 is the user-given</comment>
<source>%1: %2</source>
<translation variants="no">%1: %2</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_title_add_to">
<comment>Heading for the dialog that lists the collections to select from, when adding items to collections</comment>
<source>Add to:</source>
<translation variants="no">Add to:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_title_installation_logs">
<comment>Heading for fullscreen Installation logs dialog</comment>
<source>Installation logs</source>
<translation variants="no">Installation logs</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_formlabel_no_content">
<comment>Text for empty Collection</comment>
<source>No content</source>
<translation variants="no">No content</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_button_create_new">
<comment>Button for creating new collection</comment>
<source>Create new</source>
<translation variants="no">Create new</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_uninstalls_1_and_deletes_all_sh">
<comment>Confirmation note for uninstalling an application or a widget that has shortcuts on HS or in collections.</comment>
<source>%1 and all its shortcuts will be removed from phone. Continue?</source>
<translation variants="no">%1 and all its shortcuts will be removed from phone. Continue?</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_menu_remove_from_collection">
<comment>Item specific menu item to remove app/widget from a collection.</comment>
<source>Remove from collection</source>
<translation variants="no">Remove from collection</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_common_opt_delete">
<comment>Options list item. Note! Only use this text ID if there are no icons. Erases something completely from the phone, list, or memory card, for example. Delete should only be used when something in removed permanently.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Delete</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_memory_in_use">
<comment>Memory in use label in application details dialog</comment>
<source>Memory in use:</source>
<translation variants="no">Memory in use:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_menu_add_to_home_screen">
<comment>Item specific menu item for an app/widget. adds application/widget to Homescreen</comment>
<source>Add to Home Screen</source>
<translation variants="no">Add to Home Screen</translation>
<extra-loc-viewid>applib_01, applib_03, applib_05, applib_09</extra-loc-viewid>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_opt_new_collection">
<comment>Options menu item. User can create a new (empty) collection </comment>
<source>New collection</source>
<translation variants="no">New collection</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_subtitle_installed">
<comment>GroupBox widget, shows the label for the Installed applications view.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Installed</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_remove_1_from_collection">
<comment>Confirmation for removing an app/widget from a collection. Does not delete the item from the device.</comment>
<source>Remove %1 from collection?</source>
<translation variants="no">Remove %1 from collection?</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_entry_collection">
<comment>Default entry text in InputDialog when naming a new collection and no other collections with the same name exist.</comment>
<translation variants="no">Collection</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_title_select_items">
<comment>Heading for the mark mode dialog when selecting one or more apps to be added into a collection.</comment>
<source>Select items:</source>
<translation variants="no">Select items:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_protection_domain">
<comment>Protection domain label shown in application details dialog. The value of this field is retrieved from the value, not from platform. The value can be one of the following: Operator, Manufacturer, Trusted 3rd party, Untrusted 3rd party.</comment>
<source>Protection domain:</source>
<translation variants="no">Protection domain:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_dialog_version">
<comment>Version label shown in application details dialog</comment>
<translation variants="no">Version:</translation>
<message numerus="no" id="txt_applib_title_details">
<comment>Header of application details dialog</comment>
<translation variants="no">Details</translation>