DEADHEAD: Fixes for bug 1705 and 1751 included in bulk delivery.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: appui
#include <e32base.h>
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <AknPopupFader.h>
#include <touchfeedback.h>
#include "tsdevicestate.h"
#include "tsdatachangeobserver.h"
#include "tseventcontrolerobserver.h"
class CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext;
class CTsFastSwapArea;
class CAknPopupHeadingPane;
class CTsEventControler;
* Taskswitcher applicatio view class.
class CTsAppView : public CCoeControl, public MCoeControlObserver,
public MTsDeviceStateObserver,
public MAknFadedComponent,
public MTsDataChangeObserver,
public MTsEventControlerObserver
* Two-phase constructor.
* @param aRect Area where view should draw itself.
static CTsAppView* NewL(const TRect& aRect,
CTsDeviceState& aDeviceState,
RWindowGroup& aWg);
* @copydoc NewL
static CTsAppView* NewLC(const TRect& aRect,
CTsDeviceState& aDeviceState,
RWindowGroup& aWg);
* Destructor.
* Called from appui if the app came to foreground.
void HandleSwitchToForegroundEvent();
* Called from appui if the app went to background.
void HandleSwitchToBackgroundEvent();
* From CCoeControl Method handling the pointer events while the fsw is used.
* @param aPointerEvent Information about the event.
void HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent );
// from CCoeControl
void Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const;
TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject( TTypeUid aId );
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
void SizeChanged();
* Forward app key handling to fasswaparea control.
void HandleAppKey(TInt aType);
* Orders window invalidation to perform full
* background redraw.
void OrderFullWindowRedraw();
* Orders window invalidation to perform full
* background redraw.
void EnableDragEvents( TBool aEnable );
* Checks if app with the given wg id is closing
* @param aWgId id of window group which is checked
* if it is closing
* @return ETrue if application is being closed, EFalse otherwise
TBool AppCloseInProgress( TInt aWgId );
// from MCoeControlObserver
void HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType );
// from MTsDeviceStateObserver
void HandleDeviceStateChanged( TChangeType aChangeType );
protected: // from MAknFadedComponent
TInt CountFadedComponents();
CCoeControl* FadedComponent( TInt aIndex );
protected: // from MTsCenrepChangeObserver
void CenrepChanged( TUint32 aKey, TInt aNewValue );
protected: // from MTsDataChangeObserver
void DataChanged( CCoeControl* aWhere, TInt aNewCount );
* @copydoc NewL
void ConstructL( const TRect& aRect, RWindowGroup& aWg );
* C++ constructor.
CTsAppView( CTsDeviceState& aDeviceState );
* Updates the internal state for currently focused control.
* @param aNewFocusedControl ptr to new focused control, ownership not taken
void ChangeFocus( CCoeControl* aNewFocusedControl );
* Creates components.
void CreateControlsL();
* Appends component rects to the given array.
* @param aRects array
void GetRects( RArray<TRect>& aRects );
* Handles key event according to the portrait-style (vertical) layout.
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventPortraitStyleL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
* Calculates and returns the following:
* - the rectangle for main_tport_pane
* - the outer rectangle for the frame
* - the inner rectangle for the frame
void UpdatePopupRects( );
* Updates the text in the applications and suggestions heading panes.
void UpdateHeadingsL();
* Disables transition animations for taskswitcher app.
* (the automatic effects that are applied when coming/leaving foreground)
void DisableAppSwitchEffects();
* Launches feedback through MTouchFeedback::Instance()
* @param aType - The logical feedback type to play.
* @param aFeedbackType - Feedback types to be played as a bitmask
* combination of enumeration items from
* TTouchFeedbackType
* @param aPointerEvent - Pointer event, which triggered this feedback.
void LaunchFeedback( TTouchLogicalFeedback aType,
TTouchFeedbackType aFeedbackType,
const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
* Area, where drag events are being handled.
TRect DragArea();
public://From MTsEventControlerObserver
* Declare drag gesture handling.
* @param aOffset - drag distance
virtual void MoveOffset(const TPoint& aOffset, TBool aDrawNow);
* Declare tap gesture handling.
* @param aPoint - tap position
virtual void TapL(const TPoint& aPoint);
* Declare long tap gesture handling.
* @param aPoint - tap position
virtual void LongTapL(const TPoint& aPoint);
virtual void DragL(
const AknTouchGestureFw::MAknTouchGestureFwDragEvent& aEvent);
* Declare animation stop handling
virtual void Stop();
* Declare getter for view position
virtual TPoint ViewPos() const;
private: // Data
// Ref to container for commonly used instances
CTsDeviceState& iDeviceState;
// Background context, owned
CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* iBgContext;
// Fast Swap area, owned
CTsFastSwapArea* iFastSwapArea;
* Heading pane, own
CAknPopupHeadingPane* iAppsHeading;
* Currently focused control, not own
CCoeControl* iFocused;
* Rectangle of the control.
TRect iViewRect;
* Popup fader instance.
TAknPopupFader iPopupFader;
* Pointer for background image, owned
TRect iBgContextOuterRect;
TRect iBgContextInnerRect;
CTsEventControler* iEvtHandler; //own
#endif // TSAPPVIEW_H