author Christian Morlok <>
Wed, 07 Apr 2010 14:39:44 +0200
changeset 29 968d4f764c35
parent 0 f72a12da539e
permissions -rw-r--r--
renamed dlls+exe to prevent conflicts with existing files in emulator; changelog attached. * renamed dlls/exe: - aifw.dll to aifw_hs.dll - cputils to cputils_hs - aiidleint.dll to aiidleint_hs.dll - aiutils.dll to aiutils_hs.dll - MenuInterface.dll to MenuInterface_hs.dll - XCFW.dll to XCFW_hs.dll - homescreen.exe to homescreen_hs.exe - ailaunch.exe to ailaunch_hs.exe * new UID for Active Idle (aifw_hs.dll, aiidleint_hs.dll and homescreen.exe): #define AI_UID3_AIFW_COMMON 0xEDFF45C4 (was 0x102750F0 = 271012080) * new UID for cputils_hs.dll: 0xE3E7134E (was 0x20016B7F = 536963967) * new UID for AI Utilities Factory (aiutils_hs.dll): 0xEC55106C (was 0x10281865 = 271063141) * new UID for MenuInterface_hs.dll: 0xEEE24485 (was 0x10210EAB = 270601899) * new UID for XCFW_hs.dll: 0xEB12332F (was 0x10210EA0 = 270601888) * new UID for ailaunch_hs.exe: 0xEF5A047A (was 0x200286E3 = 537036515)

* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Iterates over a tree, breadth first


#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include "xnchilditerator.h"

// Constants
 * Queue granularity value
const TInt KMemoryAloc = 128;

template< class T > class CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator : public CBase,
    public MXnChildIterator

    * Two-phased constructor.
    * @param aStartNode Object to iterate over
    static CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >* NewL( T& aStartNode );

    * Destructor.
    virtual ~CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator();

    * Get the next iterator value.
    * @return Next object or NULL if no more values. 
    T* NextL();

    * Get the current iterator value.
    * @return Current object 
    T* Value();

    * Get the previous iterator value. Obsolete!
    * @return NULL 
    T* PreviousL();

    * Get the current iterator index. Obsolete!
    * @return value 0
    TUint Index() const;


    * C++ default constructor. 
    CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator( T* aStartNode );

    * 2nd phase constructor. 
    void ConstructL();

    // Queue
    RPointerArray< T > iQueue;
    // Object to iterate over
    T* iStart;   
    // Current object
    T* iCurrent;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::NewL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class T > CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >* 
    CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::NewL( T& aStartNode )
    CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >* p = 
        new ( ELeave )CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >( &aStartNode );
    CleanupStack::PushL( p );
    return p;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator()
// C++ default constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class T >
    CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator < T >::CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator(
    T* aStartNode ): iStart( aStartNode ), iCurrent( aStartNode ),
    iQueue( KMemoryAloc )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::~CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator()
//  C++ default destructor.     
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class T >
    CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::~CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::ConstructL()
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class T > void CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::ConstructL()
    iQueue.AppendL( iStart );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::NextL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class T > T* CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::NextL()
    if( iQueue.Count() )
        // Dequeue
        iCurrent = iQueue[0];

        RPointerArray< T >& currentChildNodes = iCurrent->Children();
        TInt currentChildCount( currentChildNodes.Count() );

        // Enqueue
        for( TInt i = 0; i < currentChildCount; ++i )
            iQueue.AppendL( currentChildNodes[i] );
        iCurrent = NULL;
        iQueue.AppendL( iStart );
    return iCurrent;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::Value()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class T > T* CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::Value()
    return iCurrent;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::PreviousL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class T > T* CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::PreviousL()
    return NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::Index()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< class T > TUint CXnNodeBreadthFirstIterator< T >::Index() const
    return 0;


// End of File