renamed dlls+exe to prevent conflicts with existing files in emulator; changelog attached.
* renamed dlls/exe:
- aifw.dll to aifw_hs.dll
- cputils to cputils_hs
- aiidleint.dll to aiidleint_hs.dll
- aiutils.dll to aiutils_hs.dll
- MenuInterface.dll to MenuInterface_hs.dll
- XCFW.dll to XCFW_hs.dll
- homescreen.exe to homescreen_hs.exe
- ailaunch.exe to ailaunch_hs.exe
* new UID for Active Idle (aifw_hs.dll, aiidleint_hs.dll and homescreen.exe):
#define AI_UID3_AIFW_COMMON 0xEDFF45C4 (was 0x102750F0 = 271012080)
* new UID for cputils_hs.dll: 0xE3E7134E (was 0x20016B7F = 536963967)
* new UID for AI Utilities Factory (aiutils_hs.dll): 0xEC55106C (was 0x10281865 = 271063141)
* new UID for MenuInterface_hs.dll: 0xEEE24485 (was 0x10210EAB = 270601899)
* new UID for XCFW_hs.dll: 0xEB12332F (was 0x10210EA0 = 270601888)
* new UID for ailaunch_hs.exe: 0xEF5A047A (was 0x200286E3 = 537036515)
* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Xuikon layout engine plugin interface.
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
// User includes
// Forward declarations
class CXnUiEngine;
class CXnProperty;
class CXnNodePluginIf;
class CXnDomStringPool;
class CXnResource;
class CXnControlAdapter;
struct TPointerEvent;
// Class declaration
* Xuikon layout engine plugin interface.
* @ingroup group_xnlayoutengine
* @lib xnlayoutengine.lib
* @since Series 60 3.1
class TXnUiEnginePluginIf
* C++ default constructor.
TXnUiEnginePluginIf( CXnUiEngine& aUiEngine );
// New functions
* Calculates the layout of the UI
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aNode Starting point for the layout
* @exception KXnErrLoadLayoutFileFailed Loading the layout file failed.
IMPORT_C void RenderUIL( CXnNodePluginIf* aNode = NULL );
* Gets the root node of the UI. Ownership is not transferred.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @return Node
IMPORT_C CXnNodePluginIf& RootNodeL();
* Find a node by its id. Ownership is not transferred.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aNodeId Area id
* @param aNamespace Namespace
* @return Node with the given id
IMPORT_C CXnNodePluginIf* FindNodeByIdL(
const TDesC& aNodeId,
const TDesC& aNamespace = KNullDesC );
* Find a node by its id. Ownership is not transferred.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aNodeId Area id
* @param aNamespace Namespace
* @return Node with the given id
IMPORT_C CXnNodePluginIf* FindNodeByIdL(
const TDesC8& aNodeId,
const TDesC8& aNamespace = KNullDesC8 );
* Find nodes by class. Ownership is not transferred.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aClassId Class id
* @return Nodes belonging to the class
IMPORT_C RPointerArray< CXnNodePluginIf > FindNodeByClassL(
const TDesC& aClassId );
* Find resources (images etc.) of the UI. Ownership is not transferred.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @return Resources of the UI
IMPORT_C CArrayPtrSeg< CXnResource >& Resources();
* Get currently focused node. Ownership is not transferred.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @return Focused node
IMPORT_C CXnNodePluginIf* FocusedNodeL();
* Set currently focused node
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aFocusedNode Focused node
IMPORT_C void SetFocusedNode( CXnNodePluginIf* aFocusedNode );
* Restore focus to previously focused node
* @since Series 60 3.1
IMPORT_C void RestorePreviousFocusedNode();
* Get the string pool
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @return String pool
IMPORT_C CXnDomStringPool& StringPool();
* Get a numeric value of a property in vertical pixels
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aValue Property
* @param aReferenceValue Value used for percentage calculation
* @return Value in vertical pixels
IMPORT_C TInt VerticalPixelValueL(
CXnProperty* aValue,
TInt aReferenceValue );
* Get a numeric value of a property in horizontal pixels
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aValue Property
* @param aReferenceValue Value used for percentage calculation
* @return Value in horizontal pixels
IMPORT_C TInt HorizontalPixelValueL(
CXnProperty* aValue,
TInt aReferenceValue );
* Get a numeric value of a property in vertical twips
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aValue Property
* @param aReferenceValue Value used for percentage calculation
* @return Value in vertical twips
IMPORT_C TInt VerticalTwipValueL(
CXnProperty* aValue,
TInt aReferenceValue );
* Get a numeric value of a property in horizontal twips
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aValue Property
* @param aReferenceValue Value used for percentage calculation
* @return Value in horizontal pixels
IMPORT_C TInt HorizontalTwipValueL(
CXnProperty* aValue,
TInt aReferenceValue );
* Activate a view
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aViewNode View node
IMPORT_C void ActivateViewL( CXnNodePluginIf& aViewNode );
* Get the size of the current screen device
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @return Size of the current screen device
IMPORT_C TSize ScreenDeviceSize();
* Checks whether the dialog is displaying.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @return ETrue if dialog is displaying.
IMPORT_C TBool IsDialogDisplaying();
* Sets the given node dirty.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aNode A node to be set dirty.
IMPORT_C void AddDirtyNodeL( CXnNodePluginIf& aNode );
* Checks whether the menu is displaying.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @return ETrue if menu is displaying.
IMPORT_C TBool IsMenuDisplaying();
* Calculates the layout of the UI.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aNode Starting point for the layout
IMPORT_C void LayoutUIL( CXnNodePluginIf* aNode = NULL );
* Gets the edit mode state from UI Engine.
* @since Series 60 5.0
* @return A state of edit mode.
IMPORT_C TInt EditMode();
* Gets widgets visibilty state
* @since Series 60 5.0
* @return ETrue if widgets visible, EFalse otherwise
IMPORT_C TBool WidgetsVisible() const;
* Gets control defining hit region
* @since Series 60 5.0
* @return Control defining the hit region
IMPORT_C CXnControlAdapter* HitRegion() const;
* Deactivates focused node
* @since Series 60 5.0
IMPORT_C void DeactivateFocusedNodeL();
* Queries wheter focus is visible
* @since Series 60 5.0
* @return ETrue if focus is shown, EFalse otherwise
IMPORT_C TBool ShowFocus();
* Gets a plugin node which the given node is.
* @since Series 60 5.0
* @param aNode Node to start.
* @return A Plugin node.
IMPORT_C CXnNodePluginIf& PluginNodeL( CXnNodePluginIf* aNode );
* Sets focus visibility for active view
* @since Series 60 5.0
* @param aVisible Visibility state
IMPORT_C void SetFocusVisibleL( TBool aVisible );
* Return focus visibility of active view
* @since Series 60 5.0
* @return ETrue if active view focus is visible, EFalse otherwise
IMPORT_C TBool FocusVisible();
* Enables or disables swipe for active view
* @since Series 60 5.0
* @param aEnable True will enable swipe, false will disable
IMPORT_C void EnableSwipeL( TBool aEnable );
* Return whether swipe is enabled or not
* @since Series 60 5.0
* @return ETrue if swipe is enable, EFalse otherwise
IMPORT_C TBool SwipeEnabledL();
* Disables layoyt and redraw, places cleanup item to cleanup stack
* for enabling layot and redraw
* @since Series 60 5.0
IMPORT_C void DisableRenderUiLC();
// Data
* The layout calculation and ui rendering implementation.
* Not own.
CXnUiEngine* iUiEngine;