renamed dlls+exe to prevent conflicts with existing files in emulator; changelog attached.
* renamed dlls/exe:
- aifw.dll to aifw_hs.dll
- cputils to cputils_hs
- aiidleint.dll to aiidleint_hs.dll
- aiutils.dll to aiutils_hs.dll
- MenuInterface.dll to MenuInterface_hs.dll
- XCFW.dll to XCFW_hs.dll
- homescreen.exe to homescreen_hs.exe
- ailaunch.exe to ailaunch_hs.exe
* new UID for Active Idle (aifw_hs.dll, aiidleint_hs.dll and homescreen.exe):
#define AI_UID3_AIFW_COMMON 0xEDFF45C4 (was 0x102750F0 = 271012080)
* new UID for cputils_hs.dll: 0xE3E7134E (was 0x20016B7F = 536963967)
* new UID for AI Utilities Factory (aiutils_hs.dll): 0xEC55106C (was 0x10281865 = 271063141)
* new UID for MenuInterface_hs.dll: 0xEEE24485 (was 0x10210EAB = 270601899)
* new UID for XCFW_hs.dll: 0xEB12332F (was 0x10210EA0 = 270601888)
* new UID for ailaunch_hs.exe: 0xEF5A047A (was 0x200286E3 = 537036515)
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Localization strings for project Active Idle 3
// d: It is text of Active Idle 2 application in application shell grid.
// d: When user selects that item, then phone goes to idle state
// d: or call related state.
// l: cell_app_pane_t1
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_apps_idle_grid "Idle"
// d: It is text shown in note when SIM registration has failed.
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define text_imsi_unknown_in_hlr "SIM registration failed"
// d: It is possible that user activates Idle theme which
// d: contains one or more plug-ins which can not be loaded to framework.
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_idle_theme_error_incompatible "Problems with theme. It may not work correctly."
// d: In case plug-in dies during operation error note is shown.
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_idle_theme_error_notloaded "Error in theme."
// d: Title field for stylus activated popup.
// l: heading_sub_pane_t1
// w:
// r: 5.0
#define qtn_idle_title_tapped_header "Registered network"
// d: When user activates the link, SAT application is launched.
// d: Link label for stylus activated popup.
// l: list_single_touch_info_pane_t2/opt1
// w:
// r: 5.0
#define qtn_idle_title_tapped_link1 "Go to own SIM services"
// d: When user activates the link, automatic network search is started.
// d: Link label for stylus activated popup.
// l: list_single_touch_info_pane_t2/opt1
// w:
// r: 5.0
#define qtn_idle_title_tapped_link2 "Search network"
// d: When user activates the link, calendar application is launched.
// d: Link label for stylus menu popup.
// l: list_single_touch_menu_pane_t1
// w:
// r: 5.0
#define qtn_idle_navi_tapped_cale "Go to Calendar"
// d: When user activates the link, profile application is launched.
// d: Link label for stylus menu popup.
// l: list_single_touch_menu_pane_t1
// w:
// r: 5.0
#define qtn_idle_navi_tapped_all_prof "Show all profiles"
// d: Back text for SK2
// l: control_pane_t1/opt7
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define text_softkey_back "Back"
// d: New message shortcut
// l: control_pane_t1/opt7
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_idle_skey_new_msg "New msg."
// d: New e-mail shortcut
// l: control_pane_t1/opt7
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_apps_email_skey "New mail"
// d: New SyncML mail shortcut
// l: control_pane_t1/opt7
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_apps_syncml_mail_skey "New sync.mail"
// d: New MMS postcard shortcut
// l: control_pane_t1/opt7
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_apps_mmspostcard_skey "New postcard"
// d: New audio message shortcut
// l: control_pane_t1/opt7
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_apps_audio_msg_skey "New audiomsg"
// d: Select message type shortcut
// l: control_pane_t1/opt7
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_set_idle_skey_select_msg_type "Select msg type"
// d: Change theme shortcut
// l: control_pane_t1/opt7
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_apps_idle_skin_skey "Idle theme"
// d: Heading of add widget dialog.
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_hs_add_widget "Add content"
// d: Heading of remove widget dialog.
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_hs_remove_widget "Remove content"
// d: Popup shown when trying to add content to full homescreen.
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_hs_add_widget_full "Homescreen is already full, remove some content"
// d: Options menu item which switches home to online. Web widgets get updates from network.
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_online "Switch Home to online"
// d: Options menu item which switches home to offline. Web widgets are not updated
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_offline "Switch Home to offline"
// d: Information note text which informs user that home is automatically switched to offline because user is roaming.
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_automatic_offline "Select Options - Switch Home to online to reconnect while roaming outside home network."
// d: Error note text. In case widget dies during operation, widget information is cleaned from the screen
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_error_widgets_removed "Problem occurred. Widget(s) removed."
// d: User can download new HS widgets. String visible in add content list query
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_download_new_widgets "Download"
// d: Promt text for Add content list query
// l: heading_pane_t1
// w:
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_hs_select_widget "Select content"
// d: Popup shown when first web widget is added OR web widget is tapped while offline
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 5.0
#define qtn_hs_switch_online "Allow all Home screen widgets to access network? (You can disable/enable connection from Home screen options menu)?"
// d: Popup shown when disabling the home screen network
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 5.0
#define qtn_hs_disable_network "Would you like to disable Home screen network access for now? To re-enable select Options - Switch Home to online"
// d: Shown when HSPS fails to personalize an active application configuration
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 5.0
#define qtn_hs_operation_failed_no_disk "Operation failed. Try again later."
// d: Edit active profile
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: TB9.1
#define qtn_hs_profile_edit "Edit active profile"
// d: Notifies when maximum amout of pages has been reached
// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_max_amount_of_pages_note "Maximum amount of pages reached. Cannot create a new one."
// d: remove widget query
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_edit_remove_widget "Remove selected content?"
// d: delete page query
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_delete_page "Delete page %U?"
// d: edit mode title
// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_title_editing "Editing"
// d: delete current page query
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_delete_current_page "Delete current page?"
// d: Error note text. OOM failure handled
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_hs_memory_full "Not enough memory to add more content. Please remove some Homescreen content and try again."
// d: Heading of change wallpaper dialog.
// l: heading_pane_t1
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_title_change_wallpaper "Change wallpaper"
// d: Change wallpaper dialog default item
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_default "Default"
// d: Change wallpaper dialog image item
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_image "Image"
// d: Change wallpaper dialog slideshow item
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_slideshow "Slideshow"
// d: Shown when user select corrupted image file as a wallpaper
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: TB9.2
#define qtn_hs_corrupted_image_note "Unable to select. Image corrupted or format not supported."