renamed dlls+exe to prevent conflicts with existing files in emulator; changelog attached.
* renamed dlls/exe:
- aifw.dll to aifw_hs.dll
- cputils to cputils_hs
- aiidleint.dll to aiidleint_hs.dll
- aiutils.dll to aiutils_hs.dll
- MenuInterface.dll to MenuInterface_hs.dll
- XCFW.dll to XCFW_hs.dll
- homescreen.exe to homescreen_hs.exe
- ailaunch.exe to ailaunch_hs.exe
* new UID for Active Idle (aifw_hs.dll, aiidleint_hs.dll and homescreen.exe):
#define AI_UID3_AIFW_COMMON 0xEDFF45C4 (was 0x102750F0 = 271012080)
* new UID for cputils_hs.dll: 0xE3E7134E (was 0x20016B7F = 536963967)
* new UID for AI Utilities Factory (aiutils_hs.dll): 0xEC55106C (was 0x10281865 = 271063141)
* new UID for MenuInterface_hs.dll: 0xEEE24485 (was 0x10210EAB = 270601899)
* new UID for XCFW_hs.dll: 0xEB12332F (was 0x10210EA0 = 270601888)
* new UID for ailaunch_hs.exe: 0xEF5A047A (was 0x200286E3 = 537036515)
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)..
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* CWmWidgetData declaration
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <bamdesca.h>
#include <hscontentinfo.h>
#include "wmimageconverter.h"
class CDictionaryFileStore;
class MWmWidgetDataObserver;
class CFbsBitmap;
class CHsContentInfo;
class CWmPersistentWidgetOrder;
class RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
class CWmResourceLoader;
* CWmWidgetData is a representation of a widget in CWmListBox. it
* stores all data required for drawing the item in a list box, and
* handling the list item.
: public CBase
, public MConverterObserver
public: // types
/** widget type */
enum TWidgetType
ECps // wrt widgets included in this category
public: // construction
* static constructor
* @param aLogoSize size of logo image.
* @param aHsContentInfo (takes ownership)
* @param aRegistryClientSession (does not take ownership)
static CWmWidgetData* NewL(
const TSize& aLogoSize,
CWmResourceLoader& aWmResourceLoader,
CHsContentInfo* aHsContentInfo,
RWidgetRegistryClientSession* aRegistryClientSession );
* static constructor, leaves object in cleanup stack
* @param aLogoSize size of logo image.
* @param aHsContentInfo (takes ownership)
* @param aRegistryClientSession (does not take ownership)
static CWmWidgetData* NewLC(
const TSize& aLogoSize,
CWmResourceLoader& aWmResourceLoader,
CHsContentInfo* aHsContentInfo,
RWidgetRegistryClientSession* aRegistryClientSession );
/** Destructor. */
private: // private construction
/** Constructor for performing 1st stage construction */
CWmWidgetData( const TSize& aLogoSize,
CWmResourceLoader& aWmResourceLoader );
/** 2nd phase constructor */
void ConstructL(
CHsContentInfo* aHsContentInfo,
RWidgetRegistryClientSession* aRegistryClientSession );
* Initialisation routine
* called from ConstructL and whenever the content type changes
void InitL(
CHsContentInfo* aHsContentInfo,
RWidgetRegistryClientSession* aRegistryClientSession );
public: // external handles
/** current uninstall animation bitmap */
const CFbsBitmap* AnimationBitmap( const TSize& aSize );
/** current uninstall animation mask */
const CFbsBitmap* AnimationMask( const TSize& aSize );
* @return ETrue if widget is being uninstalled.
TBool IsUninstalling();
* @return ETrue if logo is being created,false otherwise.
TBool IsPrepairingLogo();
* sets an observer for callbacks
* @param aObserver notifications when changes occur in widget data
void SetObserver( MWmWidgetDataObserver* aObserver );
* persistent widget order handle, which is used in comparing
void SetPersistentWidgetOrder(
const CWmPersistentWidgetOrder* aPersistentWidgetOrder );
* Init logo re-creation
void ReCreateLogo( const TSize& aSize );
* returns widget description
const TDesC& Description() const;
* Replaces the content of this widget data. The method is called
* during widget update. If widget values change, a change event is
* fired for the observer.
* @param aHsContentInfo new content (takes ownership)
* @return ETrue if content was changed
TBool ReplaceContentInfoL(
CHsContentInfo* aHsContentInfo );
public: // comparing / sorting
/** whether this object represents the same widget as aContentInfo */
TBool EqualsTo( CHsContentInfo& aContentInfo );
/** comparator function for sort by name (compare two names)*/
static TInt CompareByName(
const CWmWidgetData& aDataOne,
const CWmWidgetData& aDataTwo );
* comparator function for sorting by stored order
static TInt CompareByPersistentWidgetOrder(
const CWmWidgetData& aDataOne,
const CWmWidgetData& aDataTwo );
public: // methods to read the content
/** the HsContent info */
inline CHsContentInfo& HsContentInfo();
/** the HsContent info */
inline const CHsContentInfo& HsContentInfo() const;
/** widget name */
inline const TDesC& Name() const;
/** widget uid */
inline TUid Uid() const;
/** cps widget publisher id */
inline const TDesC& PublisherId() const;
/** cps widget publisher uid */
TUid PublisherUid();
/** widget type */
inline TWidgetType WidgetType() const;
/** running install animation index */
inline TInt InstallAnimationIndex() const;
/** the logo bitmap */
inline const CFbsBitmap* LogoImage();
/** the logo bitmap */
inline const CFbsBitmap* LogoImageMask();
/** whether the widget data is valid or not */
inline TBool IsValid();
/** sets the widget data validity */
inline void SetValid( TBool aValid );
/** start animation for uninstallation*/
void VisualizeUninstallL();
protected: // from MConverterObserver
/** image conversin completed */
void NotifyCompletion( TInt aError );
private: // new functions
/** uninstall animation related*/
void PrepairAnimL();
void DestroyAnimData();
static TInt Tick( TAny* aPtr );
/** fetches publisher uid from widget registry*/
void FetchPublisherUidL(
RWidgetRegistryClientSession* aRegistryClientSession );
/** Converts uid to TUid from TDesC8 */
TUid UidFromString( const TDesC8& aUidString ) const;
/** Logo icon string handling */
void HandleIconString( const TDesC& aIconStr );
void FireDataChanged();
private: // data members
/* reference to resource loader */
CWmResourceLoader& iWmResourceLoader;
/* the image converter utility */
CWmImageConverter* iImageConverter;
/* observes this widget representation (NOT OWNED) */
MWmWidgetDataObserver* iObserver;
/** the widget logo bitmap */
CFbsBitmap* iLogoImage;
/** the widget logo mask */
CFbsBitmap* iLogoImageMask;
/** The CHsContentInfo that corresponds to this list row */
CHsContentInfo* iHsContentInfo;
/** type oif the widget */
TWidgetType iWidgetType;
/** persistent order of widgets (used in sorting) */
const CWmPersistentWidgetOrder* iPersistentWidgetOrder;
/** wrt widget publisher uid */
TUid iPublisherUid;
/** size of logo rect in list item */
TSize iLogoSize;
/** validity of the widget - used during list refresh */
TBool iValid;
/* Array of uninstall animation bitmaps*/
RArray<CFbsBitmap*> iUninstallAnimIcons;
/** periodic timer for updating animation */
CPeriodic* iPeriodic;
/* uninstall animation index */
TInt iAnimationIndex;
/** uninstallation switch */
TBool iAsyncUninstalling;
/** logo changed switch */
TBool iFireLogoChanged;
* ActiveSchedulerWait used to wait while logo image
* is being prepaired.
CActiveSchedulerWait* iWait;
* Pointer array of widget data objects.
* Also acts as an adapter to a descriptor array, providing the
* widget names as descriptor array elements.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( RWidgetDataValues ) : public RPointerArray<CWmWidgetData>,
public MDesCArray
protected: // from MDesCArray
/** returns number of items in the pointer array */
inline TInt MdcaCount() const;
/** returns the pointed widget name */
inline TPtrC16 MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
#include "wmwidgetdata.inl"