renamed dlls+exe to prevent conflicts with existing files in emulator; changelog attached.
* renamed dlls/exe:
- aifw.dll to aifw_hs.dll
- cputils to cputils_hs
- aiidleint.dll to aiidleint_hs.dll
- aiutils.dll to aiutils_hs.dll
- MenuInterface.dll to MenuInterface_hs.dll
- XCFW.dll to XCFW_hs.dll
- homescreen.exe to homescreen_hs.exe
- ailaunch.exe to ailaunch_hs.exe
* new UID for Active Idle (aifw_hs.dll, aiidleint_hs.dll and homescreen.exe):
#define AI_UID3_AIFW_COMMON 0xEDFF45C4 (was 0x102750F0 = 271012080)
* new UID for cputils_hs.dll: 0xE3E7134E (was 0x20016B7F = 536963967)
* new UID for AI Utilities Factory (aiutils_hs.dll): 0xEC55106C (was 0x10281865 = 271063141)
* new UID for MenuInterface_hs.dll: 0xEEE24485 (was 0x10210EAB = 270601899)
* new UID for XCFW_hs.dll: 0xEB12332F (was 0x10210EA0 = 270601888)
* new UID for ailaunch_hs.exe: 0xEF5A047A (was 0x200286E3 = 537036515)
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)..
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Active object to load widgets into list
#include "wmcommon.h"
#include "wmplugin.h"
#include "wmresourceloader.h"
#include "wmpersistentwidgetorder.h"
#include "wmlistbox.h"
#include "wmwidgetloaderao.h"
#include "wminstaller.h"
#include <hscontentcontroller.h> // content control api
#include <hscontentinfoarray.h> // content control api
#include <widgetregistryclient.h> // widget reqistry
#include <avkon.rsg> // avkon resources
#include <barsread.h> // TResourceReader
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWmWidgetLoaderAo* CWmWidgetLoaderAo::NewL(
CWmPlugin& aWmPlugin,
CWmListBox& aTargetList )
CWmWidgetLoaderAo* self = new (ELeave) CWmWidgetLoaderAo(
aWmPlugin, aTargetList );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWmPlugin& aWmPlugin,
CWmListBox& aTargetList )
: CAsyncOneShot( EPriorityStandard )
, iWmPlugin( aWmPlugin )
, iWidgetsList( aTargetList )
iWidgetRegistry = NULL;
iWidgetOrder = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWmWidgetLoaderAo::ConstructL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::~CWmWidgetLoaderAo
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cancel ongoing operation
// cleanup run data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::StartLoading
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWmWidgetLoaderAo::StartLoading()
if ( IsActive() )
// cancel ongoing process
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::RunL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWmWidgetLoaderAo::RunL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::RunError
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CWmWidgetLoaderAo::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::DoLoadWidgetsL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmWidgetLoaderAo::DoLoadWidgetsL()
// Check if unistallation is ongoing for for some widget
// iUninstallUid is null no uninstallation is ongoing
iUninstallUid = iWmPlugin.WmInstaller().UninstallUid();
// 1. load the widgets array
MHsContentController& controller = iWmPlugin.ContentController();
CHsContentInfoArray* contentInfoArray = CHsContentInfoArray::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( contentInfoArray );
controller.WidgetListL( *contentInfoArray );
// 2. load the widget order
iWidgetOrder = CWmPersistentWidgetOrder::NewL( iWmPlugin.FileServer() );
TRAPD( loadError, iWidgetOrder->LoadL() );
// 3. prepare the widget data list
for( TInt i=0; i<iWidgetsList.WidgetDataCount(); ++i )
iWidgetsList.WidgetData(i).SetPersistentWidgetOrder( iWidgetOrder );
iWidgetsList.WidgetData(i).SetValid( EFalse );
// 4. loop through the content array and compare it against the existing
// widget data.
TInt widgetsAdded = 0;
TInt widgetsChanged = 0;
while( contentInfoArray->Array().Count() > 0 )
CHsContentInfo* contentInfo = contentInfoArray->Array()[0];
contentInfoArray->Array().Remove( 0 );
// check if this widget exists.
// if it does, keep the existing one
// if it does not, add it
CWmWidgetData* existingData = FindWidgetData( *contentInfo );
if ( existingData )
// update existing widget data
existingData->SetValid( ETrue );
if ( existingData->ReplaceContentInfoL( contentInfo ) )
// add a new widget data
AddWidgetDataL( contentInfo );
// 5: finally, remove all UI widgets that during the loading process were
// NOT marked as VALID. those widgets do not exist anymore.
TInt widgetsRemoved = 0;
for( TInt i=0; i<iWidgetsList.WidgetDataCount(); i++ )
if( !iWidgetsList.WidgetData(i).IsValid() )
iWidgetsList.RemoveWidgetData( i );
// update listbox
if ( widgetsAdded > 0 )
if ( widgetsRemoved > 0 || widgetsAdded > 0 ||
widgetsChanged > 0 )
// 6: cleanup
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentInfoArray );
// 7. check list empty condition
if ( iWidgetsList.WidgetDataCount() == 0 )
TResourceReader rr;
TPtrC empty= rr.ReadTPtrC();
iWidgetsList.View()->SetListEmptyTextL( empty );
// 8. store list order if necessary
if ( loadError != KErrNone || widgetsAdded > 0 || widgetsRemoved > 0 )
iWidgetOrder->StoreL( iWidgetsList.WidgetDataArray() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::FindWidgetDataL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CWmWidgetData* CWmWidgetLoaderAo::FindWidgetData(
CHsContentInfo& aContentInfo )
CWmWidgetData* data = NULL;
for( TInt i=0; i<iWidgetsList.WidgetDataCount() && !data; ++i )
if ( iWidgetsList.WidgetData(i).EqualsTo( aContentInfo ) )
data = &iWidgetsList.WidgetData(i);
return data;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::AddWidgetDataL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmWidgetLoaderAo::AddWidgetDataL(
CHsContentInfo* aContentInfo )
CleanupStack::PushL( aContentInfo );
if ( !iWidgetRegistry )
iWidgetRegistry = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession();
User::LeaveIfError( iWidgetRegistry->Connect() );
CleanupStack::Pop( aContentInfo );
CWmWidgetData* widgetData = CWmWidgetData::NewLC(
aContentInfo, iWidgetRegistry );
widgetData->SetPersistentWidgetOrder( iWidgetOrder );
widgetData->SetValid( ETrue );
iWidgetsList.AddWidgetDataL( widgetData, EFalse );
if ( iUninstallUid != KNullUid
&& iUninstallUid == widgetData->PublisherUid() )
CleanupStack::Pop( widgetData );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWmWidgetLoaderAo::Cleanup
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWmWidgetLoaderAo::Cleanup()
// disconnect widget registry
if ( iWidgetRegistry )
delete iWidgetRegistry;
iWidgetRegistry = NULL;
// delete widget order and references to it
for( TInt i=0; i<iWidgetsList.WidgetDataCount(); ++i )
iWidgetsList.WidgetData(i).SetPersistentWidgetOrder( NULL );
delete iWidgetOrder;
iWidgetOrder = NULL;
// end of file