changeset 33 04b7640f6fb5
equal deleted inserted replaced
32:fe49e33862e2 33:04b7640f6fb5
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description:  A tool that install widgets and dtd files.
    15 #  Tool is mainly meant to be used via dtd.mk makefile template,
    16 #  but can be run as such also.
    17 #
    19 use strict;
    20 use FindBin;        # for FindBin::Bin
    21 my $PerlLibPath;    # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
    23 BEGIN {
    24 # check user has a version of perl that will cope
    25 	require 5.005_03;
    26 # establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script
    27 	$PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin;	# X:/epoc32/tools
    28 # do not convert slashes for linux
    29 	if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
    30 		$PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g;	# X:\epoc32\tools
    31 		$PerlLibPath .= "\\";
    32 	}
    33 }
    35 use lib $PerlLibPath;
    37 use Cwd;
    38 use Getopt::Long;
    39 use Convert_file; # for .dtd to .loc file conversion
    40 use File::Copy;
    41 use File::Find; # for finding
    42 use File::Path; # mkpath
    43 use File::Basename; # fileparse
    45 if ( $#ARGV < 1)
    46         {
    47          print <<USAGE;
    48 Usage: dtd_installer.pl -n dtd_name [-t type][-l dtd_location] [-s sub_folder_name] [-o output_location] [-a action_type] [-f force_create] [-d debug]
    49  -n: widget or dtd (switch_loc) file name
    50  -t: optional, default type is dtd and other possibility is widget
    51  -l: optional, input path location, 
    52  default for widget type is \\epoc32\\data\\z\\resource\\homescreen
    53  default for dtd is \\epoc32\\include\\domain\\<layer>\\loc
    54  -s: optional, for widgets only, default are xuikon and hsps
    55  -o: optional, default is \\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\z\\private\\200159c0\\install
    56  -a: optional, default is build other possible are what and clean
    57  -f: optional, for widgets only, themeinstaller is always run for xuikon, even switch loc file don\'t exist
    58  -d: optional, for debugging purposes (e.g. temporary folders aren't deleted)
    60 Example how to run for dtd files only: 
    61  dtd_installer.pl -n matrixmenudata -o \\epoc32\\data\\z\\private\\200113DD\\content
    62 Example how to run for one widget: 
    63  dtd_installer.pl -n view -t type widget
    64 Example how to run for all widgets:
    65  dtd_installer.pl -n all_widgets -t type widget -d yes
    67 USAGE
    68 	exit -1;
    69 	}
    71 my ($dtd_name, $dtd_type, $dtd_location, $sub_folder_name, $output_location, $action_type, $force_create, $debug, $what_output_file);
    72 my (@all_dirs, @find_files, @files_to_convert);
    73 my @sub_folders=("xuikon","hsps");
    76 $EPOCROOT =~ s#[/\\]*$##;
    78 my $PATHSEP='/';
    79 if ($^O eq "MSWin32" ) {
    80 	$PATHSEP='\\';
    81 }
    83 my @layers=(
    84 $EPOCROOT . "${PATHSEP}epoc32${PATHSEP}include${PATHSEP}domain${PATHSEP}osextensions${PATHSEP}loc", 
    85 $EPOCROOT . "${PATHSEP}epoc32${PATHSEP}include${PATHSEP}domain${PATHSEP}middleware${PATHSEP}loc",
    86 $EPOCROOT . "${PATHSEP}epoc32${PATHSEP}include${PATHSEP}domain${PATHSEP}applications${PATHSEP}loc",
    87 $EPOCROOT . "${PATHSEP}epoc32${PATHSEP}include${PATHSEP}platform${PATHSEP}loc",
    88 $EPOCROOT . "${PATHSEP}epoc32${PATHSEP}include${PATHSEP}platform${PATHSEP}mw${PATHSEP}loc",
    89 $EPOCROOT . "${PATHSEP}epoc32${PATHSEP}include${PATHSEP}platform${PATHSEP}app${PATHSEP}loc");
    91 my $themeinstaller_tool = $EPOCROOT  . "${PATHSEP}epoc32${PATHSEP}tools${PATHSEP}themeinstaller${PATHSEP}themeinstaller";
    92 if ($^O eq "MSWin32" ) {
    93   $themeinstaller_tool = $themeinstaller_tool . ".bat";
    94 }
    96 my $themeinstaller_property_file = $EPOCROOT  . "${PATHSEP}epoc32${PATHSEP}tools${PATHSEP}themeinstaller${PATHSEP}data${PATHSEP}widgetinstaller.prop";
    98 # Set this to 1 if you need to debug the script
    99 # $debug = 1;
   101 GetOptions(
   102 	'n=s' => \$dtd_name,
   103 	't=s' => \$dtd_type,
   104 	'l=s' => \$dtd_location,
   105 	's=s' => \$sub_folder_name,
   106 	'o=s' => \$output_location,
   107 	'a=s' => \$action_type,
   108 	'd=s' => \$debug,
   109 	'f=s' => \$force_create );
   111 check_options();
   113 if (($action_type eq "what") && (-e $what_output_file)) {
   114 	open( WHAT, $what_output_file) or die $!;
   115 	while( <WHAT> ){
   116 		print ;
   117 	}
   118 	close WHAT;
   119 	exit;
   120 } elsif (($action_type eq "clean") && (-e $what_output_file)) {
   121 	unlink $what_output_file;
   122 }
   124 if ($dtd_type eq "widget") {
   125 	if ((lc $dtd_name) eq "all_widgets") {
   126 		# read all widget names from given directory
   127 		opendir(SDIR, $dtd_location) or die("ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, can not open $dtd_location\n");
   128 		@all_dirs = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir SDIR;
   129 		closedir(SDIR);
   130 		if (!@all_dirs) {
   131 			warn"ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, couldn't find any widgets:\n";
   132 			die;
   133 		}	
   134 		foreach my $temp_dtd_name (@all_dirs) {
   135 			$dtd_name = $temp_dtd_name;
   136 			my  $dir = "${dtd_location}\\${dtd_name}";
   137 			if (-d $dir) { # Calling process_widget sub routine for every directory
   138 					process_widget();
   139 			}
   140 		}		
   141 	} else { # Only one widget processed
   142 		process_widget();
   143 	}
   144 } else {
   145 	# Run only .loc to .dtd conversion for non widgets
   146 	process_dtd($output_location, $dtd_name);
   147 }
   149 sub process_widget
   150 {
   152   foreach my $sub_f (@sub_folders) {
   153   	my @lang_dirs;
   154   	if ($debug) { print "Current subfolder:\n $sub_f\n"; }
   155   	${sub_folder_name} = $sub_f;
   156   	if ($debug) { print "Processing widget:\n${dtd_location}\\${dtd_name}\n"; }
   158   	my $current_time = time;
   159   	my $full_dtd_input_path = "${dtd_location}\\${dtd_name}\\${sub_folder_name}";
   160   	my $full_dtd_output_path = "${output_location}\\${dtd_name}\\${sub_folder_name}";
   161   	my $temp_path = "${dtd_location}\\${dtd_name}\\temp";
   162   	my $temp_loc_path = "${dtd_location}\\${dtd_name}\\${sub_folder_name}\\temp";
   163   	my $temp_dtd_path = "${temp_path}\\$current_time";
   164   	my $temp_loc_files_path = "${temp_loc_path}\\$current_time";
   165   	my $no_success = 1;
   166   	my $count = 0;
   168   	while ($no_success) { # make sure that temporary directory isn't already in the use
   169   		undef $no_success;
   170   		$current_time = time;
   171   		$temp_dtd_path = "${temp_path}\\$current_time";
   172 			mkpath $temp_dtd_path or $no_success=1;
   173 			sleep 1; 
   174 			$count++;
   175 			if ($count > 100 ) { warn: "ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, couldn't create temp directory $temp_dtd_path !!!\nDtd_installer\.pl script stopped\n";	die;}
   176 		}
   177 		$count = 0;
   178 		$no_success = 1;
   179   	while ($no_success) { # make sure that temporary directory isn't already in the use
   180   		undef $no_success;
   181   		$current_time = time;
   182   		$temp_loc_files_path = "${temp_loc_path}\\$current_time";
   183 			mkpath $temp_loc_files_path or $no_success=1;
   184 			sleep 1; 
   185 			$count++;
   186 			if ($count > 100 ) { warn: "ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, couldn't create temp directory $temp_loc_files_path!!!\nDtd_installer\.pl script stopped\n";	die;}
   187 		}
   189   	if ($debug) { print "Full dtd input path:\n$full_dtd_input_path\n"; }
   190   	if ($debug) { print "Full dtd output path:\n$full_dtd_output_path\n"; }
   191   	opendir(SDIR, $full_dtd_input_path) or die("ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, can not open $full_dtd_input_path\n");
   192 		@lang_dirs = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir SDIR;
   193   	closedir(SDIR);
   196   	if (${sub_folder_name} eq "xuikon") { # Copy engineering english files always to 00 folder
   197 			copy_files($full_dtd_input_path,"${temp_loc_files_path}\\00");
   198   	} else{ #hsps folder
   199   		copy_files($full_dtd_input_path,"${full_dtd_output_path}\\00");
   200   	}
   203   	foreach my $lang_id (@lang_dirs) {		# generate localized .dtd files
   205   		my $dtd_temp = "${full_dtd_input_path}\\${lang_id}";
   206   		if ((-f $dtd_temp) && ($lang_id =~ /.dtd/i) ) { # running loc to dtd for all .dtd files
   207   				if ($debug) { print "Dtd file found:\n$dtd_temp\n"; }
   209   				if (${sub_folder_name} eq "xuikon") { # generate xuikon .dtd files to temp path
   210   					if ($debug) { print "Widget type DTD, xuikon subfolder\n"; }
   211   				  process_dtd($temp_loc_files_path, $lang_id);
   212   			  } else{ #hsps folder
   213   			  	if ($debug) { print "Widget type DTD, hsps subfolder\n"; }
   214 	  				process_dtd($full_dtd_output_path, $lang_id);
   215   			  }  			  
   216   		} elsif ((${sub_folder_name} eq "xuikon") && ($force_create ne "") && (-d $dtd_temp)) {
   217   			copy_files($dtd_temp,"${temp_loc_files_path}\\${lang_id}");
   218   		}
   219 		}
   221 		if (${sub_folder_name} eq "xuikon") { # generate localized files
   222 			if (!(-f $themeinstaller_tool)) { die("ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, can not find themeinstaller: $themeinstaller_tool\n");	}
   223 			if (!(-f $themeinstaller_property_file)) { die("ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, can not find themeinstaller property file: $themeinstaller_property_file\n");	}
   225 	  	if (-d $temp_loc_files_path) {
   226 	  		opendir(SDIR, $temp_loc_files_path) or die("ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, can not open $temp_loc_files_path\n");
   227 				@lang_dirs = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir SDIR;
   228 	  		closedir(SDIR);
   230 		  	foreach my $lang_id (@lang_dirs) {		
   231 		  		my $lang_dir = "$temp_loc_files_path\\$lang_id";
   232 		  		if ($debug) { print"Language directory:\n$lang_dir\n"; }
   233 		  		if (-d $lang_dir) { # Running themeinstaller for all language folders in temp path
   234 		  			my $temp_dir = "$temp_dtd_path\\$lang_id";
   235 		  			copy_files($full_dtd_input_path, "$temp_dir");
   236 		  			my $lang_temp_dir = "$full_dtd_input_path\\$lang_id";
   237 		  			if (-d $lang_temp_dir) {
   238 		  				copy_files("$lang_temp_dir", "$temp_dir");
   239 		  			}
   240 		  			copy_files("$temp_loc_files_path\\$lang_id", "$temp_dir");
   241 	  			  if  (($action_type eq "build") || ($debug)) {	
   242 	  			  	print ("Calling themeinstaller: \n$themeinstaller_tool $temp_dtd_path\\${lang_id}\\${dtd_name}.dat $temp_dtd_path\\${lang_id} -prop:${themeinstaller_property_file}\n"); 
   243 	  			  	system ("$themeinstaller_tool","$temp_dtd_path\\${lang_id}\\${dtd_name}.dat","$temp_dtd_path\\${lang_id}", "-prop:${themeinstaller_property_file}");
   244 	  			  } else {
   245 	  			  	system ("$themeinstaller_tool","$temp_dtd_path\\${lang_id}\\${dtd_name}.dat","$temp_dtd_path\\${lang_id}", "-prop:${themeinstaller_property_file}", ">$temp_dtd_path\\${lang_id}\\themeinstaller.log", "2>&1" );
   246 	  			  }
   247 	  				copy_files("$temp_dir", "$full_dtd_output_path\\$lang_id", "recursive");
   248 		  		}
   249 		  	}
   250 		  }
   251 	  }
   253 	  if ($debug) { 
   254 	  	print "Widget processed: ${dtd_name} \n"; 
   255 	  } else {
   256 		  # Remove all temporary directories
   257 			if (-d $temp_dtd_path) { rmtree ($temp_dtd_path);	}
   258 			if (-d $temp_loc_files_path) { rmtree ($temp_loc_files_path);	}
   259 			rmdir $temp_path;
   260 			rmdir $temp_loc_path;
   261 		}
   262 	}
   263 }
   265 sub process_dtd {
   267 	my $output_path = shift;
   268 	my $switch_loc_name = shift;
   269 	$switch_loc_name =~ s/.dtd//i;; # remove the .dtd extension
   270 	my $input_path = $dtd_location;
   271 	my ($found, $loc_file);
   272 	if ($action_type eq "build") { print "Used switch loc file name:\n${switch_loc_name}\n"; }
   273 	if ($debug) { print "Used input path:\n${input_path}\n"; }
   274 	if ($debug) { print "Used output path:\n${output_path}\n"; }
   276 	foreach (@layers) {
   277 		$input_path = $_;
   278 			if ($debug) { print("Used switch loc file path:\n${input_path}\n"); }
   279 			my $loc_file = "${input_path}\\${switch_loc_name}.loc";
   280 			if (-e $loc_file) {
   281 				convert_locs_to_dtds($loc_file, $input_path, $output_path);
   282 				$found = "yes";
   283 			} 
   284 		}
   285 		if ($found ne "yes") {
   286 			warn "ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, no .loc file found:\n${switch_loc_name}.loc\n";
   287 		}
   288 }
   290 sub check_options {
   292 	if ($dtd_name eq "") {
   293 		warn: "ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, no widget name given!!!\nDtd_installer\.pl script stopped\n";
   294 		die;
   295 	}
   297 	if ($dtd_type eq "") {
   298 		$dtd_type = "dtd";
   299 	}
   301 	if ($dtd_location eq "") {
   302 		if ($dtd_type eq "widget") {
   303 			$dtd_location = "\\epoc32\\data\\z\\resource\\homescreen";
   304 		}
   305 	} else {
   306 		if ($dtd_type eq "dtd") {
   307 		  undef @layers;
   308 	 	 	@layers[0]=${dtd_location};
   309 	 	}
   310 	}
   312 	if ($output_location eq "") {
   313 		$output_location = "\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\z\\private\\200159c0\\install";
   314 	}
   316 	if (${sub_folder_name} ne ""){
   317 	  undef @sub_folders;
   318 	  @sub_folders[0]=${sub_folder_name};
   319   }
   321 	if ($action_type eq "") {
   322 		$action_type = "build";
   323 	} 
   325 	$dtd_location =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
   326 	$output_location =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
   327 	$what_output_file = $output_location;
   328 	$what_output_file =~ s/\\/_/g; #Change \ marks to _
   329 	$what_output_file =~ s/:/_/g; #Change : marks to _
   330 	if ($ENV{SBS_BUILD_DIR}) { 
   331 		$what_output_file = $ENV{SBS_BUILD_DIR} . "${PATHSEP}dtd_installer${PATHSEP}" . $what_output_file . $dtd_name . ".txt";
   332 		if ( !-d $ENV{SBS_BUILD_DIR} . "${PATHSEP}dtd_installer") { mkdir($ENV{SBS_BUILD_DIR} . "${PATHSEP}dtd_installer"); }		
   333 	}
   334 	else {
   335 		$what_output_file = $EPOCROOT . "${PATHSEP}epoc32${PATHSEP}build${PATHSEP}dtd_installer${PATHSEP}" . $what_output_file . $dtd_name . ".txt";    
   336 		if ( !-d "/epoc32/build/dtd_installer") { mkdir("/epoc32/build/dtd_installer"); }
   337 	}
   339 	if ($debug) { print "Output what file: $what_output_file\n"; }
   340 }
   342 # This subroutine moves files to/from temporary themeinstaller location.
   343 sub copy_files {
   344     my $in_path = shift;
   345     my $out_path = shift;
   346     my $recursive = shift;
   347 	 	if ($debug) { print "Copying from: $in_path\n"; }
   348 	 	if ($debug) { print "To: $out_path\n"; }
   350     if ($recursive) {
   351   	  	find( \&getFiles, $in_path );
   352   	} else {
   353 				opendir(SDIR, $in_path) or die("ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, can not open $in_path\n");
   354 				@find_files = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir SDIR;
   355 				closedir(SDIR);  	
   356 		}
   358 		foreach my $file (@find_files) {
   359 				my $in_file = "${in_path}\\${file}";
   360 				my $out_file= "${out_path}\\${file}";			
   361 				if ($recursive) {
   362 					$in_file = $file;
   363 		    	$file =~ /.*\\(.*)\\.*\\.*\\.*\\(.*)\\(.*)/i;  	
   364 		    	my $temp=$1; # lang code	
   365 		    	my $temp2=$3;	# file name
   366 		    	if ((lc $2) eq "sources") {
   367 		    		$out_file = "${out_path}\\$3";
   368 		    	} else {
   369 		    		if (length($temp) > 5) { #skip extra files
   370 		    			next;
   371 		    		}
   372             while (length($temp) < 4){ $temp = "0".$temp; }
   373 			    	$temp2 =~ s/\d{4}/$temp/g; # change .odt filename for correct lang
   374 		    		$out_file = "${out_path}\\$temp2";
   375 		    	}
   376 	  		}
   377 				if ($debug) { print "Copying file from: $in_file\n"; }
   378 			 	if ($debug) { print "To: $out_file\n"; }
   379 				if (-f $in_file){
   380 					if ($action_type eq "build") {
   381 						if ((!($out_file =~ /\\temp\\/i))) {write_what_file("$out_file")};
   382 						xcopy($in_file,$out_file);
   383 					} elsif ($action_type eq "clean") {
   384 						if (!($out_file =~ /\\temp\\/i)) {
   385 							unlink $out_file;
   386 							my $temp_dir_path = $out_file;
   387 							$temp_dir_path =~ /(.*)\\.*/;
   388 							$temp_dir_path = $1;
   389 							rmdir $temp_dir_path; # Try to remove empty language directories
   390 						} else {
   391 							xcopy($in_file,$out_file);
   392 						}
   393 					} elsif ($action_type eq "what") {
   394 						if (!($out_file =~ /\\temp\\/i)) {
   395 							write_what_file("$out_file");
   396 							print("$out_file\n");
   397 						} else {
   398 							xcopy($in_file,$out_file);
   399 						}
   400 					} else {
   401 						warn ("ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, unknown action type");	
   402 					}
   403 		 		} else {
   404 		 				if ($debug) { print "Not file found: $in_file\n"; }
   405 		 		}
   406  		}	
   407 }
   409 # This subroutine converts LOC files to DTD files. Files that are  
   410 # listed in the switch_loc file are converted to DTD files.
   412 sub convert_locs_to_dtds {
   413     my $switch_loc_file = shift;
   414     my $in_path = shift;
   415     my $out_path = shift;
   417     open(my $switch_loc_file_handle, "$switch_loc_file") 
   418     or die "Can't open `$switch_loc_file' for reading: $!";
   420     # Read localised .loc file names from used input switch loc file
   421     while (my $line = <$switch_loc_file_handle>) {
   422         chomp($line);
   423         if (($line =~ "include") && (!($line =~ /\<sc\//i)) && (!($line =~ /\<00\//i)) ){ # Read all lines that contains include, except sc and 00
   424 	       	$line=~ /.*\<(.*)\>.*/;
   425   	     	$line=$1;
   426         	$line =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
   427         	if ($debug) { print"Adding localised file to conversion list:\n$line\n"; }
   428         	push @files_to_convert, $line;
   429         }
   430     }
   432     close $switch_loc_file_handle;
   434   # Process all the .loc files.
   435   foreach (@files_to_convert) {
   436   	my $loc_file = "$in_path\\$_";
   437   	my $out_file = "$out_path\\$_";
   438   	$out_file =~ s/_\d{2,5}(.{4})$/$1/i; # remove the language code from the file name.
   439     if ($debug) { print"Trying to convert file:\n$loc_file\n"; }
   440 		if ($debug) { print"To out file:\n$out_file\n"; }
   441     if (-f $loc_file) {
   442 			if (($action_type eq "build") || ((${dtd_type} eq "widget") && (${sub_folder_name} eq "xuikon")) ) {
   443 #old 				if ((!($out_file =~ /\\temp\\/i))) {write_what_file("$out_file")};
   444 				xcopy($loc_file,$out_file);
   445     			Convert_file::convert_file($out_file);
   446 				if ((!($out_file =~ /\\temp\\/i))) {
   447 					my $convert_out_file = $out_file;
   448 					$convert_out_file =~ s/\.loc/\.dtd/; # replace .loc with .dtd 
   449 					write_what_file("$convert_out_file");
   450 				}
   451 		  		if (!($debug)) { unlink $out_file; } # Delete the copied .loc file
   452 		  		$out_file =~ s/\.loc/\.log/; # replace .loc with .log
   453 		  		if (!($debug)) { unlink $out_file; } # Delete the conversion .log file
   454 			} elsif ($action_type eq "clean") {
   455 				$out_file =~ s/\.loc/\.dtd/; # replace .loc with .dtd
   456 				unlink $out_file; # delete the output file
   457 				my $temp_dir_path = $out_file;
   458 				$temp_dir_path =~ /(.*)\\.*/;
   459 				$temp_dir_path = $1;
   460 				rmdir $temp_dir_path; # Try to remove empty language directories
   461 			} elsif (($action_type eq "what") && (!($out_file =~ /\\temp\\/i))) {
   462 				$out_file =~ s/\.loc/\.dtd/; # replace .loc with .dtd
   463 				print("$out_file\n");
   464 				write_what_file("$out_file");
   465 			}
   466     } else {
   467    		warn "ERROR: dtd_installer.pl, no .loc file found: $loc_file\n";
   468    	}
   469   }
   470 }
   472 # This subroutine is for file copying
   473 sub xcopy
   474 {
   475     my $source = shift;
   476     my $dist = shift;
   478     # if distination file exist then clear read flag
   479     if (-f $dist)
   480     {
   481         chmod ($dist , 0755);
   482     }
   483     else
   484     {
   485         my($n, $d, $ext) = fileparse($dist, '\..*');
   486         # check weather distination directory exist or not. If directory doesn't exist then create it.
   487         -d $d || mkpath($d, 0, 0x755);
   488     }
   490     # copy source to distination
   491     copy($source,$dist);
   492 }
   494 # read files from given path to filelist
   495 sub getFiles {
   496 	my $file_name = $File::Find::name;
   497 	$file_name =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
   498 	chomp $file_name;
   499 	next if ( -d $file_name ); # Skip directories
   500 	next if ((!($file_name =~ /o0000/i)) && (!($file_name =~ /\\sources\\/i))); # Skip other then resource and source files
   501 	push @find_files, $file_name;
   502 }
   504 sub write_what_file {
   505 	my $out = shift;
   506 	open( WHAT, ">>$what_output_file") or die $!;
   507 		print WHAT "$out\n";
   508 	close WHAT;
   510 }