changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Http Transaction class for Imps.
    15 *
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include <hal.h>
    22 #include "ImpsHttpTransaction.h"
    23 #include "HttpTransportAdapter.h"
    25 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    26 //
    28 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    29 // CImpsHttpTransaction::CImpsHttpTransaction
    30 //
    31 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    32 //
    33 CImpsHttpTransaction::CImpsHttpTransaction( CHttpTransportAdapter* aTransportAdapter,
    34                                             const TInt aTID ) :
    35         iTransportAdapter( aTransportAdapter ),
    36         iTID( aTID ),
    37         iSent( EFalse ),
    38         iCancelled( EFalse ),
    39         iConstructed( EFalse )
    41     {
    42     }
    44 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    45 // CImpsHttpTransaction::NewL
    46 //
    47 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    48 //
    49 CImpsHttpTransaction* CImpsHttpTransaction::NewL( CHttpTransportAdapter* aTransportAdapter,
    50                                                   const TInt aTID,
    51                                                   const TDesC8& aRequestBody )
    52     {
    53     CImpsHttpTransaction* self = new ( ELeave ) CImpsHttpTransaction( aTransportAdapter, aTID );
    54     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    55     self->ConstructL( aRequestBody );
    56     CleanupStack::Pop();
    57     return self;
    58     }
    60 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    61 // CImpsHttpTransaction::ConstructL
    62 //
    63 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    64 //
    65 void CImpsHttpTransaction::ConstructL( const TDesC8& aRequestBody )
    66     {
    67     ConstructRequestL();
    68     CopyRequestDataL( aRequestBody );
    69     iResponseData = CBufSeg::NewL( 500 );
    70     }
    72 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    73 // CImpsHttpTransaction::ConstructRequestL
    74 //
    75 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    77 void CImpsHttpTransaction::ConstructRequestL()
    78     {
    79 #ifdef _DEBUG
    80     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "CImpsHttpTransaction::ConstructRequestL()" ) );
    81 #endif
    82     RHTTPSession session = iTransportAdapter->HttpSession();
    83     RStringF method = session.StringPool().OpenFStringL( K8BitRequestPost );
    84     CleanupClosePushL( method );
    85     iHttpTransaction = session.OpenTransactionL( iTransportAdapter->DefaultSAP(), *iTransportAdapter, method );
    86     iConstructed = ETrue;
    87 #ifdef _DEBUG
    88     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "HTTP-ID: %d TID: %d constructed." ), iHttpTransaction.Id(), iTID );
    89 #endif
    90     RStringF contTypeStr = session.StringPool().OpenFStringL( iTransportAdapter->MimeType() );
    91     CleanupClosePushL( contTypeStr );
    92     RHTTPHeaders hdr = iHttpTransaction.Request().GetHeaderCollection();
    93     THTTPHdrVal contType( contTypeStr );
    94     hdr.SetFieldL( session.StringPool().StringF( HTTP::EContentType, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ), contType );
    95     //This transaction supplies the stack with the payload data.
    96     iHttpTransaction.Request().SetBody( *this );
    97     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );  //contTypeStr, method
    98     }
   100 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   101 // CImpsHttpTransaction::~CImpsHttpTransaction
   102 //
   103 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   104 //
   105 CImpsHttpTransaction::~CImpsHttpTransaction()
   106     {
   107 #ifdef _DEBUG
   108     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "CImpsHttpTransaction::~CImpsHttpTransaction(). Destructor called. TID: %d" ), iTID );
   109 #endif
   110     delete iRequestData;
   111     delete iResponseData;
   112     delete iExpiryTimer;
   113     if ( iConstructed && !iTransportAdapter->SessionClosed() )
   114         {
   115 #ifdef _DEBUG
   116         CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "HTTP-ID: %d TID: %d destructed." ), iHttpTransaction.Id(), iTID );
   117 #endif
   118         iHttpTransaction.Close();
   119         }
   120     }
   122 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   123 // CImpsHttpTransaction::GetNextDataPart
   124 //
   125 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 TBool CImpsHttpTransaction::GetNextDataPart( TPtrC8& aDataPart )
   128     {
   129 #ifdef _DEBUG
   130     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L( "CImpsHttpTransaction::GetNextDataPart(), iTID: %d" ), iTID );
   131 #endif
   132     aDataPart.Set( iRequestData->Des() );
   133     return ETrue;
   134     }
   136 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   137 // CImpsHttpTransaction::DispatchMessageL
   138 //
   139 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   140 //
   141 void CImpsHttpTransaction::DispatchMessageL()
   142     {
   143 #ifdef _DEBUG
   144     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L( "CImpsHttpTransaction::DispatchMessageL(), iTID: %d" ), iTID );
   145     iSendTime = TimeL();
   146 #endif
   147     iHttpTransaction.SubmitL();
   148     SetStatus( ETrue );
   149     }
   151 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   152 // CImpsHttpTransaction::AppendDataL
   153 //
   154 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   155 //
   156 void CImpsHttpTransaction::AppendDataL( const TPtrC8& aBodyPart,
   157                                         const TBool aLastChunk )
   158     {
   159 #ifdef _DEBUG
   160     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "CImpsHttpTransaction::AppendDataL() - Length of the chunk: %d" ), aBodyPart.Length() );
   161 #endif
   162     iLastChunk = aLastChunk;
   163     iResponseData->ResizeL( iCurrentDataLength + aBodyPart.Length() );
   164     iResponseData->Write( iCurrentDataLength, aBodyPart );
   165     iCurrentDataLength = iCurrentDataLength + aBodyPart.Length();
   166     }
   168 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   169 // CImpsHttpTransaction::FinaliseRequestL
   170 //
   171 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   172 //
   173 void CImpsHttpTransaction::FinaliseRequestL( const TInt aErrorCode )
   174     {
   175     TInt dataLength = iResponseData->Size();
   176 #ifdef _DEBUG
   177     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "CImpsHttpTransaction::FinaliseRequestL() TID: %d" ), iTID );
   178     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "  Content-Length: %d" ), iContentLength );
   179     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "  Actual length: %d" ), dataLength );
   180     if ( iContentLength >= 0 && iContentLength < KMaxTInt )
   181         {
   182         if ( iContentLength == dataLength )
   183             CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "  Correct" ) );
   184         else
   185             CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "  Actual length and the value of Content-Length header do not match!" ) );
   186         }
   187 #endif
   188     if ( dataLength > 0 )
   189         {
   190 #ifdef _DEBUG
   191         CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "  Gather data & complete the request" ) );
   192 #endif
   193         //CleanupStack is not used here, since there are no leaving methods
   194         //before the ownership of the allocated data is transferred in the
   195         //TransportResponse() method call on client's side
   196         HBufC8* wholeData = HBufC8::NewL( dataLength );
   197         TPtr8 pointer( wholeData->Des() );
   198         iResponseData->Read( 0, pointer, dataLength );
   199         iResponseData->Reset();
   200         iCurrentDataLength = 0;
   201         iTransportAdapter->ReceiverHandle().TransportResponse( iTID, aErrorCode,
   202                                                                HttpStatus(), wholeData );
   203         //So - let's hope the guys on the other side remember
   204         //to release the data...!?
   205         }
   206     else
   207         {
   208 #ifdef _DEBUG
   209         CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "  No data for this transaction" ), dataLength );
   210 #endif
   211         iTransportAdapter->ReceiverHandle().TransportResponse( iTID, aErrorCode,
   212                                                                HttpStatus(), NULL );
   213         }
   214     }
   216 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   217 // CImpsHttpTransaction::ReleaseData
   218 //
   219 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   220 //
   221 void CImpsHttpTransaction::ReleaseData()
   222     {
   223     /* Not just yet... We MAY want to resend the data.
   224     iRequestData->Des().Zero();*/
   225     }
   227 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   228 // CImpsHttpTransaction::DoReleaseData
   229 //
   230 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   231 //
   232 void CImpsHttpTransaction::DoReleaseData()
   233     {
   234     //Response has arrived, the request data can be deleted now.
   235     delete iRequestData;
   236     iRequestData = NULL;
   237     }
   239 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   240 // CImpsHttpTransaction::ResendL
   241 //
   242 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   243 //
   244 TBool CImpsHttpTransaction::ResendL()
   245     {
   246 #ifdef _DEBUG
   247     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L( "CImpsHttpTransaction::ResendL(), iTID: %d" ), iTID );
   248 #endif
   249     if ( iNumberOfRetries < KMaxNumberOfRetries )
   250         {
   251         //Close the old transaction
   252         iHttpTransaction.Close();
   253         iConstructed = EFalse;
   254         //Create a new one and send it to the stack.
   255         ConstructRequestL();
   256         DispatchMessageL();
   257 #ifdef _DEBUG
   258         CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L( "  Transaction %d retransmitted." ), iTID );
   259 #endif
   260         return ETrue;
   261         }
   262     else return EFalse;
   263     }
   265 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   266 // CImpsHttpTransaction::SetStatus
   267 //
   268 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   269 //
   270 void CImpsHttpTransaction::SetStatus( const TBool aSent )
   271     {
   272     iSent = aSent;
   273     if ( iSent )
   274         {
   275         if ( iExpiryTimer != NULL && !iExpiryTimer->IsActive() )
   276             iExpiryTimer->ActivateTimer( iExpiryTime );
   277         }
   278 #ifdef _DEBUG
   279     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L8( "CImpsHttpTransaction::SetStatus(): Status %d, TID: %d" ), iSent, iTID );
   280 #endif
   281     }
   283 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   284 // CImpsHttpTransaction::SetStatus
   285 //
   286 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   287 //
   288 const TInt CImpsHttpTransaction::HttpStatus() const
   289     {
   290     return iHttpTransaction.Response().StatusCode();
   291     }
   293 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   294 // CImpsHttpTransaction::SetExpiryTimeL
   295 //
   296 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   297 //
   298 void CImpsHttpTransaction::SetExpiryTimeL( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aExpiryTime,
   299                                            MImpsTransportTimerCallback* aCallback )
   300     {
   301     if ( iExpiryTimer == NULL )
   302         iExpiryTimer = CImpsTransportTimer::NewL( aCallback, this );
   303     iExpiryTime = aExpiryTime;
   304     }
   306 // ----------------------------------------------------
   307 // CImpsHttpTransaction::CopyRequestData
   308 //
   309 // ----------------------------------------------------
   310 //
   311 void CImpsHttpTransaction::CopyRequestDataL( const TDesC8& aRequestData )
   312     {
   313 #ifdef _DEBUG
   314     CHttpTransportAdapter::WriteToLog( _L( "CImpsHttpTransaction::CopyRequestDataL()" ) );
   315 #endif
   316     delete iRequestData;
   317     iRequestData = NULL;
   318     iRequestData = HBufC8::NewL( aRequestData.Length() );
   319     iRequestData->Des().Copy( aRequestData );
   320     }
   322 #ifdef _DEBUG
   324 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   325 // CHttpTestAppView::ConstructL
   326 //
   327 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   328 //
   329 TInt CImpsHttpTransaction::TimeL() const
   330     {
   331     TInt period = 0;
   332     User::LeaveIfError( HAL::Get( HALData::ESystemTickPeriod, period ) );
   333     TInt millisecsPerTick = period / 1000;
   334     return User::TickCount() * millisecsPerTick;
   335     }
   337 #endif