changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * fundemental feature client interface.            
    16 * Issues WV requests belonging to the Fundamental API
    17 *
    18 *
    19 */
    23 #include    "impsfundhandler.h"
    24 #include    "impsfundcommand.h"
    25 #include    "impsfundcli.h"
    26 #include    "impscdatautils.h"
    27 #include    "impsutils.h"
    29 // MACROS
    30 #ifndef _DEBUG
    31 #define _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
    32 #endif
    34 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    36 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    37 // RImpsFundClient2::RImpsFundClient2
    38 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    39 EXPORT_C RImpsFundClient2::RImpsFundClient2() :
    40         RImpsClient2(),
    41         iCommand( NULL ),
    42         iSearchCallBack( NULL ),
    43         iInviteCallBack( NULL )
    44     {
    45     SetOpIdRange( ); 
    46     }
    48 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    49 // RImpsFundClient2::RegisterL
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    51 EXPORT_C void RImpsFundClient2::RegisterL( 
    52     RImpsEng& aEngine, 
    53     MImpsSearchHandler2* aSearchObs,
    54     MImpsInviteHandler2* aInviteObs,
    55     const TDesC& aClientId,
    56     TBool aReceiveNew,
    57     TInt aPriority )
    58     {
    59     iSearchCallBack = aSearchObs;
    60     iInviteCallBack = aInviteObs;
    61     iHandler = CImpsFundHandler2::NewL( *this, aPriority );
    62     iCommand = CImpsFundCommand2::NewL( *this );
    63     iActiveCommand = iCommand;
    65     // Start the handler
    66     iHandler->StartRun();
    67     iHandleNew = aReceiveNew;
    68     iAnyContent = EFalse;
    70     // Send registeration to the server thread
    71     TInt err = DoRegister( aEngine, iHandler );
    72     User::LeaveIfError( err ); 
    74     DoAssign( aClientId );
    75     }
    77 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 // RImpsFundClient2::Unregister()
    79 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 EXPORT_C void RImpsFundClient2::Unregister()
    81     {
    82     DoUnregister();
    83     }
    85 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 // RImpsFundClient2::DoRegister()
    87 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 TInt RImpsFundClient2::DoRegister(
    89    RImpsEng& aEngine,
    90    CImpsHandler2* aHandler )
    91    {
    92    return DoRegister2( aEngine, aHandler, EImpsFundRegister );
    93    }
    95 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // RImpsFundClient2::SearchFirstL
    97 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 EXPORT_C TInt RImpsFundClient2::SearchFirstL( const CSearchPairs& aPairs, 
    99                                              TInt aSearchLimit )
   100     {
   101     IncreaseOpId( );
   102     iCommand->InitialiseL( KSearchRequestElements,
   103                            sizeof( KSearchRequestElements ) /
   104                            sizeof( KSearchRequestElements[0] ) );
   105     TInt count = aPairs.Count();
   106     if( count > 0 )
   107         {
   108         iCommand->MakeSearchPairListL( aPairs );
   109         iCommand->InsertIntegerElementL( aSearchLimit, EImpsKeySearchLimit, 0 );
   110         }
   111     else
   112         User::Leave( KErrCorrupt);
   113     iCommand->PackAndSendL( EImpsSearchReq, iOpId );
   114 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   115     CImpsClientLogger::Log(_L("RImpsFundClient2: SearchFirstL opid=%d cli=%d"), 
   116         iOpId, (TInt)this );
   117 #endif
   118     return iOpId;
   119     }
   121 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 // RImpsFundClient2::SearchNextL
   123 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 EXPORT_C TInt RImpsFundClient2::SearchNextL( TInt aSearchID, TInt aIndex )
   125     {
   126     IncreaseOpId( );
   127     iCommand->InitialiseL( KSearchRequestElements,
   128                            sizeof( KSearchRequestElements ) /
   129                            sizeof( KSearchRequestElements[0] ) );
   130     iCommand->InsertIntegerElementL( aSearchID, EImpsKeySearchID, 0 );
   131     iCommand->InsertIntegerElementL( aIndex, EImpsKeySearchIndex, 0 );
   132     iCommand->PackAndSendL( EImpsSearchReq, iOpId );
   134 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   135     CImpsClientLogger::Log(_L("RImpsFundClient2: SearchNextL opid=%d cli=%d"), 
   136         iOpId, (TInt)this );
   137 #endif
   139     return iOpId;
   140     }
   142 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 // RImpsFundClient2::StopSearchL
   144 //
   145 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 EXPORT_C TInt RImpsFundClient2::StopSearchL( TInt aSearchID )
   147     {
   148     IncreaseOpId( );
   149     iCommand->InitialiseL( KSearchStopRequestElements,
   150                            sizeof( KSearchStopRequestElements ) /
   151                            sizeof( KSearchStopRequestElements[0] ) );
   152     iCommand->InsertIntegerElementL( aSearchID, EImpsKeySearchID, 0 );
   153     iCommand->PackAndSendL( EImpsStopSearchReq, iOpId );
   155 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   156     CImpsClientLogger::Log(_L("RImpsFundClient2: StopSearchL opid=%d cli=%d"), 
   157         iOpId, (TInt)this );
   158 #endif
   160     return iOpId;
   161     }
   163 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   164 // RImpsFundClient2::GroupInviteL
   165 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 EXPORT_C TInt RImpsFundClient2::GroupInviteL( const TDesC& aInviteID,
   167                                     const MDesCArray* aUserID,
   168                                     const MDesCArray* aScreenName,
   169                                     const MDesCArray* aGroupName,
   170                                     const TDesC& aInviteGroup,
   171                                     const TDesC& aOwnScreenName,
   172                                     const TDesC& aOwnGroupName,
   173                                     const TDesC& aInviteReason,
   174                                     const TInt aValidityPeriod )
   175     {
   176     IncreaseOpId( );
   177     TBool recipients = EFalse;
   178     iCommand->InitialiseL( KInviteRequestElements,
   179                            sizeof( KInviteRequestElements ) /
   180                            sizeof( KInviteRequestElements[0] ) );
   181     iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aInviteID, EImpsKeyInviteID, 0 );
   182     iCommand->InsertIntegerElementL( EImpsGR, EImpsKeyInviteType, 0 );
   183     iCommand->InsertEmptyElementL( EImpsKeyRecipient, 0 );
   184     if( aUserID != NULL && aUserID->MdcaCount() > 0 )
   185     {
   186         iCommand->SetUserIDsL( aUserID );
   187         recipients = ETrue;
   188         }
   189     if( aScreenName != NULL && aScreenName->MdcaCount() > 0 )
   190         {
   191         iCommand->InsertEmptyElementL( EImpsKeyGroup, 0 );
   192         iCommand->SetScreenNamesL( aScreenName, aGroupName );
   193         recipients = ETrue;
   194         }
   195     iCommand->PopElementL();  //recipient
   196     //No recipients defined, please try again...
   197     if( !recipients )
   198         User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
   199     //This is mandatory
   200     iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aInviteGroup, EImpsKeyGroupID, 0 );
   201     //This is not
   202     if( aInviteReason.Length() > 0 )
   203         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aInviteReason, 
   204                                             EImpsKeyInviteNote, 0 );
   205     //Nor are these
   206     if( aOwnScreenName.Length() > 0 )
   207         {
   208         iCommand->InsertEmptyElementL( EImpsKeyScreenName, 0 );
   209         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aOwnScreenName, EImpsKeySName, 0 );
   210         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aOwnGroupName, EImpsKeyGroupID, 0 );
   211         iCommand->PopElementL();  // screen name
   212         }
   213     iCommand->InsertIntegerElementL( aValidityPeriod, EImpsKeyValidity, 0 );
   214     iCommand->PackAndSendL( EImpsInviteReq, iOpId );
   216 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   217     CImpsClientLogger::Log(_L("RImpsFundClient2: GroupInviteL opid=%d cli=%d"), 
   218         iOpId, (TInt)this );
   219 #endif
   221     return iOpId;
   222     }
   224 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 // RImpsFundClient2::ImInviteL
   226 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   227 // 
   228 EXPORT_C TInt RImpsFundClient2::ImInviteL( const TDesC& aInviteID,
   229                                  const TDesC& aUserID,                              
   230                                  const TDesC& aInviteReason,
   231                                  const TInt aValidityPeriod )
   232     {
   233     IncreaseOpId( );
   235     iCommand->InitialiseL( KInviteRequestElements,
   236                            sizeof( KInviteRequestElements ) /
   237                            sizeof( KInviteRequestElements[0] ) );
   238     iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aInviteID, EImpsKeyInviteID, 0 );
   239     iCommand->InsertIntegerElementL( EImpsIM, EImpsKeyInviteType, 0 );
   240     iCommand->InsertEmptyElementL( EImpsKeyRecipient, 0 );
   241     iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aUserID, EImpsKeyUserID, 0 );   
   242     iCommand->PopElementL();  // recipient
   243     if( aInviteReason.Length() > 0 )
   244         {
   245         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aInviteReason, 
   246                                             EImpsKeyInviteNote, 0 );
   247     }
   248     iCommand->InsertIntegerElementL( aValidityPeriod, EImpsKeyValidity, 0 );
   249     iCommand->PackAndSendL( EImpsInviteReq, iOpId );
   251 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   252     CImpsClientLogger::Log(_L("RImpsFundClient2: GroupInviteL opid=%d cli=%d"), 
   253         iOpId, (TInt)this );
   254 #endif
   256     return iOpId;
   258     }
   260 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 // RImpsFundClient2::CancelInviteL
   262 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 EXPORT_C TInt RImpsFundClient2::CancelInviteL( const TDesC& aInviteId,
   264                                      const MDesCArray* aUserID,
   265                                      const MDesCArray* aScreenName,
   266                                      const MDesCArray* aGroupName,
   267                                      const TDesC& aCancelReason, 
   268                                      const TDesC& aOwnScreenName,
   269                                      const TDesC& aOwnGroupName )
   270     {
   271     IncreaseOpId( );
   272     TBool recipients = EFalse;
   273     iCommand->InitialiseL( KInviteCancelRequestElements,
   274                            sizeof( KInviteCancelRequestElements ) /
   275                            sizeof( KInviteCancelRequestElements[0] ) );
   276     iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aInviteId, EImpsKeyInviteID, 0 );
   277     iCommand->InsertEmptyElementL( EImpsKeyRecipient, 0 );
   278     if( aUserID != NULL && aUserID->MdcaCount() > 0 )
   279         {
   280         iCommand->SetUserIDsL( aUserID );
   281         recipients = ETrue;
   282         }
   283     if( aScreenName != NULL && aScreenName->MdcaCount() > 0 )
   284         {
   285         iCommand->InsertEmptyElementL( EImpsKeyGroup, 0 );
   286         iCommand->SetScreenNamesL( aScreenName, aGroupName );
   287         recipients = ETrue;
   288         }
   289     iCommand->PopElementL( 2 );  //group, recipient
   290     //No recipients defined, please try again...
   291     if( !recipients )
   292         User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
   293     if( aCancelReason.Length() != 0 )
   294         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aCancelReason, EImpsKeyInviteNote, 0 );
   295     if( aOwnScreenName.Length() > 0 )
   296     {
   297         iCommand->InsertEmptyElementL( EImpsKeyScreenName, 0 );
   298         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aOwnScreenName, EImpsKeySName, 0 );
   299         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aOwnGroupName, EImpsKeyGroupID, 0 );
   300     }
   301     iCommand->PackAndSendL( EImpsCancelInviteReq, iOpId );
   303 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   304     CImpsClientLogger::Log(_L("RImpsFundClient2: CancelInviteL opid=%d cli=%d"), 
   305         iOpId, (TInt)this );
   306 #endif
   308     return iOpId;
   309     }
   311 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 // RImpsFundClient2::InviteResponseL
   313 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314 EXPORT_C TInt RImpsFundClient2::InviteResponseL( const TDesC& aInviteId,
   315                                        TBool aAcceptance,
   316                                        const TDesC& aInviteResponse,
   317                                        const TDesC& aOwnScreenName,
   318                                        const TDesC& aOwnGroupName )
   320     {
   321     IncreaseOpId( );
   322     iCommand->InitialiseL( KInviteUserResponseElements,
   323                            sizeof( KInviteUserResponseElements ) /
   324                            sizeof( KInviteUserResponseElements[0] ) );
   325     iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aInviteId, EImpsKeyInviteID, 0 );
   326     iCommand->InsertBooleanElementL( aAcceptance, EImpsKeyAcceptance, 0 );
   327     if( aInviteResponse.Length() != 0 )
   328         {
   329         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aInviteResponse, EImpsKeyResponseNote, 0 );
   330         }
   331     if( aOwnScreenName.Length() != 0 )
   332         {
   333         iCommand->InsertEmptyElementL( EImpsKeyScreenName, 0 );
   334         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aOwnScreenName, EImpsKeySName, 0 );
   335         iCommand->InsertDescriptorElementL( aOwnGroupName, EImpsKeyGroupID, 0 );
   336         }
   337     iCommand->PackAndSendL( EImpsInviteUserRes, iOpId );
   338 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   339     CImpsClientLogger::Log(_L("RImpsFundClient2: InviteResponseL opid=%d cli=%d"), 
   340         iOpId, (TInt)this );
   341 #endif
   342     return iOpId;
   343     }
   347 //  End of File  