changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Class for imps oprhan manage.
    15 *
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include    <e32std.h>
    22 #include    <e32base.h>
    23 #include    "ImpsOrphans.h"
    24 #include    "impsfields.h"
    25 #include    "impsdataaccessor.h"
    26 #include    "impssdatautils.h"
    27 #include    "impskey.h"
    29 // MACROS
    30 #ifndef _DEBUG
    31 #define _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
    32 #endif
    34 // constant
    35 _LIT( KDefaultApplicationID, "Default" );
    36 static const TInt KDefaultQueueCapacity = 10; //The capacity of the orphan queue
    37 static const TInt KDefaultOrphanValidity = 3600;
    39 //**********************************
    40 // CImpsOrphans
    41 //**********************************
    42 CImpsOrphans::CImpsOrphans( )
    43     {
    44     }
    46 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 // CImpsOrphans::ConstructL
    48 // 2nd phase constructor
    49 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 //
    51 void CImpsOrphans::ConstructL()
    52     {
    53     iOrphanQueue = new( ELeave ) COrphanQueue( KDefaultQueueCapacity );
    54     iLauncherProxy = CImpsAppLauncherProxy::NewL( this );
    55     }
    57 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 // CImpsOrphans::NewL
    59 //
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 CImpsOrphans* CImpsOrphans::NewL()
    63     {
    64     // Perform the construction.
    65     CImpsOrphans* self = new ( ELeave ) CImpsOrphans( );
    67     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    68     self->ConstructL();
    69     CleanupStack::Pop();
    71     return self;
    72     }
    74 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 // Destructor
    76 //
    77 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 //
    79 CImpsOrphans::~CImpsOrphans()
    80     {
    81     delete iLauncherProxy;
    82     delete iOrphanQueue;
    83     }
    86 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 // CImpsOrphans::NewOrphanL
    88 // Creates a new oprhan message and tries to launch the receiving application
    89 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    90 //
    91 void CImpsOrphans::NewOrphanL( CImpsFields* aMsg, TImpsSessIdent aCspId )
    92     {
    93     // Handle only NewMessage & Invitation
    94     if ( ( aMsg->MessageType() != EImpsNewMessage ) &&
    95          ( aMsg->MessageType() != EImpsInviteUserReq ) )
    96         {
    97 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
    98         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: Orphan filtered out %d" ), aMsg->MessageType() );
    99 #endif
   100         // Do not delete aMsg immediately but leave. This is because of
   101         // CImpsCSPSession::CreateSapResponse still has references
   102         // to CImpsFields entity used after this method call.
   103         User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   104         return;
   105         }
   107     TImpsEventType eventType( ServiceType( ( TImpsMessageType )aMsg->MessageType() ) );
   108     COrphan* orphan = AddOrphanL( aMsg, eventType, aCspId ); // the ownership is in the iOrphanList
   109     // Call application launcher
   110     TInt err( iLauncherProxy->LaunchApplicationL( orphan->ApplicationId(), *( orphan->iSap ), *( orphan->iUserId ) ) );
   111     if ( err != KErrNone )
   112         {
   113         // Application starting failed
   114         // Orphaned message is kept in the queue until it expires or it is overwritten
   115 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   116         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: Starting failed %d." ), err );
   117 #endif
   118         }
   119     }
   121 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 // CImpsOrphans::NextOrphanLC
   123 // Transfers the next orphan message from the queue for handling
   124 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   125 //
   126 CImpsFields* CImpsOrphans::NextOrphanLC( const TDesC& aCID,
   127                                          TImpsEventType aServiceType,
   128                                          TImpsSessIdent aCspId )
   129     {
   130     if ( ( aServiceType == EImpsEventMessage ) ||
   131          ( aServiceType == EImpsEventCommon ) )
   132         {
   133         return iOrphanQueue->OrphanMessageLC( aCID, aServiceType, aCspId );
   134         }
   135     else
   136         {
   137         return NULL;
   138         }
   139     }
   141 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 // CImpsOrphans::CheckExpiryL
   143 // Deletes the expired orphan messages
   144 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 //
   146 void CImpsOrphans::CheckExpiryL( )
   147     {
   149     TTime myExpiry;
   150     myExpiry.HomeTime();
   152     iOrphanQueue->DiscardExpired( myExpiry );
   154     }
   156 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 // CImpsOrphans::Stop
   158 //
   159 // (other items were commented in a header).
   160 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   161 //
   162 void CImpsOrphans::Stop( )
   163     {
   164     }
   166 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   167 // CImpsOrphans::HandleAppLaunchL
   168 // Handles the application launch
   169 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 //
   171 void CImpsOrphans::HandleAppLaunch( const TDesC& /*aApplicationId*/, TInt aStatus )
   172     {
   173 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   174     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: HandleAppLaunchL status %d" ), aStatus );
   175 #endif
   177     // removing the warning
   178     aStatus++;
   179     }
   180 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 // CImpsOrphans::AddOrphanL
   182 // Creates and adds an orphan message to queue
   183 // (other items were commented in a header).
   184 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 //
   186 COrphan* CImpsOrphans::AddOrphanL( CImpsFields *aFields,
   187                                    TImpsEventType aServiceType,
   188                                    TImpsSessIdent aCspId )
   189     {
   190     // Get the ClientID, SessionID
   191     TPtrC sessionID = aFields->SessionIdL();
   192     TPtrC applicationID;
   194     TImpsDataAccessor myAc( aFields );
   195     TImpsSDataUtils::GetApplicationIDL( &myAc, applicationID );
   196     // Get the Validity time from message: relative time
   197     TTimeIntervalSeconds validity;
   198     GetValidityFromMessageL( myAc, validity );
   200     if ( applicationID.Length() == 0 )
   201         {
   202         applicationID.Set( KDefaultApplicationID );
   203         }
   204 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   205     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NewOrphan(appID: %S, servType: %u, SAP: %S, user: %S)" ), &applicationID, aServiceType, &aCspId.SAP(), &aCspId.UserId() );
   206 #endif
   208     // Set the validity as absolute time
   209     TTime myTime;
   210     myTime.HomeTime();
   211     myTime += validity;
   213 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   214     _LIT( KDateString5, "%-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3%+B" );
   215     TBuf<30> dateString;
   216     myTime.FormatL( dateString, KDateString5 );
   217     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NewOrphan valid till %S" ), &dateString );
   218 #endif
   220     COrphan* orphan = COrphan::NewL( applicationID,
   221                                      sessionID,
   222                                      aServiceType,
   223                                      aCspId.SAP(),
   224                                      aCspId.UserId(),
   225                                      myTime,
   226                                      aFields );
   227     iOrphanQueue->Add( *orphan );
   228     return orphan;
   229     }
   232 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 // CImpsOrphans::GetValidityFromMessage
   234 // Retrieves the message validity from the instant message. The validity is in
   235 // seconds. If the message did not contain the validity then the default
   236 // validity is returned.
   237 // (other items were commented in a header).
   238 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   239 //
   240 void CImpsOrphans::GetValidityFromMessageL( MImpsDataAccessor& aAc,
   241                                             TTimeIntervalSeconds& aValidity )
   242     {
   243     TInt validity;
   244     CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();
   245     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeySession, 0 ) );
   246     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyTransaction, 0 ) );
   247     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyTransactionContent, 0 ) );
   248     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyNewMessage, 0 ) );
   249     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyMessageInfo, 0 ) );
   250     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyValidity, 0 ) );
   251     if ( aAc.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, validity ) )
   252         {
   253         aValidity = validity;
   254         }
   255     else
   256         {
   257         aValidity = KDefaultOrphanValidity;
   258         }
   259     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( );  //myKey
   260     }
   263 TImpsEventType CImpsOrphans::ServiceType( TImpsMessageType aMessageType )
   264     {
   265     TImpsEventType event( EImpsEventNone );
   267     switch ( aMessageType )
   268         {
   269             // IM
   270         case EImpsNewMessage:
   271             event = EImpsEventMessage;
   272             break;
   273             // Fundamental
   274         case EImpsInviteUserReq:
   275             event = EImpsEventCommon;
   276             break;
   277         default:
   278             event = EImpsEventNone;
   279         }
   280     return event;
   281     }
   284 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   285 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   286 // COrphanQueue::COrphanQueue
   287 // Constructor
   288 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   289 //
   290 COrphanQueue::COrphanQueue( TInt aCapacity ):
   291         iOrphanList( _FOFF( COrphan, iLink ) ),  //lint !e413
   292         iCapacity( aCapacity ),
   293         iSize( 0 )
   294     {
   295     }
   297 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   298 // COrphanQueue::~COrphanQueue
   299 // Destructor
   300 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   301 //
   302 COrphanQueue::~COrphanQueue()
   303     {
   304     TDblQueIter<COrphan> iter ( iOrphanList );
   305     iter.SetToFirst();
   307     while ( iter )
   308         {
   309         COrphan* orphan = iter;
   310         iter++;
   311         orphan->Destroy();
   312         }
   313     }
   315 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 // COrphanQueue::SetLength
   317 // Sets the new capacity of the queue
   318 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 //
   320 void COrphanQueue::SetLength( TInt aNewCapacity )
   321     {
   322     iCapacity = aNewCapacity;
   323     }
   325 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   326 // COrphanQueue::Add
   327 // Adds a new orphan message to the queue
   328 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   329 //
   330 void COrphanQueue::Add( COrphan& aOrphan )
   331     {
   332     // Check the capacity
   333     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iCapacity, User::Panic( KImpsPanicCategory, EImpsCorrupted ) );
   334     if ( iSize < iCapacity )
   335         {
   336         // Simply add to the end
   337         iOrphanList.AddLast( aOrphan );
   338         ++iSize;
   339         }
   340     else
   341         {
   342         // Remove the 1st and add to the last
   343         COrphan* orphan = iOrphanList.First();
   344         orphan->Destroy();
   345         iOrphanList.AddLast( aOrphan );
   346         }
   347     }
   349 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 // COrphanQueue::OrphanMessage
   351 // Returns the orphan message with the given client ID and removes it from the
   352 // queue. NULL is returned if not found.
   353 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 //
   355 CImpsFields* COrphanQueue::OrphanMessageLC( const TDesC& aApplicationId,
   356                                             TImpsEventType aServiceType,
   357                                             TImpsSessIdent aCspId )
   358     {
   359     TPtrC applicationId;
   360     aApplicationId.Length() ? applicationId.Set( aApplicationId ) : applicationId.Set( KDefaultApplicationID );
   362 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   363     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NextOrphanLC(appID: %S, servType: %u, SAP: %S, user: %S)" ), &applicationId, aServiceType, &aCspId.SAP(), &aCspId.UserId() );
   364 #endif
   366     TDblQueIter<COrphan> iter ( iOrphanList );
   367     iter.SetToFirst();
   369     while ( iter )
   370         {
   371         COrphan* orphan = iter;
   372         iter++;
   373         // Find the given ClientID, Service Type, SAP and UserId
   374         if ( ( !applicationId.Compare( orphan->ApplicationId() ) )  &&
   375              ( aServiceType == orphan->iServiceType ) &&
   376              ( !orphan->iSap->CompareF( aCspId.SAP() ) )  &&
   377              ( !orphan->iUserId->CompareF( aCspId.UserId() ) ) )
   378             {
   379             // found
   380             // transfer the ownership to the caller
   381             CImpsFields* impsFields = orphan->Message();
   382             orphan->RemoveOwnership();
   383             orphan->Destroy();
   384             --iSize;
   385             CleanupStack::PushL( impsFields );
   386 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   387             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NextOrphanLC(): Found! " ) );
   388 #endif
   389             return impsFields;
   390             }
   391         }
   392 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   393     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NextOrphanLC() Not found!" ) );
   394 #endif
   396     return NULL;
   397     }
   399 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   400 // COrphanQueue::DestroyOrphans
   401 // Deletes all orphan messages which have the give ClientID
   402 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   403 //
   404 void COrphanQueue::DestroyOrphans( TDesC& aApplicationId )
   405     {
   406     TDblQueIter<COrphan> iter ( iOrphanList );
   407     iter.SetToFirst();
   409     while ( iter )
   410         {
   411         COrphan* orphan = iter;
   412         iter++;
   413         if ( !aApplicationId.Compare( orphan->ApplicationId() ) )
   414             {
   415             orphan->Destroy();
   416             --iSize;
   417             }
   418         }
   419     }
   421 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   422 // COrphanQueue::DiscardExpired
   423 // Deletes all orphan messages which are expired
   424 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 //
   426 void COrphanQueue::DiscardExpired( TTime aExpiry )
   427     {
   429 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   430     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: Check expired" ) );
   431 #endif
   433     TDblQueIter<COrphan> iter ( iOrphanList );
   434     iter.SetToFirst();
   436     while ( iter )
   437         {
   438         COrphan* orphan = iter;
   439         iter++;
   440         // Check the validity
   442         if ( orphan->Expiry() < aExpiry )
   443             {
   444 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   445             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: Expired discarded" ) );
   446 #endif
   447             orphan->Destroy();
   448             --iSize;
   449             }
   450         }
   453     }
   454 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   456 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   457 // COrphan::COrphan
   458 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   460 COrphan::COrphan(
   461     const TDesC& aApplicationID,
   462     const TDesC& aSessionId,
   463     TImpsEventType aServiceType,
   464     TTime aValidity,
   465     CImpsFields* aFields ) :
   466         iServiceType( aServiceType ),
   467         iFields ( aFields ),
   468         iExpiry( aValidity )
   469     {
   470     iCID = aApplicationID;
   471     iSessionId = aSessionId;
   472     }
   474 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 // COrphan::ConstructL
   476 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 void COrphan::ConstructL(
   478     const TDesC&    aSap,
   479     const TDesC&    aUserId )
   480     {
   481     iSap = aSap.AllocL();
   482     iUserId = aUserId.AllocL();
   483     }
   485 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   486 // COrphan::NewL
   487 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   488 COrphan* COrphan::NewL(
   489     const TDesC& aCID,
   490     const TDesC& aSessionId,
   491     TImpsEventType aServiceType,
   492     const TDesC&    aSap,
   493     const TDesC&    aUserId,
   494     TTime aValidity,
   495     CImpsFields* aFields )
   496     {
   497     COrphan* self = new ( ELeave ) COrphan( aCID, aSessionId, aServiceType, aValidity, aFields );
   499     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   500     self->ConstructL( aSap, aUserId );
   501     CleanupStack::Pop();
   503     return self;
   505     }
   506 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   507 // COrphan::~COrphan
   508 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   509 COrphan::~COrphan()
   510     {
   511     delete iSap;
   512     delete iUserId;
   513     } //lint !e1540 iFields freed in Destroy
   515 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 // COrphan::Destroy
   517 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   518 void COrphan::Destroy()
   519     {
   520     iLink.Deque();
   521     delete iFields;
   522     iFields = NULL;
   523     delete this;
   524     }
   526 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   527 // COrphan::ClientId
   528 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   529 TDesC& COrphan::ApplicationId()
   530     {
   531     return iCID;
   532     }
   534 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   535 // COrphan::Message
   536 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   537 CImpsFields* COrphan::Message()
   538     {
   539     return iFields;
   540     }
   542 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   543 // COrphan::Expiry
   544 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   545 TTime COrphan::Expiry()
   546     {
   547     return iExpiry;
   548     }
   550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 // COrphan::RemoveOwnership
   552 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   553 void COrphan::RemoveOwnership()
   554     {
   555     iFields = NULL;
   556     }
   558 //  End of File