changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Test utilities for WV engine
    15 *
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include    <e32base.h>
    22 #include    <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h>
    23 #include    "impsservercommon.h"
    24 #include    "impsutils.h"
    25 #include    "impserrors.h"
    26 #include    "impsservices.h"
    27 #include    "impssrvutils.h"
    28 #include    "impskey.h"
    29 #include    "impssdatautils.h"
    30 #include    "impsfields.h"
    31 #include    "wvengineinternalcrkeys.h"
    33 // MACROS
    34 #ifdef _DEBUG
    35 #define _IMPS_LOGGING_
    36 #endif
    38 // CONSTANTS
    39 #ifdef _DEBUG
    40 _LIT8( KImpsIniPollTime, "PollTime" );
    41 _LIT8( KImpsIniXmlLog, "XmlLog" );
    42 _LIT8( KImpsIniXmlPollingLog, "XmlPollingLog" );
    45 _LIT8( KImpsIniNoTCPSCIR, "NoTCPSCIR" );
    46 _LIT8( KImpsIniNoUDPSCIR, "NoUDPSCIR" );
    47 _LIT8( KImpsIniKeepAlive, "KeepAlive" );
    48 _LIT8( KImpsIniCIRModePollTime, "CIRModePollTime" );
    49 _LIT8( KImpsIniMultiTrans, "MultiTrans" );
    50 _LIT8( KImpsIniACExpiry, "ACExpiry" );
    51 _LIT8( KImpsIniGRExpiry, "GRExpiry" );
    52 _LIT8( KImpsIniPRExpiry, "PRExpiry" );
    53 _LIT8( KImpsIniFUExpiry, "FUExpiry" );
    54 _LIT8( KImpsIniIMExpiry, "IMExpiry" );
    55 _LIT8( KImpsIniPDPExpiry, "PDPExpiry" );
    56 _LIT8( KImpsIni4WayLogin, "4WayLogin" );
    57 _LIT8( KImpsIniMaxMessageSize, "MaxMessageSize" );
    58 #endif
    61 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    64 // TImpsSrvUtils::InitializeServices
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 void TImpsSrvUtils::InitializeServices(
    68     TImpsServices& aServices, TBool aReactive )
    69     {
    71     // clear the service tree
    72     Mem::FillZ( &aServices, sizeof( TImpsServices ) );
    74     // IM Send NewMessage and receive are requested plus IMAuthFunc
    75     TImpsFeature* feat = aServices.Feature( EIMFeat );
    76     feat->SetSupported( ETrue );
    77     feat->SetFunction( EAllFuncs , ETrue );
    78     feat->SetCapability( KImpsServiceNEWM | KImpsServiceGLBLU
    79                          | KImpsServiceBLENT , ETrue );
    81     // All group features are requested
    82     feat = aServices.Feature( EGroupFeat );
    83     feat->SetSupported( ETrue );
    84     feat->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, ETrue );
    85     feat->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , ETrue );  //lint !e569
    87     // Reactive Presence is optional, if it is supported
    88     // then the entire Presence is supported.
    89     // WV 1.2 contains a new element GETAUT but there is no
    90     // need to handle that separately, since the entire Presence
    91     // is negotiated then.
    92     feat = aServices.Feature( EPresenceFeat );
    93     feat->SetSupported( ETrue );
    94     if ( aReactive )
    95         {
    96         feat->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, ETrue );
    97         feat->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , ETrue );  //lint !e569
    98         }
    99     else
   100         {
   101         // Part of presence features are requested
   102         // PresenceAuth functions has limited support.
   103         feat->SetFunction( EPresenceAuthFunc, ETrue );
   104         feat->SetCapability(
   105             KImpsServiceGETWL, ETrue );
   106         feat->SetFunction( EContListFunc, ETrue );
   107         feat->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGCLI |
   108                              KImpsServiceCCLI | KImpsServiceDCLI | KImpsServiceMCLS, ETrue );
   109         feat->SetFunction( EAttrListFunc, ETrue );
   110         feat->SetCapability(
   111             KImpsServiceCALI | KImpsServiceDALI | KImpsServiceGALS , ETrue );
   112         feat->SetFunction( EPresenceDeliverFunc, ETrue );
   113         feat->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGETPR | KImpsServiceUPDPR, ETrue );
   114         }
   116     // Part of fundamental features are requested:
   117     //   SearchFunc and InviteFunc supported.
   118     //   ServiceFunc not supported.
   119     feat = aServices.Feature( EFundamentalFeat );
   120     feat->SetSupported( ETrue );
   121     feat->SetFunction( EInviteFunc, ETrue );
   122     feat->SetFunction( ESearchFunc , ETrue );
   123     feat->SetCapability( KImpsServiceINVIT | KImpsServiceCAINV |
   124                          KImpsServiceSRCH | KImpsServiceSTSRC, ETrue );
   125     }
   128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 // TImpsSrvUtils::DiscardServicesL
   130 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 void TImpsSrvUtils::DiscardServicesL(
   132     MImpsDataAccessor* aData,
   133     TImpsServices* aServices  )
   134     {
   136     CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();   // <<< myKey
   137     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
   138         myKey,
   139         KClientServiceResElements,
   140         sizeof( KClientServiceResElements ) /
   141         sizeof( KClientServiceResElements[0] ) );
   143     // notice: ignore Client id this time
   145     // Discareded Functions
   146     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyFunctions, 0 ) );
   147     if ( !aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   148         {
   149         // Nothing is denied.
   150         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
   151         return;
   152         }
   154     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyWVCSPFeat, 0 ) );
   155     TInt enumi( 0 );
   156     TInt index( 0 );
   157     TImpsKeyType kType;
   159     if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   160         {
   161         // Check if empty WVCSPFeat. That means deny all.
   162         // Decoder may have inserted the element with empty data although
   163         // it has a child. Therefore RestoreEmptyL cannot be used here.
   164         if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   165             {
   166             // All is denied
   167             TImpsFeature* imF = aServices->Feature( EIMFeat );
   168             imF->SetSupported( EFalse );
   169             imF->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, EFalse );
   170             imF->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , EFalse );
   172             TImpsFeature* prF = aServices->Feature( EPresenceFeat );
   173             prF->SetSupported( EFalse );
   174             prF->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, EFalse );
   175             prF->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , EFalse );
   177             TImpsFeature* funF = aServices->Feature( EFundamentalFeat );
   178             funF->SetSupported( EFalse );
   179             funF->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, EFalse );
   180             funF->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , EFalse );
   182             TImpsFeature* grF = aServices->Feature( EGroupFeat );
   183             grF->SetSupported( EFalse );
   184             grF->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, EFalse );
   185             grF->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , EFalse );
   186             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
   187             return;
   188             }
   190         // IM
   191         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyIMFeat, 0 ) );
   192         if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   193             {
   194             TImpsFeature* imF = aServices->Feature( EIMFeat );
   195             if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   196                 {
   197                 // Whole IM denied
   198                 imF->SetSupported( EFalse );
   199                 imF->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, EFalse );
   200                 imF->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , EFalse );
   201                 }
   202             else
   203                 {
   205                 // Let's check functions too, although server should not send these
   206                 // because of we have not ordered them.
   207                 myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyIMSendFunc, 0 ) );
   208                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   209                     {
   210                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   211                         {
   212                         // EImpsKeyIMSendFunc not supported
   213                         imF->SetFunction( EIMSendFunc, EFalse );
   214                         }
   215                     // we are not interested in IMSendFunc details now.
   216                     }
   217                 // IMReceiveFunc
   218                 myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyIMReceiveFunc, 0 ) );
   219                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   220                     {
   221                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   222                         {
   223                         // EImpsKeyIMReceiveFunc not supported
   224                         imF->SetFunction( EIMReceiveFunc, EFalse );
   225                         imF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceNEWM , EFalse );
   226                         }
   227                     else
   228                         {
   229                         // Check if NEWM not supported
   230                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyNEWM , 0 ) );
   231                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   232                             {
   233                             imF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceNEWM, EFalse );
   234                             }
   235                         myKey->PopL();
   236                         }
   237                     }
   238                 // IMAuthFunc
   239                 myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyIMAuthFunc , 0 ) );
   240                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   241                     {
   242                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   243                         {
   244                         // IMAuthFunc not supported
   245                         imF->SetFunction( EIMAuthFunc, EFalse );
   246                         imF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGLBLU | KImpsServiceBLENT, EFalse );
   247                         }
   248                     else
   249                         {
   250                         // Check if GLBLU not supported
   251                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGLBLU , 0 ) );
   252                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   253                             {
   254                             imF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGLBLU, EFalse );
   255                             }
   256                         // Check if BLENT not supported
   257                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyBLENT , 0 ) );
   258                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   259                             {
   260                             imF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceBLENT, EFalse );
   261                             }
   262                         myKey->PopL();
   263                         }
   264                     }
   265                 myKey->PopL();
   266                 }
   267             } // IM
   269         // Presence
   271         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyPresenceFeat, 0 ) );
   272         if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   273             {
   274             TImpsFeature* prF = aServices->Feature( EPresenceFeat );
   275             if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   276                 {
   277                 // Presence totally denied
   278                 prF->SetSupported( EFalse );
   279                 prF->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, EFalse );
   280                 prF->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , EFalse );
   281                 }
   282             else
   283                 {
   284                 // Check first AttListFunc
   285                 myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyAttListFunc, 0 ) );
   286                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   287                     {
   288                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   289                         {
   290                         // AttListFunc not supported
   291                         prF->SetFunction( EAttrListFunc, EFalse );
   292                         prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceCALI | KImpsServiceDALI |
   293                                             KImpsServiceGALS, EFalse );
   294                         }
   295                     else
   296                         {
   297                         // Check CALI
   298                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyCALI , 0 ) );
   299                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   300                             {
   301                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceCALI, EFalse );
   302                             }
   303                         // Check DALI
   304                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyDALI , 0 ) );
   305                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   306                             {
   307                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceDALI, EFalse );
   308                             }
   309                         // Check GALS
   310                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGALS , 0 ) );
   311                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   312                             {
   313                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGALS, EFalse );
   314                             }
   315                         myKey->PopL();
   316                         }
   317                     }
   318                 // PresenceDeliverFunc
   319                 myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyPresenceDeliverFunc, 0 ) );
   320                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   321                     {
   322                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   323                         {
   324                         // PresenceDeliverFunc not supported
   325                         prF->SetFunction( EPresenceDeliverFunc, EFalse );
   326                         prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGETPR | KImpsServiceUPDPR, EFalse );
   327                         }
   328                     else
   329                         {
   330                         // Check GETPR
   331                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGETPR , 0 ) );
   332                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   333                             {
   334                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGETPR, EFalse );
   335                             }
   336                         // Check UPDPR
   337                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyUPDPR , 0 ) );
   338                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   339                             {
   340                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceUPDPR, EFalse );
   341                             }
   342                         myKey->PopL();
   343                         }
   344                     }
   346                 // PresenceAuthFunc
   347                 // Get the WV version since WV 1.2 includes a brand new
   348                 // element GETAUT.
   349                 CImpsFields* f = aData->GetImpsFields();
   350                 TImpsCspVersion ver = f->CspVersion();
   351                 myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyPresenceAuthFunc, 0 ) );
   352                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   353                     {
   354                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   355                         {
   356                         // PresenceAuthFunc not supported
   357                         prF->SetFunction( EPresenceAuthFunc, EFalse );
   358                         prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGETWL | KImpsServiceREACT |
   359                                             KImpsServiceCAAUT, EFalse );
   360                         }
   361                     else
   362                         {
   363                         // Check GETWL
   364                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGETWL, 0 ) );
   365                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   366                             {
   367                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGETWL, EFalse );
   368                             }
   369                         // Check REACT
   370                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyREACT, 0 ) );
   371                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   372                             {
   373                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceREACT, EFalse );
   374                             }
   375                         // Check CAAUT
   376                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyCAAUT, 0 ) );
   377                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   378                             {
   379                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceCAAUT, EFalse );
   380                             }
   381                         // Check GETAUT, clear it always in WV 1.1
   382                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGETAUT, 0 ) );
   383                         if ( ver == EImpsCspVersion11 ||
   384                              ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) ) )
   385                             {
   386                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGETAUT, EFalse );
   387                             }
   388                         myKey->PopL();
   389                         }
   391                     // ContactListFunc
   392                     myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyContListFunc, 0 ) );
   393                     if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   394                         {
   395                         if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   396                             {
   397                             // ContactListFunc not supported
   398                             prF->SetFunction( EContListFunc, EFalse );
   399                             prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGCLI | KImpsServiceCCLI |
   400                                                 KImpsServiceDCLI | KImpsServiceMCLS, EFalse );
   401                             }
   402                         else
   403                             {
   404                             // Check GCLI
   405                             myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGCLI, 0 ) );
   406                             if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   407                                 {
   408                                 prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGCLI, EFalse );
   409                                 }
   410                             // Check CCLI
   411                             myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyCCLI, 0 ) );
   412                             if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   413                                 {
   414                                 prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceCCLI, EFalse );
   415                                 }
   416                             // Check DCLI
   417                             myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyDCLI, 0 ) );
   418                             if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   419                                 {
   420                                 prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceDCLI, EFalse );
   421                                 }
   422                             // Check MCLS
   423                             myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyMCLS, 0 ) );
   424                             if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   425                                 {
   426                                 prF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceMCLS, EFalse );
   427                                 }
   428                             myKey->PopL();
   429                             }
   430                         }
   431                     }
   432                 myKey->PopL();
   433                 }
   434             } // Presence
   436         // Fundamental
   438         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyFundamentalFeat, 0 ) );
   439         if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   440             {
   441             TImpsFeature* fF = aServices->Feature( EFundamentalFeat );
   442             if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   443                 {
   444                 // Fundamental totally denied
   445                 fF->SetSupported( EFalse );
   446                 fF->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, EFalse );
   447                 fF->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , EFalse );
   448                 }
   449             else
   450                 {
   451                 // Check first SearchFunc
   452                 myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeySearchFunc, 0 ) );
   453                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   454                     {
   455                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   456                         {
   457                         // SearchFunc not supported
   458                         fF->SetFunction( ESearchFunc, EFalse );
   459                         fF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceSRCH | KImpsServiceSTSRC, EFalse );
   460                         }
   461                     else
   462                         {
   463                         // Check SRCH
   464                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeySRCH , 0 ) );
   465                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   466                             {
   467                             fF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceSRCH, EFalse );
   468                             }
   469                         // Check STSRC
   470                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeySTSRC , 0 ) );
   471                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   472                             {
   473                             fF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceSTSRC, EFalse );
   474                             }
   475                         myKey->PopL();
   476                         }
   477                     }
   478                 // InviteFunc
   479                 myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyInviteFunc, 0 ) );
   480                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   481                     {
   482                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   483                         {
   484                         // InviteFunc not supported
   485                         fF->SetFunction( EInviteFunc, EFalse );
   486                         fF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceINVIT | KImpsServiceCAINV, EFalse );
   487                         }
   488                     else
   489                         {
   490                         // Check INVIT
   491                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyINVIT , 0 ) );
   492                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   493                             {
   494                             fF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceINVIT, EFalse );
   495                             }
   496                         // Check CAINV
   497                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyCAINV , 0 ) );
   498                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   499                             {
   500                             fF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceCAINV, EFalse );
   501                             }
   502                         myKey->PopL();
   503                         }
   504                     }
   505                 myKey->PopL();
   506                 }
   507             // We are not interested in ServiceFunc now
   508             } // Fundamental
   511         // Group
   512         TImpsFeature* grF = aServices->Feature( EGroupFeat );
   513         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGroupFeat, 0 ) );
   514         if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   515             {
   516             if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   517                 {
   518                 // Group totally denied
   519                 grF->SetSupported( EFalse );
   520                 grF->SetFunction( EAllFuncs, EFalse );
   521                 grF->SetCapability( 0xFFFFFFFF , EFalse );
   522                 }
   523             else
   524                 {
   525                 // Check first GroupMgmtFunc
   526                 myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGroupMgmtFunc, 0 ) );
   527                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   528                     {
   529                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   530                         {
   531                         // GroupMgmtFunc not supported
   532                         grF->SetFunction( EGroupMgmtFunc, EFalse );
   533                         grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceCREAG | KImpsServiceDELGR |
   534                                             KImpsServiceGETGP | KImpsServiceSETGP, EFalse );
   535                         }
   536                     else
   537                         {
   538                         // Check CREAG
   539                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyCREAG , 0 ) );
   540                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   541                             {
   542                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceCREAG, EFalse );
   543                             }
   544                         // Check DELGR
   545                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyDELGR , 0 ) );
   546                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   547                             {
   548                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceDELGR, EFalse );
   549                             }
   550                         // Check GETGP
   551                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGETGP , 0 ) );
   552                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   553                             {
   554                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGETGP, EFalse );
   555                             }
   556                         // Check SETGP
   557                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeySETGP , 0 ) );
   558                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   559                             {
   560                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceSETGP, EFalse );
   561                             }
   562                         myKey->PopL();
   563                         }
   564                     }
   565                 // GroupUseFunc
   566                 myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGroupUseFunc, 0 ) );
   567                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   568                     {
   569                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   570                         {
   571                         // GroupUseFunc not supported
   572                         grF->SetFunction( EGroupUseFunc, EFalse );
   573                         grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceSUBGCN | KImpsServiceGRCHN, EFalse );
   574                         }
   575                     else
   576                         {
   577                         // Check SUBGCN
   578                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeySUBGCN , 0 ) );
   579                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   580                             {
   581                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceSUBGCN, EFalse );
   582                             }
   583                         // Check GRCHN
   584                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGRCHN , 0 ) );
   585                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   586                             {
   587                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGRCHN, EFalse );
   588                             }
   589                         myKey->PopL();
   590                         }
   591                     }
   592                 // GroupAuthFunc
   593                 myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGroupAuthFunc, 0 ) );
   594                 if ( aData->CheckBranchExistenceL( myKey ) )
   595                     {
   596                     if ( !aData->RestoreAlternativeL( myKey, enumi, index, kType ) )
   597                         {
   598                         // GroupAuthFunc not supported
   599                         grF->SetFunction( EGroupAuthFunc, EFalse );
   600                         grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGETGM | KImpsServiceADDGM |
   601                                             KImpsServiceRMVGM | KImpsServiceMBRAC | KImpsServiceREJEC, EFalse );
   602                         }
   603                     else
   604                         {
   605                         // Check GETGM
   606                         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyGETGM , 0 ) );
   607                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   608                             {
   609                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceGETGM, EFalse );
   610                             }
   611                         // Check ADDGM
   612                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyADDGM , 0 ) );
   613                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   614                             {
   615                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceADDGM, EFalse );
   616                             }
   617                         // Check RMVGM
   618                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyRMVGM , 0 ) );
   619                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   620                             {
   621                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceRMVGM, EFalse );
   622                             }
   623                         // Check MBRAC
   624                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyMBRAC , 0 ) );
   625                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   626                             {
   627                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceMBRAC, EFalse );
   628                             }
   629                         // Check REJEC
   630                         myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyREJEC , 0 ) );
   631                         if ( aData->RestoreEmptyL( myKey ) )
   632                             {
   633                             grF->SetCapability( KImpsServiceREJEC, EFalse );
   634                             }
   635                         myKey->PopL();
   636                         }
   637                     }
   638                 myKey->PopL();
   639                 }
   640             } // Group
   643         myKey->PopL();
   644         }
   646     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // >>> myKey
   647     }
   650 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   651 // TImpsSrvUtils::CheckServiceL
   652 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   653 void TImpsSrvUtils::CheckServiceL(
   654     TImpsFeatures aFeature,
   655     TImpsServices* aSrvS )
   656     {
   657     if ( !aSrvS )
   658         {
   659         User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   660         }
   661     TImpsFeature* srvF = aSrvS->Feature( aFeature );
   662     if ( !srvF->IsSupported() )
   663         {
   664         User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   665         }
   666     }
   668 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   669 // TImpsSrvSettings::TImpsSrvSettings
   670 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   671 //
   672 TImpsSrvSettings::TImpsSrvSettings( /*RFs&  aFs*/ )
   673         :
   674         // iFs ( aFs ),
   675         iPollTime( KImpsPollTime ),
   676         iAliveTime( KImpsAliveTime ),
   677         iMaxPollTime( KImpsMaxPoll ),
   678         iXmlLog( 1 ),
   679         iUDPWAPCIR( 1 ),
   680         iSMSWAPCIR( 1 ),
   681         iTCPSCIR( 1 ),
   682         iUDPSCIR( 1 ),
   683         iAccessExp( KImpsClientExpr ),
   684         iImExp( KImpsClientExpr ),
   685         iPrExp( KImpsPresClientExpr ),
   686         iGrExp( KImpsClientExpr ),
   687         iFuExp( KImpsFundClientExpr ),
   688         iMultiTrans( KImpsMultiTrans ),
   689         iFourWayLogin( ETrue ),
   690         iPDPExpiry( KImpsPDPMaxIdleTime ),
   691         iCIRModePollTime( KImpsCIRModePollTime ),
   692         iMaxMessageSize( KImpsAcceptedContentLength )
   693     {}
   695 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   696 // TImpsSrvSettings::ReadStaticSettings
   697 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   698 //
   699 void TImpsSrvSettings::ReadStaticSettings()
   700     {
   701     TInt aux = 0;
   702     // Read Central Repository settings
   703     TRAPD( errx, aux = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL( KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineDropContextWhileIdle ) );
   704     if ( !errx )
   705         {
   706         iPDPExpiry = 60 * aux;
   707         }
   708     TRAP( errx, iFourWayLogin = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   709                                     KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineLoginMethod ) );
   710     TRAP( errx, iPollTime = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   711                                 KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEnginePollTime ) );
   712     TRAP( errx, iAliveTime = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   713                                  KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineDefaultKeepAliveTime ) );
   714     TRAP( errx, iAccessExp = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   715                                  KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineACExpiryTime ) );
   716     TRAP( errx, iImExp = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   717                              KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineIMExpiryTime ) );
   718     TRAP( errx, iGrExp = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   719                              KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineGRExpiryTime ) );
   720     TRAP( errx, iFuExp = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   721                              KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineFUExpiryTime ) );
   722     TRAP( errx, iPrExp = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   723                              KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEnginePRExpiryTime ) );
   724     TRAP( errx, iCIRModePollTime = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   725                                        KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineCIRModePollTime ) );
   726     TRAP( errx, iMultiTrans = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   727                                   KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineMultiTrans ) );
   728     TRAP( errx, iMaxMessageSize = TImpsDataUtils::GetCenRepIntValueL(
   729                                       KCRUIDWVEngineVariation, KWVEngineMaxMessageSize ) );
   731     // debug logging
   732 #ifdef _IMPS_LOGGING_
   733     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: ReadSettings iPDPExpiry=%d iFourWayLogin=%d iPollTime=%d iAliveTime=%d" ),
   734                             iPDPExpiry, iFourWayLogin, iPollTime, iAliveTime );
   735     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: ReadSettings iAccessExp=%d iImExp=%d iGrExp=%d iFuExp=%d iPrExp=%d iCIRModePollTime=%d iMultiTrans=%d iMaxMsgSize=%d" ),
   736                             iAccessExp, iImExp, iGrExp, iFuExp, iPrExp, iCIRModePollTime, iMultiTrans, iMaxMessageSize );
   737 #endif
   738     }
   740 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   741 // TImpsSrvSettings::ReadIniFileL
   742 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   743 //
   744 #pragma CTC SKIP
   745 #ifdef _DEBUG
   747 void TImpsSrvSettings::ReadIniFileL( RFs&  aFs )
   748     {
   749     // Set few values without reading them from ini file
   750     TBool retx = EFalse;
   751     TInt errx = KErrNone;
   753     CImpsSettingFile* configFile = CImpsSettingFile::NewL( aFs );
   754     CleanupStack::PushL( configFile );  // *****
   755     // Search current drive
   756     TFileName path;
   757     Dll::FileName( path );
   758     TDriveName drive( TParsePtrC( path ).Drive( ) );
   760     // In emulator we try to find from c drive
   761     // in hardware we try to find from current drive and then from RAM.
   762 #ifdef __WINS__
   763     TFileName fileN( KImpsIniFile );
   764 #else
   765     TFileName fileN( drive );
   766     fileN.Append( KImpsIniFile );
   767 #endif
   769     TInt err = 0;
   771     // Open temporary config file
   772     TRAP( err, configFile->OpenL( fileN ) );
   773     if ( err && drive.CompareF( _L( "c:" ) ) )
   774         {
   775         err = KErrNone;
   776         fileN = _L( "c:" );
   777         fileN.Append( KImpsIniFile );
   778         TRAP( err, configFile->OpenL( fileN ) );
   779         }
   780     if ( err )
   781         {
   782         err = KErrNone;
   783 #ifdef _IMPS_LOGGING_
   784         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: Config file not found ***" ) );
   785 #endif
   786         User::Leave( KImpsErrorConfig );
   787         }
   788     else
   789         {
   790 #ifdef _IMPS_LOGGING_
   791         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: Config file found ***" ) );
   792 #endif
   793         }
   795     iXmlLog = 0;
   796     TUint32 myPoll = 0;
   797     TPtrC8 myPtr;
   798     TBuf<8> pollBuffer;
   799     // read poll time
   800     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniPollTime ) ) );
   801     if ( !err )
   802         {
   803         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   804         TLex lex;
   805         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   806         lex.Val( myPoll, EDecimal );
   807         iPollTime = ( TInt ) myPoll;
   808         }
   810     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniXmlLog ) ) );
   811     if ( !err )
   812         {
   813         if ( !myPtr.CompareF( _L8( "True" ) ) )
   814             {
   815             iXmlLog += 1;
   816             }
   817         }
   819     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniXmlPollingLog ) ) );
   820     if ( !err )
   821         {
   822         if ( !myPtr.CompareF( _L8( "True" ) ) )
   823             {
   824             iXmlLog += 2;
   825             }
   826         }
   828     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniNoWAPSMSCIR ) ) );
   829     if ( !err )
   830         {
   831         if ( !myPtr.CompareF( _L8( "True" ) ) )
   832             {
   833             iSMSWAPCIR = 0;
   834             }
   835         }
   837     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniNoWAPUDPCIR ) ) );
   838     if ( !err )
   839         {
   840         if ( !myPtr.CompareF( _L8( "True" ) ) )
   841             {
   842             iUDPWAPCIR = 0;
   843             }
   844         }
   846     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniNoTCPSCIR ) ) );
   847     if ( !err )
   848         {
   849         if ( !myPtr.CompareF( _L8( "True" ) ) )
   850             {
   851             iTCPSCIR = 0;
   852             }
   853         }
   855     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniNoUDPSCIR ) ) );
   856     if ( !err )
   857         {
   858         if ( !myPtr.CompareF( _L8( "True" ) ) )
   859             {
   860             iUDPSCIR = 0;
   861             }
   862         }
   864     // read Keep-Alive-Time
   865     TUint32 myTime = iAliveTime; // default
   866     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniKeepAlive ) ) );
   867     if ( !err )
   868         {
   869         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   870         TLex lex;
   871         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   872         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   873         iAliveTime = ( TInt ) myTime;
   874         }
   876     // read CIR mode PollTime
   877     myTime = 0;
   878     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniCIRModePollTime ) ) );
   879     if ( !err )
   880         {
   881         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   882         TLex lex;
   883         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   884         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   885         iCIRModePollTime = ( TInt ) myTime;
   886         }
   888     // read Access expiry time
   889     myTime = 0;
   890     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniACExpiry ) ) );
   891     if ( !err )
   892         {
   893         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   894         TLex lex;
   895         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   896         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   897         iAccessExp = ( TInt ) myTime;
   898         }
   900     // read group expiry
   901     myTime = 0;
   902     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniGRExpiry ) ) );
   903     if ( !err )
   904         {
   905         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   906         TLex lex;
   907         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   908         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   909         iGrExp = ( TInt ) myTime;
   910         }
   912     // read presence expiry
   913     myTime = 0;
   914     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniPRExpiry ) ) );
   915     if ( !err )
   916         {
   917         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   918         TLex lex;
   919         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   920         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   921         iPrExp = ( TInt ) myTime;
   922         }
   924     // read fundamental expiry
   925     myTime = 0;
   926     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniFUExpiry ) ) );
   927     if ( !err )
   928         {
   929         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   930         TLex lex;
   931         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   932         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   933         iFuExp = ( TInt ) myTime;
   934         }
   936     // read IM expiry
   937     myTime = 0;
   938     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniIMExpiry ) ) );
   939     if ( !err )
   940         {
   941         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   942         TLex lex;
   943         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   944         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   945         iImExp = ( TInt ) myTime;
   946         }
   948     // read PDP expiry
   949     myTime = 0;
   950     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniPDPExpiry ) ) );
   951     if ( !err )
   952         {
   953         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   954         TLex lex;
   955         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   956         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   957         iPDPExpiry = ( TInt ) myTime;
   958         }
   960     // MultiTrans initial
   961     myTime = 0;
   962     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniMultiTrans ) ) );
   963     if ( !err )
   964         {
   965         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   966         TLex lex;
   967         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   968         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   969         iMultiTrans = ( TInt ) myTime;
   970         }
   972     // 4-way login
   973     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIni4WayLogin ) ) );
   974     if ( !err )
   975         {
   976         if ( !myPtr.CompareF( _L8( "False" ) ) )
   977             {
   978             iFourWayLogin = EFalse;
   979             }
   980         else if ( !myPtr.CompareF( _L8( "True" ) ) )
   981             {
   982             iFourWayLogin = ETrue;
   983             }
   984         }
   986     // Maximum IM message size
   987     myTime = 0;
   988     TRAP( err, myPtr.Set( configFile->KeyValueL( KImpsIniMaxMessageSize ) ) );
   989     if ( !err )
   990         {
   991         pollBuffer.Copy( myPtr );
   992         TLex lex;
   993         lex.Assign( pollBuffer );
   994         lex.Val( myTime, EDecimal );
   995         iMaxMessageSize = ( TInt ) myTime;
   996         }
   998     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );  // configFile
  1000     // debug logging
  1001 #ifdef _IMPS_LOGGING_
  1002     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: ReadFile iPDPExpiry=%d iFourWayLogin=%d iPollTime=%d iAliveTime=%d" ),
  1003                             iPDPExpiry, iFourWayLogin, iPollTime, iAliveTime );
  1004     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: ReadFile iAccessExp=%d iImExp=%d iGrExp=%d iFuExp=%d iPrExp=%d iCIRModePollTime=%d iMultiTrans=%d iMaxMsgSize=%d" ),
  1005                             iAccessExp, iImExp, iGrExp, iFuExp, iPrExp, iCIRModePollTime, iMultiTrans, iMaxMessageSize );
  1006     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: ReadFile \
  1007         iXmlLog=%d, iSMSWAPCIR=%d, iUDPWAPCIR=%d,iTCPSCIR=%d,iUDPSCIR=%d" ),
  1008                             iXmlLog, iSMSWAPCIR, iUDPWAPCIR, iTCPSCIR, iUDPSCIR );
  1009 #endif
  1010     }
  1012 #endif // _DEBUG    
  1013 #pragma CTC ENDSKIP
  1015 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1016 // TImpsSrvSettings::SetCirBindingsL
  1017 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1018 //
  1019 void TImpsSrvSettings::SetCirBindingsL(
  1020     MImpsDataAccessor* myAccess, MImpsKey* myKey )
  1021     {
  1022     TBool everyElement( EFalse );
  1023     TInt myInt = 0;
  1025     // Check supported CIRMethods
  1026     for ( TInt i = 0; !everyElement; i++ )
  1027         {
  1028         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeySupportedCIRMethod, i ) );
  1029         if ( myAccess->RestoreIntegerL( myKey, myInt ) )
  1030             {
  1031             if ( myInt == EImpsWAPUDP )
  1032                 {
  1033                 iUDPWAPCIR++;
  1034                 }
  1035             else if (  myInt == EImpsWAPSMS )
  1036                 {
  1037                 iSMSWAPCIR++;
  1038                 }
  1039             else if (  myInt == EImpsSUDP )
  1040                 {
  1041                 iUDPSCIR++;
  1042                 }
  1043             else if (  myInt == EImpsSTCP )
  1044                 {
  1045                 iTCPSCIR++;
  1046                 }
  1047             }
  1048         else
  1049             {
  1050             // All methods handled
  1051             everyElement = ETrue;
  1052             }
  1053         myKey->PopL();
  1054         }
  1055     }
  1058 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1059 // TImpsSessIdent::TImpsSessIdent
  1060 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1061 //
  1062 TImpsSessIdent::TImpsSessIdent(
  1063     const TDesC& aSID, const TDesC& aSAP, const TDesC& aUserId )
  1064         : iSID( aSID ), iSAP( aSAP ), iUserId( aUserId )
  1065     {}
  1069 //  End of File