changeset 0 094583676ce7
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     1 /*
     2 * ==============================================================================
     3 *  Name        : 101F4695.RSS
     4 *  Part of     : WV Engine / impspushhandler
     5 *  Description : Resource file needed by ECOM framework
     6 *  Version     : 
     7 *
     8 *  Copyright © 2002, 2003 Nokia Corporation.
     9 *  This material, including documentation and any related 
    10 *  computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by 
    11 *  Nokia Corporation. All rights are reserved. Copying, 
    12 *  including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any 
    13 *  or all of this material requires the prior written consent of 
    14 *  Nokia Corporation. This material also contains confidential 
    15 *  information which may not be disclosed to others without the 
    16 *  prior written consent of Nokia Corporation.
    17 * ==============================================================================
    18 */
    21 NAME    IMPS
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <ecom\RegistryInfo.rh>
    27 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28 //   
    29 // ImpsPushHandlerInformation
    30 // This data structure specifies mappings and information needed by
    31 // the ECOM framework.
    32 // The Application id used in Wireless Village CIR is 0x0a. See default_data keyword
    33 //
    34 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35 //
    36 RESOURCE REGISTRY_INFO ImpsPushHandlerInformation
    37     {
    38     // impspushhandler.dll's uid3)
    39     dll_uid = 0x101F4695;
    40     interfaces = 
    41         {
    42         INTERFACE_INFO
    43             {
    44             // KUidPushHandlerBase - CPushHandlerBase UID
    45             interface_uid = 0x101F3E5A;
    46             implementations = 
    47                 {
    48                 IMPLEMENTATION_INFO
    49                     {
    50                     // CImpsPushHandler's implementationUID
    51                     implementation_uid = 0x101F4696;
    52                     version_no = 1;
    53                     display_name = "CIMPSPushHandler||Implements a WAP Push IMPS Application Handler Plug-in||Copyright © 2003 Nokia Ltd. All rights reserved.";
    54                     default_data = "||0x0000000a";
    55                     opaque_data = "";
    56                     }
    57                 };
    58             }
    59         };
    60     }
    62 // End of File