changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Contact list model interface & related definitions.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef __MPENGCONTACTLIST2_H__
    19 #define __MPENGCONTACTLIST2_H__
    22 //  INCLUDES
    23 #include <E32Std.h>
    24 #include <BaDescA.h>
    25 #include <MPEngContactItem.h>
    29 // DATA TYPES
    32 /**
    33  * Contact list sub views.
    34  *
    35  * @since 3.0
    36  */
    37 enum TPEngContactListView
    38     {
    39     /**
    40      * Contact list as it presented in the storage of the PEC engine
    41      * This contact list contains also changes which has been
    42      * done on the contact list, but haven't been yet commited to the
    43      * Network server, therefore network version of the contact
    44      * list can vary till the next update call.
    45      * NOTE!
    46      * Local and Network contact list are identical once
    47      * Contact list is not editable
    48      */
    49     EPEngCntListLocalView = 1,
    51     /**
    52      * Contact list as it exists on network server
    53      * This is version of the contact list, as it was last time
    54      * updated to the Network Server.
    55      * Content is mostly same as EPEngCntListLocalVersion, unless
    56      * there have been dome some changes on the contact list
    57      * and client haven't updated them yet to the network.
    58      * NOTE!
    59      * Local and Network contact list are identical once
    60      * Contact list is not editable
    61      */
    62     EPEngCntListNetworkView = 2,
    64     /**
    65      * Contacts which were removed from the contact list.
    66      * Those contact have been removed from the contact list
    67      * within last update of the contact list to the network.
    68      * Contact can be removed on demand of the Client, or network
    69      * server can refuse contact item when it is tried to be added
    70      * Contact are also removed when contact list update transaction
    71      * fails for what ever reason.
    72      * NOTE!
    73      * Removed Contact are not defined for not editable contact lists
    74      */
    75     EPEngRemovedContacts = 3,
    77     /**
    78      * Contacts which were added to the contact.
    79      * Those contact have been added to the contact list
    80      * within last update of the contact list to the network.
    81      * Contact can be added on demand of the Client, or network
    82      * server can also merge two contact into one, if they are same
    83      * and it failed to be recognized by the client. For intance
    84      * lack of knowledge of the Domain name.
    85      * NOTE!
    86      * Added Contact are not defined for not editable contact lists
    87      */
    88     EPEngAddedContacts = 4
    89     };
    91 // CONSTANTS
    93 /**
    94  *	Special case of the contact list created by the Server
    95  *	Content of the contact list is set of users subscribing
    96  *	presence of the loged user.
    97  *	Watcher List does not have to be available always, depends on
    98  *	the server user is logged in.
    99  */
   100 _LIT( KPEngWatcherList, "watcherlist" );
   104 class MPEngContactListProperties;
   111 /**
   112  * General API for different contact lists.
   113  *
   114  * Interface allows users to manipulate and retrieve
   115  * data from the contact list.
   116  *
   117  * @since 3.0
   118  */
   119 class MPEngContactList2
   120     {
   122     public: // Mutators
   124         /**
   125          * Inserts a Contact into the Contact list.
   126          *
   127          * Each Contact can exist only once in the contact list.
   128          * If added contact already exists in the contact list, function
   129          * Leaves with KErrAlready exists.
   130          * If Contact List nick name needs to be changed for contact,
   131          * MPEngContactItem.h interface should be used instead.
   132          * This function can also fail if some other client
   133          * is already editing content of this contact list.
   134          *
   135          * Function leaves with KErrNoMemory, if there is insufficient
   136          * memory available to perform operation.
   137          *
   138          * If the function leaves, the Contact list is left in the state
   139          * it was before
   140          *
   141          * !NOTE!
   142          * This function is not available for Non-Editable contact lists.
   143          *
   144          * @since 3.0
   145          *
   146          * @param aContact Contact to be added to the contact list
   147          * @param aNickName nick name for the contact
   148          *			If nick name is not passed, no nick name is defined
   149          *			for the contact, same as KNullDesC value.
   150          * @return The position within the contact list.
   151          */
   152         virtual TInt AddContactL( const TDesC& aContact,
   153                                   const TDesC& aNickName = KNullDesC ) = 0;
   155         /**
   156          * Removes Contact from the Contact list
   157          *
   158          * If contact does not exists in the contact list, function
   159          * does nothing.
   160          *
   161          * Function leaves with KErrNoMemory, if there is insufficient
   162          * memory available to perform operation.
   163          *
   164          * If the function leaves, the Contact list is left in the state
   165          * it was before
   166          *
   167          * !NOTE!
   168          * This function is not available for Non-Editable contact lists.
   169          *
   170          * @since 3.0
   171          *
   172          * @param aContact The contact to be removed from the Contact list
   173          */
   174         virtual void RemoveContactL( const TDesC& aContact ) = 0;
   178         /**
   179          * Find Contact in the contact list
   180          *
   181          * Finds Contact in defined contact list.
   182          * Search is performed with the comparison sense to
   183          * Contact specifics and also smart domain comparison is employed
   184          * if home domain is known to the system.
   185          * By default search is performed on the Local contact list view
   186          *
   187          * !NOTE!
   188          * Not all views are available for Non-Editable contact lists
   189          *
   190          * @since 3.0
   191          *
   192          * @param aContact contact to look for
   193          * @param aView Contact list view to look for Contact in, by default
   194          *              Local contact list view is used
   195          * @return position
   196          */
   197         virtual TInt FindContact(
   198             const TDesC& aContact,
   199             TPEngContactListView aView
   200             = EPEngCntListLocalView ) const = 0;
   204         /**
   205          * Count of the Contacts of the Contact list view
   206          *
   207          * Returns count of the contact IDs on the defined Contact List
   208          * view.
   209          * By default Local List view is used
   210          *
   211          * !NOTE!
   212          * Not all views are available for Non-Editable contact lists
   213          *
   214          * @since 3.0
   215          * @param aView Contact list view to get count for, by default
   216          *              Local contact list view is used
   217          * @return Count of the Contact of the list
   218          */
   219         virtual TInt Count( TPEngContactListView aView
   220                             = EPEngCntListLocalView ) const = 0;
   223         /**
   224          * Contact Item of the Contact list
   225          *
   226          * Gets reference to the particular contact item model
   227          * of the contact list. This model can be used to view contact
   228          * item details and modify them.
   229          * Both const and non const overload available.
   230          *
   231          * There is no difference if contact item model was retrieved
   232          * from Network or local view as far as contact item exists in
   233          * both views.
   234          *
   235          * !NOTE!
   236          * Contact Item can be retrieved only for Local and network
   237          * Contact list view. Since there are not details
   238          * available for Removed and Added contacts, except contact part,
   239          * also editing of those lists is not allowed at any case.
   240          * More about contact item model services can be seen in
   241          * MPEngContactItem.h
   242          *
   243          * @since 3.0
   244          * @param aIndex index of desired contact Item within list
   245          * @param aSublist sublist of the contact list
   246          * @return reference to contact Item model
   247          */
   248         virtual MPEngContactItem& ContactItem(
   249             TInt aIndex,
   250             TPEngContactListView aView
   251             = EPEngCntListLocalView ) = 0;
   253         virtual const MPEngContactItem& ContactItem(
   254             TInt aIndex,
   255             TPEngContactListView aView
   256             = EPEngCntListLocalView ) const = 0;
   259         /**
   260          * Contacts which were removed from the contact list
   261          *
   262          * List of the contact's WV Ids which were removed form the contact
   263          * list, either on the clients demand or by the Network server
   264          * Contacts can be also removed once update operation fails
   265          *
   266          * @since 3.0
   267          * @return des array with removed contacts
   268          */
   269         virtual const MDesCArray& RemovedContacts( ) const = 0;
   272         /**
   273          * Contacts which were added to the contact list
   274          *
   275          * List of the contact's WV Ids which were added to the contact
   276          * list, either on the clients demand or by the Network server.
   277          *
   278          * @since 3.0
   279          * @return des array with added contacts
   280          */
   281         virtual const MDesCArray& AddedContacts( ) const = 0;
   285     public: // Contact List properties
   287         /**
   288          * Contact list Settings
   289          *
   290          * Returns contact list properties model.
   291          * This model can be used to view contact list
   292          * details and also to edit certain parameters of the
   293          * contact list which are allowed to be altered once
   294          * contact list exists.
   295          *
   296          * @since 3.0
   297          * @return Contact list properties model
   298          */
   299         virtual MPEngContactListProperties& ListProperties() = 0;
   304     public: // Functions for storage management
   306         /**
   307          * Remove all contacts from the contact list
   308          *
   309          * Cleans contact list from all Contacts
   310          *
   311          * @since 3.0
   312          */
   313         virtual void RemoveAllContactsL( ) = 0;
   316         /**
   317          * Suspend contact list update notifications
   318          *
   319          * This should be used when client is intending to do lot
   320          * of small changes of the contact list content and wants
   321          * them to be notified to other clients all at once once
   322          * editing is finished.
   323          * Suspending is removed by calling ReleaseUpdateNotification()
   324          *
   325          * @since 3.0
   326          */
   327         virtual void SuspendUpdateNotification( ) = 0;
   330         /**
   331          * Release sending of the contact list update notifications
   332          *
   333          * Update notifications are released and also all notifications
   334          * which were ignored when suspend was active are now notified
   335          *
   336          * @since 3.0
   337          */
   338         virtual void ReleaseUpdateNotification( ) = 0;
   341         /**
   342          * Roll back all changes
   343          *
   344          * All un-commited changes are rolled back and
   345          * contact list is put in the state it exist on the network.
   346          * This will roll back changes of the Contact Item edition
   347          * and also Contact List Network related changes
   348          *
   349          * @since 3.0
   350          * @return KErrNone if store of the roll back state was successful
   351          * system wide error if storing failed
   352          */
   353         virtual TInt RollBackAllChangesL( ) = 0;
   356         /**
   357          * Contact list locked by other client
   358          *
   359          * Returns ETrue if contact list has been locked by another
   360          * client for editing of its content
   361          *
   362          * @since 3.0
   363          * @return ETrue if Contact List is locked
   364          */
   365         virtual TBool UpdateInProgress( ) const = 0;
   368         /**
   369          *  Update of the contact list required
   370          *
   371          *	Returns ETrue if contact list needs to be upated
   372          *
   373          *  @since 3.0
   374          *  @return ETrue if update is needed. EFalse if not.
   375          */
   376         virtual TBool UpdateRequired() const = 0;
   380     protected:  //Destructor
   382         /**
   383          * Virtual inline destructor.
   384          * Protected destructor to prohibits deletion trough interface.
   385          */
   386         virtual ~MPEngContactList2() {};
   387     };
   390 #endif      //  __MPENGCONTACTLIST2_H__
   392 //  End of File