changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Container of one contact list item. It includes, wv ID, nick name,
    15 *				 List of contact IDs, flag if there is need to notify about change of the
    16 *				 Presence change of the wv ID, and flag if wv ID: was checked by Janitor
    17 *
    18 */
    23 #include	"CPEngContactMapper.h"
    25 #include    <e32std.h>
    26 #include	<bamdesca.h>
    27 #include	<cntitem.h>
    29 #include	"CPEngListObserver.h"
    30 #include	"CPEngContact.h"
    32 #include	"CPEngNWSessionSlotNotifier2.h"
    33 #include	"CPEngNWSessionSlotEvent2.h"
    34 #include	"CPEngNWSessionSlotID2.h"
    36 // Debug prints
    37 #include    "PresenceDebugPrint.h"
    40 // CONSTANTS
    41 #define ORDER TLinearOrder<CPEngContact> (CPEngContact::Compare)
    43 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    45 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 // CPEngContactMapper::CPEngContactMapper
    47 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    48 // might leave.
    49 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 //
    51 CPEngContactMapper::CPEngContactMapper()
    52     {
    53     PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "PEngJanitorPlugIn: CPEngContactMapper::CPEngContactMapper" ) );
    54     }
    56 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 // CPEngContactMapper::ConstructL
    58 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    59 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 //
    61 void CPEngContactMapper::ConstructL()
    62     {
    63     // create contact cache and register observer
    64     iCntDatabase = CContactDatabase::OpenL();
    65     iCntNotifier = CContactChangeNotifier::NewL( *iCntDatabase, this );
    66     RebuildContactDbCacheL();
    68     iSessionNotifier = CPEngNWSessionSlotNotifier2::NewL();
    69     User::LeaveIfError( iSessionNotifier->AddObserver( *this ) );
    70     User::LeaveIfError( iSessionNotifier->Start() );
    71     }
    73 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // CPEngContactMapper::NewL
    75 // Two-phased constructor.
    76 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 //
    78 CPEngContactMapper* CPEngContactMapper::NewL()
    79     {
    80     CPEngContactMapper* self = NewLC( );
    82     CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
    84     return self;
    85     }
    87 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 // CPEngContactMapper::NewLC
    89 // Two-phased constructor.
    90 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 //
    92 CPEngContactMapper* CPEngContactMapper::NewLC()
    93     {
    94     CPEngContactMapper* self = new( ELeave ) CPEngContactMapper();
    96     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    97     self->ConstructL( );
    99     return self;
   100     }
   102 // Destructor
   103 CPEngContactMapper::~CPEngContactMapper()
   104     {
   105     iContacts.ResetAndDestroy();
   106     iListObservers.ResetAndDestroy();
   107     delete iSessionNotifier;
   108     delete iCntNotifier;
   109     delete iCntDatabase;
   110     }
   112 // =============================================================================
   113 // ===============Function for MPEngContactMapper class ========================
   114 // =============================================================================
   116 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117 // CPEngContactMapper::MappWvIdL
   118 // Map wv id to the contact db id
   119 // (other items were commented in a header).
   120 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 //
   122 CContactIdArray* CPEngContactMapper::MapWvIdToContactIdLC(
   123     const TDesC& aWVId )
   124     {
   125     CContactIdArray* contactIds = NULL;
   126     TInt count ( iContacts.Count() );
   127     for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; ++x )
   128         {
   129         if ( iContacts[ x ]->ValidateWVId( aWVId ) )
   130             {
   131             if ( !contactIds )
   132                 {
   133                 contactIds = CContactIdArray::NewLC();
   134                 }
   135             contactIds->AddL( iContacts[ x ]->ContactId() );
   136             }
   137         }
   138     // even no contact id was created, push NULL to maintain LC continuity
   139     if ( !contactIds )
   140         {
   141         CleanupStack::PushL( contactIds );
   142         }
   143     return contactIds;
   144     }
   146 // =============================================================================
   147 // ===============Function for MContactDBObserver class ========================
   148 // =============================================================================
   150 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 // CPEngContactMapper::HandleDatabaseEventL
   152 // Handle Contact Database event
   153 // (other items were commented in a header).
   154 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 //
   156 void CPEngContactMapper::HandleDatabaseEventL(
   157     TContactDbObserverEvent aEvent )
   158     {
   159     switch ( aEvent.iType )
   160         {
   161         case EContactDbObserverEventContactDeleted:
   162             {
   163             RemoveContactL( aEvent.iContactId );
   164             break;
   165             }
   166         case EContactDbObserverEventContactAdded:
   167             {
   168             AddContactL( aEvent.iContactId );
   169             break;
   170             }
   171         case EContactDbObserverEventContactChanged:
   172             {
   173             UpdateContactL( aEvent.iContactId );
   174             break;
   175             }
   176         case EContactDbObserverEventUnknownChanges:
   177             {
   178             // reload whole contact cache, since more changes has happened
   179             HandleMultipleChangesL();
   180             }
   181         default:
   182             {
   183             break;
   184             }
   185         }
   186     }
   189 // =============================================================================
   190 // ===============Function for MPEngNWSessionSlotObserver2 class ===============
   191 // =============================================================================
   193 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 // CPEngContactMapper::HandleNWSessionSlotChangeL
   195 // NWSessionSlot change handler.
   196 // (other items were commented in a header).
   197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 //
   199 void CPEngContactMapper::HandleNWSessionSlotChangeL(
   200     CPEngNWSessionSlotNotifier2& /*aNotifier*/,
   201     CPEngNWSessionSlotEvent2& aEvent )
   202     {
   203     TInt index( FindListObserver( aEvent.NWSessionSlotID() ) );
   204     if ( EPEngNWPresenceSessionOpen == aEvent.NWSessionSlotState() )
   205         {
   206         // make sure we are observing such a session
   207         if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   208             {
   209             return;
   210             }
   211         CPEngListObserver* observer = CPEngListObserver::NewLC(
   212                                           *this,
   213                                           aEvent.NWSessionSlotID() );
   214         iListObservers.AppendL( observer );
   215         CleanupStack::Pop( observer ); // observer
   216         }
   217     else
   218         {
   219         // stop observing of such a session
   220         if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   221             {
   222             delete iListObservers[ index ];
   223             iListObservers.Remove( index );
   224             }
   225         }
   226     }
   228 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   229 // CPEngContactMapper::HandleNWSessionSlotError
   230 // Notification failure handler.
   231 // (other items were commented in a header).
   232 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 //
   234 void CPEngContactMapper::HandleNWSessionSlotError(
   235     TInt /*aError*/,
   236     CPEngNWSessionSlotNotifier2& /*aNotifier */ )
   237     {
   238     // no error handling here
   239     }
   241 // =============================================================================
   242 // =============== New Function of base class =================================
   243 // =============================================================================
   245 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   246 // CPEngContactMapper::AddContactL
   247 // Inserts new contact to the contact db cache
   248 // (other items were commented in a header).
   249 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   250 //
   251 void CPEngContactMapper::AddContactL(
   252     TContactItemId& aContactId )
   253     {
   254     CContactItem* cntItem = iCntDatabase->ReadMinimalContactLC( aContactId );
   255     CPEngContact* contactEntry = CPEngContact::NewL( cntItem ); // careful no in CleanUpStack
   256     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cntItem ); // cntItem
   257     const MDesCArray& wvIds = contactEntry->WvIds();
   258     if ( ! wvIds.MdcaCount() )
   259         {
   260         delete contactEntry;
   261         return;
   262         }
   263     CleanupStack::PushL( contactEntry );
   264     iContacts.AppendL( contactEntry );
   265     CleanupStack::Pop( contactEntry );
   266     // update mapping, for each wv id
   267     RemapWvIdsL( wvIds );
   268     }
   270 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 // CPEngContactMapper::RemoveContactL
   272 // Remove contact from contact db cache
   273 // (other items were commented in a header).
   274 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 //
   276 void CPEngContactMapper::RemoveContactL(
   277     TContactItemId& aContactId )
   278     {
   279     TInt index( FindContact( aContactId ) );
   280     // if contact is in our cache, we can leave, nothing to do
   281     if ( index == KErrNotFound )
   282         {
   283         return;
   284         }
   285     CPEngContact* contact = iContacts[ index ];
   286     CleanupStack::PushL( contact );
   287     iContacts.Remove( index );
   288     RemapWvIdsL( contact->WvIds() );
   289     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contact );
   290     }
   292 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 // CPEngContactMapper::UpdateContactL
   294 // Update content of the contact in  contact db cache
   295 // (other items were commented in a header).
   296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 //
   298 void CPEngContactMapper::UpdateContactL(
   299     TContactItemId& aContactId )
   300     {
   301     TInt index( FindContact( aContactId ) );
   302     CPEngContact* contactEntry = NULL;
   303     if ( index == KErrNotFound )
   304         {
   305         // contact is not in the cache, try to add it
   306         CContactItem* cntItem = iCntDatabase->ReadMinimalContactLC( aContactId );
   307         contactEntry = CPEngContact::NewL( cntItem ); // careful no in CleanUpStack
   308         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cntItem ); // cntItem
   309         const MDesCArray& wvIds = contactEntry->WvIds();
   310         TInt wvIdCount( wvIds.MdcaCount() );
   311         if ( !wvIdCount )
   312             {
   313             delete contactEntry;
   314             return;
   315             }
   316         CleanupStack::PushL( contactEntry );
   317         iContacts.AppendL( contactEntry );
   318         CleanupStack::Pop( contactEntry );
   319         RemapWvIdsL( contactEntry->WvIds() );
   320         }
   321     else
   322         {
   323         // contact is in cache, update it, first store old wv ids
   324         contactEntry = iContacts[ index ];
   325         const MDesCArray& oldIds = contactEntry->WvIds();
   326         TInt count ( oldIds.MdcaCount() );
   327         CDesCArray* oldWVIds = new( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( count );
   328         CleanupStack::PushL( oldWVIds );
   329         for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; ++x )
   330             {
   331             oldWVIds->AppendL( oldIds.MdcaPoint( x ) );
   332             }
   333         contactEntry->UpdateContactL( *iCntDatabase );
   335         // does contact entry need have any wv ids or it can be removed
   336         const MDesCArray& newIds = contactEntry->WvIds();
   337         TInt newCount( newIds.MdcaCount() );
   338         if ( ! newCount )
   339             {
   340             iContacts.Remove( index );
   341             delete contactEntry;
   342             }
   343         else
   344             {
   345             // remove new wv ids from old ones if the are same
   346             // so we avoid double remapping
   347             for ( TInt x( 0 ) ;  x < newCount ; ++x )
   348                 {
   349                 TInt pos( 0 );
   350                 if ( KErrNone == oldWVIds->Find( newIds.MdcaPoint( x ), pos ) )
   351                     {
   352                     oldWVIds->Delete( pos );
   353                     }
   354                 }
   355             RemapWvIdsL( newIds );
   356             }
   357         RemapWvIdsL( *oldWVIds );
   358         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldWVIds ); //
   359         }
   360     }
   362 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   363 // CPEngContactMapper::HandleMultipleChangesL
   364 // More changes happened in the contact db
   365 // (other items were commented in a header).
   366 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   367 //
   368 void CPEngContactMapper::HandleMultipleChangesL()
   369     {
   370     // rebuild whole contact db and call on all contact list full re-mapping
   371     RebuildContactDbCacheL();
   372     TInt count( iListObservers.Count() );
   373     for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; ++x )
   374         {
   375         iListObservers[ x ]->ReMappAllContactsL();
   376         }
   377     }
   379 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380 // CPEngContactMapper::UpdateMappingOnContactListsL
   381 // Notify all list observers about wv Ids mapping change
   382 // (other items were commented in a header).
   383 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   384 //
   385 void CPEngContactMapper::UpdateMappingOnContactListsL(
   386     const TDesC& aWVId,
   387     const CContactIdArray* aContactIds )
   388     {
   389     TInt count( iListObservers.Count() );
   390     for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; ++x )
   391         {
   392         iListObservers[ x ]->UpdateMappingL( aWVId, aContactIds );
   393         }
   394     }
   396 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   397 // CPEngContactMapper::RebuildContactDbCacheL()
   398 // Rebuild contact db cache
   399 // (other items were commented in a header).
   400 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   401 //
   402 void CPEngContactMapper::RebuildContactDbCacheL()
   403     {
   404     // check all contacts
   405     _LIT( KWVStart, "" );
   406     // Specify in which fields search should be performed
   407     CContactItemFieldDef* fieldToSearchIn = new ( ELeave ) CContactItemFieldDef();
   408     CleanupStack::PushL( fieldToSearchIn );
   409     fieldToSearchIn->AppendL( KPbkFieldWVIdMapping );
   410     fieldToSearchIn->AppendL( KPbkFieldIMAddress );
   411     // search in contact database
   412     CContactIdArray* contactIds = iCntDatabase->FindLC( KWVStart,
   413                                                         fieldToSearchIn );
   415     // OK now we have Contact Ids, time to add contacts to cache
   416     // reset our array
   417     iContacts.ResetAndDestroy();
   418     CPEngContact* contact = NULL;
   419     CContactItem* contactItem = NULL;
   420     TInt count ( contactIds->Count() );
   421     for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; x++ )
   422         {
   423         contactItem = iCntDatabase->ReadMinimalContactLC( ( *contactIds )[ x ] );
   424         contact = CPEngContact::NewLC( contactItem );
   425         // store back up of the contact only if there was some id
   426         if ( contact->WvIds().MdcaCount() )
   427             {
   428             iContacts.AppendL( contact );
   429             CleanupStack::Pop( contact ); // contact
   430             }
   431         else
   432             {
   433             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contact ); // contact
   434             }
   435         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contactItem ); // contactItem
   436         }
   437     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // contactIDArray, fieldToSearchIn
   438     }
   441 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   442 // CPEngContactMapper::FindContact
   443 // Find Contact in contact cache
   444 // (other items were commented in a header).
   445 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   446 //
   447 TInt CPEngContactMapper::FindContact(
   448     TContactItemId& aContactId ) const
   449     {
   450     TInt count ( iContacts.Count() );
   451     for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; ++x )
   452         {
   453         if (  iContacts[ x ]->ContactId() == aContactId )
   454             {
   455             return x;
   456             }
   457         }
   458     return KErrNotFound;
   459     }
   461 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   462 // CPEngContactMapper::RemapWvIdsL
   463 // Remap given wv Ids
   464 // (other items were commented in a header).
   465 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   466 //
   467 void CPEngContactMapper::RemapWvIdsL( const MDesCArray& aWVIds )
   468     {
   469     TInt count( aWVIds.MdcaCount() );
   470     for ( TInt x( 0 ) ;  x < count ; ++x )
   471         {
   472         CContactIdArray* contactIds =
   473             MapWvIdToContactIdLC( aWVIds.MdcaPoint( x ) );
   474         UpdateMappingOnContactListsL( aWVIds.MdcaPoint( x ), contactIds );
   475         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contactIds ); // contactIds
   476         }
   477     }
   480 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   481 // CPEngContactMapper::FindListObserver
   482 // Find Contact list observer
   483 // (other items were commented in a header).
   484 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   485 //
   486 TInt CPEngContactMapper::FindListObserver(
   487     const CPEngNWSessionSlotID2& aSessionId ) const
   488     {
   489     TInt count( iListObservers.Count() );
   490     for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; ++x )
   491         {
   492         if ( KErrNone
   493              ==
   494              iListObservers[ x ]->SessionId().MatchBasePart( aSessionId )
   495            )
   496             {
   497             return x;
   498             }
   499         }
   500     return KErrNotFound;
   501     }
   503 // ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
   506 //  End of File