changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Various tools for List Library
    15 *
    16 */
    19 //  INCLUDES
    20 #include "PEngListLibTools.h"
    21 #include "PEngContactIdsTools.h"
    23 #include "CPEngContactListModBase.h"
    24 #include "CPEngContactListModItemContainer.h"
    25 #include "CPEngContactListModChangeMonitor.h"
    26 #include "CPEngContactListSettings.h"
    27 #include "MPEngContactListTransactionManager.h"
    28 #include "CPEngTransactionStatus.h"
    29 #include "PEngXMLTags.h"
    30 #include "MPEngXMLParser.h"
    31 #include "MPEngXMLSerializer.h"
    32 #include "PEngAttrLibFactory.h"
    33 #include "MPEngPresenceAttrManager.h"
    34 #include "MPEngPresenceAttrTransactionEnv.h"
    35 #include "PEngWVPresenceErrors2.h"
    36 #include "PresenceDebugPrint.h"
    40 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
    42 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    43 // DoIsContactUpdated()
    44 //
    45 // Checks if:
    46 // - the contact has been updated or is new
    47 // - or its Nick name was updated
    48 // - or contact was added to the contact list
    49 // - or server altered contact id, so its length changed
    50 //
    51 // @param aContact Contact item container
    52 // @param aNewContactId Contact Id as server returned it
    53 // @param aNewNickName New nick name returned by server
    54 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 //
    56 inline TBool DoIsContactUpdated( CPEngContactListModItemContainer& aContact,
    57                                  const TDesC& aNewContactId,
    58                                  HBufC* aNewNickName )
    59     {
    60     const HBufC* currentNick = aContact.CurrentNick();
    62     TBool newValid( aNewNickName && aNewNickName->Length() );
    63     TBool curentValid( currentNick && currentNick->Length() );
    64     if (
    65         ( !aContact.RefActive( CPEngContactListModItemContainer::ENetworkRef ) )
    66         ||
    67         ( aNewContactId.Length() != aContact.Id().Length() )
    68         ||
    69         (
    70             ( newValid
    71               ||
    72               curentValid
    73             )
    74             &&
    75             ( !newValid
    76               ||
    77               !curentValid
    78               ||
    79               ( KErrNone != aNewNickName->Compare( *currentNick ) )
    80             )
    81         )
    82     )
    83         {
    84         return ETrue;
    85         }
    86     return EFalse;
    88     }
    90 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 // DoInsertContactLX()
    92 // Inserts contact item to array of parsed contacts
    93 // aContactId and aNickName has to be pushed on the top of the clean up stack.
    94 // Order of those two items on clean up stack does not matter, as far as they
    95 // are on top.
    96 // Ownership of the aContactId and aNickName are tranfered to the function.
    97 // Function returns EFalse if contact was existing on server before
    98 // and ETrue if contact was just created on the server
    99 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 //
   101 TBool DoInsertContactLX( RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aParsedContacts,
   102                          RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aServerOrderContacts,
   103                          const RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aOldServerOrder,
   104                          CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList,
   105                          TBool aUpdateNickname,
   106                          HBufC* aContactId,
   107                          HBufC* aNickName,
   108                          TInt& aServerIndex,
   109                          TInt& aOffset,
   110                          TInt aOldServerCount )
   111     {
   112     // get position for insertion
   113     TInt pos( KErrNotFound );
   115     if ( KErrNone == aContactList.DoFindContact( aParsedContacts,
   116                                                  *aContactId,
   117                                                  pos,
   118                                                  ETrue ) )
   119         {
   120         // contact is twice in the response, server is blabbering
   121         // Such a contact was already parsed and inserted, ignore it
   122         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // aNickName, aContactId
   123         return EFalse;
   124         }
   127     // does contact already exists?
   128     // look firs in the server ordered array
   129     CPEngContactListModItemContainer* cnt = NULL;
   130     TInt serverIndex( aServerIndex + aOffset );
   131     if ( serverIndex < aOldServerCount )
   132         {
   133         if ( KErrNone == NContactIdsTools::CompareContactIds( aOldServerOrder[ serverIndex ]->Id(),
   134                                                               *aContactId ) )
   135             {
   136             cnt = aOldServerOrder[ serverIndex ];
   137             }
   138         else
   139             {
   140             serverIndex++;
   141             // look one ahead, in case some contact was deleted
   142             if ( ( serverIndex < aOldServerCount ) &&
   143                  ( KErrNone == NContactIdsTools::CompareContactIds( aOldServerOrder[ serverIndex ]->Id(),
   144                                                                     *aContactId ) ) )
   145                 {
   146                 // some contact was removed from server array, update offset
   147                 cnt = aOldServerOrder[ serverIndex ];
   148                 aOffset++;
   149                 }
   150             }
   151         }
   154     if ( !cnt )
   155         {
   156         cnt = aContactList.FindContactInAll( *aContactId );
   157         // contact was added to the contact, update offset
   158         aOffset--;
   159         }
   162     if ( cnt )
   163         {
   164         // add to the array
   165         aParsedContacts.InsertL( cnt, pos );
   166         cnt->Open();                                    // CSI: 65 #
   168         // check if nick name has changed
   169         if ( DoIsContactUpdated( *cnt, *aContactId, aNickName ) )
   170             {
   171             aContactList.ChangeMonitor().InsertAddedContactIdL( *aContactId );
   172             // current nick will be updated out of this condition with nick parsed
   173             // from server response, update New Nick of the Conatct Item container
   174             if ( aUpdateNickname )
   175                 {
   176                 cnt->RollBackNickname();
   177                 }
   178             else
   179                 {
   180                 cnt->AdoptCurrentNickAsNew();
   181                 }
   182             }
   184         // update contact id as it is given by the network server
   185         cnt->SetCurrentNickname( aNickName );
   186         cnt->UpdateContactId( aContactId );
   187         CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); // nickName, aContactId
   188         aServerOrderContacts.AppendL( cnt );
   189         cnt->SetServerIndex( aServerIndex );
   190         aServerIndex++;
   191         return !aContactList.ContactExistsOnServer( *cnt );
   192         }
   193     else
   194         {
   195         CPEngContactListModItemContainer* newCnt =
   196             CPEngContactListModItemContainer::NewLC(
   197                 aContactList,
   198                 *aContactId,
   199                 aNickName );
   200         aParsedContacts.InsertL( newCnt, pos );
   201         CleanupStack::Pop(); // newCnt
   202         aContactList.ChangeMonitor().InsertAddedContactIdL( *aContactId );
   203         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // contactId, nickName
   204         aServerOrderContacts.AppendL( newCnt );
   205         newCnt->SetServerIndex( aServerIndex );
   206         aServerIndex++;
   207         return ETrue;
   208         }
   209     }
   211 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 // DoFillChangeMonitorOfRemovedIdsL()
   213 // Fills the monitor of removed contact Ids.
   214 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 //
   216 void DoFillChangeMonitorOfRemovedIdsL(
   217     CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList,
   218     const RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aNewContacts )
   219     {
   220     TInt count( aContactList.Count( EPEngCntListNetworkView ) );
   221     for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; ++x )
   222         {
   223         CPEngContactListModItemContainer* cnt =
   224             static_cast<CPEngContactListModItemContainer*>
   225             ( &( aContactList.ContactItem(
   226                      x,
   227                      EPEngCntListNetworkView ) ) );
   229         if ( KErrNotFound == aNewContacts.Find( cnt ) )
   230             {
   231             aContactList.ChangeMonitor().InsertRemovedContactIdL( cnt->Id() );
   232             }
   233         }
   234     }
   238 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
   240 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   241 // NListLibTools::LeaveIfMajorErrorL()
   242 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 //
   244 void NListLibTools::LeaveIfMajorErrorL( TInt aError )
   245     {
   246     if ( ( aError < 0 ) &&
   247          ( aError != KErrAlreadyExists ) )
   248         {
   249         User::Leave( aError );
   250         }
   251     }
   255 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   256 // NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL()
   257 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 //
   259 TBool NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL(
   260     const TDesC8& aResponse,
   261     RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aParsedContacts,
   262     CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList,
   263     MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser1,
   264     MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser2,
   265     TBool aUpdateNickname,
   266     TInt* aNewContactCount /* NULL */ )
   267     {
   268     // check if there is even nick List
   269     PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL::Decode(KNickList)-Start" ) );
   270     if ( !aXMLparser1.DecodeL( aResponse, KNickList, ETrue ) )
   271         {
   272         return EFalse;
   273         }
   274     PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL::Decode(KNickList)-Done" ) );
   276     TPtrC8 nickListBlock( aXMLparser1.ResultL( ) );
   277     TInt newContactCount( 0 );
   279     RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer> serverOrderedContacts;
   280     CleanupClosePushL( serverOrderedContacts );
   282     TInt serverOrderIndex( 0 );
   283     TInt offset( 0 );
   284     const RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& oldServerOrder =
   285         aContactList.ServerOrderedContacts();
   286     TInt oldServerCount( oldServerOrder.Count() );
   289     // First parse nicks with nick names
   290     PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL::Decode(KNickName)-Start" ) );
   291     if ( aXMLparser1.DecodeL( nickListBlock, KNickName, ETrue ) )
   292         {
   293         PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL::Decode(KNickName)-Done" ) );
   295         // Assume server ordered it alphabeticaly, used for speed up
   296         for ( TInt x ( aXMLparser1.Count() - 1 ) ; x >= 0 ; --x )
   297             {
   298             HBufC* nickName = NULL;
   299             HBufC* contactId = NULL;
   301             if ( aXMLparser2.DecodeL( aXMLparser1.ResultL( x ),
   302                                       KUserIDXMLTag,
   303                                       EFalse ) )
   304                 {
   305                 // Get contact Id, does not check if there is wv: prefix
   306                 contactId = aXMLparser2.ResultAsUnicodeTextL();
   307                 CleanupStack::PushL( contactId );
   308                 }
   309             else
   310                 {
   311                 // XML package is not valid
   312                 User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
   313                 }
   315             if ( aXMLparser2.DecodeL( aXMLparser1.ResultL( x ),
   316                                       KName,
   317                                       EFalse ) )
   318                 {
   319                 nickName = aXMLparser2.ResultAsUnicodeTextL();
   320                 }
   322             // both contactId and nickName has to be on cleanup stack
   323             // before calling DoInsertContactLX, ownership is transfered
   324             CleanupStack::PushL( nickName );
   325             newContactCount += DoInsertContactLX( aParsedContacts,
   326                                                   serverOrderedContacts,
   327                                                   oldServerOrder,
   328                                                   aContactList,
   329                                                   aUpdateNickname,
   330                                                   contactId,
   331                                                   nickName,
   332                                                   serverOrderIndex,
   333                                                   offset,
   334                                                   oldServerCount );
   335             }
   336         PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL::Decode(KNickName)-End" ) );
   337         }
   340     // now parse all nicks, to find which were without nicks
   341     PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL::Decode(KUserIDXMLTag)-Start" ) );
   342     if ( aXMLparser1.DecodeL( nickListBlock, KUserIDXMLTag, EFalse ) )
   343         {
   344         PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL::Decode(KUserIDXMLTag)-Done" ) );
   346         TInt count ( aXMLparser1.Count() );
   347         TInt alreadyParsed( serverOrderedContacts.Count() );
   349         for ( TInt x ( aXMLparser1.Count() - 1 ) ; x >= 0 ; --x )
   350             {
   351             HBufC* nickName = NULL;
   352             HBufC* contactId = aXMLparser1.ResultAsUnicodeTextL( x );
   354             // try to add contact if it does not match one from
   355             // already parsed contacts, we can use plain compare->faster
   356             if ( alreadyParsed &&
   357                  ( KErrNone == serverOrderedContacts[ 0 ]->Id().Compare( *contactId ) ) )
   358                 {
   359                 delete contactId;
   360                 serverOrderedContacts.Remove( 0 );
   361                 alreadyParsed--;
   362                 continue;
   363                 }
   365             CleanupStack::PushL( contactId );
   366             CleanupStack::PushL( nickName );
   368             // both contactId and nickName has to be on cleanup stack
   369             // before calling DoInsertContactLX, ownership is transfered
   370             newContactCount += DoInsertContactLX(
   371                                    aParsedContacts,
   372                                    serverOrderedContacts,
   373                                    oldServerOrder,
   374                                    aContactList,
   375                                    aUpdateNickname,
   376                                    contactId,
   377                                    nickName,
   378                                    serverOrderIndex,
   379                                    offset,
   380                                    oldServerCount );
   381             }
   383         PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL::Decode(KUserIDXMLTag)-End" ) );
   384         }
   386     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // serverOrderedContacts
   388     if ( aNewContactCount )
   389         {
   390         *aNewContactCount += newContactCount;
   391         }
   394     // Fill monitor of removed contacts
   395     DoFillChangeMonitorOfRemovedIdsL( aContactList, aParsedContacts );
   396     PENG_DP( D_PENG_LIT( "NListLibTools::ParseContactListNickListL::-End" ) );
   397     return ETrue;
   398     }
   403 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 // NListLibTools::ParseContactListIDsL()
   405 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   406 //
   407 TBool NListLibTools::ParseContactListIDsL(
   408     const TDesC8& aResponse,
   409     RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aParsedContacts,
   410     CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList,
   411     MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser1,
   412     TBool aUpdateNickname,
   413     TInt* aNewContactCount /* NULL */ )
   414     {
   415     TInt newContactCount( 0 );
   417     RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer> serverOrderedContacts;
   418     CleanupClosePushL( serverOrderedContacts );
   420     // Parse the list
   421     if ( aXMLparser1.DecodeL( aResponse, KUserIDXMLTag, EFalse ) )
   422         {
   423         HBufC* nickName = NULL;
   424         HBufC* contactId = NULL;
   425         TInt serverOrderIndex( 0 );
   426         TInt offset( 0 );
   429         const RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& oldServerOrder =
   430             aContactList.ServerOrderedContacts();
   431         TInt oldServerCount( oldServerOrder.Count() );
   434         for ( TInt x ( aXMLparser1.Count() - 1 ) ; x >= 0 ; --x )
   435             {
   436             // Get contact Id
   437             contactId = aXMLparser1.ResultAsUnicodeTextL( x );
   438             CleanupStack::PushL( contactId );
   439             CleanupStack::PushL( nickName );
   441             // try to add contact
   442             // both contactId and nickName has to be on cleanup stack
   443             // before calling DoInsertContactLX, ownership is transfered
   444             newContactCount += DoInsertContactLX( aParsedContacts,
   445                                                   serverOrderedContacts,
   446                                                   oldServerOrder,
   447                                                   aContactList,
   448                                                   aUpdateNickname,
   449                                                   contactId,
   450                                                   nickName,
   451                                                   serverOrderIndex,
   452                                                   offset,
   453                                                   oldServerCount );
   454             }
   455         }
   457     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // serverOrderedContacts
   459     if ( aNewContactCount )
   460         {
   461         *aNewContactCount += newContactCount;
   462         }
   464     //Fill monitor of removed contacts
   465     DoFillChangeMonitorOfRemovedIdsL( aContactList, aParsedContacts );
   467     return ETrue;
   468     }
   471 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   472 // NListLibTools::ParseContactListPropertiesL()
   473 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   474 //
   475 TBool NListLibTools::ParseContactListPropertiesL( const TDesC8& aResponse,
   476                                                   CPEngContactListSettings& aSettings,
   477                                                   MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser1,
   478                                                   MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser2 )
   479     {
   480     // get a property - Disp name Nick Name tag - UserName Tag
   481     TBool updateNeeded( EFalse );
   482     if ( aXMLparser1.DecodeL( aResponse , KProperty, ETrue ) )
   483         {
   484         TInt count ( aXMLparser1.Count() );
   485         for ( TInt y( 0 ) ; y < count ; y++ )
   486             {
   487             if ( aXMLparser2.DecodeL( aXMLparser1.ResultL( y ),
   488                                       KName,
   489                                       EFalse )
   490                )
   491                 {
   492                 TBool syncMaster( aSettings.Property(
   493                                       KPEngCntLstSyncMaster,
   494                                       KPEngCntLstPropertyNativePermanent ) );
   496                 // name tag is there, get name and setting
   497                 if ( aXMLparser2.ResultL().CompareF( KDispName ) == KErrNone  )
   498                     {
   499                     // good here we have a disp name - get it (value)
   500                     if ( aXMLparser2.DecodeL( aXMLparser1.ResultL( y ),
   501                                               KValue,
   502                                               EFalse ) )
   503                         {
   504                         HBufC* dispName = aXMLparser2.ResultAsUnicodeTextL();
   505                         // check if we need some update
   506                         if ( syncMaster )
   507                             {
   508                             CleanupStack::PushL( dispName );
   509                             // check if disp name is same as at local
   510                             updateNeeded = ( KErrNone !=
   511                                              aSettings.DispName().Compare(
   512                                                  *dispName ) );
   513                             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dispName );
   514                             }
   515                         else
   516                             {
   517                             // slave for sync, just store it, safe like this
   518                             aSettings.PushUpdateDisplayNameL( dispName );
   519                             }
   520                         }
   521                     continue;
   522                     }
   523                 // parse default flag
   524                 if ( aXMLparser2.ResultL().CompareF( KDefault ) == KErrNone  )
   525                     {
   526                     // OK that is settings of the default list
   527                     // good here we have a disp name - get it (value)
   528                     if ( aXMLparser2.DecodeL( aXMLparser1.ResultL( y ),
   529                                               KValue,
   530                                               EFalse ) )
   531                         {
   532                         TBool defValue( aXMLparser2.ResultL().CompareF(
   533                                             KXMLValueTrue ) == KErrNone );
   535                         if ( syncMaster )
   536                             {
   537                             updateNeeded = ( defValue != aSettings.Property(
   538                                                  KPEngCntLstDefault,
   539                                                  KPEngCntLstPropertyNativePermanent ) );
   540                             }
   541                         else
   542                             {
   543                             aSettings.SetPropertyL(
   544                                 KPEngCntLstDefault,
   545                                 KPEngCntLstPropertyNativePermanent,
   546                                 defValue );
   547                             }
   548                         }
   549                     }
   550                 }
   551             }
   552         }
   554     return updateNeeded;
   555     }
   558 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 // NListLibTools::RemoveBadContactsL()
   560 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   561 //
   562 void NListLibTools::RemoveBadContactsL(
   563     const CPEngTransactionStatus& aTransactionStatus,
   564     CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList )
   565     {
   567     TInt count ( aTransactionStatus.DetailedResultCount() );
   568     for ( TInt x ( 0 ) ; x < count ; ++x )
   569         {
   570         const MPEngDetailedResultEntry2& detailedResult =
   571             aTransactionStatus.DetailedResult( x );
   573         TPtrC badContactId;
   574         if ( KErrNone == detailedResult.GetDetailedDesc( badContactId,
   575                                                          EPEngDTPresenceID ) )
   576             {
   577             aContactList.RemoveBadContactL( badContactId );
   578             }
   579         }
   580     }
   583 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   584 // NListLibTools::MarkForRemoveBadContactsL()
   585 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 //
   587 void NListLibTools::MarkForRemoveBadContactsL(
   588     const CPEngTransactionStatus& aTransactionStatus,
   589     CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList )
   590     {
   591     TInt count ( aTransactionStatus.DetailedResultCount() );
   592     for ( TInt i ( 0 ) ; i < count ; i++ )
   593         {
   594         const MPEngDetailedResultEntry2& detailedResult =
   595             aTransactionStatus.DetailedResult( i );
   597         if ( detailedResult.Error() == KPEngNwErrUnknownUser )
   598             {
   599             TPtrC badContact;
   600             detailedResult.GetDetailedDesc( badContact,
   601                                             EPEngDTPresenceID );
   603             // set contact to be removed at next transaction
   604             aContactList.RemoveContactL( badContact );
   605             }
   606         }
   607     }
   610 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   611 // NListLibTools::HarmonizeDefaultContactListSettingsL()
   612 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   613 //
   614 void NListLibTools::HarmonizeDefaultContactListSettingsL(
   615     CPEngContactListSettings& aCntListSettings,
   616     MPEngContactListTransactionManager& aManager )
   617     {
   618     // update default list settings if needed
   619     if ( aCntListSettings.Property( KPEngNewDefaultContactList,
   620                                     KPEngCntLstPropertyNativeCached ) )
   621         {
   622         // original default contact list
   623         CPEngContactListSettings* defaultCntList =
   624             aManager.DefaultCntListSettingsOrNull();
   626         // update old default contact list
   627         if ( defaultCntList )
   628             {
   629             defaultCntList->DeletePropertyL(
   630                 KPEngNewDefaultContactList,
   631                 KPEngCntLstPropertyNativeCached );
   633             defaultCntList->DeletePropertyL(
   634                 KPEngCntLstDefault,
   635                 KPEngCntLstPropertyNativePermanent );
   636             }
   638         // new default contact list
   639         aCntListSettings.DeletePropertyL( KPEngNewDefaultContactList,
   640                                           KPEngCntLstPropertyNativeCached );
   642         aCntListSettings.SetPropertyL( KPEngCntLstDefault,
   643                                        KPEngCntLstPropertyNativePermanent,
   644                                        ETrue );
   645         }
   646     }
   649 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   650 // NListLibTools::ActivatePresenceAttributesL()
   651 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   652 //
   653 void NListLibTools::ActivatePresenceAttributesL(
   654     const MDesCArray& aContacts,
   655     const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlotId )
   656     {
   658     MPEngPresenceAttrTransactionEnv* attributeManager =
   659         PEngAttrLibFactory::AttributeTransEnvInstanceLC( aSessionSlotId );
   660     TInt count( aContacts.MdcaCount() );
   661     for ( TInt x( 0 ); x < count ; x++ )
   662         {
   663         attributeManager->AddSubscriptionL( aContacts.MdcaPoint( x ) );
   664         }
   665     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // attributeManager
   666     }
   669 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   670 // NListLibTools::DeactivatePresenceAttributesL()
   671 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   672 //
   673 void NListLibTools::DeactivatePresenceAttributesL(
   674     const MDesCArray& aContacts,
   675     const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlotId )
   676     {
   677     MPEngPresenceAttrTransactionEnv* attributeManager =
   678         PEngAttrLibFactory::AttributeTransEnvInstanceLC( aSessionSlotId );
   680     const TInt count( aContacts.MdcaCount() );
   681     for ( TInt x( 0 ); x < count ; x++ )
   682         {
   683         attributeManager->RemoveSubscriptionL( aContacts.MdcaPoint( x ) );
   684         }
   685     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // attributeManager
   686     }
   689 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   690 // NListLibTools::AppendTransactionContentTagXmlL()
   691 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   692 //
   693 void NListLibTools::AppendTransactionContentTagXmlL( MPEngXMLSerializer& aXMLSerializer,
   694                                                      TPEngWVCspVersion& aCSPVersion )
   695     {
   696     if ( aCSPVersion == EWVCspV11 )
   697         {
   698         aXMLSerializer.StartTagL(  KTransactionContent );
   699         aXMLSerializer.AttributeL( KXmlXmlns, KTransactionContentNS );
   700         }
   701     else
   702         {
   703         aXMLSerializer.StartTagL( KTransactionContent );
   704         aXMLSerializer.AttributeL( KXmlXmlns, KTransactionContentNS_CSP12 );
   705         }
   706     }
   710 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   711 // NListLibTools::AppendContactListNameXmlL()
   712 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   713 //
   714 void NListLibTools::AppendContactListNameXmlL( MPEngXMLSerializer& aXmlSerializer,
   715                                                const CPEngContactListSettings& aSettings )
   716     {
   717     // <ContactList>
   718     // Contact list name value
   719     // </ContactList>
   720     aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( KContactList
   721                             ).WvAddressL( aSettings.ServerName()
   722                                         ).EndTagL( KContactList );
   723     }
   726 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   727 // NListLibTools::AppendAttributesForSubscriptionXmlL()
   728 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   729 //
   730 void NListLibTools::AppendAttributesForSubscriptionXmlL(
   731     const RArray<TUint32> aAttributes,
   732     MPEngXMLSerializer& aXmlSerializer,
   733     const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlotId,
   734     TPEngWVCspVersion& aCSPVersion )
   735     {
   736     // array of attributes for subscribing can be empty
   737     TInt count ( aAttributes.Count() );
   739     // <PresenceSubList
   740     aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( KPresenceSubList );
   742     // if count is zero append just empty PresenceSubList tag
   743     if ( count == 0 )
   744         {
   745         if ( aCSPVersion == EWVCspV11 )
   746             {
   747             // xmlns=""
   748             aXmlSerializer.AttributeL( KXmlXmlns, KPresenceSubListAttributesNS );
   749             }
   750         else
   751             {
   752             // xmlns=""
   753             aXmlSerializer.AttributeL( KXmlXmlns, KPresenceSubListAttributesNS_CSP12 );
   754             }
   755         }
   756     else
   757         {
   758         // xmlns="Name space"
   759         // append attribute's namespace according to attributes on the list
   760         MPEngPresenceAttrManager* attributeManager =
   761             PEngAttrLibFactory::AttributeManagerInstanceLC(
   762                 aSessionSlotId );
   763         // Append Attribute name space
   764         TPtrC8 attributeName;
   765         TPtrC8 attributeNameSpace;
   766         User::LeaveIfError( attributeManager->GetAttributeXmlNameAndNameSpace(
   767                                 aAttributes[0],
   768                                 attributeName,
   769                                 attributeNameSpace ) );
   771         aXmlSerializer.AttributeL( KXmlXmlns, attributeNameSpace );
   773         // Append attributes one by one
   774         for ( TInt x( 0 ) ; x < count ; x++ )
   775             {
   776             User::LeaveIfError( attributeManager->GetAttributeXmlNameAndNameSpace(
   777                                     aAttributes[x],
   778                                     attributeName,
   779                                     attributeNameSpace ) );
   781             aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( attributeName
   782                                     ).EndTagL( attributeName );
   783             }
   784         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // attributeManager
   785         }
   787     // </PresenceSubList>
   788     aXmlSerializer.EndTagL( KPresenceSubList );
   789     }
   792 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   793 // NListLibTools::AppendContactListPropertiesXmlL()
   794 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   795 //
   796 void NListLibTools::AppendContactListPropertiesXmlL(
   797     MPEngXMLSerializer& aXmlSerializer,
   798     const CPEngContactListSettings& aSettings )
   799     {
   800     // <ContactListProperties>
   801     // <Property>
   802     aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( KContactListProperties ).
   803     StartTagL( KProperty );
   805     // <Name>
   806     // DisplayName
   807     // </Name>
   808     aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( KName ).
   809     NarrowTextL( KDispName ).
   810     EndTagL( KName );
   812     // <Value>
   813     // display name value
   814     // </Value>
   815     aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( KValue ).
   816     UnicodeTextL( aSettings.DispName() ).
   817     EndTagL( KValue );
   818     // </Property>
   819     aXmlSerializer.EndTagL( KProperty );
   821     // <Property>
   822     aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( KProperty );
   824     // <Name>
   825     // Default
   826     // </Name>
   827     aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( KName ).
   828     NarrowTextL( KDefault ).
   829     EndTagL( KName );
   831     // <Value>
   832     // property value
   833     TInt newDefault( aSettings.Property( KPEngNewDefaultContactList,
   834                                          KPEngCntLstPropertyNativePermanent ) );
   836     TBool defaulList( ( aSettings.Property( KPEngCntLstDefault, KPEngCntLstPropertyNativePermanent ) &&
   837                         ( newDefault != KErrCancel ) ) ||
   838                       newDefault );
   839     // </Value>
   840     aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( KValue ).
   841     NarrowTextL( defaulList ?  KXMLValueTrue : KXMLValueFalse ).
   842     EndTagL( KValue );
   844     // </Property>
   845     // </ContactListProperties>
   846     aXmlSerializer.EndTagL( KProperty ).
   847     EndTagL( KContactListProperties );
   848     }
   851 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   852 // NListLibTools::AppendContactListPropertiesXmlL()
   853 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   854 //
   855 void NListLibTools::ApppendReceiveListTagL(
   856     MPEngXMLSerializer& aXmlSerializer,
   857     TPEngWVCspVersion& aCSPVersion,
   858     TBool aValue )
   859     {
   860     // Only 1.2 version supports ReceiveList tag
   861     if ( aCSPVersion != EWVCspV12 )
   862         {
   863         return;
   864         }
   866     aXmlSerializer.StartTagL( KReceiveList ).
   867     NarrowTextL( aValue ? KXMLValueTrue : KXMLValueFalse ).
   868     EndTagL( KReceiveList );
   870     }
   871 //  End of File