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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Static interface of the storage manager
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef __PENGSTORAGEMANAGER_H__
    20 #define __PENGSTORAGEMANAGER_H__
    22 //  INCLUDES
    23 #include	<e32base.h>
    24 #include	"RObjectArray.h"
    28 class MPEngStorageManager;
    29 class MPEngStorageManagerWatcher;
    30 class CPEngSessionSlotId;
    31 class MPEngGlobalEventObserver;
    32 class CPEngSessionSlotState;
    34 //  Local Data Structures
    36 /**
    37  *  Presence Server notify factory to register observers for listening
    38  *	of new events, SIDs changes or notifying about SID  change
    39  *	when ever there is any observer, SAP settings store is always observer
    40  *	and active folder in the storage manager is changed
    41  *	does not matter on the nature of the observer, SID, Event, Stolid
    42  *
    43  *  @lib PEngClient
    44  *  @since 3.0
    45  */
    46 class PEngStorageManager
    47     {
    49     public: // New functions
    51         /**
    52          *	Retrieves Storage Manager instance
    53          *	Ownership is passed to the caller
    54          *	To get Storage manager which has handle to the correct
    55          *	sub-folder of the Storage, Server address and user name
    56          *	has to be specified
    57          *
    58          *	@since 3.0
    59          *	@param aSessionSlot session slot Class which caries
    60          *				unique information about the session
    61          *	@return MPEngStorageManager type pointer, ownership is
    62          *						passed to the caller
    63           */
    64         IMPORT_C static MPEngStorageManager* GetStorageManagerL(
    65             const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlot );
    68         /**
    69          *	Retrieves Storage Manager Watcher reference
    70          *	When this method is called, Reference counter is increased
    71          *	and when user does not need watcher, close shall be called
    73          *	To get Storage manager Watcher which has handle to the
    74          *	correct sub-folder of the Storage, Server address
    75          *	and user name has to be specified
    76          *
    77          *	@since 3.0
    78          *	@param aSessionSlot session slot Class which caries
    79          *				unique information about the session
    80          *	@return MPEngStorageManagerWatcher type pointer,
    81          *						ownership is passed to the caller
    82           */
    83         IMPORT_C static MPEngStorageManagerWatcher* GetStorageManagerWatcherL(
    84             const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlot );
    87         /**
    88          *	Create Session folder in the storage
    89          *	This will ensure existence of the session slot folder till the
    90          *	moment calling application will not unregister from the
    91          *	session slot folder ( RemoveSessionFolderL)
    92          *
    93          *	@since 3.0
    94          *	@param aSessionSlot session slot Class which caries
    95          *				unique information about the session
    96          *	@param aApplicationId calling application Id
    97          */
    98         IMPORT_C static void CreateSessionFolderL(
    99             const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlot,
   100             const TDesC& aApplicationId );
   102         /**
   103          *	Remove Session folder from the storage, with the session folder
   104          *	Session is deleted from the storage, only if the calling
   105          *	application was the last one registered (CreateSessionFolderL())
   106          *
   107          *	@since 3.0
   108          *	@param aSessionSlot session slot Class which caries
   109          *				unique information about the session
   110          *	@param aApplicationId calling application Id
   111          */
   112         IMPORT_C static void RemoveSessionFolderL(
   113             const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlot,
   114             const TDesC& aApplicationId );
   116         /**
   117          *	Get Session slot state.
   118          *
   119          *	@since 3.0
   120          *	@param aSessionSlot session slot Class which caries
   121          *				unique information about the session
   122          *  @param aSessionSlotState will be filled on return with the
   123          *			    state of the session slot
   124          */
   125         IMPORT_C static void SessionSlotStateL(
   126             const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlot,
   127             CPEngSessionSlotState& aSessionSlotState );
   129         /**
   130          *	Get list of existing Session slots
   131          *	Returns array of all existing session slots, no matter if
   132          *	session is opened or closed.
   133          *
   134          *	@since 3.0
   135          *	@param aSessionSlots array where session slots states will be
   136          *			stored
   137          */
   138         IMPORT_C static void AllSessionSlotsStatesL(
   139             RObjectArray<CPEngSessionSlotState>& aSessionSlots );
   142         /**
   143          *	Register Global event observer
   144          *	Global event observer will be notified about all events
   145          *	of the PEC engine
   146          *
   147          *	@since 3.0
   148          *	@param aGlobalObserver call back interface implemented by the
   149          *				observer
   150          *		Function leaves with KErrAlreadyExists
   151          *		, if same observer is already registered
   152          */
   153         IMPORT_C static void RegisterGlobalEventObserverL(
   154             MPEngGlobalEventObserver& aGlobalObserver );
   156         /**
   157          *	Unregister Global event observer
   158          *	Global observer is unregistered, if observer is not found
   159          *	among the registered observers, function is ignored
   160          *
   161          *	@since 3.0
   162          *	@param aGlobalObserver call back interface implemented by the
   163          *				observer
   164          */
   165         IMPORT_C static void UnregisterGlobalObserver(
   166             MPEngGlobalEventObserver& aGlobalObserver );
   169     protected: // Constructors and destructor
   171         /**
   172          * C++ default constructor.
   173          */
   174         PEngStorageManager();
   176         /**
   177          * Destructor.
   178          */
   179         virtual ~PEngStorageManager();
   181         // Prohibit copy constructor if not deriving from CBase.
   182         PEngStorageManager( const PEngStorageManager& );
   184         // Prohibit assignments operator if not deriving from CBase.
   185         PEngStorageManager& operator=( const PEngStorageManager& );
   187     };
   190 #endif      // __PENGSTORAGEMANAGER_H__
   192 // End of File